937 resultados para spatio-temporal dynamics


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Combustion instability events in lean premixed combustion systems can cause spatio-temporal variations in unburnt mixture fuel/air ratio. This provides a driving mechanism for heat-release oscillations when they interact with the flame. Several Reduced Order Modelling (ROM) approaches to predict the characteristics of these oscillations have been developed in the past. The present paper compares results for flame describing function characteristics determined from a ROM approach based on the level-set method, with corresponding results from detailed, fully compressible reacting flow computations for the same two dimensional slot flame configuration. The comparison between these results is seen to be sensitive to small geometric differences in the shape of the nominally steady flame used in the two computations. When the results are corrected to account for these differences, describing function magnitudes are well predicted for frequencies lesser than and greater than a lower and upper cutoff respectively due to amplification of flame surface wrinkling by the convective Darrieus-Landau (DL) instability. However, good agreement in describing function phase predictions is seen as the ROM captures the transit time of wrinkles through the flame correctly. Also, good agreement is seen for both magnitude and phase of the flame response, for large forcing amplitudes, at frequencies where the DL instability has a minimal influence. Thus, the present ROM can predict flame response as long as the DL instability, caused by gas expansion at the flame front, does not significantly alter flame front perturbation amplitudes as they traverse the flame. (C) 2012 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Muscle development is a multistep process which includes myoblast diversification, proliferation, migration, fusion, differentiation and growth. A hierarchical exhibition of myogenic factors is important for dexterous execution of progressive events in muscle formation. EWG (erect wing) is a transcription factor known to have a role in indirect flight muscle development (IFM) in Drosophila. We marked out the precise spatio-temporal expression profile of EWG in the myoblasts, and in the developing muscles. Mutant adult flies null for EWG in myoblasts show variable number of IFM, suggesting that EWG is required for patterning of the IFM. The remnant muscle found in the EWG null flies show proper assembly of the structural proteins, which implies that some myoblasts manage to fuse, develop and differentiate normally indicating that EWG is not required for differentiation program per se. However, when EWG expression is extended beyond its expression window in a wild type background, muscle thinning is observed implying EWG function in protein synthesis inhibition. Mis-expression studies in wing disc myoblasts hinted at its role in myoblast proliferation. We thus conclude that EWG is important for regulating fusion events which in turn decides the IFM pattern. Also IFM in EWG null mutants show clumps containing broken fibres and an altered mitochondrial morphology. The vertebrate homolog of EWG is nuclear respiratory factor1 (NRF1) which is known to have a function in mitochondrial biogenesis and protection against oxidative stress. Gene expression for inner mitochondrial membrane protein, Opa1-like was found to be absent in these mutants. Also, these flies were more sensitive to oxidative stress, indicating a compromised mitochondrial functioning. Our results therefore demonstrate that EWG functions in maintaining muscles’ structural integrity by ensuing proper mitochondrial activity.


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Confined supersonic mixing layer is explored through model-free simulations. Both two- and three-dimensional spatio-temporal simulations were carried out employing higher order finite difference scheme as well as finite volume scheme based on open source software (OpenFOAM) to understand the effect of three-dimensionality on the development of mixing layer. It is observed that although the instantaneous structures exhibit three-dimensional features, the average pressure and velocities are predominantly two-dimensional. The computed wall pressures match well with experimental results fairly well, although three-dimensional simulation underpredicts the wall pressure in the downstream direction. The self-similarity of the velocity profiles is obtained within the duct length for all the simulations. Although the mixing layer thicknesses differ among different simulations, their growth rate is nearly the same. Significant differences are observed for species and temperature distribution between two- and three-dimensional calculations, and two-dimensional calculations do not match the experimental observation of smooth variations in species mass fraction profiles as reported in literature. Reynolds stress distribution for three-dimensional calculations show profiles with less peak values compared to two-dimensional calculations; while normal stress anisotropy is higher for three-dimensional case.


