946 resultados para spray-drier


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The evolution of organic matter sources in soil is related to climate and vegetation dynamics in the past recorded in paleoenvironmental Quaternary deposits such as peatlands. For this reason, a Histosol of the mineralotrophic peatland from the Pau-de-Fruta Special Protection Area - SPA, Espinhaço Meridional, State of Minas Gerais, was described and characterized to evidence the soil constituent materials and properties as related to changes in environmental conditions, supported by the isotopic and elementary characterization of soil C and N and 14C ages. Samples were collected in a depression at 1,350 m asl, where Histosols are possibly more developed due to the great thickness (505 cm). Nowadays, the area is colonized by vegetation physiognomies of the Cerrado Biome, mainly rocky and wet fields (Campo Rupestre and Campo Úmido), aside from fragments of Semidecidual Seasonal Forest, called Capões forests. The results this study showed that early the genesis of the analyzed soil profile showed a high initial contribution of mostly herbaceous organic matter before 8,090 ± 30 years BP (14C age). In the lower-mid Holocene, between 8,090 ± 30 years AP (14C age) to ± 4,100 years BP (interpolated age), the vegetation gradually became more woody, with forest expansion, possibly due to increased humidity, suggesting the existence of a more woody Cerrado in the past than at present. Drier climate conditions than the current were concluded ± 2,500 years BP (interpolated age) and that after 430 years BP (14C age) the forest gave way to grassland, predominantly. After the dry season, humidity increased to the current conditions. Due to these climate fluctuations during the Holocene, three decomposition stages of organic matter were observed in the Histosols of this study, with prevalence of the most advanced (sapric), typical of a deposit in a highly advanced stage of pedogenetic evolution.


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An accurate estimation of hydraulic fluxes in the vadose zone is essential for the prediction of water, nutrient and contaminant transport in natural systems. The objective of this study was to simulate the effect of variation of boundary conditions on the estimation of hydraulic properties (i.e. water content, effective unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and hydraulic flux) in a one-dimensional unsaturated flow model domain. Unsaturated one-dimensional vertical water flow was simulated in a pure phase clay loam profile and in clay loam interlayered with silt loam distributed according to the third iteration of the Cantor Bar fractal object Simulations were performed using the numerical model Hydrus 1D. The upper and lower pressure heads were varied around average values of -55 cm for the near-saturation range. This resulted in combinations for the upper and lower constant head boundary conditions, respectively, of -50 and -60 cm, -40 and -70 cm, -30 and -80 cm, -20 and -90 cm, and -10 and -100 cm. For the drier range the average head between the upper and lower boundary conditions was set to -550 cm, resulting in the combinations -500 and -600 cm, -400 and -700 cm, -300 and -800 cm, -200 and -900 cm, and -100 and -1,000 cm, for upper and lower boundary conditions, respectively. There was an increase in water contents, fluxes and hydraulic conductivities with the increase in head difference between boundary conditions. Variation in boundary conditions in the pure phase and interlayered one-dimensional profiles caused significant deviations in fluxes, water contents and hydraulic conductivities compared to the simplest case (a head difference between the upper and lower constant head boundaries of 10 cm in the wetter range and 100 cm in the drier range).


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This report presents the results of the largest and most comprehensive study to date on portland cement pervious concrete (PCPC). It is designed to be widely accessible and easily applied by designers, producers, contractors, and owners. The project was designed to begin with pervious concrete best practices and then to address the unanswered questions in a systematic fashion to allow a successful overlay project. Consequently, the first portion of the integrated project involved a combination of fundamental material property investigations, test method development, and addressing constructability issues before actual construction could take place. The second portion of the project involved actual construction and long-term testing before reporting successes, failures, and lessons learned. The results of the studies conducted show that a pervious concrete overlay can be designed, constructed, operated, and maintained. A pervious concrete overlay has several inherent advantages, including reduced splash and spray and reduced hydroplaning potential, as well as being a very quiet pavement. The good performance of this overlay in a particularly harsh freeze-thaw climate, Minnesota, shows pervious concrete is durable and can be successfully used in freeze-thaw climates with truck traffic and heavy snow plowing.


