919 resultados para single event effects


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Fifty kHz rat vocalizations are theorized to reflect a positive affective state, and index the reward value of stimuli (Knutson, Burgdorf & Panksepp, 2002; Panksepp & Burgdorf, 2003; Brudzynski,2005). Previous studies have identified the neurochemical substrate of this behaviour to be dependent on dopaminergic activity at the nucleus accumbens shell (Burgdorf, Knutson, Panksepp & Ikemoto, 2001; Thompson, Leonard & Brudzynski, 2006). The utilization of d-amphetamine (a non-selective dopamine agonist) in these studies does not address the specific dopamine receptor types involved. The present study aims to identify the role of the D2- like family of receptors in the nucleus accumbens shell in the production of 50 kHz vocalizations in adult rats. Single injections of quinpirole in a saline vehicle were administered to the nucleus accumbens shell of 57 rats, and the number of 50 kHz vocalizations were recorded. An inverted V-shaped relationship was found between quinpirole dose (0.5 ~g, 3 ~g, 6 ~g, 1 0 ~g and 20 ~g, all in 0.2~1 saline) and the mean number of 50 kHz calls produced. Quinpirole successfully elicited significantly more 50 kHz calls than did a saline control at the 6 ~g dose, as did 7 ~g/0.2 ~l of d-amphetamine injections into the same brain site. To test whether a selective D2 antagonist could reverse elicited 50 kHz calling, double injections were given that used either saline or raclopride as a pretreatment before quinpirole injections. Saline followed by 6 ~g/0.2 ~l of quinpirole elicited significantly more 50 kHz vocalizations than did a double injection of saline, while pretreatment with an equimolar dose of raclopride reduced elicited calls to control levels. Raclopride was also used as a pretreatment of 7 ~g/0.2 ~l d-amphetamine, which elicited significantly fewer 50 kHz vocalizations than saline followed by amphetamine, replicating the finding of Thompson, Leonard & Brudzynski (2006).Subcutaneous injections of 0.5 mg/kg and 1.5 mg/kg of quinpirole produced a similar number of 50 kHz vocalizations as subcutaneous injection of saline. Wider dose ranges may be explored in fiiture research. Thus, direct activation of the Da-like receptors in the nucleus accumbens shell was sufficient to elicit 50 kHz vocalizations in adult rats, an effect which was reversed with selective local antagonism of Da-like receptors. The Da-like receptor family also appears necessary for pharmacological activation of 50 kHz calling, as d-amphetamine was no longer able to effectively elicit these vocalizations from the nucleus accumbens shell when the Da-receptor family was antagonized with raclopride. The acoustic parameters of elicited vocalizations remained typical of rat 50 kHz calls. Detailed analyses of the acoustic characteristics of elicited calls indicated significant increases in call duration and peak frequency across drug injection groups, particularly among quinpirole dose groups. The implications of these findings are not yet clear, but may represent an important direction for future research into the coding of semiotic content into affective signals in rats.


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This investigation comprises a comparison of experimental and theoretical dechanneling of MeV protons in copper single crystals. Dechanneling results when an ion's transverse energy increases to the value where the ion can undergo small impact parameter collisions with individual atoms. Depth dependent dechanneling rates were determined as functions of lattice temperature, ion beam energy and crystal axis orientation. Ion beam energies were IMeV and 2MeV,temperatures ranged from 35 K to 280 K and the experiment was carried out along both the (lOa) and <110) axes. Experimental data took the form of aligned and random Rutherford backscattered energy spectra. Dechanneling rates were extracted from these spectra using a single scattering theory that took explicit account of the different stopping powers experienced by channeled and dechanneled ions and also included a correction factor to take into account multiple scattering effects along the ion's trajectory. The assumption of statistical equilibrium and small angle scattering of the channeled ions allows a description of dechanneling in terms of the solution of a diffusion like equation which contains a so called diffusion function. The diffusion function is shown to be related to the increase in average transverse energy. Theoretical treatments of increase in average transverse energy due to collisions of projectiles with channel electrons and thermal perturbations in the lattice potential are reviewed. Using the diffusion equation and the electron density in the channel centre as a fitting parameter dechanneling rates are extracted. Excellent agreement between theory and experiment has been demonstrated. Electron densities determined in the fitting procedure appear to be realistic. The surface parameters show themselves to be good indicators of the quality of the crystal.


