921 resultados para tunable photodetector


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Acknowledgements V.B., N.K.G., and E.A. contributed with conception and experimental design. V.B. performed the experiments. V.B., R.H., A.G., and R.M.M. carried out analysis and interpretation of data. V.B., R.H., A.G., and E.A. wrote the manuscript. V.B. and R.H. contributed equally to this work. V.B. acknowledges funding by SPP 1420 of the German Science Foundation DFG. E.A., N.K.G., and R.H. acknowledge funding from the European Research Council under the European Union/ERC Advanced Grant “Switch2Stick,” Agreement No. 340929.


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We demonstrate an ultra-compact, room-Temperature, continuous-wave, broadly-Tunable dual-wavelength InAs/GaAs quantum-dot external-cavity diode laser in the spectral region between 1150 nm and 1301 nm with maximum output power of 280 mW. This laser source generating two modes with tunable difference-frequency (300 GHz-30 THz) has a great potential to replace commonly used bulky lasers for THz generation in photomixer devices.


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We demonstrate a novel optically tunable dispersion compensator based on pumping a chirped grating made in Er/Yb co-doped fiber. The dispersion was tuned from 900 to 1900ps/nm and also from-600 to-950ps/nm in the experiment. © 2010 Optical Society of America.


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We demonstrate the possibility to use a fractional order of poling period of nonlinear crystal waveguides for tunable second harmonic generation. This approach allows one to extend wavelength coverage in the visible spectral range by frequency doubling in a single crystal waveguide.


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We report the high-energy flat-top supercontinuum covering the mid-infrared wavelength range of 1.9-2.5 μm as well as electronically tunable femtosecond pulses between 1.98-2.22 μm directly from the thulium-doped fiber laser amplifier. Comparison of experimental results with numerical simulations confirms that both sources employ the same nonlinear optical mechanism - Raman soliton frequency shift occurring inside the Tm-fiber amplifier. To illustrate that, we investigate two versions of the compact diode-pumped SESAM mode-locked femtosecond thulium-doped all-silica-fiber-based laser system providing either broadband supercontinuum or tunable Raman soliton output, depending on the parameters of the system. The first system operates in the Raman soliton regime providing femtosecond pulses tunable between 1.98-2.22 μm. Wide and continuous spectral tunability over 240 nm was realized by changing only the amplifier pump diode current. The second system generates high-energy supercontinuum with the superior spectral flatness of better than 1 dB covering the wavelength range of 1.9-2.5 μm, with the total output energy as high as 0.284 μJ, the average power of 2.1 W at 7.5 MHz repetition rate. We simulate the amplifier operation in the Raman soliton self-frequency shift regime and discuss the role of induced Raman scattering in supercontinuum formation inside the fiber amplifier. We compare this system with a more traditional 1.85-2.53 μm supercontinuum source in the external highly-nonlinear commercial chalcogenide fiber using the Raman soliton MOPA as an excitation source. The reported systems1 can be readily applied to a number of industrial applications in the mid-IR, including sensing, stand-off detection, medical surgery and fine material processing.


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Tunable tensile-strained germanium (epsilon-Ge) thin films on GaAs and heterogeneously integrated on silicon (Si) have been demonstrated using graded III-V buffer architectures grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). epsilon-Ge epilayers with tunable strain from 0% to 1.95% on GaAs and 0% to 1.11% on Si were realized utilizing MBE. The detailed structural, morphological, band alignment and optical properties of these highly tensile-strained Ge materials were characterized to establish a pathway for wavelength-tunable laser emission from 1.55 μm to 2.1 μm. High-resolution X-ray analysis confirmed pseudomorphic epsilon-Ge epitaxy in which the amount of strain varied linearly as a function of indium alloy composition in the InxGa1-xAs buffer. Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopic analysis demonstrated a sharp heterointerface between the epsilon-Ge and the InxGa1-xAs layer and confirmed the strain state of the epsilon-Ge epilayer. Lowtemperature micro-photoluminescence measurements confirmed both direct and indirect bandgap radiative recombination between the Γ and L valleys of Ge to the light-hole valence band, with L-lh bandgaps of 0.68 eV and 0.65 eV demonstrated for the 0.82% and 1.11% epsilon-Ge on Si, respectively. The highly epsilon-Ge exhibited a direct bandgap, and wavelength-tunable emission was observed for all samples on both GaAs and Si. Successful heterogeneous integration of tunable epsilon-Ge quantum wells on Si paves the way for the implementation of monolithic heterogeneous devices on Si.


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In this paper, we present a novel 1x2 multi-mode-interferometer-Fabry-Perot (MMI-FP) laser diode, which demonstrated tunable single frequency operation with more than 30dB side mode suppression ratio (SMSR) and a tuning range of 25nm in the C and L bands, as well as a 750 kHz linewidth. These lasers do not require material regrowth and high resolution gratings; resulting in a simpler process that can significantly increase the yield and reduce the cost.


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The deposition of stiff and strong coatings onto porous templates offers a novel strategy for fabricating macroscale materials with controlled architectures at the micro- and nanoscale. Here, layer-by-layer assembly is utilized to fabricate nanocomposite-coated foams with highly customizable properties by depositing polymer–nanoclay coatings onto open-cell foam templates. The compressive mechanical behavior of these materials evolves in a predictable manner that is qualitatively captured by scaling laws for the mechanical properties of cellular materials. The observed and predicted properties span a remarkable range of density-stiffness space, extending from regions of very soft elastomer foams to very stiff, lightweight honeycomb and lattice materials.