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Introduction Le cadre conceptuel de l'analyse économique considère que l'individu prend des décisions en mettant en balance les avantages et les inconvénients que ces décisions présentent pour lui. En s'appuyant sur ses préférences et en intégrant ses contraintes (matérielles, physiques, externes, etc.), il choisit d'effectuer ou non une action, d'adopter ou pas un comportement, de façon à ce que les conséquences de ses choix maximisent sa satisfaction. Le fait qu'un individu adopte un certain comportement révèle donc le caractère positif pour lui des conséquences de ce comportement. C'est le postulat méthodologique de rationalité du consommateur, fondement de toute analyse économique. L'adoption par un individu d'un comportement qui implique un risque pour son bien-être physique ou mental suit le même schéma d'analyse. Il résulte d'un arbitrage inter temporel entre la satisfaction que procure ce comportement et le coût du risque associé. Ce risque se définit par la combinaison de la probabilité d'occurrence de l'événement redouté avec la gravité de ses conséquences. En adoptant un comportement à risque, l'individu révèle donc que ce comportement a pour lui un impact net positif. Certains comportements à risque, comme la consommation de tabac et, plus largement, de psychotropes, engendrent une dépendance à même de brider le libre-arbitre du consommateur. Un individu peut être amené à consommer un produit alors même que sa raison lui dicte de ne pas le faire. Ces comportements ont longtemps été considérés par les économistes comme extérieurs au champ d'analyse de leur discipline, la dépendance paraissant antinomique avec le concept de rationalité du consommateur. Par son modèle de dépendance rationnelle, Gary Stanley Becker prend le contre-pied de cette approche en montrant qu'un comportement de dépendance pouvait parfaitement s'expliquer par la maximisation de la fonction de satisfaction d'un individu rationnel et informé. Il postule que les consommateurs de stupéfiants sont conscients des conséquences futures de leurs décisions présentes, tant du point de vue de leur santé que de celui de la dépendance. Dans ce modèle, la dépendance implique deux effets le renforcement et la tolérance. Le renforcement signifie que plus un bien a été consommé dans le passé, plus l'augmentation de sa consommation courante est valorisée. En d'autres termes, l'utilité marginale de la consommation courante augmente avec la consommation antérieure. La tolérance traduit le fait qu'un individu habitué à la consommation d'un bien tirera d'une consommation donnée une satisfaction inférieure par rapport à un individu qui a peu consommé par le passé. Dans l'exemple du tabagisme, l'effet de renforcement implique qu'un grand fumeur ressent une forte envie de fumer, mais que plus il a fumé dans le passé, plus le plaisir qu'il ressent en fumant une quantité donnée de cigarettes diminue. Le premier effet explique le phénomène de manque et le second explique pourquoi la satisfaction qu'un fumeur retire de sa consommation de cigarettes tend à diminuer avec le temps. Selon Becker, l'individu choisit de devenir dépendant : il sait que sa consommation présente de cigarettes contraint ses choix futurs et il détermine au départ sa consommation sur l'ensemble de sa vie. Cependant, ce modèle n'est pas compatible avec les regrets exprimés par de nombreux fumeurs et les tentatives infructueuses de sevrage souvent concomitantes. Un fumeur qui anticiperait parfaitement le phénomène de dépendance arrêterait de fumer à la date voulue, à sa première tentative. Partant de ce constat, Athanasios Orphanides a construit un modèle dans lequel les fumeurs peuvent se retrouver prisonniers de leur consommation par des anticipations imparfaites du pouvoir addictif du tabac. Leur théorie suppose que les individus ne sont pas tous sujets de la même manière à la dépendance, que chacun a une perception subjective de son risque de dépendance et que cette perception évolue constamment durant la période de consommation du bien addictif. Dans ce contexte, un individu qui maximise des préférences stables, mais qui sous-estime le potentiel addictif d'un produit peut devenir dépendant par accident et regretter ensuite cette dépendance. Le modèle de Becker ou celui d'Orphanides ont des conséquences très différentes sur l'action régulatrice que doit ou non jouer l'État sur le marché d'un bien addictif. Si, comme Becker, on considère que les consommateurs sont rationnels et parfaitement informés des conséquences de leurs actes, l'action du régulateur devrait se limiter à l'internalisation du coût externe que les fumeurs font peser sur la société. Si le fumeur est conscient du risque qu'il prend et que pour lui le plaisir qu'il retire de cette consommation dépasse le déplaisir engendré par ses conséquences, une intervention du régulateur reposerait sur une base paternaliste, l'État posant alors un jugement de valeur sur les préférences des individus. En revanche, si on considère, comme dans la modélisation d'Orphanides, que les fumeurs sous-estiment le phénomène de dépendance lorsqu'ils décident de se mettre à fumer, un marché non régulé conduit à une consommation supérieure à celle qui