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As Ca2+ and phosphatidylserine (PS) are known to induce the adhesion of bilayer vesicles and form collapsed multibilayer structures in vitro, it was the aim of this study to examine how that interaction and the resultant structures might be modified by neutral lipid species. X-ray diffraction data from multilamellar systems suggest that phosphatidylcholine (PC) and diacylglycerol (DG) might be in the collapsed phase up to a concentration of -30 mole % and that above this concentration these neutral lipids may modify Ca2+-induced bilayer interactions. Using large unilamellar vesicles and long incubations in excess Ca2+ to ensure equilibration, similar preliminary results were again obtained with PC, and also with phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). A combination of X-ray diffraction, thin-layer chromatography, density gradient centrifugation and freeze-fracture electron microscopy, used in conjunction with an osmotic stress technique, showed that (i) -30 mole % PC can be accomodated in the Ca(DOPS)2 phase; and (ii) higher PC levels modify Ca2+-induced bilayer interactions resulting in single lamellar phases of larger dimension and reduced tendency for REV collapse. Importantly, the data suggest that PC is dehydrated during the rapid collapse process leading. to Ca(DOPS)2 formation and exists with this dehydrated phase. Similar results were obtained using PS isolated from bovine brain. Preliminary studies using two different phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) species indicated accomodation by Ca(DOPS)2 of -25-30 mole 0/0 PE and bulk phase separation, of species favouring a non-bilayer phase, at higher levels. Significantly, all PS/PE vesicles appear to undergo a complete Ca2+-induced collapse, even with contents of up to 90 mole % PE. These data suggest that PE may have an important role in fusion mechanisms in vivo. In sum the data lend both structural and stoichiometric evidence for th~ existence of laterally segregated neutral lipid molecules within the same bilayers as PS domains exposed to Ca2+.


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Although it is widely assumed that temperature affects pollutant toxicity, few studies have actually investigated this relationship. Moreover, such research as has been done has involved constant temperatures; circumstances which are rarely, if ever, actually experienced by north temperate, littoral zone cyprinid species. To investigate the effects of temperature regime on nickel toxicity in goldfish (Carassius auratus L.), 96- and 240-h LCSO values for the heavy metal pollutant, nickel (NiCI2.6H20), were initially determined at 2DoC (22.8 mg/L and 14.7 mg/L in artificially softened water). Constant temperature bioassays at 10°C, 20°C and 30°C were conducted at each of 0, 240-h and 96-h LCSO nickel concentrations for 240 hours. In order to determine the effects of temperature variation during nickel exposure it was imperative that the effects of a single temperature change be investigated before addressing more complex regimes. Single temperature changes of + 10°C or -10°C were imposed at rates of 2°C/h following exposures of between 24 hand 216 h. The effects of a single temperature change on mortality, and duration of toxicant exposure at high and low temperatures were evaluated. The effects of fluctuating temperatures during exposure were investigated through two regimes. The first set of bioassays imposed a sinewave diurnal cycle temperature (20.±.1DOC) throughout the 10 day exposure to 240-h LeSO Ni. The second set of investigations approximated cyprinid movement through the littoral zone by imposing directionally random temperature changes (±2°C at 2-h intervals), between extremes of 10° and 30°C, at 240-h LC50 Ni. Body size (i.e., total length, fork length, and weight) and exposure time were recorded for all fish mortalities. Cumulative mortality curves under constant temperature regimes indicated significantly higher mortality as temperature and nickel concentration were increased. At 1DOC no significant differences in mortality curves were evident in relation to low and high nickel test concentrations (Le., 16 mg/L and 20 mg/L). However at 20°C and 30°C significantly higher mortality was experienced in animals exposed to 20 mg/L Ni. Mortality at constant 10°C was significantly lower than at 30°C with 16 mg/L and was significantly loWer than each of 2DoC and 39°C tanks at 20 mg/L Ni exposure. A single temperature shift from 20°C to 1DoC resulted in a significant decrease in mortality rate and conversely, a single temperature shift from 20°C to 30°C resulted in a significant increase in mortality rate. Rates of mortality recorded during these single temperature shift assays were significantly different from mortality rates obtained under constant temperature assay conditions. Increased Ni exposure duration at higher temperatures resulted in highest mortality. Diurnally cycling temperature bioassays produced cumulative mortality curves approximating constant 20°C curves, with increased mortality evident after peaks in the temperature cycle. Randomly fluctuating temperature regime mortality curves also resembled constant 20°C tanks with mortalities after high temperature exposures (25°C - 30°C). Some test animals survived in all assays with the exception of the 30°C assays, with highest survival associated with low temperature and low Ni concentration. Post-exposure mortality occurred most frequently in individuals which had experienced high Ni concentrations and high temperatures during assays. Additional temperature stress imposed 2 - 12 weeks post exposure resulted in a single death out of 116 individuals suggesting that survivors are capable of surviving subsequent temperature stresses. These investigations suggest that temperature significantly and markedly affects acute nickel toxicity under both constant and fluctuating temperature regimes and plays a role in post exposure mortality and subsequent stress response.


