986 resultados para sulfites in shrimp
The effects of an increase in cod end mesh size from 55 to 60 and 70 mm and a change of mesh configuration from diamond to square mesh on the size selectivity for rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris and Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus captured off the Portuguese south coast were evaluated. The results were analysed taking into account between-haul variation in selectivity, and indicate a significant increase in L-50 for rose shrimp with an increase in mesh size or with the use of a square mesh cod end, while for Norway lobster only mesh configuration was found to affect this parameter. Two other important external variables were identified; the trawling depth and the cod end catch, which influence between-haul variation, by increasing the selection range for rose shrimp and Norway lobster, respectively. The results obtained suggest that an increase in the current minimum mesh size of 55 mm would be advisable for rose shrimp in order to respect the minimum landing size of 24 mm carapace length presently established for this species. Moreover, trawling for rose shrimp should be avoided at depths above 200 m, in order to avoid catches consisting almost exclusively of juveniles. Such an increase in mesh size would have a minor impact in terms of losses of individuals above the minimum landing size for Norway lobster and would contribute to reducing the amount of discards in this fishery. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A longline 'metier' using small hooks for 'red' sea breams (Pagellus acarne and Pagellus erythrinus) in the Algarve (south of Portugal) was studied. Experimental longlining was carried out with three sizes of "Mustad" round bend, flatted, spade end Quality 2316 DT hooks (numbers 11, 13 and 15) and two types of bait: razor shell (Ensis siliqua) and mud shrimp (Upogebia pusilla). A total of 3 328 fish and at least 36 species were caught with 33 600 hooks fished in 28 longline sets. Five species of sea breams (Sparidae) accounted for 79% of the catch: Pagellus acarne, Pagellus erythrinus, Diplodus vulgaris, Spondyliosoma cantharus, and Boops boops. High catch rates of 20-30 fish per 100 hooks were made in a number of 1 200 hook longline sets, with total catch weights of 40 to more than 60 kg per set. In general, the smallest hook (number 15) had the highest catch rate. Bait type did not significantly affect the catch size distributions. Although more fish were caught with the razor shell bait, higher catch rates of 'red' sea breams were obtained with mud shrimp. Catch rates were also affected by the location of the fishing grounds and the time of the set, with the highest catch rates obtained when the longline was set within two hours before sunrise. A wide size range was caught for each species, with highly overlapped catch size frequency distributions for the three hook sizes used. Except for Spondyliosoma cantharus, few illegal-sized fish were caught, even with the smallest hook. The logistic model fitted by maximum likelihood was used to describe hook selectivity for Diplodus vulgaris, Pagellus acarne, Pagellus erythrinus, and Spondyliosoma cantharus. (C) Ifremer-Elsevier, Paris.
By-catch and discards are a common problem to all fisheries. Recent studies of the Portuguese crustacean-trawl fishery show that discards average 70% of the total catch. This situation poses a threat not only to the management of target and commercial fish by-catch species stocks, but also in terms of the ecosystem impact of the discarded species whose survival is generally low. Previous attempts to address this problem by using oblique separator mesh panels associated with square-mesh windows, or square-mesh windows alone, provided encouraging results, but these are unlikely to have commercial applicability at present. Therefore, we tested the efficiency of a modified Nordmore grid in excluding some of the most captured non-commercial by-catch species, such as the blue whiting, Micromesistius poutassou, and the boarfish, Capros aper, evaluating simultaneously the losses of the crustacean target species (rose shrimp, Parapenaeus longirostris, Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus and red shrimp, Aristeus antennatus) and commercially valuable fish by-catch. A total of 41 valid hauls were carried out during 2001, and 15 in 2002 on board the R/V "Noruega". Results from both years varied considerably, with higher by-catch exclusion rates, in weight, registered in the second survey (73-74 and 48-63% for blue whiting and boarfish, respectively). The corresponding percentage reduction for target species was 8-15% for the Norway lobster, 4-9% for rose shrimp and 7-10% for red shrimp. The level of exclusion of the non-commercial by-catch is encouraging, although short-term loss of Norway lobster, where the escapees comprised larger individuals, raises some concern with regards to fishers' acceptance of mandatory use of grids. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In light of deep-sea mining industry development, particularly interested in massive-sulphide deposits enriched in metals with high commercial value, efforts are increasing to better understand potential environmental impacts to local fauna. The aim of this study was to assess the natural background levels of biomarkers in the hydrothermal vent shrimp Rimicaris exoculata and their responses to copper exposure at in situ pressure (30MPa) as well as the effects of depressurization and pressurization of the high-pressure aquarium IPOCAMP. R. exoculata were collected from the chimney walls of the hydrothermal vent site TAG (Mid Atlantic Ridge) at 3630m depth during the BICOSE cruise in 2014. Tissue metal accumulation was quantified in different tissues (gills, hepatopancreas and muscle) and a battery of biomarkers was measured: metal exposure (metallothioneins), oxidative stress (catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione-S-transferase and glutathione peroxidase) and oxidative damage (lipid peroxidation). Data show a higher concentration of Cu in the hepatopancreas and a slight increase in the gills after incubations (for both exposed groups). Significant induction of metallothioneins was observed in the gills of shrimps exposed to 4μM of Cu compared to the control group. Moreover, activities of enzymes were detected for the in situ group, showing a background protection against metal toxicity. Results suggest that the proposed method, including a physiologically critical step of pressurizing and depressurizing the test chamber to enable the seawater exchange during exposure to contaminants, is not affecting metal accumulation and biomarkers response and may prove a useful method to assess toxicity of contaminants in deep-sea species.