prévaudrait en information parfaite. Certains fumeurs peuvent ainsi se retrouver accrochés à leur consommation de tabac, sans que cela ait été leur but. Dans cette perspective, l'État est légitimé à intervenir par des politiques de lutte contre le tabagisme, afin de compenser les erreurs d'anticipation des individus. Cette thèse propose d'appliquer les outils de l'analyse économique à des problématiques de santé publique dans le domaine des comportements à risque et en particulier du tabagisme. Elle a pour finalité d'apporter de nouveaux éléments de connaissance permettant d'éclairer certains choix de régulation dans ce domaine. Le premier chapitre est une analyse coût-efficacité des thérapies médicamenteuses de soutien à la désaccoutumance tabagique. Comme nous l'avons vu plus haut, certains fumeurs se trouvent piégés dans leur consommation par le phénomène de dépendance et ont des difficultés à arrêter de fumer. Ces dernières années, plusieurs médicaments de soutien au fumeur en phase de sevrage ont fait leur apparition. Parmi eux, on compte des substituts nicotiniques sous forme de gomme, patch, spray ou inhalateur, mais aussi un antidépresseur ne contenant pas de nicotine. Ces traitements présentent des efficacités et des coûts différents. L'évaluation économique en santé permet de calculer un indicateur unique d'efficience qui synthétise l'efficacité d'un traitement et son coût. Cette méthode permet de comparer différents types de prises en charge médicales d'une même pathologie, mais aussi de comparer des interventions thérapeutiques dans des domaines différents. Nous développons un modèle de Markov pour estimer le gain en année de vie d'une stratégie de prévention du tabagisme. Ce modèle permet de simuler le devenir d'une cohorte de fumeurs en fonction du type de soutien à la désaccoutumance qui leur est proposé. Sur cette base, nous calculons le coût par année de vie gagnée de chaque type d'intervention. Les résultats permettent de classer les cinq types de prise en charge selon leur efficience, mais aussi de les comparer à d'autres interventions de prévention dans des domaines différents. Le deuxième chapitre traite des corrélations entre le niveau de formation des individus et leur consommation de tabac. Sur un plan épidémiologique, on constate que les personnes qui atteignent un niveau de formation plus élevé ont une propension à fumer plus faible que les autres. Peut-on en conclure qu'il existe une relation causale inverse entre formation et tabagisme ? Sous l'angle de la théorie économique, il existe deux principales hypothèses à même d'expliquer cette corrélation. La première hypothèse repose sur le modèle de capital santé développé par Michael Grossman au début des années 1970. Dans ce modèle, l'individu dispose d'un stock de santé qui se déprécie avec le temps. Ce stock peut être augmenté grâce à des dépenses en soins médicaux ou à des investissements en temps consacré à l'amélioration de sa santé. La formation a pour effet d'augmenter l'efficacité des investissements en santé. Dans le cas du tabac, Grossman considère que des individus mieux formés auront une meilleurs information sur les méfaits du tabac sur la santé, ce qui tendra à diminuer leur consommation de tabac. La seconde hypothèse ne considère pas un lien causal entre la formation et la santé, mais repose sur l'existence d'une tierce variable qui influencerait parallèlement, et dans un sens opposé, le niveau de formation et la propension à fumer. Cette tierce variable est le taux de préférence pour le présent. Pour un individu fortement tourné vers le présent, l'investissement en temps de formation a un coût relativement élevé dans la mesure où il doit sacrifier du revenu aujourd'hui pour obtenir un revenu plus élevé demain. Parallèlement, il pondère moins fortement la santé future et a donc une plus forte propension à fumer. Nous développons une méthode économétrique qui permet de séparer l'effet de causalité de l'effet de sélection. Le troisième chapitre traite du rôle des interactions sociales dans les comportements à risque des adolescents. La théorie économique considère que chaque individu définit seul ses choix de consommation en maximisant sa fonction d'utilité. Cela ne signifie pas pour autant qu'il soit insensible aux influences extérieures, notamment au comportement de son entourage. Dans certaines situations et pour certains produits, l'utilité que procure la consommation d'un bien est corrélée avec le nombre de personnes qui consomment ce même bien dans l'entourage. En d'autres termes, la consommation des autres, augmente la valeur que l'on attribue à un bien. Ce mécanisme est souvent appliqué à l'analyse des comportements à risque des adolescents et du rôle que peut y jouer le groupe des pairs. Si cet impact est bien connu du point de vue théorique, il est beaucoup plus difficile de le quantifier sur un plan empirique. Pour identifier cet effet, nous développons une méthodologie économétrique, originale dans ce contexte, qui permet de séparer l'effet individuel de l'effet d'influence des pairs dans l'adoption d'un comportement à risque. Nous appliquons cette méthode aux trois comportements à risque que sont la consommation de tabac, d'alcool et de cannabis chez les adolescents.