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Abstract This research takes the lens of social reproduction as a starting point for an examination of the effects of recent social welfare reforms on the lives o.fsingle mothers. As the cumulative effects o.f diminishing state provided benefits take hold, tensions are heightened as single mothers internalize the insecurity of earning an income in 11 capitalist labour market, while trying to carry out all that is involved in social reproduction with inadequate means of survival. Through interviewing single mothers who are the recipients of mUltiple state provided benefits (social assistance, student loans, subsidized housing and subsidized childcare), this thesis illuminates the cOl1linued regulation of women in an effort to assure that social reproduction is occurring at the lowest cost possible. State provided benefits are set lip in such a way that it is near impossible for single mothers to make ends meet without entering the labour force or entering into co-residential relationships. This push towards the labour force and/or marriage via punitive welfare policies illuminates the devaluation of the labour that is done at home. Through interviewing 5 single mothers, I will demonstrate the extensive labour that goes into maintaining their households. In addition .J case managers are interviewed. The employees of social assistance, subsidized hOllsing, subsidized childcare and student loans, have much agency in deeming who is worthy of receiving benefits. The employees of these agencies have the ability to make these women's lives easier or more complicated by how the workers interpret the policy regulations. Social policies are of paramount importance in the quest for women's equality and thus have consequences for how women's daily lives are organized. The rules and regulations that govern the individual policies are complex and bureaucratic and have implications for the ways in which women must organize their lives in order to survive. The shifts in social policy have been guided by neo-liberal assumptions with a focus on individual responsibility and a market-modeled welfare state. The caring work that is involved in raising children to be productive in a capitalist society is ignored or devalued in current policies. The emphasis in each polic.:v is on getting women who receive benefits into the paid work force, with little facilitation or investment into the caring work these women do on a daily basis that in turn supports capitalism. Policies, such as social assistance, subsidized housing, subsidized childcare and student loans, are set up in such a way that ignores the reality of women's day-to-day lives and devalues the necessary work done at home. It takes an abundance of labour and strategizing for women to seek out necessary means of survival, labour that is amplified when a woman is dealing with mUltiple slate provided benefits.