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Adaptive Mesh Refinement is a method which dynamically varies the spatio-temporal resolution of localized mesh regions in numerical simulations, based on the strength of the solution features. In-situ visualization plays an important role for analyzing the time evolving characteristics of the domain structures. Continuous visualization of the output data for various timesteps results in a better study of the underlying domain and the model used for simulating the domain. In this paper, we develop strategies for continuous online visualization of time evolving data for AMR applications executed on GPUs. We reorder the meshes for computations on the GPU based on the users input related to the subdomain that he wants to visualize. This makes the data available for visualization at a faster rate. We then perform asynchronous executions of the visualization steps and fix-up operations on the CPUs while the GPU advances the solution. By performing experiments on Tesla S1070 and Fermi C2070 clusters, we found that our strategies result in 60% improvement in response time and 16% improvement in the rate of visualization of frames over the existing strategy of performing fix-ups and visualization at the end of the timesteps.


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Daily rainfall datasets of 10 years (1998-2007) of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) version 6 and India Meteorological Department (IMD) gridded rain gauge have been compared over the Indian landmass, both in large and small spatial scales. On the larger spatial scale, the pattern correlation between the two datasets on daily scales during individual years of the study period is ranging from 0.4 to 0.7. The correlation improved significantly (similar to 0.9) when the study was confined to specific wet and dry spells each of about 5-8 days. Wavelet analysis of intraseasonal oscillations (ISO) of the southwest monsoon rainfall show the percentage contribution of the major two modes (30-50 days and 10-20 days), to be ranging respectively between similar to 30-40% and 5-10% for the various years. Analysis of inter-annual variability shows the satellite data to be underestimating seasonal rainfall by similar to 110 mm during southwest monsoon and overestimating by similar to 150 mm during northeast monsoon season. At high spatio-temporal scales, viz., 1 degrees x1 degrees grid, TMPA data do not correspond to ground truth. We have proposed here a new analysis procedure to assess the minimum spatial scale at which the two datasets are compatible with each other. This has been done by studying the contribution to total seasonal rainfall from different rainfall rate windows (at 1 mm intervals) on different spatial scales (at daily time scale). The compatibility spatial scale is seen to be beyond 5 degrees x5 degrees average spatial scale over the Indian landmass. This will help to decide the usability of TMPA products, if averaged at appropriate spatial scales, for specific process studies, e.g., cloud scale, meso scale or synoptic scale.


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For improved water management and efficiency of use in agriculture, studies dealing with coupled crop-surface water-groundwater models are needed. Such integrated models of crop and hydrology can provide accurate quantification of spatio-temporal variations of water balance parameters such as soil moisture store, evapotranspiration and recharge in a catchment. Performance of a coupled crop-hydrology model would depend on the availability of a calibrated crop model for various irrigated/rainfed crops and also on an accurate knowledge of soil hydraulic parameters in the catchment at relevant scale. Moreover, such a coupled model should be designed so as to enable the use/assimilation of recent satellite remote sensing products (optical and microwave) in order to model the processes at catchment scales. In this study we present a framework to couple a crop model with a groundwater model for applications to irrigated groundwater agricultural systems. We discuss the calibration of the STICS crop model and present a methodology to estimate the soil hydraulic parameters by inversion of crop model using both ground and satellite based data. Using this methodology we demonstrate the feasibility of estimation of potential recharge due to spatially varying soil/crop matrix.


