776 resultados para travel and tourism
The aim of the project is to examine the music salon in Falun as a part of the mining community and in the historical context of European salon culture. A specifc goal is to develop a deeper understanding about the salon when it comes to education and pedagogic ideas. Of a certain interest is Johan Henrik Munktell’s (1804-1861) education travelling (bildningsresor). Inspired by Mendelssohn’s music salon in Berlin and the early salons in Upp-sala he created his own salon in Grycksbo. A letter collection from J.H. Munktell to his father J.J. Munktell in 1828-30 can be considered a unique historical material, which places the salon in Falun in a continental context of culture, education and industrial pretensions. The results have potential to extend the knowledge of Nordic salon culture and how it has infuenced general pedagogy and music education.
A presente dissertação trata do enoturismo na Serra Gaúcha, tendo como um fio condutor o processo de imigração italiana para a região e a manutenção de identidades e tradições ligadas ao cultivo da uva e à produção do vinho. O cerne do argumento é a importância das tradições italianas como um fator na criação das identidades coletivas regionais e de articulação entre passado e presente. Discute-se como as tradições engendram a produção da modernidade no âmbito das empresas e das atividades turísticas na região. Argumentamos que o apelo às tradições de origem é fruto, em primeiro lugar, do processo de imigração italiana para esta região do Nordeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Em seguida mostramos como a Festa da Uva, a primeira das comemorações, reinventa a tradição e se constitui no motor e base para o turismo na região. Finalmente, mostramos como a permanência da identidade nacional italiana atua como um fator de inovação, sobretudo nas técnicas de produção do vinho e da organização das atividades empresariais na região, numa síntese entre aspectos da tradição e da pós-modernidade.
The objective of this work is to deeply study of the concept Value of a Country, developed for Simon Anholt who comes to be on-line with what we believe to be the best form to evaluate a Nation, that is, not leading in account only given of per capita product or level of industrial competitiveness, but also given relative to the culture, traditions and tourism and the perception of the people in relation to one determined country, as customers in one satisfaction research. We will work using concepts in the conception of ranking and that they are: Tourism, Exportations, Government, Investments and Immigration, Culture and Population. To the end we wait to have contributed for one better knowledge of the concept and the suggestion for new works. As well as an analyzing the Brazilian position, and what we are making to fortify our image.
O foco deste trabalho é identificar as respostas estratégicas que os sindicatos patronais do comércio de bens, serviços e turismo apresentam quando submetidos às pressões institucionais a que estão sujeitos. Foi utilizada a tipologia proposta por Oliver (1991), que considera cinco tipos de respostas, de concordância passiva a manipulação ativa. Foram pesquisados 75 sindicatos por meio da aplicação de um questionário que avaliou quais as pressões a que estão sujeitos esses sindicatos, quais as principais instituições fontes das pressões e quais as respostas apresentadas. Por meio de mapas de associação foram relacionadas as respostas apresentadas com a tipologia proposta por Oliver (1991). Os resultados indicam que os sindicatos patronais pesquisados não têm grande poder de barganha, apresentando, como principal resposta, a conciliação associada à tática de balanceamento. Outro fator importante identificado, mesmo que em menor escala, é o uso de resposta de manipulação com a tática de influência, forma de atuação bem mais ativa que, se incentivada, pode gerar maior força e representatividade para os sindicatos patronais. As implicações deste trabalho voltam-se para os programas de fortalecimento das entidades sindicais empreendidos pela Confederação Nacional do Comércio de Bens, Serviços e Turismo (CNC), que devem se adaptar para possibilitar uma capacidade de resposta mais ativa dos sindicatos patronais que fazem parte de seu escopo.
