999 resultados para tradição mítica da Idade do Ouro


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar índices de pulsatilidade das artérias umbilical (IPAU) e cerebral média (IPACM) e relação do índice de pulsatilidade umbilico-cerebral (IPAU/IPACM) em fetos de gestantes hipertensas e presença de resultados perinatais adversos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Analisamos IPAU, IPACM e IPAU/IPACM de 289 fetos de gestantes hipertensas quanto à previsão dos resultados perinatais adversos. Os resultados foram comparados sem e com ajuste pela idade gestacional. RESULTADOS: O índice de Apgar < 7 no 5º minuto foi associado com resultados alterados após o ajuste por idade gestacional. O risco para recém-nascidos pequenos para a idade gestacional aumentou em três vezes após o ajuste, com significância estatística em todos os parâmetros do Doppler. Na síndrome da hipóxia neonatal o aumento do risco ajustado pela idade gestacional foi estatisticamente significante no IPAU e IPAU/IPACM. Não houve aumento no risco de síndrome do desconforto respiratório na análise ajustada. A mortalidade perinatal e o IPAU alterado apresentaram um risco três vezes maior e foram estatisticamente significantes após o ajuste. CONCLUSÃO: Em gestantes hipertensas, o IPAU apresentou melhor correlação com os resultados perinatais do que o IPACM ou relação IPAU/IPACM. O risco de resultados adversos deve considerar a idade gestacional.


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A histiocitose de células de Langerhans é uma doença rara caracterizada proliferação de células de Langerhans. Neste artigo descrevemos um caso de histiocitose de células de Langerhans em um paciente de 63 anos, com uma lesão expansiva periorbital como primeiro sintoma e cuja tomografia computadorizada revelou acometimento pulmonar característico da doença. A condução do caso, os achados radiológicos e os resultados são apresentados.


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OBJETIVO: Calcular as frequências de pielonefrite aguda e cicatriz renal em pacientes menores de dois anos com cintilografia renal com 99mTc-DMSA com primeiro quadro de infecção do trato urinário em hospital universitário brasileiro, comparando com dados da literatura internacional. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram revisados laudos cintilográficos de crianças menores de dois anos de idade que realizaram cintilografia renal com 99mTc-DMSA em um hospital universitário no Rio Grande do Sul, entre 2006 e 2009, para pesquisa de pielonefrite aguda/cicatriz renal. Revisaram-se a presença de refluxo vesicoureteral, o uso precoce de antibiótico, e a presença de comorbidades que constassem nos prontuários eletrônicos. Calculou-se a amostra com base num estudo de revisão sistemática e obteve-se um mínimo de 147 pacientes. Excluíram-se pacientes sem registro eletrônico. RESULTADOS: Cento e cinquenta e sete crianças preencheram critérios de inclusão do estudo, 48 tiveram pielonefrite aguda e 8 destas apresentaram cicatriz renal. Nem a idade nem o gênero dos pacientes apresentaram associação significativa com pielonefrite aguda (p = 0,405 e p = 0,124, respectivamente). Não houve diferença estatística nas associações de refluxo vesicoureteral e pielonefrite aguda (p = 1,0) e outras comorbidades (p = 0,470) e em relação ao uso precoce de antibiótico com pielonefrite aguda (p = 0,130) e cicatriz renal (p = 0,720). CONCLUSÃO: As frequências de pielonefrite aguda e cicatriz renal obtidas concordam com os resultados da maioria dos estudos publicados.


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This paper reviews the history of Hg contamination in Brazil by characterizing and quantifying two major sources of Hg emissions to the environment: industrial sources and gold mining. Industry was responsible for nearly 100% of total Hg emissions from the late 1940's to the early 1970's, when efficient control policies were enforced, leading to a decrease in emissions. Gold mining, on the other hand was nearly insignificant as a Hg source up to the late 1970's, but presently is responsible for over 80% of total emissions. Presently, over 115 tons of Hg are released into the atmosphere in Brazil annually. Nearly 78 tons come from gold mining operations, 12 tons come from chlor-alkali industry and 25 tons come from all other industrial uses. Inputs to soils and waters however, are still unknown, due to lack of detailed data base. However, emissions from diffuse sources rather than well studied classical industrial sources are probably responsible for the major inputs of mercury to these compartments.


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In this contribution a few new gold(I)phosphine complexes, [2-(PPh2)C6H4CO 2H]AuX (where X = Cl, SCN, Br3) and a similar gold(III) derivative [{2-(PPh2)C6H4CO 2H}AuIII Cl (C6H4CH2NMe2 )]Cl have been synthesised and characterised. The phosphine, 2-(diphenylphosphino)benzoic acid, has been employed for the first time in gold chemistry. This ligand is potentially bidentate through bonding of the phosphine and carboxylate groups. The X-ray structure of the complex chloro[2-(diphenylphosphino) benzoic acid]gold(I) has been elucidated and the bond lengths encountered show great similarity to those of chloro(triphenylphosphine)gold(I). [2-(PPh2)C6H4CO 2H]AuCl crystallises in the space group P2(1)/c with a = 9.113(2) Å, b = 10.925(2) Å, c = 23.069(4) Å, beta = 99.95º(3), V = 2299 ų, Z = 4 and R = 0.091. Biological tests for anti-fungal and anti-bacterial activity demostrate that [2-(PPh2)C6H4CO 2H]AuCl exhibits broad spectrum activity against a range of organisms.