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This work analyses the unique spatio-temporal alteration of the deposition pattern of evaporating nanoparticle laden droplets resting on a hydrophobic surface through targeted low frequency substrate vibrations. External excitation near the lowest resonant mode (n = 2) of the droplet initially de-pins and then subsequently re-pins the droplet edge creating pseudo-hydrophilicity (low contact angle). Vibration subsequently induces droplet shape oscillations (cyclic elongation and flattening) resulting in strong flow recirculation. This strong radially outward liquid flow augments nanoparticle transport, vaporization, and agglomeration near the pinned edge resulting in much reduced drying time under certain characteristic frequency of oscillations. The resultant deposit exhibits a much flatter structure with sharp, defined peripheral wedge topology as compared to natural drying. Such controlled manipulation of transport enables tailoring of structural and topological morphology of the deposits and offers possible routes towards controlling the formation and drying timescales which are crucial for applications ranging from pharmaceutics to surface patterning. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Hydrodynamic instabilities of the flow field in lean premixed gas turbine combustors can generate velocity perturbations that wrinkle and distort the flame sheet over length scales that are smaller than the flame length. The resultant heat release oscillations can then potentially result in combustion instability. Thus, it is essential to understand the hydrodynamic instability characteristics of the combustor flow field in order to understand its overall influence on combustion instability characteristics. To this end, this paper elucidates the role of fluctuating vorticity production from a linear hydrodynamic stability analysis as the key mechanism promoting absolute/convective instability transitions in shear layers occurring in the flow behind a backward facing step. These results are obtained within the framework of an inviscid, incompressible, local temporal and spatio-temporal stability analysis. Vorticity fluctuations in this limit result from interaction between two competing mechanisms-(1) production from interaction between velocity perturbations and the base flow vorticity gradient and (2) baroclinic torque in the presence of base flow density gradients. This interaction has a significant effect on hydrodynamic instability characteristics when the base flow density and velocity gradients are colocated. Regions in the space of parameters characterizing the base flow velocity profile, i.e., shear layer thickness and ratio of forward to reverse flow velocity, corresponding to convective and absolute instability are identified. The implications of the present results on understanding prior experimental studies of combustion instability in backward facing step combustors and hydrodynamic instability in other flows such as heated jets and bluff body stabilized flames is discussed.


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Hydrodynamic instabilities of the flow field in lean premixed gas turbine combustors can generate velocity perturbations that wrinkle and distort the flame sheet over length scales that are smaller than the flame length. The resultant heat release oscillations can then potentially result in combustion instability. Thus, it is essential to understand the hydrodynamic instability characteristics of the combustor flow field in order to understand its overall influence on combustion instability characteristics. To this end, this paper elucidates the role of fluctuating vorticity production from a linear hydrodynamic stability analysis as the key mechanism promoting absolute/convective instability transitions in shear layers occurring in the flow behind a backward facing step. These results are obtained within the framework of an inviscid, incompressible, local temporal and spatio-temporal stability analysis. Vorticity fluctuations in this limit result from interaction between two competing mechanisms - (1) production from interaction between velocity perturbations and the base flow vorticity gradient and (2) baroclinic torque in the presence of base flow density gradients. This interaction has a significant effect on hydrodynamic instability characteristics when the base flow density and velocity gradients are co-located. Regions in the space of parameters characterizing the base flow velocity profile, i.e. shear layer thickness and ratio of forward to reverse flow velocity, corresponding to convective and absolute instability are identified. The implications of the present results on prior observations of flow instability in other flows such as heated jets and bluff-body stabilized flames is discussed.


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Drosophila germ-band extension (GBE) is an example of the convergence and extension movements that elongate and narrow embryonic tissues. To understand the collective cell behaviours underlying tissue morphogenesis, we have continuously quantified cell intercalation and cell shape change during GBE. We show that the fast, early phase of GBE depends on cell shape change in addition to cell intercalation. In antero-posterior patterning mutants such as those for the gap gene Krüppel, defective polarized cell intercalation is compensated for by an increase in antero-posterior cell elongation, such that the initial rate of extension remains the same. Spatio-temporal patterns of cell behaviours indicate that an antero-posterior tensile force deforms the germ band, causing the cells to change shape passively. The rate of antero-posterior cell elongation is reduced in twist mutant embryos, which lack mesoderm. We propose that cell shape change contributing to germ-band extension is a passive response to mechanical forces caused by the invaginating mesoderm.