This study was conducted to determine the reduction in bycatch and the loss of target catch in trawl hauls for three commercial crustacean species (yellow squat lobster, Cervimunida johni, nylon shrimp, Heterocarpus reedi, and red squat lobster, Pleuroncodes monodon) in central Chile. Two experiments were carried out using the covered codend method; the first used different mesh sizes (56 and 70 mm, knot-centre to knot-centre) and shapes (diamond and square), and the second tested different reduction devices (escape panel and sorting grid). We analysed the escape proportions of the species caught and the size frequency distributions of the target species and Chilean hake (Merluccius gayi), the main commercial bycatch species. The results demonstrate that it is feasible to significantly reduce bycatch while keeping losses within acceptable ranges. In particular, the best option for yellow squat lobster was the combination of a 70-mm diamond mesh with an escape panel that reduced non-target and target catches by 48% and 7%, respectively. For nylon shrimp, the best option was the use of a 56-mm diamond mesh with a sorting grid that reduced non-target and target catches by 41% and 11%, respectively. Although the results for red squat lobster were not as promising, they will help to guide future research.
This research studied the effect of thermoplastic extrusion on the expansion index (EI), water absorption index (WAI), water solubility index (WSI), and sensory acceptance (SA) of a snack from rice grits, polished rice grains, and shrimp. A 23 factorial design was used with independent variables, temperature in the third extruder zone (63.2?96.8°C), initial moisture (106.4?173.6 g/kg), and shrimp content (16?184 g/kg), whereas EI, WAI, WSI, and SA were the responses. Through the surface-response methodology, the formulation with 80 g/kg shrimp and 130 g/kg initial moisture processed at 85°C in the third extruder zone was considered optimal. The product had good EI, WAI, and SA, 65.6 g/kg moisture, 24.0 g/kg lipids, 89.5 g/kg proteins, 34.2 kg/kg ashes, 72.4 g/kg fibers, and 714.3 g/kg carbohydrates. The product is an alternative for using rice grit, which has low commercial value, while also fully using the regional shrimp.
At the beginning of my thesis project, considering that some stocks are in overfishing status due to both high fishing effort and high level of juveniles in the catch, my main purpose was to understand how to contribute to improving the state of the fishery resources of the Mediterranean Sea. To mitigate the overfishing, the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) adopted several Fishery Restricted Areas, which are geographically defined areas where some specific fishing activities are temporarily or permanently banned or restricted in order to reduce the exploitation patterns and conservation of specific stocks as well as of habitats and deep-sea ecosystems, including the Essential Fish Habitats (EFH) and the Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VME). Considering that GFCM established 3 Fisheries Restricted Areas (FRAs) in the Strait of Sicily (SoS) in 2016 aimed at protecting the nursery areas of the deep-water rose shrimp (DPS, Parapenaeus longirostris – Lucas, 1846) and the European hake (HKE, Merluccius merluccius – Linnaeus, 1758) to reduce the exploitation pattern of undersized species, in my thesis project I devoted myself to evaluate the effect of the FRAs on the status stock and the fishery performance using a spatial bio-economic model.
