1000 resultados para tonguing and grooving


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Some bacteria common in anaerobic digestion process can ferment a broad variety of organic compounds to organic acids, alcohols, and hydrogen, which can be used as biofuels. Researches are necessary to control the microbial interactions in favor of the alcohol production, as intermediary products of the anaerobic digestion of organic compounds. This paper reports on the effect of buffering capacity on the production of organic acids and alcohols from wastewater by a natural mixed bacterial culture. The hypothesis tested was that the increase of the buffering capacity by supplementation of sodium bicarbonate in the influent results in benefits for alcohol production by anaerobic fermentation of wastewater. When the influent was not supplemented with sodium bicarbonate, the chemical oxygen demand (COD)-ethanol and COD-methanol detected in the effluent corresponded to 22.5 and 12.7 % of the COD-sucrose consumed. Otherwise, when the reactor was fed with influent containing 0.5 g/L of sodium bicarbonate, the COD-ethanol and COD-methanol were effluents that corresponded to 39.2 and 29.6 % of the COD-sucrose consumed. Therefore, the alcohol production by supplementation of the influent with sodium bicarbonate was 33.6 % higher than the fermentation of the influent without sodium bicarbonate.


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To determine the effects of radiotherapy on salivary BPIFA expression and to investigate the role of BPIFA in the development of known radiotherapy side effects. Unstimulated whole-mouth saliva was collected from 45 cancer patients (1 week before treatment, during the treatment, and 1 week after completion of radiotherapy) and from 20 controls. BPIFA1 and BPIFA2 expression was detected by western blotting and analyzed along with clinicopathologic data and side effects from the radiotherapy. A facial radiation field was associated with lower salivary flow during and after radiotherapy and correlated with side effects, mainly mucositis. Salivary BPIFA1 expression levels were similar between the control group and the patient group before treatment. On the other hand, BPIFA2 levels were higher in the patient group before treatment compared with the control group. BPIFA concentration was modified by radiotherapy as BPIFA1 levels increased (P = .0081) and BPIFA2 decreased (P < .0001). Higher levels of BPIFA1 were associated with the presence of mucositis (P = .0363) and its severity (P = .0500). The present study found that levels of BPIFA1 and glycosylated forms of BPIFA2 are affected by radiotherapy, suggesting that these proteins may play a role in the oral microenvironment in irradiated patients with head and neck cancer.


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ANKHD1 (Ankyrin repeat and KH domain-containing protein 1) is highly expressed and plays an important role in the proliferation and cell cycle progression of multiple myeloma (MM) cells. ANKHD1 downregulation modulates cell cycle gene expression and upregulates p21 irrespective of the TP53 mutational status of MM cell lines. The present study was aimed to investigate the role of ANKHD1 in MM in vitro clonogenicity and in vivo tumourigenicity, as well as the role of ANKHD1 in p21 transcriptional regulation. ANKHD1 silencing in MM cells resulted in significantly low no. of colonies formed and in slow migration as compared to control cells (p < 0.05). Furthermore, in xenograft MM mice models, tumour growth was visibly suppressed in mice injected with ANKHD1 silenced cells compared to the control group. There was a significant decrease in tumour volume (p = 0.006) as well as in weight (p = 0.02) in the group injected with silenced cells compared to those of the control group. Co-immunoprecipitation and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays confirmed the interaction between p21 and ANKHD1. Moreover, overexpression of ANKHD1 downregulated the activity of a p21 promoter in luciferase assays. Decrease in luciferase activity suggests a direct role of ANKHD1 in p21 transcriptional regulation. In addition confocal analysis after U266 cells were treated with Leptomycin B (LMB) for 24 h showed accumulation of ANKHD1 inside the nucleus as compared to untreated cells where ANKHD1 was found to be predominantly in cytoplasm. This suggests ANKHD1 might be shuttling between cytoplasm and nucleus. In conclusion, ANKHD1 promotes MM growth by repressing p21 a potent cell cycle regulator.


