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The desulfurization of thiophene on Raney Ni and rapidly quenched skeletal Ni (RQ Ni) has been studied in ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The Raney Ni or RQ Ni can be approximated as a hydrogen-preadsorbed polycrystalline Ni-alumina composite. It is found that thiophene molecularly adsorbs on Raney Ni or RQ Ni at 103 K. At 173 K, thiophene on alumina is desorbed, while thiophene in direct contact with the metallic Ni in Raney Ni undergoes C-S bond scission, leading to carbonaceous species most probably in the metallocycle-like configuration and atomic sulfur. On RQ Ni, the temperature for thiophene dissociation is about 100 K higher than that on Raney Ni. The lower reactivity of RQ Ni toward thiophene is tentatively attributed to lattice expansion of Ni crystallites in RQ Ni due to rapid quenching. The existence of alumina and hydrogen may block the further cracking of the metallocycle-like species on Raney Ni and RQ Ni at higher temperatures, which has been the dominant reaction pathway on Ni single crystals. By 473 K, the C Is peak has disappeared, leaving nickel sulfide on the surface.


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The primary objective of this work is the analysis and interpretation of coronal observations of Capella obtained in 1999 September with the High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer on the Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE). He-like lines of O (O vii) are used to derive a density of 1.7 x 10(10) cm(-3) for the coronae of the binary, consistent with the upper limits derived from Fe xxi, Ne ix and Mg xi line ratios. Previous estimates of the electron density based on Fe xxi should be considered as upper limits. We construct emission measure distributions and compare the theoretical and observed spectra to conclude that the coronal material has a temperature distribution that peaks around 4-6 MK, implying that the coronae of Capella were significantly cooler than in the previous years. In addition, we present an extended line list with over 100 features in the 5-24 Angstrom wavelength range, and find that the X-ray spectrum is very similar to that of a solar flare observed with SMM. The observed to theoretical Fe xvii 15.012-Angstrom line intensity reveals that opacity has no significant effect on the line flux. We derive an upper limit to the optical depth, which we combine with the electron density to derive an upper limit of 3000 km for the size of the Fe xvii emitting region. In the same context, we use the Si iv transition region lines of Capella from HST/Goddard High-Resolution Spectrometer observations to show that opacity can be significant at T = 10(5) K, and derive a path-length of approximate to 75 kin for the transition region. Both the coronal and transition region observations are consistent with very small emitting regions, which could be explained by small loops over the stellar surfaces.


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Charge exchange followed by radiative stabilization are the main processes responsible for the recent observations of X-ray emission from comets in their approach to the Sun. A new apparatus was constructed at JPL to measure, in collisions of HCIs with atoms and molecules, (a) absolute cross sections for single and multiple charge exchange, and (b) normalized X-ray emission cross sections. The ions are produced by the JPL HCI Facility and passed through a neutral-gas target cell. The product charge states are analyzed by a retarding potential difference technique. Results are made absolute by measuring target pressure, and incident and product ion currents. X-rays emitted from the product ions are detected with a Ge solid-state detector having a resolution of approximately 100 eV. X-ray astronomy has taken major steps forward with the recent launch of the high-resolution satellites Chandra and Newton. The cross sections reported herein are essential for the development of the solar wind comet interaction models inspired by these observations.


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Extreme states of matter such as Warm Dense Matter “WDM” and Dense Strongly Coupled Plasmas “DSCP” play a key role in many high energy density experiments, however creating WDM and DSCP in a manner that can be quantified is not readily feasible. In this paper, isochoric heating of matter by intense heavy ion beams in spherical symmetry is investigated for WDM and DSCP research: The heating times are long (100 ns), the samples are macroscopically large (mm-size) and the symmetry is advantageous for diagnostic purposes. A dynamic confinement scheme in spherical symmetry is proposed which allows even ion beam heating times that are long on the hydrodynamic time scale of the target response. A particular selection of low Z-target tamper and x-ray probe radiation parameters allows to identify the x-ray scattering from the target material and use it for independent charge state measurements Z* of the material under study.


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This article examines the debate within corporate governance about the
appointment of female non-executive directors (NEDs). The first part
tracks the diversity story that corporate governance tells about itself from
the Cadbury Report (1992) to the Davies Report (2011). The second sets
out the evidence used to support the argument that female appointments
enhance profits and corporate profile. The third part presents the
authors' empirical analysis of FTSE 100 companies and female non-
executive board membership, and concludes that there is little evidence
that companies with female board membership display different charac-
teristics from those without. Industry sector emerges as a significant
factor in female appointments. The idea that women should be appointed
to boards to increase corporate profitability and profile is not strongly
supported by this analysis.A social justice argument based upon the right
of woman to equal economic participation opportunities provides a much
superior articulation of the need for boardroom diversity.