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Cadmium UPD on Au was studied by voltammetric and microgravimetric measurements. In the oxide formation/reduction potential region, a mass increasing/decreasing of 32 ng cm-2 was associated to incorporation/elimination of one oxygen per active site. The modifications promoted in the voltammetric and mass profiles by 10-5 M Cd(ClO4)2 are restricted to potentials more negative than 0.4 V. After a 120 s potential delay at 0.05 V, the positive sweep reveals an anodic peak with charge of 40 muC cm-2 and mass decrease of 22 ng cm-2, associated to Cd ads dissolution. Sulphate or chloride was added to the solution without significant influence, due to the low coverage with Cd or anions.


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The atomization behavior of Au, Ag, Bi, Cd, Pb, and Sn from pyrolitic graphite coating (L'vov platform) with the use Pd and Mg solutions, and zirconium coated platform with the analytes in nitric acid 0.2% v/v and in ethanol was investigated. In ethanol medium, the sensitivity gain was three-fold for Bi and Cd using Zr as modifier. Without modifier, the ethanol medium is appropriate only for Au and Cd. In nitric acid medium, the Zr coated platform elevates sensitivity at least two-fold for Bi and Cd. The method was applied to the determination of Ag, Au and Bi of certified steel samples, after on-line preconcentration, sorption on a minicolumn filled with C-18 bonded to silica gel and elution with ethanol. The concentrations obtained agreed with the recommended values.


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Copper selenide (berzelianite) films were prepared on the title substrates using the chemical bath deposition technique (CBD). Film composition was determined by energy dispersion of x-rays. The kinetics of film growth is parabolic and film adherence limits the film thickness. On titanium, copper selenide forms islands that do not completely cover the surface, unless the substrate is prepared with a tin oxide layer; film composition also depends on the titanium oxide layer. On vitreous carbon, CBD and mechanical immobilization techniques lead to films with similar resistances for the electron transfer across the film/substrate interface. On gold, composition studies revealed that film composition is always the same if the pH is in the range from 8 to 12, in contrast to films prepared by an ion-ion combination route. On copper, a new procedure for obtaining copper selenide films as thick as 5 µm has been developed.


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The concentration and thermodesorption speciation of mercury in sediments from four different Iron Quadrangle sites impacted by gold mining activity were determined. The mercury content of some samples was considerably high (ranging from 0.04 to 1.1 µg g-1). Only Hg2+ was found and it was preferably distributed in the silt/clay fraction in all samples. Cluster analysis showed that mercury and manganese can be associated. The occurrence of cinnabar in this region as another mercury source was also discussed, corroborating earlier works showing the importance of natural mercury in the geochemical cycle of the metal in this region.


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The present study describes a new procedure to obtain gold nanoparticles, directly in the pores of polycarbonate membranes commonly used in ultrafiltration. The dimensions of the particles may be controlled through the reduction time of the ions in the channels of the harbor matrix. The dissolution of the metallized polymer enables an investigation of the optical and morphologic properties of these elements.


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The electrochemical behavior of N-nitrosothiazolidine carboxylic acid (NTAC) on gold and hanging mercury electrodes, using the cyclic and square wave voltammetries, was studied. Whereas NTAC suffer reduction in a single step on the mercury electrode, two peaks appears on the cyclic voltammograms on the gold electrode, one anodic peak overlaying the gold oxide process at 1.2 V and one cathodic peak at -0.41 V vs Ag/AgCl, KCl 3.0 mol L-1. The cathodic peak depends on the previous oxidation of NTAC at the electrode surface, presents irreversible and adsorption controlled characteristics and it is suitable for quantitative purposes.


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The determination of the airborne particulate matter (PTS) mass and trace metals concentrations were performed in three sites in Ouro Preto, MG, Brazil. It was evaluated 288 samples. The legal limit of annual geometric average (60 µg m-3) to PTS concentrations didn't exceed, but the legal limit for 24 h (240 µg m-3) did in three measurements. Seven metals (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb) analysed by ICP-AES were quantified in 18 samples. Aluminum and iron showed the highest concentrations, indicating the contribution of the soil and of one aluminum plant. The high nickel concentration is probably due to vehicular emissions and industrial combustion processes.


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This work reports on the SERS activity of a nanostructured substrate that was obtained by electrodepositing gold over a template consisting of polystyrene microspheres. This substrate displayed superior SERS performance for the detection of 4-merctaptopyridine as compared to a conventional roughened Au electrode. In order to investigate the substrate capability for the detection at low concentration limits, a series of Rhodamine 6G (1 nM) spectra were registered. Our spectral dynamics data is in agreement with single-molecule behavior, showing that the control over the substrate morphology is crucial to enable the production of highly reproducible and sensitive SERS substrates.


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This article discusses the adsorption kinetics of a L-cysteine monolayer onto a gold surface by means of information obtained through the QCM technique. The results indicate that the adsorption process is rapid and follows the Langmuir isotherm, in which adsorption and desorption are considered. From these measurements the following parameter values were obtained: k d = (4.2 ± 0.4) x 10-3 s-1, k a = 75 ± 6 M-1 s-1, Keq=(1.8 ± 0.3) x 10(4) M-1 and ΔGads = - (5.8 ± 0.2) kcal mol-1.


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A new practical experiment involving silver and gold nanoparticle syntheses was introduced in an inorganic chemistry laboratory course for undergraduate students at the Institute of Chemistry, UNICAMP. The nanoparticles were synthesized by the reduction of silver nitrate and tetrachloroauric acid with sodium borohydride and sodium citrate in an aqueous medium. Stabilities of the suspensions were tested using several different reactants including sodium chloride, polyvinylpyrrolidone, polyvinyl alcohol and cistamine. Changes in optical properties were observed by electronic spectra and also by transmission electronic microscopy, which also yielded data for estimating particle size.