734 resultados para self directed learning environment


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Este trabalho de investigação resulta de uma preocupação pedagógica que nos acompanha, a de proporcionar aos alunos ambientes propiciadores de experiências vicárias, promotoras da autonomia pessoal, apoiadas na leitura e no diálogo interpretativo. Parte-se de uma exaustiva revisão de literatura sobre a história da Biblioterapia, a evolução do conceito e as suas potencialidades na promoção da inteligência emocional de crianças saudáveis e/ou portadoras de perturbações físicas ou emocionais e no desenvolvimento de mecanismos de coping2 e empowerment3 a mobilizar no enfrentamento das suas narrativas problemáticas, aproveitando os recursos biblioteconómicos, o espaço físico e o ambiente informal de aprendizagem na Biblioteca Escolar. A investigação realizada levou-nos a uma análise da arquitetura de diversos modelos de aplicação e, subsequentemente, a uma proposta de um modelo aplicacional, eclético, de matriz educacional, para implementação de programas de intervenção biblioterapêutica, em contexto de Biblioteca Escolar, explicativo das fases que concorrem para a sua corporeidade.


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A temática apresentada é resultante da prática de ensino supervisionada no Ensino Secundário em Artes Visuais e tem como finalidade aprofundar questões que envolvem a autorregulação das aprendizagens para o desenvolvimento do pensamento reflexivo dos alunos. A importância do paradigma reflexivo está cada vez mais presente nas práticas educativas dos nossos tempos, remetendo para um novo conceito de ensino e de avaliação no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, de acordo com um ensino cada vez mais centrado no aluno. Seguindo a intemporalidade do pensamento freireano são desenvolvidas práticas de avaliação tendo por base a integração do portefólio como instrumento de aprendizagem progressiva para a prática reflexiva dos alunos na disciplina de Desenho A. Este projeto de investigação participativa pretende analisar informações qualitativas e quantitativas de forma a reconhecer o contributo e o benefício da dimensão reflexiva ao longo do processo de ensino-aprendizagem no desenvolvimento pessoal e cognitivo do aluno.


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Ant colonies in nature provide a good model for a distributed, robust and adaptive routing algorithm. This paper proposes the adoption of the same strategy for the routing of packets in an Active Network. Traditional store-and-forward routers are replaced by active intermediate systems, which are able to perform computations on transient packets, in a way that results very helpful for developing and dynamically deploying new protocols. The adoption of the Active Networks paradigm associated with a cooperative learning environment produces a robust, decentralized routing algorithm capable of adapting to network traffic conditions.


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New conceptual ideas on network architectures have been proposed in the recent past. Current store-andforward routers are replaced by active intermediate systems, which are able to perform computations on transient packets, in a way that results very helpful for developing and deploying new protocols in a short time. This paper introduces a new routing algorithm, based on a congestion metric, and inspired by the behavior of ants in nature. The use of the Active Networks paradigm associated with a cooperative learning environment produces a robust, decentralized algorithm capable of adapting quickly to changing conditions.


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Concern has been expressed that the current climate in schools militates against trainee teachers' self-directed development. This article explores the issue of trainees' capacity for self-direction through the analysis of interviews with 32 trainees, investigating their perceived proactive social strategies. Three proactive strategies were identified: 'tactical compliance', personalising advice, and seeking out opportunities to exercise control. It is argued that these strategies are indicative of trainees' drive to establish a personal teaching identity through self-directed development and the creation of individual development agendas. The article concludes by emphasising the importance of the development of proactive social skills in beginning teachers. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This brief paper explores the current and potential usage of mobile phones within higher education. It reports on the outcomes of a brain storming session regarding this subject undertaken with a cohort of final year Computer Science students undertaking a Social, Legal and Ethical Aspects of Information Technology course at The University of Reading. Subsequent analysis was undertaken as a result of online discussion using a Managed Learning Environment and a web based survey completed by over 250 undergraduates from around the UK.


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This case study uses log-linear modelling to investigate the interrelationships between factors that may contribute to the late submission of coursework by undergraduate students. A class of 86 computing students are considered. These students were exposed to traditional teaching methods supported by e-learning via a Managed Learning Environment (MLE). The MLE warehouses detailed data about student usage of the various areas of the environment, which can be used to interpret the approach taken to learning. The study investigates the interrelationship between these factors with the information as to whether the student handed in their course work on time or whether they were late. The results from the log-linear modelling technique show that there is an interaction between participating in Discussions within the MLE and the timely submission of course work, indicating that participants are more likely to hand in on time, than those students who do not participate.


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Livestock are a key asset for the global poor. However, access to relevant information is a critical issue for both livestock development practitioners and the poor themselves. Therefore, the following paper details the creation of an on-line Animal Health Resource Room. The aim was to create an immersive environment, which mimics the benefits of a 3D Virtual Learning Environment without the constraints on download times. Therefore, in the following paper key issues in the dissemination of such a platform such as connectivity and speed are explored within the wider context of the development of the tool itself.