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The effect that plants {Typha latifolia) as well as root-bed medium physical and chemical characteristics have on the treatment of primary treated domestic wastewater within a vertical flow constructed wetland system was investigated. Five sets of cells, with two cells in each set, were used. Each cell was made of concrete and measured 1 .0 m X 1 .0 m and was 1.3 m deep. Four different root-bed media were tested : Queenston Shale, Fonthill Sand, Niagara Shale and a Michigan Sand. Four of the sets contained plants and a single type of root-bed medium. The influence of plants was tested by operating a Queenston Shale set without plants. Due to budget constraints no replicates were constructed. All of the sets were operated independently and identically for twenty-eight months. Twelve months of data are presented here, collected after 16 months of continuous operation. Root-bed medium type did not influence BOD5 removal. All of the sets consistently met Ontario Ministry of Environment (MOE) requirements (<25 mg/L) for BOD5 throughout the year. The 12 month average BOD5 concentration from all sets with plants was below 2.36 mg/L. All of the sets were within MOE discharge requirements (< 25 mg/L) for suspended solids with set effluent concentrations ranging from 1.53 to 14.80 mg/L. The Queenston Shale and Fonthill Sand media removed the most suspended solids while the Niagara Shale set produced suspended solids. The set containing Fonthill Sand was the only series to meet MOE discharge requirements (< Img/L) for total phosphorus year-round with a twelve month mean effluent concentration of 0.23 mg/L. Year-round all of the root-bed media were well below MOE discharge requirements (< 20mg/L in winter and < 10 mg/L in sumnner) for ammonium. The Queenston Shale and Fonthill Sand sets removed the most total nitrogen. Plants had no effect on total nitrogen removal, but did influence how nitrogen was cycled within the system. Plants increased the removal of suspended solids by 14%, BOD5 by 10% and total phosphorus by 22%. Plants also increased the amount of dissolved oxygen that entered the system. During the plant growing season removal of total phosphorus was better in all sets with plants regardless of media type. The sets containing Queenston Shale and Fonthill Sand media achieved the best results and plants in the Queenston Shale set increased treatment efficiency for every parameter except nitrogen. Vertical flow wetland sewage treatment systems can be designed and built to consistently meet MOE discharge requirements year-round for BOD5, suspended solids, total phosphorus and ammonium. This system Is generally superior to the free water systems and sub-surface horizontal flow systems in cold climate situations.


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The initial timing of face-specific effects in event-related potentials (ERPs) is a point of contention in face processing research. Although effects during the time of the N170 are robust in the literature, inconsistent effects during the time of the P100 challenge the interpretation of the N170 as being the initial face-specific ERP effect. The interpretation of the early P100 effects are often attributed to low-level differences between face stimuli and a host of other image categories. Research using sophisticated controls for low-level stimulus characteristics (Rousselet, Husk, Bennett, & Sekuler, 2008) report robust face effects starting at around 130 ms following stimulus onset. The present study examines the independent components (ICs) of the P100 and N170 complex in the context of a minimally controlled low-level stimulus set and a clear P100 effect for faces versus houses at the scalp. Results indicate that four ICs account for the ERPs to faces and houses in the first 200ms following stimulus onset. The IC that accounts for the majority of the scalp N170 (icNla) begins dissociating stimulus conditions at approximately 130 ms, closely replicating the scalp results of Rousselet et al. (2008). The scalp effects at the time of the P100 are accounted for by two constituent ICs (icP1a and icP1b). The IC that projects the greatest voltage at the scalp during the P100 (icP1a) shows a face-minus-house effect over the period of the P100 that is less robust than the N 170 effect of icN 1 a when measured as the average of single subject differential activation robustness. The second constituent process of the P100 (icP1b), although projecting a smaller voltage to the scalp than icP1a, shows a more robust effect for the face-minus-house contrast starting prior to 100 ms following stimulus onset. Further, the effect expressed by icP1 b takes the form of a larger negative projection to medial occipital sites for houses over faces partially canceling the larger projection of icP1a, thereby enhancing the face positivity at this time. These findings have three main implications for ERP research on face processing: First, the ICs that constitute the face-minus-house P100 effect are independent from the ICs that constitute the N170 effect. This suggests that the P100 effect and the N170 effect are anatomically independent. Second, the timing of the N170 effect can be recovered from scalp ERPs that have spatio-temporally overlapping effects possibly associated with low-level stimulus characteristics. This unmixing of the EEG signals may reduce the need for highly constrained stimulus sets, a characteristic that is not always desirable for a topic that is highly coupled to ecological validity. Third, by unmixing the constituent processes of the EEG signals new analysis strategies are made available. In particular the exploration of the relationship between cortical processes over the period of the P100 and N170 ERP complex (and beyond) may provide previously unaccessible answers to questions such as: Is the face effect a special relationship between low-level and high-level processes along the visual stream?