Characterized for the first time in erythrocytes, phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinases (PIP kinases) belong to a family of enzymes that generate various lipid messengers and participate in several cellular processes, including gene expression regulation. Recently, the PIPKIIα gene was found to be differentially expressed in reticulocytes from two siblings with hemoglobin H disease, suggesting a possible relationship between PIPKIIα and the production of globins. Here, we investigated PIPKIIα gene and protein expression and protein localization in hematopoietic-derived cells during their differentiation, and the effects of PIPKIIα silencing on K562 cells. PIPKIIα silencing resulted in an increase in α and γ globins and a decrease in the proliferation of K562 cells without affecting cell cycle progression and apoptosis. In conclusion, using a cell line model, we showed that PIPKIIα is widely expressed in hematopoietic-derived cells, is localized in their cytoplasm and nucleus, and is upregulated during erythroid differentiation. We also showed that PIPKIIα silencing can induce α and γ globin expression and decrease cell proliferation in K562 cells.
The cerebellum is an important site for cortical demyelination in multiple sclerosis, but the functional significance of this finding is not fully understood. To evaluate the clinical and cognitive impact of cerebellar grey-matter pathology in multiple sclerosis patients. Forty-two relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients and 30 controls underwent clinical assessment including the Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite, Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) and cerebellar functional system (FS) score, and cognitive evaluation, including the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT) and the Symbol-Digit Modalities Test (SDMT). Magnetic resonance imaging was performed with a 3T scanner and variables of interest were: brain white-matter and cortical lesion load, cerebellar intracortical and leukocortical lesion volumes, and brain cortical and cerebellar white-matter and grey-matter volumes. After multivariate analysis high burden of cerebellar intracortical lesions was the only predictor for the EDSS (p<0.001), cerebellar FS (p = 0.002), arm function (p = 0.049), and for leg function (p<0.001). Patients with high burden of cerebellar leukocortical lesions had lower PASAT scores (p = 0.013), while patients with greater volumes of cerebellar intracortical lesions had worse SDMT scores (p = 0.015). Cerebellar grey-matter pathology is widely present and contributes to clinical dysfunction in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients, independently of brain grey-matter damage.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the structural and molecular effects of antiangiogenic therapies and finasteride on the ventral prostate of senile mice. 90 male FVB mice were divided into: Young (18 weeks old) and senile (52 weeks old) groups; finasteride group: finasteride (20mg/kg); SU5416 group: SU5416 (6 mg/kg); TNP-470 group: TNP-470 (15 mg/kg,) and SU5416+TNP-470 group: similar to the SU5416 and TNP-470 groups. After 21 days, prostate ventral lobes were collected for morphological, immunohistochemical and Western blotting analyses. The results demonstrated atrophy, occasional proliferative lesions and inflammatory cells in the prostate during senescence, which were interrupted and/or blocked by treatment with antiangiogenic drugs and finasteride. Decreased AR and endostatin reactivities, and an increase for ER-α, ER-β and VEGF, were seen in the senile group. Decreased VEGF and ER-α reactivities and increased ER-β reactivity were verified in the finasteride, SU5416 groups and especially in SU5416+TNP-470 group. The TNP-470 group showed reduced AR and ER-β protein levels. The senescence favored the occurrence of structural and/or molecular alterations suggesting the onset of malignant lesions, due to the imbalance in the signaling between the epithelium and stroma. The SU5416+TNP-470 treatment was more effective in maintaining the structural, hormonal and angiogenic factor balance in the prostate during senescence, highlighting the signaling of antiproliferation via ER-β.
The aim of the study was to develop a culturally adapted translation of the 12-item smell identification test from Sniffin' Sticks (SS-12) for the Estonian population in order to help diagnose Parkinson's disease (PD). A standard translation of the SS-12 was created and 150 healthy Estonians were questioned about the smells used as response options in the test. Unfamiliar smells were replaced by culturally familiar options. The adapted SS-12 was applied to 70 controls in all age groups, and thereafter to 50 PD patients and 50 age- and sex-matched controls. 14 response options from 48 used in the SS-12 were replaced with familiar smells in an adapted version, in which the mean rate of correct response was 87% (range 73-99) compared to 83% with the literal translation (range 50-98). In PD patients, the average adapted SS-12 score (5.4/12) was significantly lower than in controls (average score 8.9/12), p < 0.0001. A multiple linear regression using the score in the SS-12 as the outcome measure showed that diagnosis and age independently influenced the result of the SS-12. A logistic regression using the SS-12 and age as covariates showed that the SS-12 (but not age) correctly classified 79.0% of subjects into the PD and control category, using a cut-off of <7 gave a sensitivity of 76% and specificity of 86% for the diagnosis of PD. The developed SS-12 cultural adaption is appropriate for testing olfaction in Estonia for the purpose of PD diagnosis.