A criação e popularização da Internet têm provocado sérias mudanças no campo da comunicação. Especificamente na comunicação científica, o uso do meio eletrônico permite agilizar as etapas do processo editorial, bem como facilitar a criação, disseminação, pesquisa e uso de informação científica. Entretanto, a incorporação de tecnologias é também desafiadora, pois exige diversas mudanças no modelo de gestão de periódicos científicos. Esse é composto basicamente por aspectos científicos (certificação de conteúdo visando a seleção e divulgação de conhecimento de qualidade), administrativos (produção editorial e gráfica, gestão administrativa e financeira, comunicação e marketing) e financeiros (modelo de rendimentos) que precisam estar alinhados para que o periódico possa cumprir seu objetivo. A presente pesquisa teve como principal objetivo analisar a gestão editorial de periódicos científicos da área de Administração no contexto brasileiro e propor uma tipologia de seus modelos de gestão. Adotou-se de uma abordagem qualitativa e foram utilizados métodos de pesquisa documental, entrevista e análise bibliométrica para, respectivamente, identificação do contexto, descrição dos modelos de gestão editorial e cálculo do impacto dos periódicos selecionados para o estudo (Revista de Administração de Empresas, Revista de Administração Contemporânea, Revista de Administração da USP, Organizações & Sociedade e Brazilian Administration Review). Identificou-se que os periódicos selecionados apresentam impacto (medido por meio de citações) relativamente alto quando comparados aos periódicos estrangeiros avaliados pelo Qualis da área de Administração, Contabilidade e Turismo. Percebe-se que o modelo de gestão dos periódicos está fortemente vinculado ao tipo de Instituição Mantenedora desse (Associação Científica, Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES) Pública, IES Privada), a qual influencia nas questões financeiras, administrativas e científicas das revistas. Espera-se que os resultados da pesquisa possam contribuir não só para os editores de revistas científicas, mas também para os responsáveis por decisões que se referem às políticas de avaliação e fomento de periódicos científicos no Brasil.
Esta tese defende que os modelos de mensuração da competitividade de destinos turísticos estão estruturados essencialmente com base em fatores da oferta e foram concebidos fundamentalmente pelos estudiosos e profissionais do turismo. Assim, o objetivo foi traduzir a experiência do turista em termos de competitividade do destino. Ou seja, significa incorporar aos estudos sobre o tema o fator da demanda. Para alcançar esse propósito, discutiram-se as principais teorias que explicam o fenômeno da competitividade e os modelos utilizados para mensurar o fenômeno competitivo. Foram identificadas as abordagens principais, os elementos-chave que influenciam a competitividade e as lacunas teóricas dos modelos. Discutiu-se um método para captar a experiência turística em destinos que foi testado com diferentes tipos de turistas por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo e à luz do modelo brasileiro de competitividade. Os resultados mostraram que a competitividade de destinos é analisada essencialmente por fatores de oferta e consegue captar apenas parcialmente a avaliação realizada pela demanda turística. Falta, portanto, incorporar o fator da demanda aos estudos de competitividade para proporcionar aos gestores do destino mais precisão e segurança nas suas ações.
Este trabalho é fruto de uma investigação realizada no doutorado em História, Política e Bens Culturais do Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil da Fundação Getulio Vargas - orientada pela profa. Dra. Bianca Freire-Medeiros - acerca da constituição e implementação do turismo social no Serviço Social do Comércio do estado de São Paulo (Sesc-SP), examinando as circunstâncias em que o lazer e as experiências turísticas tornam-se relevantes nas políticas e ações da entidade. Procurou-se entender as transformações e readequações que nortearam as iniciativas da instituição e como as modificações no conceito de turismo social no Brasil e no mundo vêm dialogando com suas diretrizes, posturas e intenções. A metodologia privilegiada na pesquisa foi a história oral temática, no intuito de fazer o registro da história do envolvimento de profissionais com o turismo social do Sesc-SP. Foram realizadas vinte e duas entrevistas com (ex)profissionais e feitas algumas visitas à Biblioteca do departamento nacional do Sesc (Sesc-DN) e ao setor de memória e documentação (Sesc-Memórias) do departamento regional paulista do Sesc, lugares que congregam documentos importantes relacionados à história do turismo na instituição. Espacialmente a pesquisa situa-se no Sesc-SP, repartição atuante e “atenta” às ideias e mudanças envolvendo o turismo social, e representativa na história do fenômeno, no Brasil e no mundo. A circunscrição temporal da pesquisa abarca desde 1979 - ano em que o Sesc de São Paulo passa a desenvolver excursões, passeios e viagens com maior frequência e tenta se aprofundar conceitualmente do turismo social ao se aproximar de órgãos internacionais de relevância política e científica na área - até as ações realizadas em 2013, ano no qual termino a pesquisa de campo e as entrevistas. Durante a trajetória da pesquisa, dialoguei com o período que antecede este recorte, acerca dos empreendimentos do Sesc relacionados as práticas de lazer e turismo, gerando o capítulo 2. Antes, no capítulo 1, tentei reconhecer o lugar do turismo social na história das atividades turísticas no mundo, entendendo-o enquanto oportunidade de efetivação do direito ao lazer. Para alcance dos intentos da tese, como fontes foram utilizados documentos produzidos em âmbito institucional, articulados com a fala dos indivíduos entrevistados, trabalho conjugado especialmente no capítulo 3, em que trago reflexões a respeito do turismo social desenvolvido pelo Sesc-SP. Dentre as análises alvitradas, descrevo a dificuldade encontrada pela entidade ao expandir suas atividades turísticas, vindo a sofrer represálias do setor privado. Deve-se destacar que foi possível perceber a metamorfose conceitual/prática por qual passara o turismo social no Sesc-SP, agregando diferentes conteúdos ao fenômeno e modificando seus processos de trabalho e práticas profissionais. Ressalto ainda o papel ideológico da administração regional do Sesc-SP dentro do Serviço Social do Comércio no Brasil, notadamente na área do turismo. Por fim, envolvo no debate da tese as políticas sociais de turismo, compreendido enquanto possibilidade de lazer.