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Activity of the medial frontal cortex (MFC) has been implicated in attention regulation and performance monitoring. The MFC is thought to generate several event-related potential (ERPs) components, known as medial frontal negativities (MFNs), that are elicited when a behavioural response becomes difficult to control (e.g., following an error or shifting from a frequently executed response). The functional significance of MFNs has traditionally been interpreted in the context of the paradigm used to elicit a specific response, such as errors. In a series of studies, we consider the functional similarity of multiple MFC brain responses by designing novel performance monitoring tasks and exploiting advanced methods for electroencephalography (EEG) signal processing and robust estimation statistics for hypothesis testing. In study 1, we designed a response cueing task and used Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to show that the latent factors describing a MFN to stimuli that cued the potential need to inhibit a response on upcoming trials also accounted for medial frontal brain responses that occurred when individuals made a mistake or inhibited an incorrect response. It was also found that increases in theta occurred to each of these task events, and that the effects were evident at the group level and in single cases. In study 2, we replicated our method of classifying MFC activity to cues in our response task and showed again, using additional tasks, that error commission, response inhibition, and, to a lesser extent, the processing of performance feedback all elicited similar changes across MFNs and theta power. In the final study, we converted our response cueing paradigm into a saccade cueing task in order to examine the oscillatory dynamics of response preparation. We found that, compared to easy pro-saccades, successfully preparing a difficult anti-saccadic response was characterized by an increase in MFC theta and the suppression of posterior alpha power prior to executing the eye movement. These findings align with a large body of literature on performance monitoring and ERPs, and indicate that MFNs, along with their signature in theta power, reflects the general process of controlling attention and adapting behaviour without the need to induce error commission, the inhibition of responses, or the presentation of negative feedback.


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Questions : Cette thèse visait à répondre à deux questions fondamentales : 1) Est-ce que les athlètes qui présentent un historique de commotions cérébrales du sport en conservent des effets délétères à long terme? ; et 2) Est-ce que les effets néfastes des commotions cérébrales récurrentes sur le fonctionnement tant cognitif que moteur sont cumulatifs? Devis expérimental : À l’aide d’un plan d’investigation double-cohorte réalisé avec un groupe d’athlètes évoluant au niveau universitaire et un autre formé d’anciens athlètes universitaires testés plus de trois décennies plus tard, les quatre études qui composent cette thèse ont employé des méthodes raffinées d’investigation des fonctions cognitives et motrices pour en déceler des atteintes persistantes. Méthodologie : Les potentiels évoqués cognitifs ainsi que les tests neuropsychologiques ont permis de sonder le fonctionnement cognitif de ces athlètes alors que la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne, une plateforme de force permettant de mesurer la stabilité posturale ainsi qu’un système d’enregistrement tridimensionnel des mouvements rapides alternatifs ont servi à l’évaluation de l’intégrité du système moteur. Résultats : Cette thèse a permis de déceler des altérations persistentes et cumulatives des fonctions cognitives et motrices. De plus, ces subtiles atteintes observées chez les jeunes athlètes, affectant essentiellement des marqueurs neurophysiologiques sous-cliniques du fonctionnement cognitif et moteur, s’étaient accentuées chez les anciens athlètes universitaires qui montraient un déclin quantifiable tant des fonctions cognitives que motrices. Discussion : Ces résultats suggèrent d’une part que les commotions cérébrales du sport entraînent des altérations cognitives et motrices chroniques qui s’accentuent en fonction du nombre de commotions cérébrales subies. D’autre part, les effets délétères des commotions cérébrales du sport sur le fonctionnement cognitif et moteur combinés à ceux associés au processus de vieillissement entraînent un déclin cognitif et moteur quantifiable en comparaison aux anciens athlètes n’ayant jamais subi de commotions cérébrales.


