851 resultados para thermal impedance
The accelerating adoption of electrical technologies in vehicles over the recent years has led to an increase in the research on electrochemical energy storage systems, which are among the key elements in these technologies. The application of electrochemical energy storage systems for instance in hybrid electrical vehicles (HEVs) or hybrid mobile working machines allows tolerating high power peaks, leading to an opportunity to downsize the internal combustion engine and reduce fuel consumption, and therefore, CO2 and other emissions. Further, the application of electrochemical energy storage systems provides an option of kinetic and potential energy recuperation. Presently, the lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery is considered the most suitable electrochemical energy storage type in HEVs and hybrid mobile working machines. However, the intensive operating cycle produces high heat losses in the Li-ion battery, which increase its operating temperature. The Li-ion battery operation at high temperatures accelerates the ageing of the battery, and in the worst case, may lead to a thermal runaway and fire. Therefore, an appropriate Li-ion battery cooling system should be provided for the temperature control in applications such as HEVs and mobile working machines. In this doctoral dissertation, methods are presented to set up a thermal model of a single Li-ion cell and a more complex battery module, which can be used if full information about the battery chemistry is not available. In addition, a non-destructive method is developed for the cell thermal characterization, which allows to measure the thermal parameters at different states of charge and in different points of cell surface. The proposed models and the cell thermal characterization method have been verified by experimental measurements. The minimization of high thermal non-uniformity, which was detected in the pouch cell during its operation with a high C-rate current, was analysed by applying a simplified pouch cell 3D thermal model. In the analysis, heat pipes were incorporated into the pouch cell cooling system, and an optimization algorithm was generated for the estimation of the optimalplacement of heat pipes in the pouch cell cooling system. An analysis of the application of heat pipes to the pouch cell cooling system shows that heat pipes significantly decrease the temperature non-uniformity on the cell surface, and therefore, heat pipes were recommended for the enhancement of the pouch cell cooling system.
Brachiaria species normally show a double seed dormancy mechanism, mainly on fresh-harvested seeds, leading to germination percentages lower than those of viability detected by tetrazolium test (TZ) and causing problems as to storage, trading and seed inspection activities. The adoption of the methodology to detect the constants of the viability equation (high storage temperatures and fixed moisture contents) made feasible in this research to isolate the effects of 40, 50 and 65°C on B. brizantha cultivars Marandu, Mulato 1 and Mulato 2 seed dormancy releasing, after storage with moisture contents ranging from 1.9 and 17.8%. Seed samples presented high dormancy levels, detected by TZ and it was complete and partially released by chemical scarification and accelerated ageing test, respectively. No statistical differences were observed as to the speed of germination (T50); however, differences among cultivars were detected as to number of seed per gram. Sorption and desorption isotherm curves were similar for the cultivars. Seed dormancy releasing was better achieved at 40 and 50°C with mc ranging from 7.6 to 10.8%. The temperature of 50°C appears to be adequate for seed dormancy releasing in all mc analyzed. No significant seed dormancy releasing result was observed at 65°C. The cultivar Marandu presented the highest storability throughout the experiment.
The thesis focuses on light water reactors (pressurized water reactors, boiling water reactors) and measurement techniques for basic thermal hydraulics parameters that are used in a nuclear power plant. The goal of this work is a development of laboratory exercises for basic nuclear thermal hydraulics measurements.
A new approach to the determination of the thermal parameters of high-power batteries is introduced here. Application of local heat flux measurement with a gradient heat flux sensor (GHFS) allows determination of the cell thermal parameters in di_erent surface points of the cell. The suggested methodology is not cell destructive as it does not require deep discharge of the cell or application of any charge/discharge cycles during measurements of the thermal parameters of the cell. The complete procedure is demonstrated on a high-power Li-ion pouch cell, and it is verified on a sample with well-known thermal parameters. A comparison of the experimental results with conventional thermal characterization methods shows an acceptably low error. The dependence of the cell thermal parameters on state of charge (SoC) and measurement points on the surface was studied by the proposed measurement approach.
The purpose of this thesis was to develop a program that can illustrate thermal-hydraulic node dimensions used in SMABRE simulations. These created node illustrations are used to verify the correctness of the designed simulation model and in addition they can be included in scientific reports. This thesis will include theory about SMABRE and relevant programs that were used to achieve the ending results. This thesis will give explanations for different modules that were created and used in the finished program, and it will present the different problems encountered and provide the solutions. The most important objective in this thesis is to display the results of generic VVER-1000 node dimensions and verify the correctness in the displayed part. The finished program was created using code language Python.