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Graphene, due to its exceptional properties, is a promising material for nanotechnology applications. In this context, the ability to tune the properties of graphene-based materials and devices with the incorporation of defects and impurities can be of extraordinary importance. Here we investigate the effect of uniaxial tensile strain on the electronic and magnetic properties of graphene doped with substitutional Ni impurities (Ni_sub). We have found that, although Ni_sub defects are non-magnetic in the relaxed layer, uniaxial strain induces a spin moment in the system. The spin moment increases with the applied strain up to values of 0.3-0.4 \mu_B per Ni_sub, until a critical strain of ~6.5% is reached. At this point, a sharp transition to a high-spin state (~1.9 \mu_B) is observed. This magnetoelastic effect could be utilized to design strain-tunable spin devices based on Ni-doped graphene.


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The thesis aims to exploit properties of thin films for applications such as spintronics, UV detection and gas sensing. Nanoscale thin films devices have myriad advantages and compatibility with Si-based integrated circuits processes. Two distinct classes of material systems are investigated, namely ferromagnetic thin films and semiconductor oxides. To aid the designing of devices, the surface properties of the thin films were investigated by using electron and photon characterization techniques including Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD), and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). These are complemented by nanometer resolved local proximal probes such as atomic force microscopy (AFM), magnetic force microscopy (MFM), electric force microscopy (EFM), and scanning tunneling microscopy to elucidate the interplay between stoichiometry, morphology, chemical states, crystallization, magnetism, optical transparency, and electronic properties. Specifically, I studied the effect of annealing on the surface stoichiometry of the CoFeB/Cu system by in-situ AES and discovered that magnetic nanoparticles with controllable areal density can be produced. This is a good alternative for producing nanoparticles using a maskless process. Additionally, I studied the behavior of magnetic domain walls of the low coercivity alloy CoFeB patterned nanowires. MFM measurement with the in-plane magnetic field showed that, compared to their permalloy counterparts, CoFeB nanowires require a much smaller magnetization switching field , making them promising for low-power-consumption domain wall motion based devices. With oxides, I studied CuO nanoparticles on SnO2 based UV photodetectors (PDs), and discovered that they promote the responsivity by facilitating charge transfer with the formed nanoheterojunctions. I also demonstrated UV PDs with spectrally tunable photoresponse with the bandgap engineered ZnMgO. The bandgap of the alloyed ZnMgO thin films was tailored by varying the Mg contents and AES was demonstrated as a surface scientific approach to assess the alloying of ZnMgO. With gas sensors, I discovered the rf-sputtered anatase-TiO2 thin films for a selective and sensitive NO2 detection at room temperature, under UV illumination. The implementation of UV enhances the responsivity, response and recovery rate of the TiO2 sensor towards NO2 significantly. Evident from the high resolution XPS and AFM studies, the surface contamination and morphology of the thin films degrade the gas sensing response. I also demonstrated that surface additive metal nanoparticles on thin films can improve the response and the selectivity of oxide based sensors. I employed nanometer-scale scanning probe microscopy to study a novel gas senor scheme consisting of gallium nitride (GaN) nanowires with functionalizing oxides layer. The results suggested that AFM together with EFM is capable of discriminating low-conductive materials at the nanoscale, providing a nondestructive method to quantitatively relate sensing response to the surface morphology.


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Optoelectronic Devices A captivating peculiarity of GaInN alloys is a tunable band gap, depending on the Ga/In ratio, where the pure nitrides are bright yellow (GaN) or dark blue (InN). Gax In1-x N nanoparticles were prepared by a bottom-up approach (the urea glass route). The incorporation of an increasing amount of indium in the GaN structure is indicated by different colors (i.e., different band gaps), and the alloys are further investigated by TEM and optical microscopy. More information can be found in the Full Paper by C. Giordano et al. on page 18976 ff.


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A new liquid-crystalline ion gel exhibits unprecedented properties: conductivity up to 8 mS cm(-1) , thermal stability to 300 °C, and electrochemical window to 6.1 V, as well as adjustable transport anisotropy (up to 3.5×) and elastic modulus (0.03-3 GPa). The combination of ionic liquid and magnetically oriented rigid-rod polyanion provides widely tunable properties for use in diverse electrochemical devices.


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A compact, all-room-temperature, widely tunable, continuous wave laser source in the green spectral region (502.1–544.2 nm) with a maximum output power of 14.7 mW is demonstrated. This was made possible by utilizing second-harmonic generation (SHG) in a periodically poled potassium titanyl phosphate (PPKTP) crystal waveguide pumped by a quantum-well external-cavity fiber-coupled diode laser and exploiting the multimode-matching approach in nonlinear crystal waveguides. The dual-wavelength SHG in the wavelength region between 505.4 and 537.7 nm (with a wavelength difference ranging from 1.8 to 32.3 nm) and sum-frequency generation in a PPKTP waveguide is also demonstrated.


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Propylsulfonic acid (PrSO3H) derivatised solid acid catalysts have been prepared by post modification of mesoporous SBA-15 silica with mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane (MPTMS), with the impact of co-derivatisation with octyltrimethoxysilane (OTMS) groups to impart hydrophobicity to the catalyst investigated. Turn over frequencies (TOF) for acetic acid esterification with methanol increase with PrSO3H surface coverage across both families suggesting a cooperative effect of adjacent acid sites at high acid site densities. Esterification activity is further promoted upon co-functionalisation with hydrophobic octyl chains, with inverse gas chromatography (iGC) measurements indicating increased activity correlates with decreased surface polarity or increased hydrophobicity.