955 resultados para software management
Software Architecture is a high level description of a software intensive system that enables architects to have a better intellectual control over the complete system. It is also used as a communication vehicle among the various system stakeholders. Variability in software-intensive systems is the ability of a software artefact (e.g., a system, subsystem, or component) to be extended, customised, or configured for deployment in a specific context. Although variability in software architecture is recognised as a challenge in multiple domains, there has been no formal consensus on how variability should be captured or represented. In this research, we addressed the problem of representing variability in software architecture through a three phase approach. First, we examined existing literature using the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) methodology, which helped us identify the gaps and challenges within the current body of knowledge. Equipped with the findings from the SLR, a set of design principles have been formulated that are used to introduce variability management capabilities to an existing Architecture Description Language (ADL). The chosen ADL was developed within our research group (ALI) and to which we have had complete access. Finally, we evaluated the new version of the ADL produced using two distinct case studies: one from the Information Systems domain, an Asset Management System (AMS); and another from the embedded systems domain, a Wheel Brake System (WBS). This thesis presents the main findings from the three phases of the research work, including a comprehensive study of the state-of-the-art; the complete specification of an ADL that is focused on managing variability; and the lessons learnt from the evaluation work of two distinct real-life case studies.
A pesquisa tem o objetivo de contribuir para os estudos relacionados ao desenvolvimento de software, mais especificamente à fase de levantamento de requisitos da Engenharia de Software, ao esclarecer como um método não muito popular, a construção de Ontologias de Domínio, pode ajudar na definição de requisitos de qualidade, que consequentemente contribuem para o sucesso de projetos de implementação de sistemas de informação.
As pesquisas e as práticas em inteligência analítica na Engenharia de Software têm crescido nas últimas décadas. As informações contidas em um repositório de software podem auxiliar engenheiros de software em suas atividades durante todas as fases do desenvolvimento de software. O uso da inteligência analítica está ajudando os profissionais da Engenharia de Software a obterem informações relevantes do repositório de software, direcionando-os para melhores tomadas de decisões. Por se tratar de um bem intangível, pode ser difícil compreender as informações geradas pelo software. Este trabalho realizou um mapeamento sistemático da literatura sobre inteligência analítica na Engenharia de Software, o que propiciou a elaboração de um arcabouço conceitual para utilização da inteligência analítica capaz de auxiliar nas atividades da Engenharia de Software. Com a finalidade de validar este arcabouço conceitual, foi construído um protótipo de uma aplicação que analisou dados de um software livre. Tal protótipo foi validado e comentado por um grupo focal formado por desenvolvedores e gestores de projetos de software de uma grande empresa da área de Tecnologia da Informação. Concluiu-se que a inteligência analítica é fortemente utilizada durante a fase de manutenção e vem crescendo sua utilização na área de Gestão e na Prática Profissional. Constatou-se que os commits podem ser bons indicadores da evolução de software e que a ferramenta desenvolvida neste trabalho permite compreender o que está sendo alterado no sistema e por que a alteração ocorreu.
Abstract not available
Research on strategic management of resources for small consulting firms which are international or planning to operate internationally is scarce or not existing at all. It is however important to start generating the theories that will support managers in their decision making and planning. This thesis investigates how do small management consulting firms manage their internal and external resources while operating in international markets. Throughout the study, aspects related to internal and external resources management as well as management strategies in these firms have been examined in relations to firm’s internationalisation activities. A qualitative analysis was carried out whereby four small consulting firms in Export Management Consulting, Integration Services Consulting-, Software Development Consulting- and Business Solutions Consulting companies were interviewed. In order to generate the holistic understanding of the study, the thesis writer selected Value Enhanced Collaborative Working (VECW) model as an analysis framework. The model focuses on people, processes and tools as key elements that small consulting firms consider when thinking about managing their international operations. The findings of the thesis reveal that, internal and external resources in the interviewed consulting firms are viewed similarly, but managed differently depending on the nature and size of the firm. Firm’s management strategies concentrate on the adequate utilisation of the employees' motivation and experiences, effective stakeholders' management, various administrative evaluation processes and tools, the ability to realise useful networks, constant improvement through employee trainings, employees and customers’ feedbacks as well as enhanced freedom in order to support employees’ creativity. Further research to examine functional administrative tools and tools that small consulting firms could use to assess their resource capabilities when planning to become international would benefit the smaller businesses in terms of resources management and certainty in planning.