Most metabolic functions are optimized within a narrow range of body temperatures, which is why thermoregulation is of great importance for the survival and overall fitness of an animal. It has been proposed that lizards will thermoregulate less precisely in low thermal quality environments, where the costs associated with thermoregulation are high; in the case of lizards, whose thermoregulation is mainly behavioural, the primary costs ofthermoregulation are those derived from locomotion. Decreasing thermoregulatory precision in costly situations is a strategy that enhances fitness by allowing lizards to be more flexible to changing environmental conditions. It allows animals to maximize the benefits of maintaining a relatively high body temperature while minimizing energy expenditure. In situations where oxygen concentration is low, the costs of thermoregulation are relatively high (i.e. in relation to the amount of oxygen available for metabolic functions). As a result, it is likely that exposures to hypoxic conditions induce a decrease in the precision of thermoregulation. This study evaluated the effects of hypoxia and low environmental thermal quality, two energetically costly conditions, on the precision and level of thermoregulation in the bearded dragon, Pogona vitticeps, in an electronic temperature-choice shuttle box. Four levels of hypoxia (1O, 7, 5 and 4% 02) were tested. Environmental thermal quality was manipulated by varying the rate of temperature change (oTa) in an electronic temperature-choice shuttle box. Higher oT a's translate into more thermally challenging environments, since under these conditions the animals are forced to move a greater number of times (and hence invest more energy in locomotion) to maintain similar temperatures than at lower oTa's. In addition, lizards were tested in an "extreme temperatures" treatment during which air temperatures of the hot and cold compartments of the shuttle box were maintained at a constant 50 and 15°C respectively. This was considered the most thermally challenging environment. The selected ambient (T a) and internal body temperatures (Tb) of bearded dragons, as well as the thermoregulatory precision (measured by the central 68% ofthe Ta and T b distribution) were evaluated. The thermoregulatory response was similar to both conditions. A significant increase in the size of the Tb range, reflecting a decrease in thermoregulatory precision, and a drop in preferred body temperature of ~2 °C, were observed at both 4% oxygen and at the environment of lowest thermal quality. The present study suggests that in energetically costly situations, such as the ones tested in this study, the bearded dragon reduces energy expenditure by decreasing preferred body temperature and minimizing locomotion, at the expense of precise behavioural thermoregulation. The close similarity of the behavioural thermoregulatory response to two very different stimuli suggests a possible common mechanism and neuronal pathway to the thermoregulatory response.
This project is focussed on the thermsLl decomposition of t-butyl hydroperoxide and sec-butyl hydroperoxide at 120°C to 160°C in three alcohol solvents. These are methanol, ethajiol and isopropyl alcohol. The aim of the project was to examine the process of induced decomposition. Thermal decomposition of t-hutyl hydroperoxide and sec-butyl hydroperoxide indicate that these reactions have first-order kinetics with activation energies on the order of 20 to 28 K cal/mole, Styrene was used as a free radical trap to inhibit the induced decomposition. The results permitted calculation of how much induced decomposition occurred in its absence. The experimental resvilts indicate that the induced decomposition is important for t-butyl hydroperoxide in alcohol solvents, as shown by both the reaction rate suid product studies. But sec-butyl hydroperoxide results show that the concerted mechanism for the interaction of two sec-butylperoxy radicals occurs in addition to the induced decomposition. Di-sodium E.D,T.A. was added to reduce possible effects of trace transition metal ion .impurities. The result of this experiment were not as expected. The rate of hydroperoxide decomposition was about the same but was zero-order in hydroperoxide concentration.
By employing the embedded-atom potentials of Mei et ai.[l], we have calculated the dynamical matrices and phonon dispersion curves for six fee metals (Cu,Ag,Au,Ni,Pd and Pt). We have also investigated, within the quasiharmonic approximation, some other thermal properties of these metals which depend on the phonon density of states, such as the temperature dependence of lattice constant, coefficient of linear thermal expansion, isothermal and adiabatic bulk moduli, heat capacities at constant volume and constant pressure, Griineisen parameter and Debye temperature. The computed results are compared with the experimental findings wherever possible. The comparison shows a generally good agreement between the theoretical values and experimental data for all properties except the discrepancies of phonon frequencies and Debye temperature for Pd, Pt and Au. Further, we modify the parameters of this model for Pd and Pt and obtain the phonon dispersion curves which is in good agreement with experimental data.
The Zubarev equation of motion method has been applied to an anharmonic crystal of O( ,,4). All possible decoupling schemes have been interpreted in order to determine finite temperature expressions for the one phonon Green's function (and self energy) to 0()\4) for a crystal in which every atom is on a site of inversion symmetry. In order to provide a check of these results, the Helmholtz free energy expressions derived from the self energy expressions, have been shown to agree in the high temperature limit with the results obtained from the diagrammatic method. Expressions for the correlation functions that are related to the mean square displacement have been derived to 0(1\4) in the high temperature limit.