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Lymphoma is the most common head and neck malignancy in children, and palatine tonsils asymmetry is the most frequent clinical manifestation of tonsillar lymphoma. However, several studies with children with tonsillar asymmetry found no case of lymphoma, showing that the relationship of tonsillar asymmetry with lymphoma is unclear. In this review, we aimed to identify the association between tonsillar asymmetry and tonsillar lymphoma in children by conducting systematic reviews of the literature on children with palatine tonsil lymphoma and tonsillar asymmetry. Articles comprising the paediatric age group (up to 18 years) with information concerning clinical manifestations of tonsillar lymphoma or the diagnosis of the tonsillar asymmetry were included. The main cause of asymmetry of palatine tonsils was lymphoid hyperplasia, followed by lymphoma and nonspecific benign changes. The asymmetry of tonsils was present in 73.2% of cases of lymphoma. There was an association between asymmetric palatine tonsils and lymphoma, with a likelihood ratio of 43.5 for children with asymmetry of palatine tonsils and 8938.4 for children with asymmetry of tonsils and other signs of suspicion for malignancy. We also provide recommendations on the management of suspicious cases of palatine tonsil lymphoma.


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Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1), spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) and Machado-Joseph disease or spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (MJD/SCA3) are three distinctive forms of autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) caused by expansions of an unstable CAG repeat localized in the coding region of the causative genes. Another related disease, dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA) is also caused by an unstable triplet repeat and can present as SCA in late onset patients. We investigated the frequency of the SCA1, SCA2, MJD/SCA3 and DRPLA mutations in 328 Brazilian patients with SCA, belonging to 90 unrelated families with various patterns of inheritance and originating in different geographic regions of Brazil. We found mutations in 35 families (39%), 32 of them with a clear autosomal dominant inheritance. The frequency of the SCA1 mutation was 3% of all patients; and 6 % in the dominantly inherited SCAs. We identified the SCA2 mutation in 6% of all families and in 9% of the families with autosomal dominant inheritance. The MJD/SCA3 mutation was detected in 30 % of all patients; and in the 44% of the dominantly inherited cases. We found no DRPLA mutation. In addition, we observed variability in the frequency of the different mutations according to geographic origin of the patients, which is probably related to the distinct colonization of different parts of Brazil. These results suggest that SCA may be occasionally caused by the SCA1 and SCA2 mutations in the Brazilian population, and that the MJD/SCA3 mutation is the most common cause of dominantly inherited SCA in Brazil.


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We studied the clinical aspects of 100 consecutive premature newborns with and without intraventricular and periventricular hemorrhage (IPVH).The diagnosis of IPVH was obtained by ultrasonic scans of the skull during the first week of life and at the age of one month. Forty eight percent of newborns with IPVH had abnormal results, and there was a significant correlation with the neurological evaluation in 85% of the infants. The probability of normality for a child with no associated brain abnormalities was 72%, whereas for a child of the same gestational age with associated brain abnormalities was 48.7%.


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Olanzapine, an atypical antipsychotic drug, was administered to a patient with Huntington's disease (HD) with marked choreiform movements. Brain SPECT with 99mTc-HMPAO was performed before and after treatment. Brain SPECT imaging has been performed in patients with HD in order to determine the status of basal ganglia perfusion. The use of brain SPECT with 99mTc-HMPAO before and after treatment in patients with HD has not been yet reported. The marked hypoperfusion of the basal ganglia on brain SPECT performed before therapy with olanzapine improved significantly after treatment.


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The clinical and neurological findings of three neonates with the diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease are reported. The neuropsychological evaluation disclosed impairment of fine motor function, coordination, language, perception and behavioral disturbances. Brain SPECT imaging revealed perfusional deficits in the three cases.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe the role of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the evaluation of patients with chronic and recurrent aseptic meningitis.METHOD: A retrospective study of five patients with aseptic meningoencefalitis diagnosed by clinical and CSF findings. CT scans showed without no relevant findings. RESULTS: MRI showed small multifocal lesions hyperintense on T2 weighted images and FLAIR, with mild or no gadolinium enhancement, mainly in periventricular and subcortical regions. Meningoencephalitis preceded the diagnosis of the underlying disease in four patients (Behçet´s disease or systemic lupus erythematosus). After the introduction of adequate treatment for the rheumatic disease, they did not present further symptoms of aseptic meningoencephalitis. CONCLUSION: Aseptic meningoencephalitis can be an early presentation of an autoimmune disease. It is important to emphasize the role of MRI in the diagnosis and follow-up of these patients.