Migraine equivalents are a group of periodic and paroxysmal neurologic diseases. Because headache is not a prominent symptom, the diagnosis might be challenging. The objective of the study was to evaluate the frequency and outcome of migraine equivalents. This was a retrospective study. We included benign paroxysmal torticollis of infancy, benign paroxysmal vertigo of infancy, abdominal migraine, cyclic vomiting, aura without migraine, and confusional migraine. We evaluated the frequency of events, treatment, and outcome. Out of 674 children with headache, 38 (5.6%) presented with migraine equivalents. Twenty-one were boys and the mean age was 6.1 years. Fifteen had abdominal migraine, 12 benign paroxysmal vertigo, 5 confusional migraine, 3 aura without migraine, 2 paroxysmal torticollis, and 1 cyclic vomiting. Prophylactic treatment was introduced in 23 patients; 4 lost follow-up and 19 had significant improvement. We conclude that the correct diagnosis of migraine equivalents enables an effective treatment with an excellent outcome.
The aim of the study was to analyze the frequency of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations in Brazilian non-small cell lung cancer patients and to correlate these mutations with response to benefit of platinum-based chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Our cohort consisted of prospective patients with NSCLCs who received chemotherapy (platinum derivates plus paclitaxel) at the [UNICAMP], Brazil. EGFR exons 18-21 were analyzed in tumor-derived DNA. Fifty patients were included in the study (25 with adenocarcinoma). EGFR mutations were identified in 6/50 (12 %) NSCLCs and in 6/25 (24 %) adenocarcinomas; representing the frequency of EGFR mutations in a mostly self-reported White (82.0 %) southeastern Brazilian population of NSCLCs. Patients with NSCLCs harboring EGFR exon 19 deletions or the exon 21 L858R mutation were found to have a higher chance of response to platinum-paclitaxel (OR 9.67 [95 % CI 1.03-90.41], p = 0.047). We report the frequency of EGFR activating mutations in a typical southeastern Brazilian population with NSCLC, which are similar to that of other countries with Western European ethnicity. EGFR mutations seem to be predictive of a response to platinum-paclitaxel, and additional studies are needed to confirm or refute this relationship.
Hypertensive patients exhibit higher cardiovascular risk and reduced lung function compared with the general population. Whether this association stems from the coexistence of two highly prevalent diseases or from direct or indirect links of pathophysiological mechanisms is presently unclear. This study investigated the association between lung function and carotid features in non-smoking hypertensive subjects with supposed normal lung function. Hypertensive patients (n = 67) were cross-sectionally evaluated by clinical, hemodynamic, laboratory, and carotid ultrasound analysis. Forced vital capacity, forced expired volume in 1 second and in 6 seconds, and lung age were estimated by spirometry. Subjects with ventilatory abnormalities according to current guidelines were excluded. Regression analysis adjusted for age and prior smoking history showed that lung age and the percentage of predicted spirometric parameters associated with common carotid intima-media thickness, diameter, and stiffness. Further analyses, adjusted for additional potential confounders, revealed that lung age was the spirometric parameter exhibiting the most significant regression coefficients with carotid features. Conversely, plasma C-reactive protein and matrix-metalloproteinases-2/9 levels did not influence this relationship. The present findings point toward lung age as a potential marker of vascular remodeling and indicate that lung and vascular remodeling might share common pathophysiological mechanisms in hypertensive subjects.
Protocols for the generation of dendritic cells (DCs) using serum as a supplementation of culture media leads to reactions due to animal proteins and disease transmissions. Several types of serum-free media (SFM), based on good manufacture practices (GMP), have recently been used and seem to be a viable option. The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of the differentiation, maturation, and function of DCs from Acute Myeloid Leukemia patients (AML), generated in SFM and medium supplemented with autologous serum (AS). DCs were analyzed by phenotype characteristics, viability, and functionality. The results showed the possibility of generating viable DCs in all the conditions tested. In patients, the X-VIVO 15 medium was more efficient than the other media tested in the generation of DCs producing IL-12p70 (p=0.05). Moreover, the presence of AS led to a significant increase of IL-10 by DCs as compared with CellGro (p=0.05) and X-Vivo15 (p=0.05) media, both in patients and donors. We concluded that SFM was efficient in the production of DCs for immunotherapy in AML patients. However, the use of AS appears to interfere with the functional capacity of the generated DCs.