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The increase in agricultural production in the Brazilian Amazon region is mostly a result of the agricultural frontier expansion, into areas previously influenced by humans or of native vegetation. At the same time, burning is still used to clear areas in small-scale agricultural systems, leading to a loss of the soil productive capacity shortly after, forcing the opening of new areas. This study had the objective of evaluating the effect of soil preparation methods that involve plant residue shredding, left on the surface or incorporated to the soil, with or without chemical fertilization, on the soil chemical and biological properties. The experiment was conducted in 1995, in an experimental field of Yellow Latosol (Oxisol) of the Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, northeastern Pará (Brazil). The experiment was arranged in randomized blocks, in a 2x6 factorial design, with two management systems and six treatments evaluated twice. The management systems consisted of rice (Oriza sativa), followed by cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) with manioc (Manihot esculenta). In the first system the crops were planted in two consecutive cycles, followed by a three-year fallow period (natural regrowth); the second system consisted of one cultivation cycle and was left fallow for three years. The following treatments were applied to the secondary forest vegetation: slash and burn, fertilized with NPK (Q+NPK); slash and burn, without fertilizer NPK (Q-NPK); cutting and shredding, leaving the residues on the soil surface, fertilized with NPK (C+NPK); cutting and shredding, leaving residues on the soil surface, without fertilizer (C-NPK); cutting and shredding, with residue incorporation and fertilized with NPK (I+NPK); cutting and shredding, with residue incorporation and without NPK fertilizer (I-NPK). The soil was sampled in the rainier season (April 2006) and in the drier season (September 2006), in the 0-0.1 m layer. From each plot, 10 simple samples were collected in order to generate a composite sample. In the more intensive management system the contents of microbial C (Cmic) and microbial N (Nmic) were higher, while the C (Corg) level was higher in the less intensive system. The treatments with highest Cmic and Nmic levels were those with cutting, shredding and distribution of biomass on the soil surface. Under both management systems, the chemical characteristics were in ranges that classify the soil as little fertile, although P and K (in the rainy season) were higher in the less intensive management system.