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This study evaluated two cases of Apert's syndrome, through phonological, cognitive, and neuropsychological instruments and correlated the results to complementary exams. In short, this study reveals the necessity of application of neuropsychological, cognitive and phonological evaluation and correlation of the results with complementary testings because significant differences can be present in the Apert's syndrome.


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Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells are engaged in myelin production, maintenance and repairing respectively in the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Whereas oligodendrocytes act only within the CNS, Schwann cells are able to invade the CNS in order to make new myelin sheaths around demyelinated axons. Both cells have some limitations in their activities, i.e. oligodendrocytes are post-mitotic cells and Schwann cells only get into the CNS in the absence of astrocytes. Ethidium bromide (EB) is a gliotoxic chemical that when injected locally within the CNS, induce demyelination. In the EB model of demyelination, glial cells are destroyed early after intoxication and Schwann cells are free to approach the naked central axons. In normal Wistar rats, regeneration of lost myelin sheaths can be achieved as early as thirteen days after intoxication; in Wistar rats immunosuppressed with cyclophosphamide the process is delayed and in rats administered cyclosporine it may be accelerated. Aiming the enlightening of those complex processes, all events concerning the myelinating cells in an experimental model are herein presented and discussed.


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The goals of this study are to identify the potencialities avaiable in elementary public schools for the development of an educational process wich includes environmental issues helpping to find its integration with university in order to contribuite raises teaching levels for a better comprehension of regional environmental problems. Research data were collected through questionnaires and interviews with geography teachers analyising theirs activities and perspectives on the environmental crisis and environmental education. The study also offers sugestions for the devellopment of interdisciplinaires programs trying to contibute for the construction of citizenship showing the importance of better comprehension from environmental problems which includes physical, economics, social, political and cultural aspects.


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Efforts presented by the scientific community in recent years towards the development of numerous green chemical processes and wastewater treatment technologies are presented and discussed. In the light of these approaches, environmentally friendly technologies, as well as the key role played by the well-known advanced oxidation processes, are discussed, giving special attention to the ones comprising ozone applications. Fundamentals and applied aspects dealing with ozone technology and its application are also presented.


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Aerobic metabolism changes rapidly to glycolysis post-mortem resulting in a pH-decrease during the transformation of muscle in to meat affecting ligand binding and redox potential of the heme iron in myoglobin, the meat pigment. The inorganic chemistry of meat involves (i) redox-cycling between iron(II), iron(III), and iron(IV)/protein radicals; (ii) ligand exchange processes; and (iii) spin-equilibra with a change in coordination number for the heme iron. In addition to the function of myoglobin for oxygen storage, new physiological roles of myoglobin are currently being discovered, which notably find close parallels in the processes in fresh meat and nitrite-cured meat products. Myoglobin may be characterized as a bioreactor for small molecules like O2, NO, CO, CO2, H2O, and HNO with importance in bio-regulation and in protection against oxidative stress in vivo otherwise affecting lipids in membranes. Many of these processes may be recognised as colour changes in fresh meat and cured meat products under different atmospheric conditions, and could also be instructive for teaching purposes.


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The aim of this work is to obtain, purify and characterize biochemically a peroxidase from Copaifera langsdorffii leaves (COP). COP was obtained by acetone precipitation followed by ion-exchange chromatography. Purification yielded 3.5% of peroxidase with the purification factor of 46.86. The COP optimum pH is 6.0 and the temperature is 35 ºC. COP was stable in the pH range of 4.5 to 9.3 and at temperatures below 50.0 ºC. The apparent Michaelis-Menten constants (Km) for guaiacol and H2O2 were 0.04 mM and 0.39 mM respectively. Enzyme turnover was 0.075 s-1 for guaiacol and 0.28 s-1 for hydrogen peroxide. Copaifera langsdorffii leaves showed to be a rich source of active peroxidase (COP) during the whole year. COP could replace HRP, the most used peroxidase, in analytical determinations and treatment of industrial effluents at low cost.