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Le neurofeedback (NF) suscite actuellement un vif intérêt dans la prise en charge du trouble déficitaire de l’attention avec hyperactivité (TDAH) chez l’enfant. Proposée comme méthode alternative à la médication par de nombreux cliniciens, notamment aux États-Unis, le NF est une intervention non-invasive de type électrophysiologique qui repose sur l’apprentissage par conditionnement opérant de l’autorégulation d’ondes cérébrales déviantes. Les études empiriques qui étayent cette pratique font toutefois l’objet de virulentes critiques de la part de spécialistes dans le domaine du TDAH en raison de résultats systématiquement positifs mais non spécifiques, auxquels s’ajoutent de nombreuses lacunes méthodologiques. Les travaux de cette thèse visent à appliquer une méthodologie stricte de type essai clinique contrôlé avec assignation aléatoire afin d’isoler les effets particuliers du NF, en appliquant un protocole d’entraînement propre au déficit primaire sous-tendant le TDAH, soit l’inhibition motrice, dans le but d’évaluer la spécificité de cette intervention. Dans un premier temps, les connaissances relatives à la nosologie du TDAH, à ses principaux traitements, au NF et aux capacités d’inhibition chez l’enfant ayant un TDAH sont présentées (Chapitre 1). Ensuite, les études réalisées dans le cadre de cette thèse sont exposées. Dans l’étude initiale, la spécificité du NF est évaluée sur les capacités d’inhibition grâce à des mesures subjectives, soit des questionnaires de comportements complétés par les parents, ainsi que des mesures objectives, à savoir des tâches neuropsychologiques (Chapitre 2). Afin de préciser davantage les conséquences d’un entraînement à l’autorégulation d’ondes cérébrales, l’étude subséquente s’est intéressée à l’impact neurophysiologiques de l’amélioration des capacités d’inhibition, par le biais d’une étude en potentiels évoqués employant une tâche de performance continue de type Stop-signal (Chapitre 3). Les principaux résultats reflètent un recrutement sous optimal, avec une puissance statistique insuffisante pour réaliser des statistiques quantitatives de groupe. Néanmoins, l’appréciation des données selon une approche d’étude de cas multiples permet de mettre en évidence la présence d’une réponse placebo sur les capacités d’inhibition suite à un entraînement en NF. Finalement, les implications de la taille de l’échantillon, ainsi que les limites et les critiques de ces études sont discutées au Chapitre 4.


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Quelques évidences suggèrent que Bcl-xL, un membre anti-apoptotique de la famille Bcl-2, possède également des fonctions au niveau du cycle cellulaire et de ses points-contrôle. Pour étudier la régulation et fonction de Bcl-xL au cours du cycle cellulaire, nous avons généré et exprimé dans des cellules humaines une série de mutants de phosphorylation incluant Thr41Ala, Ser43Ala, Thr47Ala, Ser49Ala, Ser56Ala, Ser62Ala et Thr115Ala. L'analyse de cette série de mutants révèle que les cellules exprimant Bcl-xL(Ser62Ala) sont moins stables au point-contrôle G2 du cycle cellulaire comparées aux cellules exprimant le type sauvage ou les autres mutants de phosphorylation incluant Thr41Ala, Ser43Ala, Thr47Ala, Ser56Ala et Thr115Ala. Les études de cinétiques de phosphorylation et de localisation de phospho-Bcl-xL(Ser62) dans des cellules synchronisées et suite à l'activation du point-contrôle en G2 médié par l'étoposide (VP16), nous indiquent que phospho-Bcl-xL(Ser62) migre dans les corps nucléolaires durant l'arrêt en G2 dans les cellules exposées au VP16. Une série d'expériences incluant des essais kinase in vitro, l'utilisation d'inhibiteurs pharmacologiques et d'ARN interférant, nous révèlent que Polo kinase 1 (PLK1) et MAPK9/JNK2 sont les protéines kinase impliquées dans la phosphorylation de Bcl-xL(Ser62), et pour son accumulation dans les corps nucléolaires pendant le point-contrôle en G2. Nos résultats indiquent que durant le point-contrôle en G2, phospho-Bcl-xL(Ser62) se lie et se co-localise avec CDK1(CDC2), le complexe cycline-kinase qui contrôle l'entrée en mitose. Nos résultats suggèrent que dans les corps nucléolaires, phospho-Bcl-xL(Ser62) stabilise l'arrêt en G2 en séquestrant CDK1(CDC2) pour retarder l'entrée en mitose. Ces résultats soulignent également que les dommages à l'ADN influencent la composition des corps nucléolaires, structure nucléaire qui émerge maintenant comme une composante importante de la réponse aux dommages à l'ADN. Dans une deuxième étude, nous décrivons que les cellules exprimant le mutant de phosphorylation Bcl-xL(Ser62Ala) sont également plus stables au point-contrôle de l'assemblage du fuseau de la chromatine (SAC) suite à une exposition au taxol, comparées aux cellules exprimant le type sauvage ou d'autres mutants de phosphorylation de Bcl-xL, incluant Thr41Ala, Ser43Ala, Thr47Ala, Ser56Ala. Cet effet est indépendent de la fonction anti-apoptotique de Bcl-xL. Bcl-xL(Ser62) est fortement phosphorylé par PLK1 et MAPK14/SAPKp38α à la prométaphase, la métaphase et à la frontière de l'anaphase, et déphosphorylé à la télophase et la cytokinèse. Phospho-Bcl-xL(Ser62) se trouve dans les centrosomes avec γ-tubuline, le long du fuseau mitotique avec la protéine moteure dynéine et dans le cytosol mitotique avec des composantes du SAC. Dans des cellules exposées au taxol, phospho-Bcl-xL(Ser62) se lie au complexe inhibiteur CDC20/MAD2/BUBR1/BUB3, alors que le mutant Bcl-xL(Ser62Ala) ne se lie pas à ce complexe. Ces résultats indiquent que durant le SAC, la phosphorylation de Bcl-xL(Ser62) accélère la résolution du SAC et l'entrée des cellules en anaphase. Des expériences bloquant l'expression de Bcl-xL révèlent ègalement un taux très élevé de cellules tétraploïdes et binuclées après un traitement au nocodazole, consistant avec une fonction de Bcl-xL durant la mitose et dans la stabilité génomique. Dans la troisième étude, l'analyse fonctionnelle de cette série de mutants de phosphorylation indique également que les cellules exprimant Bcl-xL(Ser49Ala) sont moins stables durant le point-contrôle G2 et entre en cytokinèse plus lentement dans des cellules exposées aux inhibiteurs de la polymérisation/dépolymérisation des tubulines, composantes des microtubules. Ces effets de Bcl-xL(Ser49Ala) sont indépendents de sa fonction anti-apoptotique. La phosphorylation de Bcl-xL(Ser49) est dynamique au cours du cycle cellulaire. Dans des cellules synchronisées, Bcl-xL(Ser49) est phosphorylé en phase S et G2, déphosphorylé à la prométaphase, la métaphase et à la frontière de l'anaphase, et re-phosphorylé durant la télophase et la cytokinèse. Au cours du point-contrôle G2 induit par les dommages à l'ADN, un pool important de phospho-Bcl-xL(Ser49) se trouve aux centrosomes, un site important pour la régulation de l'entrée en mitose. Durant la télophase et la cytokinèse, phospho-Bcl-xL(Ser49) se trouve le long des microtubules avec la protéine moteure dynéine et dans le cytosol mitotique. Finalement, nos résultats suggèrent que PLK3 est responsable de la phosphorylation de Bcl-xL(Ser49), une protéine kinase impliquée pour l'entrée des cellules en mitose et pour la progression de la mitose jusqu'à la division cellulaire.