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This manual summarizes the roadside tree and brush control methods used by all of Iowa's 99 counties. It is based on interviews conducted in Spring 2002 with county engineers, roadside managers and others. The target audience of this manual is the novice county engineer or roadside manager. Iowa law is nearly silent on roadside tree and brush control, so individual counties have been left to decide on the level of control they want to achieve and maintain. Different solutions have been developed but the goal of every county remains the same: to provide safe roads for the traveling public. Counties in eastern and southern Iowa appear to face the greatest brush control challenge. Most control efforts can be divided into two categories: mechanical and chemical. Mechanical control includes cutting tools and supporting equipment. A chain saw is the most widely used cutting tool. Tractor mounted boom mowers and brush cutters are used to prune miles of brush but have significant safety and aesthetic limitations and boom mowers are easily broken by inexperienced operators. The advent of tree shears and hydraulic thumbs offer unprecedented versatility. Bulldozers are often considered a method of last resort since they reduce large areas to bare ground. Any chipper that violently grabs brush should not be used. Chemical control is the application of herbicide to different parts of a plant: foliar spray is applied to leaves; basal bark spray is applied to the tree trunk; a cut stump treatment is applied to the cambium ring of a cut surface. There is reluctance by many to apply herbicide into the air due to drift concerns. One-third of Iowa counties do not use foliar spray. By contrast, several accepted control methods are directed toward the ground. Freshly cut stumps should be treated to prevent resprouting. Basal bark spray is highly effective in sensitive areas such as near houses. Interest in chemical control is slowly increasing as herbicides and application methods are refined. Fall burning, a third, distinctly separate technique is underused as a brush control method and can be effective if timed correctly. In all, control methods tend to reflect agricultural patterns in a county. The use of chain saws and foliar sprays tends to increase in counties where row crops predominate, and boom mowing tends to increase in counties where grassland predominates. For counties with light to moderate roadside brush, rotational maintenance is the key to effective control. The most comprehensive approach to control is to implement an integrated roadside vegetation management (IRVM) program. An IRVM program is usually directed by a Roadside Manager whose duties may be shared with another position. Funding for control programs comes from the Rural Services Basic portion of a county's budget. The average annual county brush control budget is about $76,000. That figure is thought not to include shared expenses such as fuel and buildings. Start up costs for an IRVM program are less if an existing control program is converted. In addition, IRVM budgets from three different northeastern Iowa counties are offered for comparison in this manual. The manual also includes a chapter on temporary traffic control in rural work zones, a summary of the Iowa Code as it relates to brush control, and rules on avoiding seasonal disturbance of the endangered Indiana bat. Appendices summarize survey and forest cover data, an equipment inventory, sample forms for record keeping, a sample brush control policy, a few legal opinions, a literature search, and a glossary.


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Tillage systems are a key element of the technology of crop production, both with a view to crop yield and from the perspective of soil conservation and sustainability of the production system. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the effects of five tillage systems on the physical properties of a cohesive Yellow Argisol. The experiment was installed in the field on January 21, 2011 and lasted 260 days, in an area previously used as pasture with Brachiaria grass without liming or fertilization, but irrigated by a low pressure spray system. The treatments, in five replications and in a randomized block design, consisted of: 1) disk plow (twice) + disk harrow + ridge-furrow tillage (raising a ridge along the planting row), 135 days after transplanting (DP + RID); 2) disk plow (twice) + disk harrow (DP no RID); 3) subsoiler (SB); 4) disk plow (twice) + disk harrow + scarification with three shanks along the plant row (DP + SPR); and 5) disk plow (twice) + disk harrow + scarification with three shanks in the total area (DP + STA). In all tillage systems, furrows were mechanically opened for the papaya plants. After the treatments, the mechanical resistance to penetration was determined, followed by soil moisture, mean weight diameter (MWD), geometric mean diameter (GMD), bulk density (BD), macroporosity (Ma), microporosity (Mi), and number of fruits per plant. There were differences in penetration resistance (PR) between treatments. The subsoiler was more effective to decrease RP to a distance of 0.35 m from the plants, perpendicular to the plant row. The scarifier resulted in a lower PR than DP or SB, even at the depth of 0.40 m, and it was more effective at greater distances perpendicular to the plant. All tillage systems induced a PR between 2.0 and 3.0 MPa at the depth with the highest concentration of papaya tree roots (0-0.25 m), improving the physical conditions to this depth. There was no statistical difference among the treatments for BD, Ma, Mi, MWD, and GMD at a depth of 0.20 m. The disk plow changed the physical properties of the soil most intensely to a depth of 0.20 m. The use of scarification, reduced tillage with a forest subsoiler, or ridge-furrow tillage did not improve the physical properties in the rhizosphere. Reduced tillage with a forest subsoiler resulted in a lower number of fruits per plant than all other treatments, which did not differ from each other.