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Recent progress using the VULCAN laser at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory to pump X-ray lasing in nickel-like ions is reviewed. Double pulse pumping with similar to 100 ps pulses has been shown to produce significantly greater X-ray laser output than single pulses of duration 0.1-1 ns. With double pulse pumping, the main pumping pulse interacts with a pre-formed plasma created by a pre-pulse. The efficiency of lasing increases as there is a reduced effect of refraction of the X-ray laser beam due to smaller density gradients and larger gain volumes, which enable propagation of the X-ray laser beam along the full length of the target. The record shortest wavelength saturated laser at 5.9 nm has been achieved in Ni-like dysprosium using double pulse pumping of 75 ps duration from the VULCAN laser. A variant of the double pulse pumping using a single similar to 100 ps laser pulse and a superimposed short similar to 1 ps pulse has been found to further increase the efficiency of lasing by reducing the effects of over-ionisation during the gain period. The record shortest wavelength saturated laser pumped by a short similar to 1 ps pulse has been achieved in Ni-like samarium using the VULCAN laser operating in chirped pulse amplified (CPA) mode. Ni-like samarium lases at 7.3 nm. (C) 2000 Academie des sciences/Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.


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The current saturated operation of X-ray lasers at wavelengths > 15 nm requires at least kilojoule drive energy, which is only available at the largest laser installations in the world, Using a specially designed drive pulse configuration, saturated operation of a Ni-like Sn X-ray laser at 12 nm has been achieved with only 75 J drive energy, An efficiency as high as 9 x 10(6) in converting laser energy from the 1 eV optical spectral range to the 100 eV soft X-ray range has been reached, This paves the way for applications of saturated X-ray lasers at 12 nm at many other smaller laboratories. (C) 1997 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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Multipulse irradiation with 100 ps pulses of stripe Germanium targets is shown to enhance by up to several orders-of-magnitude the output of Ne-like Ge lasing on the J = 0-1 line at 196 Angstrom compared to single pulse pumping. Various pre-pulse and multipulse configurations have been experimentally investigated for irradiances of approximate to 4 x 10(13) W/cm(2) with a 1.06 mu m wavelength pumping laser. The ionisation balance measured by a KeV crystal spectrometer (KAP crystal) has been found to not affect the X-ray laser output. Good agreement between the experimental results and a fluid code incorporating atomic physics, gain and X-ray beam ray tracing is obtained. The code results show that the enhanced X-ray laser output is produced by multipulse irradiation reducing the electron density gradients in the gain region and simultaneously increasing the gain region spatial size. These changes reduce the effect of refraction on the X-ray laser beam propagation.


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From measurements of spatial coherence and beam divergence of Ge soft x-ray laser at a far field, the x-ray laser beam has been characterized as a partially coherent Gaussian beam. Double-pass amplification will improve spatial and temporal coherence, spectral brightness and efficiency. Close to 100% geometrical coupling efficiency has been obtained in double pass amplification in Ge. Transient loss of feedback is attributed to mirror structure damage within the build-up time of the x-ray laser. Prospect for generation of coherent x-ray laser beam is discussed.


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The XUV lasing output from one germanium slab target has been efficiently coupled into, and further amplified in, a second plasma produced by irradiation of a similar target from the opposite direction. The operation of such a double target was shown to be strongly dependent on the distance by which the two target surfaces were displaced. The line brightness peaked for a surface displacement of approximately 200-mu-m and it was observed that the pointing direction of one output beam could be controlled by the surface separation in an asymmetric geometry. Gain length products of approximately 16 with estimated output powers close to the megawatt level were achieved on both the 23.2 and 23.6 nm J=2-1 transitions for an optimised target configuration. Maximum effective coupling efficiencies of the individual outputs from double targets, comprising 2.2 and 1.4 cm length components, approached 100% for beams propagating from the shorter to the longer target.


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Characteristics of the 3p-3s amplified spontaneous emission from Ne-like Ge plasma columns, generated by ablation from massive targets, have been studied in detail. In particular, the gain coefficients of the J = 2-1 lines at 23.2 and 23.6 nm have been measured as a function of incident intensity for a 1.05-mu-m wavelength pump laser beam. For 100-mu-m wide stripe targets and a fixed energy pump laser the maximum gain length product is achieved at an irradiance of