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Dans cette thèse, je me suis interessé à l’identification partielle des effets de traitements dans différents modèles de choix discrets avec traitements endogènes. Les modèles d’effets de traitement ont pour but de mesurer l’impact de certaines interventions sur certaines variables d’intérêt. Le type de traitement et la variable d’intérêt peuvent être défini de manière générale afin de pouvoir être appliqué à plusieurs différents contextes. Il y a plusieurs exemples de traitement en économie du travail, de la santé, de l’éducation, ou en organisation industrielle telle que les programmes de formation à l’emploi, les techniques médicales, l’investissement en recherche et développement, ou l’appartenance à un syndicat. La décision d’être traité ou pas n’est généralement pas aléatoire mais est basée sur des choix et des préférences individuelles. Dans un tel contexte, mesurer l’effet du traitement devient problématique car il faut tenir compte du biais de sélection. Plusieurs versions paramétriques de ces modèles ont été largement étudiées dans la littérature, cependant dans les modèles à variation discrète, la paramétrisation est une source importante d’identification. Dans un tel contexte, il est donc difficile de savoir si les résultats empiriques obtenus sont guidés par les données ou par la paramétrisation imposée au modèle. Etant donné, que les formes paramétriques proposées pour ces types de modèles n’ont généralement pas de fondement économique, je propose dans cette thèse de regarder la version nonparamétrique de ces modèles. Ceci permettra donc de proposer des politiques économiques plus robustes. La principale difficulté dans l’identification nonparamétrique de fonctions structurelles, est le fait que la structure suggérée ne permet pas d’identifier un unique processus générateur des données et ceci peut être du soit à la présence d’équilibres multiples ou soit à des contraintes sur les observables. Dans de telles situations, les méthodes d’identifications traditionnelles deviennent inapplicable d’où le récent développement de la littérature sur l’identification dans les modèles incomplets. Cette littérature porte une attention particuliere à l’identification de l’ensemble des fonctions structurelles d’intérêt qui sont compatibles avec la vraie distribution des données, cet ensemble est appelé : l’ensemble identifié. Par conséquent, dans le premier chapitre de la thèse, je caractérise l’ensemble identifié pour les effets de traitements dans le modèle triangulaire binaire. Dans le second chapitre, je considère le modèle de Roy discret. Je caractérise l’ensemble identifié pour les effets de traitements dans un modèle de choix de secteur lorsque la variable d’intérêt est discrète. Les hypothèses de sélection du secteur comprennent le choix de sélection simple, étendu et généralisé de Roy. Dans le dernier chapitre, je considère un modèle à variable dépendante binaire avec plusieurs dimensions d’hétérogéneité, tels que les jeux d’entrées ou de participation. je caractérise l’ensemble identifié pour les fonctions de profits des firmes dans un jeux avec deux firmes et à information complète. Dans tout les chapitres, l’ensemble identifié des fonctions d’intérêt sont écrites sous formes de bornes et assez simple pour être estimées à partir des méthodes d’inférence existantes.