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Rapport de synthèse : l .Objectif Evaluer l'effet qu'ont les consignes d'utilisation régulière d'un spray nasal à la nicotine sur leur véritable utilisation durant les 3 premières semaines d'un sevrage tabagique. Un objectif secondaire est d'évaluer l'effet des consignes d'utilisation régulière du spray durant les premières semaines de sevrage tabagique sur le taux de succès à 6 mois par rapport à un groupe pouvant utiliser le spray « ad libitum ». 2. Méthode II s'agit d'une étude ouverte, randomisée contrôlée, incluant 50 patients présentant une dépendance nicotinique forte, se trouvant en phase de préparation selon le modèle transthéorique du changement de Prochaska et Di Clemente, recrutés au sein de la consultation «stop tabac » de la Policlinique Médicale Universitaire de Lausanne. Dans le groupe «contrôle », les patients ont été instruits à utiliser le spray « ad libitum », soit dès qu'apparaissaient des envies irrésistibles de fumer, tandis que le groupe «intervention » a reçu pour consigne d'utiliser le spray au moins 1 fois par heure dès le lever, voire plus en cas d'envie de fumer. L'utilisation du spray nasal a été enregistrée par un dispositif électronique fixé sur le spray (MDILogTM) durant les 3 premières semaines d'utilisation. Durant le suivi, l'abstinence tabagique a été vérifiée par une mesure du taux de CO expiré par un appareil spécifique (Bedfont Smokerlyzer). L'abstinence tabagique a été considérée comme un succès si le taux de CO était s 10 ppm (particules par million). 3. Résultats Un patient a été perdu durant le suivi. Au moment de la randomisation, le groupe «intervention » comprenait plus de femmes, des patients ayant un nombre plus grand de précédentes tentatives d'arrêt du tabagisme, plus de co-morbidités psychiatriques, mais moins de co-morbidités somatiques que le groupe «contrôle ». Dans les 2 groupes, les participants ont utilisé le spray nasal plus de 8 fois par jour (minimum demandé dans le groupe intervention). L'utilisation moyenne du spray était de 13,6 doses/jour pour le groupe «intervention » et de 1 l,l doses/jour pour le groupe contrôle. Ajusté aux différences entre les 2 groupes, la différence entre les doses plus importantes utilisées dans le groupe «intervention »par rapport à celles du groupe « ad libitum »reste non significative durant la première (0.8 ; CI 95% -5.1 ; 6,7), la deuxième (4.0 ; CI 95% -1.9 ; 9.9) et la troisième semaine (3.0 ; CI 95% -2.5 ; 8.5). De même, le fait d'instruire le patient à utiliser chaque heure le spray nasal durant les premières semaines n'a pas eu d'impact sur le taux de succès à 6 mois (RR = 0.69 ; CI 95% 0.34 ; 1.39). 4. Conclusions Cette étude négative montre que les différences d'utilisation du spray nasal nicotinique sont plus dépendantes des caractéristiques individuelles du patient que des recommandations d'utilisation du thérapeute. Les patients présentant un syndrome de dépendance à la nicotine forte utilisent spontanément de manière importante le spray nasal nicotinique, indépendamment des recommandations données. Pour les patients présentant un syndrome de dépendance à la nicotine forte, les recommandations par le thérapeute d'utiliser le spray nasal dès l'apparition d'envies de fumer semblent être la manière de faire la plus adéquate.


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ABSTRACT The semiarid region of northeastern Brazil has a large area occupied by Planosols, where in the State of Pernambuco these soils are mainly used for livestock farming and subsistence crops. The knowledge on these soils is limited, which compromises the understanding on their behavior, potentialities and limitations.This study aimed to analyze morphological, chemical, physical and mineralogical attributes of Planosols developed under different geoenvironmental conditions. Morphological descriptions and chemical, physical and mineralogical analyses were performed in four profiles of Planosols along a rainfall gradient. An increase in rainfall allowed for an increase in the clay content in the Bt horizon and a reduction in ESP, EC, Na+, CEC, S, pH (water and KCl) and soil density. Horizons A and E were thicker in Planosols in more humid environments. The increase in ESP associated with the presence of expansive minerals (smectite and vermiculite) allowed the development of a prismatic structure in Haplic Planosols and a columnar structure in Natric Planosols. The mineralogical assembly is indicative of poorly weathered soils. The mineralogical assemblies of the silt and clay fractions were similar in the different geoenvironments, while higher contents of easily alterable minerals were observed in the composition of the sand fraction in environments with a drier climate.