Abstract – Background – The software effort estimation research area aims to improve the accuracy of this estimation in software projects and activities. Aims – This study describes the development and usage of a web application tocollect data generated from the Planning Poker estimation process and the analysis of the collected data to investigate the impact of revising previous estimates when conducting similar estimates in a Planning Poker context. Method – Software activities were estimated by Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR) computer students, using Planning Poker, with and without revising previous similar activities, storing data regarding the decision-making process. And the collected data was used to investigate the impact that revising similar executed activities have in the software effort estimates' accuracy.Obtained Results – The UTFPR computer students were divided into 14 groups. Eight of them showed accuracy increase in more than half of their estimates. Three of them had almost the same accuracy in more than half of their estimates. And only three of them had loss of accuracy in more than half of their estimates. Conclusion – Reviewing the similar executed software activities, when using Planning Poker, led to more accurate software estimates in most cases, and, because of that, can improve the software development process.
Sustainability in software system is still a new practice that most software developers and companies are trying to incorporate into their software development lifecycle and has been largely discussed in academia. Sustainability is a complex concept viewed from economic, environment and social dimensions with several definitions proposed making sometimes the concept of sustainability very fuzzy and difficult to apply and assess in software systems. This has hindered the adoption of sustainability in the software industry. A little research explores sustainability as a quality property of software products and services to answer questions such as; How to quantify sustainability as a quality construct in the same way as other quality attributes such as security, usability and reliability? How can it be applied to software systems? What are the measures and measurement scale of sustainability? The Goal of this research is to investigate the definitions, perceptions and measurement of sustainability from the quality perspective. Grounded in the general theory of software measurement, the aim is to develop a method that decomposes sustainability in factors, criteria and metrics. The Result is a method to quantify and access sustainability of software systems while incorporating management and users concern. Conclusion: The method will empower the ability of companies to easily adopt sustainability while facilitating its integration to the software development process and tools. It will also help companies to measure sustainability of their software products from economic, environmental, social, individual and technological dimension.
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desenvolvimento de Software e Sistemas Interativos, realizada sob a orientação científica do Doutor Fernando Reinaldo Silva Garcia Ribeiro e do Doutor José Carlos Meireles Monteiro Metrôlho, Professores Adjuntos da Unidade Técnico-Científica de Informática da Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco.
The intensive character in knowledge of software production and its rising demand suggest the need to establish mechanisms to properly manage the knowledge involved in order to meet the requirements of deadline, costs and quality. The knowledge capitalization is a process that involves from identification to evaluation of the knowledge produced and used. Specifically, for software development, capitalization enables easier access, minimize the loss of knowledge, reducing the learning curve, avoid repeating errors and rework. Thus, this thesis presents the know-Cap, a method developed to organize and guide the capitalization of knowledge in software development. The Know-Cap facilitates the location, preservation, value addition and updating of knowledge, in order to use it in the execution of new tasks. The method was proposed from a set of methodological procedures: literature review, systematic review and analysis of related work. The feasibility and appropriateness of Know-Cap were analyzed from an application study, conducted in a real case, and an analytical study of software development companies. The results obtained indicate the Know- Cap supports the capitalization of knowledge in software development.