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In this paper we show that the orthorhombic phase of FeSi2 (stable at room temperature) displays a sizable anisotropy in the infrared spectra, with minor effects in the Raman data too. This fact is not trivial at all, since the crystal structure corresponds to a moderate distortion of the fluorite symmetry. Our analysis is carried out on small single crystals grown by flux transport, through polarization-resolved far-infrared reflectivity and Raman measurements. Their interpretation has been obtained by means of the simulated spectra with tight-binding molecular dynamics.


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Nanoparticles of nickel ferrite have been synthesized by the sol–gel method and the effect of grain size on its structural and magnetic properties have been studied in detail. X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies revealed that all the samples are single phasic possessing the inverse spinel structure. Grain size of the sol–gel synthesized powders has been determined from the XRD data and the strain graph. A grain size of 9 nm was observed for the as prepared powders of NiFe2O4 obtained through the sol–gel method. It was also observed that strain was induced during the firing process. Magnetization measurements have been carried out on all the samples prepared in the present series. It was found that the specific magnetization of the nanosized NiFe2O4 powders was lower than that of the corresponding coarse-grained counterparts and decreased with a decrease in grain size. The coercivity of the sol–gel synthesized NiFe2O4 nanoparticles attained a maximum value when the grain size was 15nm and then decreased as the grain size was increased further.


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Super Resolution problem is an inverse problem and refers to the process of producing a High resolution (HR) image, making use of one or more Low Resolution (LR) observations. It includes up sampling the image, thereby, increasing the maximum spatial frequency and removing degradations that arise during the image capture namely aliasing and blurring. The work presented in this thesis is based on learning based single image super-resolution. In learning based super-resolution algorithms, a training set or database of available HR images are used to construct the HR image of an image captured using a LR camera. In the training set, images are stored as patches or coefficients of feature representations like wavelet transform, DCT, etc. Single frame image super-resolution can be used in applications where database of HR images are available. The advantage of this method is that by skilfully creating a database of suitable training images, one can improve the quality of the super-resolved image. A new super resolution method based on wavelet transform is developed and it is better than conventional wavelet transform based methods and standard interpolation methods. Super-resolution techniques based on skewed anisotropic transform called directionlet transform are developed to convert a low resolution image which is of small size into a high resolution image of large size. Super-resolution algorithm not only increases the size, but also reduces the degradations occurred during the process of capturing image. This method outperforms the standard interpolation methods and the wavelet methods, both visually and in terms of SNR values. Artifacts like aliasing and ringing effects are also eliminated in this method. The super-resolution methods are implemented using, both critically sampled and over sampled directionlets. The conventional directionlet transform is computationally complex. Hence lifting scheme is used for implementation of directionlets. The new single image super-resolution method based on lifting scheme reduces computational complexity and thereby reduces computation time. The quality of the super resolved image depends on the type of wavelet basis used. A study is conducted to find the effect of different wavelets on the single image super-resolution method. Finally this new method implemented on grey images is extended to colour images and noisy images