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Bacteria of the species Salmonella enterica cause a range of life-threatening diseases in humans and animals worldwide. The within-host quantitative, spatial, and temporal dynamics of S. enterica interactions are key to understanding how immunity acts on these infections and how bacteria evade immune surveillance. In this study, we test hypotheses generated from mathematical models of in vivo dynamics of Salmonella infections with experimental observation of bacteria at the single-cell level in infected mouse organs to improve our understanding of the dynamic interactions between host and bacterial mechanisms that determine net growth rates of S. enterica within the host. We show that both bacterial and host factors determine the numerical distributions of bacteria within host cells and thus the level of dispersiveness of the infection.


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Salmonella enterica causes a range of life-threatening diseases in humans and animals worldwide. Current treatments for S. enterica infections are not sufficiently effective, and there is a need to develop new vaccines and therapeutics. An understanding of how S. enterica spreads in tissues has very important implications for targeting bacteria with vaccine-induced immune responses and antimicrobial drugs. Development of new control strategies would benefit from a more sophisticated evaluation of bacterial location, spatiotemporal patterns of spread and distribution in the tissues, and sites of microbial persistence. We review here recent studies of S. enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) infections in mice, an established model of systemic typhoid fever in humans, which suggest that continuous bacterial spread to new infection foci and host phagocytes is an essential trait in the virulence of S. enterica during systemic infections. We further highlight how infections within host tissues are truly heterogeneous processes despite the fact that they are caused by the expansion of a genetically homogeneous microbial population. We conclude by discussing how understanding the within-host quantitative, spatial and temporal dynamics of S. enterica infections might aid the development of novel targeted preventative measures and drug regimens.


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Numerical simulations were conducted to study thermocapillary flows in short half-zone liquid bridges of molten tin with Prandtl number Pr = 0.009, under ramped temperature difference. The spatio-temporal structures in the thermocapillary flows in short half-zone liquid bridges with aspect ratios As = 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0 were investigated. The first critical Marangoni numbers were compared with those predicted by linear stability analyses (LSA). The second critical Marangoni numbers for As = 0.6 and 0.8 were found to be larger than that for As = 1.0. The time evolutions of the thermocapillary flows exhibited unusual features such as a change in the azimuthal wave number during the three-dimensional stationary (non-oscillating) flow regime, a change in the oscillation mode during the three-dimensional oscillatory flow regime, and the decreasing and then increasing of amplitudes in a single oscillation mode. The effects of the ramping rate of the temperature difference on the flow modes and critical conditions were studied as well. In this paper, the experimental observability of the critical conditions was also discussed. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The stress release model, a stochastic version of the elastic-rebound theory, is applied to the historical earthquake data from three strong earthquake-prone regions of China, including North China, Southwest China, and the Taiwan seismic regions. The results show that the seismicity along a plate boundary (Taiwan) is more active than in intraplate regions (North and Southwest China). The degree of predictability or regularity of seismic events in these seismic regions, based on both the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and fitted sensitivity parameters, follows the order Taiwan, Southwest China, and North China, which is further identified by numerical simulations. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) using method of snapshots was performed on three different types of oscillatory Marangoni flows in half-zone liquid bridges of low-Pr fluid (Pr = 0.01). For each oscillation type, a series of characteristic modes (eigenfunctions) have been extracted from the velocity and temperature disturbances, and the POD provided spatial structures of the eigenfunctions, their oscillation frequencies, amplitudes, and phase shifts between them. The present analyses revealed the common features of the characteristic modes for different oscillation modes: four major velocity eigenfunctions captured more than 99% of the velocity fluctuation energy form two pairs, one of which is the most energetic. Different from the velocity disturbance, one of the major temperature eigenfunctions makes the dominant contribution to the temperature fluctuation energy. On the other hand, within the most energetic velocity eigenfuction pair, the two eigenfunctions have similar spatial structures and were tightly coupled to oscillate with the same frequency, and it was determined that the spatial structures and phase shifts of the eigenfunctions produced the different oscillatory disturbances. The interaction of other major modes only enriches the secondary spatio-temporal structures of the oscillatory disturbances. Moreover, the present analyses imply that the oscillatory disturbance, which is hydrodynamic in nature, primarily originates from the interior of the liquid bridge. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.