The Triennial Evaluation of Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) is made according to several indicators, divided into several issues and items, and their weights. In these it is evident the importance of scientific periodicals. This study aims to evaluate the relative efficiency of post-graduate students in Business Administration, Accounting and tourism evaluated by CAPES in Brazil. The methodology used the data envelopment analysis - DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis). The data were obtained from the site and organized by the CAPES Qualis score. The analysis was performed by the DEA variable returns to scale, product-oriented (BCC-O), with data from the three-year periods 2004-2006 and 2007-2009. Among the main results are the average increase significantly the relative efficiency of the programs in the period 2007-2009 compared to 2004-2006 period, the highest average efficiency of programs linked to public institutions in relation to private, doctoral programs with the present average efficiency sharply higher than those only with masters, and senior programs in general were more efficient. There is also moderate and significant correlation between the efficiency scores and concepts CAPES. The Malmquist index analysis showed that more than 85% of programs had increased productivity. It is noteworthy that the main effect that influences the increase of the Malmquist index is the displacement of the border (Frontier-shift)
The study analyzed regarding cultural policies developed in the city of North-EC Limoeiro by the Municipal Culture and Tourism (Semuc) in the period between the years 2005 and 2010. Period that marks the resumption of the figure of the State Ministry of Culture (MinC) as a major factor in formulating and implementing public policies in the area of culture in the country, especially with the creation of the National Culture System (CNS) and the preparation of National Culture Plan (NCP). The work was through research documents (laws) about what had legislated on culture in the city, the reports of consultation activities undertaken by Semuc and interviews with former managers, a former - employee and the Secretary of that folder. Thus, given the contemporary context where the culture is replaced by increasing visibility, the analysis undertaken on policies developed by cultural Semuc revealed the most diverse forms of action: investment in events (capture and promotion), the institution permanent cultural policies, cultural background, the appreciation of local culture, and specific actions
The process of urbanization in recent decades has generated considerable seriousness of problems relating to the use and occupation physical environment of cities. The concentration of population, economic activities and technological standards have reinforced an existing urban environment highly degraded as a consequence of the development style that leads to the predatory use of natural resources. In this context, cities as centers of production and consumption, have the most serious problems of environmental degradation. This study investigated the impacts of the municipal building projects to large-scale vertical in the town of Vila de Ponta Negra, Natal-RN, given the proximity to the Environmental Protection Area (ZPA-6) and considering its environmental importance , scenic, landscape and tourism for the city of Natal-RN. The fragility of the licensing process and the failure of the assumptions in the analysis, objective and subjective, for the granting of environmental permits for the building construction projects, specifically those set out in the surroundings of the Environmental Protection Area (ZPA-6) and fundamental importance of landscape and tourism for the city of Natal, has aroused the concern of local people in and of itself the Government, faced with the probable impacts that will affect greatly the Vila de Ponta Negra. The methodology used to achieve the intended objectives will be the literature review, questionnaire to the surrounding population and the Government, as well as findings on the spot, through the photographic record. The beneficiaries of the license, if the entrepreneurs, have been affected because of the granting of licensing act of investing large amount of capital in the works. Additionally, with distrust of the population, since they are to discredit the public system of environmental management have guessed by the probability of imbalance to the environment and structural damage to the Vila de Ponta Negra, where such failure to support energy, lack of regular supply of water , lack of sanitation and access roads sufficient for the flow of motor vehicles in these areas, among other factors. Thus, this work will contribute to the diagnosis and solutions to the problem in question, so that the Government will effectively fulfill its social management of ecologically balanced environment of continuing urban development in Natal, Brazil