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Intra-specific colour polymorphism provides a cryptic camouflage from predators in heterogeneous habitats. The orthoptera species, Acrida ungarica (Herbst, 1786) possess two well-distinguished colour morphs: brown and green and displays several disruptive colouration patterns within each morph to improve the crypsis. This study focused on how the features of the background environment relate to the proportion of the two morphs and to the intensity of disruptive colouration patterns in A. ungarica. As the two sexes are very distinct with respect to mass and length, we also distinctively tested the relationship for each sex. In accordance with the background matching hypothesis, we found that, for both sexes, the brown morph was in higher proportion at sites with a brown-dominant environment, and green morphs were in higher proportion in green-dominant environments. Globally, individuals in drier sites and in the drier year also had more intense disruptive colouration patterns, and brown morphs and females were also more striped. Colour patterns differed largely between populations and were significantly correlated with relevant environmental features. Even if A. ungarica is a polymorphic specialist, disruptive colouration still appears to provide strong benefits, particularly in some habitats. Moreover, because females are larger, they are less able to flee, which might explain the difference between sexes


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Polyploidy is often assumed to increase the spread and thus the success of alien plant species, but few empirical studies exist. We tested this hypothesis with Centaurea maculosa Lam., a species native to Europe and introduced into North America approximately 120 years ago where it became highly invasive. We analyzed the ploidy level of more than 2000 plants from 93 native and 48 invasive C. maculosa populations and found a pronounced shift in the relative frequency of diploid and tetraploid cytotypes. In Europe diploid populations occur in higher frequencies than tetraploids and only four populations had both cytotypes, while in North America diploid plants were found in only one mixed population and thus tetraploids clearly dominated. Our results showed a pronounced shift in the climatic niche between tetraploid populations in the native and introduced range toward drier climate in North America and a similar albeit smaller shift between diploids and tetraploids in the native range. The field data indicate that diploids have a predominately monocarpic life cycle, while tetraploids are often polycarpic. Additionally, the polycarpic life-form seems to be more prevalent among tetraploids in the introduced range than among tetraploids in the native range. Our study suggests that both ploidy types of C. maculosa were introduced into North America, but tetraploids became the dominant cytotype with invasion. We suggest that the invasive success of C. maculosa is partly due to preadaptation of the tetraploid cytotype in Europe to drier climate and possibly further adaptation to these conditions in the introduced range. The potential for earlier and longer seed production associated with the polycarpic life cycle constitutes an additional factor that may have led to the dominance of tetraploids over diploids in the introduced range.


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Weathering steel is commonly used as a cost-effective alternative for bridge superstructures, as the costs and environmental impacts associated with the maintenance/replacement of paint coatings are theoretically eliminated. The performance of weathering steel depends on the proper formation of a surface patina, which consists of a dense layer of corrosion product used to protect the steel from further atmospheric corrosion. The development of the weathering steel patina may be hindered by environmental factors such as humid environments, wetting/drying cycles, sheltering, exposure to de-icing chlorides, and design details that permit water to pond on steel surfaces. Weathering steel bridges constructed over or adjacent to other roadways could be subjected to sufficient salt spray that would impede the development of an adequate patina. Addressing areas of corrosion on a weathering steel bridge superstructure where a protective patina has not formed is often costly and negates the anticipated cost savings for this type of steel superstructure. Early detection of weathering steel corrosion is important to extending the service life of the bridge structure; however, written inspection procedures are not available for inspectors to evaluate the performance or quality of the patina. This project focused on the evaluation of weathering steel bridge structures, including possible methods to assess the quality of the weathering steel patina and to properly maintain the quality of the patina. The objectives of this project are summarized as follows:  Identify weathering steel bridge structures that would be most vulnerable to chloride contamination, based on location, exposure, environment, and other factors.  Identify locations on an individual weathering steel bridge structure that would be most susceptible to chloride contamination, such as below joints, splash/spray zones, and areas of ponding water or debris.  Identify possible testing methods and/or inspection techniques for inspectors to evaluate the quality of the weathering steel patina at locations discussed above.  Identify possible methods to measure and evaluate the level of chloride contamination at the locations discussed above.  