Maintaining accessibility to and understanding of digital information over time is a complex challenge that often requires contributions and interventions from a variety of individuals and organizations. The processes of preservation planning and evaluation are fundamentally implicit and share similar complexity. Both demand comprehensive knowledge and understanding of every aspect of to-be-preserved content and the contexts within which preservation is undertaken. Consequently, means are required for the identification, documentation and association of those properties of data, representation and management mechanisms that in combination lend value, facilitate interaction and influence the preservation process. These properties may be almost limitless in terms of diversity, but are integral to the establishment of classes of risk exposure, and the planning and deployment of appropriate preservation strategies. We explore several research objectives within the course of this thesis. Our main objective is the conception of an ontology for risk management of digital collections. Incorporated within this are our aims to survey the contexts within which preservation has been undertaken successfully, the development of an appropriate methodology for risk management, the evaluation of existing preservation evaluation approaches and metrics, the structuring of best practice knowledge and lastly the demonstration of a range of tools that utilise our findings. We describe a mixed methodology that uses interview and survey, extensive content analysis, practical case study and iterative software and ontology development. We build on a robust foundation, the development of the Digital Repository Audit Method Based on Risk Assessment. We summarise the extent of the challenge facing the digital preservation community (and by extension users and creators of digital materials from many disciplines and operational contexts) and present the case for a comprehensive and extensible knowledge base of best practice. These challenges are manifested in the scale of data growth, the increasing complexity and the increasing onus on communities with no formal training to offer assurances of data management and sustainability. These collectively imply a challenge that demands an intuitive and adaptable means of evaluating digital preservation efforts. The need for individuals and organisations to validate the legitimacy of their own efforts is particularly prioritised. We introduce our approach, based on risk management. Risk is an expression of the likelihood of a negative outcome, and an expression of the impact of such an occurrence. We describe how risk management may be considered synonymous with preservation activity, a persistent effort to negate the dangers posed to information availability, usability and sustainability. Risk can be characterised according to associated goals, activities, responsibilities and policies in terms of both their manifestation and mitigation. They have the capacity to be deconstructed into their atomic units and responsibility for their resolution delegated appropriately. We continue to describe how the manifestation of risks typically spans an entire organisational environment, and as the focus of our analysis risk safeguards against omissions that may occur when pursuing functional, departmental or role-based assessment. We discuss the importance of relating risk-factors, through the risks themselves or associated system elements. To do so will yield the preservation best-practice knowledge base that is conspicuously lacking within the international digital preservation community. We present as research outcomes an encapsulation of preservation practice (and explicitly defined best practice) as a series of case studies, in turn distilled into atomic, related information elements. We conduct our analyses in the formal evaluation of memory institutions in the UK, US and continental Europe. Furthermore we showcase a series of applications that use the fruits of this research as their intellectual foundation. Finally we document our results in a range of technical reports and conference and journal articles. We present evidence of preservation approaches and infrastructures from a series of case studies conducted in a range of international preservation environments. We then aggregate this into a linked data structure entitled PORRO, an ontology relating preservation repository, object and risk characteristics, intended to support preservation decision making and evaluation. The methodology leading to this ontology is outlined, and lessons are exposed by revisiting legacy studies and exposing the resource and associated applications to evaluation by the digital preservation community.
For a long time, electronic data analysis has been associated with quantitative methods. However, Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) are increasingly being developed. Although the CAQDAS has been there for decades, very few qualitative health researchers report using it. This may be due to the difficulties that one has to go through to master the software and the misconceptions that are associated with using CAQDAS. While the issue of mastering CAQDAS has received ample attention, little has been done to address the misconceptions associated with CAQDAS. In this paper, the author reflects on his experience of interacting with one of the popular CAQDAS (NVivo) in order to provide evidence-based implications of using the software. The key message is that unlike statistical software, the main function of CAQDAS is not to analyse data but rather to aid the analysis process, which the researcher must always remain in control of. In other words, researchers must equally know that no software can analyse qualitative data. CAQDAS are basically data management packages, which support the researcher during analysis.
Independientemente de la metodología que se adopte en el desarrollo de software, se contemplan aquellas actividades gerenciales o de dirección del proyecto y las inherentes a las técnicas, propias del desarrollo del producto como tal, como los requerimientos demandados, análisis, diseño, implementación y pruebas o ensayos previos a su materialización -- El presente trabajo se deriva del interés por diseñar una metodología para la gestión de la fase de pruebas y ensayo, con base en el modelo de integración de las actividades contempladas en la guía del PMBOK, la cual es compatible con las funciones de dirección y actividades técnicas de otras metodologías, especialmente en su etapa de prueba; de allí la importancia que representa para los gerentes de proyectos obtener resultados satisfactorios en esta fase, por su impacto directo y significativo en el cumplimiento del tiempo y los costos estimados, lo que permite prevenir o mitigar, tiempos adicionales o sobrecostos por reproceso, evitando ser transferidos al cliente o asumidos por el fabricante de software -- Así mismo, asegurar una ejecución correcta de la fase de pruebas y ensayo, garantiza que el proyecto responda a los estándares de calidad, de acuerdo con sus indicadores de medición y la satisfacción del usuario
Part 14: Interoperability and Integration