Digital Elevation Models (DEM) are numerical representations of a portion of the earth surface. Among several factors which affect the quality of a DEM, it should be emphasized the attention on the input data and the choice of the interpolating algorithm. On the other hand, several numerical models are used nowadays to characterize nearshore hydrodynamics and morphological changes in coastal areas, whose validation is based on field data collection. Independent on the complexity of the physical processes which are modeled, little attention has been given to the intrinsic bathymetric interpolation built within the numerical models of the specific application. Therefore, this study aims to investigate and to quantify the influence of the bathymetry, as obtained by a DEM, on the hydrodynamic circulation model at a coastal stretch, off the coast of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Northeast Brazil. This coastal region is characterized by strong hydrodynamic and littoral processes, resulting in a very dynamic morphology with shallow coastal bathymetry. Important economic activities, such as oil exploitation and production, fisheries, salt ponds, shrimp farms and tourism, also bring impacts upon the local ecosystems and influence themselves the local hydrodynamics. This fact makes the region one of the most important for the development of the State, but also enhances the possibility of serious environmental accidents. As a hydrodynamic model, SisBaHiA® - Environmental Hydrodynamics System ( Sistema Básico de Hidrodinâmica Ambiental ) was chosen, for it has been successfully employed at several locations along the Brazilian coast. This model was developed at the Coastal and Oceanographical Engineering Group of the Ocean Engineering Program at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Several interpolating methods were tested for the construction of the DEM, namely Natural Neighbor, Kriging, Triangulation with Linear Interpolation, Inverse Distance to a Power, Nearest Neighbor, and Minimum Curvature, all implemented within the software Surfer®. The bathymetry which was used as reference for the DEM was obtained from nautical charts provided by the Brazilian Hydrographic Service of the Brazilian Navy and from a field survey conducted in 2005. Changes in flow velocity and free surface elevation were evaluated under three aspects: a spatial vision along three profiles perpendicular to the coast and one profile longitudinal to the coast as shown; a temporal vision from three central nodes of the grid during 30 days; a hodograph analysis of components of speed in U and V, by different tidal cycles. Small, but negligible, variations in sea surface elevation were identified. However, the differences in flow and direction of velocities were significant, depending on the DEM
The marine tucuxi, Sotalia guianensis, is one of the smallest known cetaceans, has coastal habits, and occurs from Hondures to Santa Catarina, in southern Brazil. The objective of this dissertation was to describe diving behavior of the marine tucuxi in three age classes and to analyze the cardiac capacity to dive through the examination of hearts of stranded specimens. Observations were made from October 2004 to November 2005 from a vantage point, in Curral Bay at Pipa beach-RN. We used Ad Libitum sampling and All occurrences to record the behaviors. The diving was characterized by the total exposition of the tail fluke for a few seconds, in 90° or 45° angles. Were recorded 131 dives in three behavioral contexts: foraging, traveling and socialization. The difference between juveniles and adults in dive time and fluke out at 45° or 90° to search and/or capture prey is probably influenced by the strategy used and ability to capture the prey. The frequency of fluke out at 90° for foraging in adults may be related to increased physiological efficiency of adults in comparison to juveniles. However, in the context of travel and socialization the dive time and fluke out were independent between the age classes. Dive in calves were frequent during socialization (play behavior) and traveling. This, associated with synchronic calve-adult diving suggests that a relationship of these behaviors and the acquisition of experience and foraging skills. As observed in other cetaceans, the heart (n=12) of the estuarine dolphin is broad and presents long ventricles which form a round apex. The right ventricle is long and narrow. The degree of dilatation of the aortic bulb may support the heart during diastole. The characteristic morphology of the heart and short dive duration < 2 min and depth ranged from 10m in the estuarine dolphin, can be likely at physiological adaptation for diving, typical de dolphins with coastal habits. The limitation of diving time in this specie may be influenced by anatomical and physiological restrictions
In this work we propose a technique that uses uncontrolled small format aerial images, or SFAI, and stereohotogrammetry techniques to construct georeferenced mosaics. Images are obtained using a simple digital camera coupled with a radio controlled (RC) helicopter. Techniques for removing common distortions are applied and the relative orientation of the models are recovered using projective geometry. Ground truth points are used to get absolute orientation, plus a definition of scale and a coordinate system which relates image measures to the ground. The mosaic is read into a GIS system, providing useful information to different types of users, such as researchers, governmental agencies, employees, fishermen and tourism enterprises. Results are reported, illustrating the applicability of the system. The main contribution is the generation of georeferenced mosaics using SFAIs, which have not yet broadly explored in cartography projects. The proposed architecture presents a viable and much less expensive solution, when compared to systems using controlled pictures