Evaluate the effectiveness of water washing on removing chlorides from the weathering steel patina.  Develop a general prioritization for the washing of bridge structures based on the structure’s location, environment, inspection observations, patina evaluation findings, and chloride test results.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In a mixed-ploidy population, strong frequency-dependent mating will lead to the elimination of the less common cytotype, unless prezygotic barriers enhance assortative mating. However, such barriers favouring cytotype coexistence have only rarely been explored. Here, an assessment is made of the mechanisms involved in formation of mixed-ploidy populations and coexistence of diploid plants and their closely related allotetraploid derivates from the Centaurea stoebe complex (Asteraceae). METHODS: An investigation was made of microspatial and microhabitat distribution, life-history and fitness traits, flowering phenology, genetic relatedness of cytotypes and intercytotype gene flow (cpDNA and microsatellites) in six mixed-ploidy populations in Central Europe. KEY RESULTS: Diploids and tetraploids were genetically differentiated, thus corroborating the secondary origin of contact zones. The cytotypes were spatially segregated at all sites studied, with tetraploids colonizing preferentially drier and open microhabitats created by human-induced disturbances. Conversely, they were rare in more natural microsites and microsites with denser vegetation despite their superior persistence ability (polycarpic life cycle). The seed set of tetraploid plants was strongly influenced by their frequency in mixed-ploidy populations. Triploid hybrids originated from bidirectional hybridizations were extremely rare and almost completely sterile, indicating a strong postzygotic barrier between cytotypes. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that tetraploids are later immigrants into already established diploid populations and that anthropogenic activities creating open niches favouring propagule introductions were the major factor shaping the non-random distribution and habitat segregation of cytotypes at fine spatial scale. Establishment and spread of tetraploids was further facilitated by their superior persistence through the perennial life cycle. The results highlight the importance of non-adaptive spatio-temporal processes in explaining microhabitat and microspatial segregation of cytotypes.


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An Actively Heated Fiber Optics (AHFO) method to estimate soil moisture is tested and the analysis technique improved on. The measurements were performed in a lysimeter uniformly packed with loam soil with variable water content profiles. In the first meter of the soil profi le, 30 m of fiber optic cable were installed in a 12 loops coil. The metal sheath armoring the fiber cable was used as an electrical resistance heater to generate a heat pulse, and the soil response was monitored with a Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) system. We study the cooling following three continuous heat pulses of 120 s at 36 W m(-1) by means of long-time approximation of radial heat conduction. The soil volumetric water contents were then inferred from the estimated thermal conductivities through a specifically calibrated model relating thermal conductivity and volumetric water content. To use the pre-asymptotic data we employed a time correction that allowed the volumetric water content to be estimated with a precision of 0.01-0.035 (m(3) m(-3)). A comparison of the AHFO measurements with soil-moisture measurements obtained with calibrated capacitance-based probes gave good agreement for wetter soils [discrepancy between the two methods was less than 0.04 (m(3) m(-3))]. In the shallow drier soils, the AHFO method underestimated the volumetric water content due to the longertime required for the temperature increment to become asymptotic in less thermally conductive media [discrepancy between the two methods was larger than 0.1 (m(3) m(-3))]. The present work suggests that future applications of the AHFO method should include longer heat pulses, that longer heating and cooling events are analyzed, and, temperature increments ideally be measured with higher frequency.


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This report presents the results of surveys to determine studded tire usage in Iowa. Also reported are the results of measurements of transverse pavement profiles at selected locations where the pavement is subjected to a high volume of traffic. The surveys were made in January of each of the years 1969 through 1978 and in each of 27 areas into which the state was divided. Estimates of studded tire usage were also made at various locations on Interstate highways in Iowa. The lowest percentage of studded tires was observed in the initial count during the winter of 1968-69. Two years later the percentage had increased to the maximum (22.6%) and then began a gradual decline. The latest count in January of 1978 indicated 8.5% of the cars had studded tires. The decline in the use of studded tires is attributed to the efforts of the Iowa DOT and others to obtain a ban on studded tires and a continual increase in the use of radial tires with claims of improved traction. The wear measurements were recorded by camera. It was found that studded tires have worn ruts in Iowa pavements as deep as 5/16 inch. The ruts lead to water on the pavement and this causes hydroplaning, as well as splash and spray. The conclusion of the study was that studded tires should be banned in Iowa.