This study is the analysis of cultural, political and organizational interfaces of "Caminhos do Frio Rota Cultural" Project in the context of tourism regionalization in Brejo Paraibano and it presents the characterization, routing and inventory of six municipalities of the Project, as well as the identification of cultural elements used for tourist in the routing of the pond, the investigation of political and organizational articulation and the verification of participation of each producing agent in the development of tourism resulting from the swamp of Paraiba. This is a qualitative descriptive and exploratory study, which makes use of the interpretive paradigm to perform an analysis of the environment where occurs the regionalization of tourism in Brejo of Paraíba and the social actors involved in this process in order to pursue development of the region through culture and tourism, with the collection spot in the six counties of the Project participants collected through interviews with managers, community, government agencies and tourist trade, and the use of the technique of direct observation. This time, with the data analysis it was possible to establish the production situation and its cultural and tourist development in the region of Brejo (PB), where culture has become a developmental tool within the tourism industry due to its innovation potential. It was possible to ratify the undisputed vocation of cultural tourism in the region in question, since other projects being developed with the use of cultural resources with a strong influence on the policies of regional tourism. Thus, the main result was that was seen is that the regional development has triggered a refunctionalisation / reappropriation of space just rebuilding a new territorial organization through the development of a regional autonomy of management, a capacity of collective ownership and the use of economic surplus, a spontaneous process of social inclusion as well as awareness and mobilization tourist (even if initial and shy), an appreciation of natural and cultural assets for all stakeholders and especially identification of the population with its region and its culture, as to achieve regional development is not enough to increase the economic, but above all the promotion of endogenous social factors such as changes in social and cultural values and the integration of social actors in this process. Finally, taking into account the definitions of sustainability, it is considered that cannot be said that the development model seen in the swamp of Paraiba is sustainable, but it is a model of regional development based on the unique characteristics that each municipality has and create a regional identity and have correponded expectations / desired results and therefore the viability of the region through the development of cultural tourism was proven
The research here undertaken analyzes the process of urbanization on the coast of Panamirim - RN and Nísia Floresta - RN, arising from leisure, the main leisure expression was considered the second residence and coastal tourism. The leisure promoted the growth of businesses and public and private services to meet consumer demand in that area, which initially occurred with users of second home, and which also gradually begin to occupy the coastline of these municipalities in 1980 and more recently with the development of tourism in the 1990s until now. To undertake such an analysis, we did the georeferencing about the trade and also public and private services of that coast, characterizing them; evaluated the extent to which services deployed in this area meets the demands of tourists and users of second residence; it was also identified how the centrality of Natal interferes in the expansion of services in these locations. The spatial area of research includes the coastal municipalities of Parnamirim and Nísia Floresta, considering the limits of the census of the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística- IBGE, and about the time frame, it was considered the 1990s to the present day. The methodology consists of: 1. survey and reading of the literature related to the researched topic, serving as the theoretical analysis in the construction of the object studied; 2. collection and organization of secondary data by the IBGE and tourism sectors of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal and main municipalities of the research; 3. Questionnaires and / or interviews with the traders, service providers, tourists, users of second homes, local residents, and government. The analysis of such data collected allowed the preparation of graphs, maps and tables that illustrate the results obtained in the research field, basing so the study. The relevance of the study is shown by the extensive survey data involving agents of the research, including tourists, users of second homes and, above all, the data for the service sector that did not exist in the analyzed area. The study results identified in the area analyzed the emergence of three new centers, arising from the urbanization process from leisure, one of them located in the municipality of Nísia Foresta Beach in Barra de Tabatinga, and two in Parnamirim, more specifically in locality Pium and Beach Pirangi do Norte. It was further observed that, being located in tourist areas, the main feature of these new centers is seasonality