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What are the main causes of international terrorism? Despite the meticulous examination of various candidate explanations, existing estimates still diverge in sign, size, and significance. This article puts forward a novel explanation and supporting evidence. We argue that domestic political instability provides the learning environment needed to successfully execute international terror attacks. Using a yearly panel of 123 countries over 1973–2003, we find that the occurrence of civil wars increases fatalities and the number of international terrorist acts by 45%. These results hold for alternative indicators of political instability, estimators, subsamples, subperiods, and accounting for competing explanations.


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The Plaut, McClelland, Seidenberg and Patterson (1996) connectionist model of reading was evaluated at two points early in its training against reading data collected from British children on two occasions during their first year of literacy instruction. First, the network’s non-word reading was poor relative to word reading when compared with the children. Second, the network made more non-lexical than lexical errors, the opposite pattern to the children. Three adaptations were made to the training of the network to bring it closer to the learning environment of a child: an incremental training regime was adopted; the network was trained on grapheme– phoneme correspondences; and a training corpus based on words found in children’s early reading materials was used. The modifications caused a sharp improvement in non-word reading, relative to word reading, resulting in a near perfect match to the children’s data on this measure. The modified network, however, continued to make predominantly non-lexical errors, although evidence from a small-scale implementation of the full triangle framework suggests that this limitation stems from the lack of a semantic pathway. Taken together, these results suggest that, when properly trained, connectionist models of word reading can offer insights into key aspects of reading development in children.


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The l1-norm sparsity constraint is a widely used technique for constructing sparse models. In this contribution, two zero-attracting recursive least squares algorithms, referred to as ZA-RLS-I and ZA-RLS-II, are derived by employing the l1-norm of parameter vector constraint to facilitate the model sparsity. In order to achieve a closed-form solution, the l1-norm of the parameter vector is approximated by an adaptively weighted l2-norm, in which the weighting factors are set as the inversion of the associated l1-norm of parameter estimates that are readily available in the adaptive learning environment. ZA-RLS-II is computationally more efficient than ZA-RLS-I by exploiting the known results from linear algebra as well as the sparsity of the system. The proposed algorithms are proven to converge, and adaptive sparse channel estimation is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.


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In this presentation, a business instructor will discuss a variety of Blackboard functions and describe how technology enhances teaching and learning. It will also address the challenges and issues facing both instructors and students in an online learning environment.


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Syfte: Syfte med denna studie var att belysa hur sjuksköterskestudenter upplevde den kliniska färdighetsträningen på Kompetenscenter. Metod: Den genomfördes som en empirisk studie med kvalitativ ansats där två fokusgruppsintervjuer med fem sjuksköterskestuderande i vardera utfördes. Deltagarna var mellan 22 och 30 år. Materialet analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: I analysen framkom ett tema, tre kategorier och tio subkategorier. Studenternas upplevelser speglade ett behov av att lärandemiljön, lärarna och undervisningen bör ha en verklighetsanknytning. Studenterna upplevde den fysiska miljön som autentiskt vilket var viktigt för dem. De framhöll även att läromaterialet bör vara verklighetstroget, vara av god kvalitet och finnas i tillräckligt antal. Studenterna uttryckte behov av trygghet och framhöll vikten av en god relation med läraren. De uttryckte även behov av samstämmiga lärare och poängterade behov att metoder och rutiner som lärs ut skulle vara enhetliga och baseras på aktuell evidens. För att läraren skulle uppfattas trovärdig framhöll de att vederbörande bör ha en verklighetsanknytning. De underströk vikten av att övningarna skulle upplevas verkliga och vara relevanta för det kommande yrket. Studenterna önskade interprofessionellt lärande då de trodde det kunde öka känslan av sammanhang och verklighet. Konklusion: Studenternas upplevelser av den kliniska färdighetsträningen på KC gav uttryck för en verklighetsförankrad lärandemiljö. Studenterna uttryckte behov av att övningarna skulle var evidensbaserade och upplevas verkliga då det ökade deras förmåga att tillägna sig kunskaper i den kliniska färdighetsträningen. 


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Bakgrund: Under senare år har allt fler kliniska träningscentra för färdighetsträning etablerats för att möjliggöra en trygg och säker lärandemiljö med simuleringsmöjligheter för studerande och personal. Klinisk färdighetsträning är en viktig del i sjuksköterskeutbildningen vid Högskolan Dalarna (HDa) där lärandemiljön på Kompetenscentrum (KC) kan bidra till en förbättring av lärandemiljön i den kliniska färdighetsutbildningen. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka sjuksköterskestudenters upplevelser via skattning av lärandemiljön för klinisk färdighetsutbildning före och efter inrättandet av Kompetenscentrum. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en enkätundersökning med kvasiexperimentell design. Enkätens baserades på Saarikoski och Leino-Kilpis mätinstrument CLES där frågeställningar om lärandemiljön modifierades med hjälp av Delphimetoden utifrån de tre olika dimensionerna: utbildningsmiljö, relation och lärarens roll. Mätningen före inrättandet genomfördes under hösten 2010 och mätningen efter inrättandet genomfördes hösten 2011. Totalt ingick 266 sjuksköterskestudenter i studien varav 198 (74 %) besvarade enkäten. Resultat: Sjuksköterskestudenter skattade upplevelsen av lärandemiljön mer positiv efter inrättandet av Kompetenscentrum där resultatet visar en signifikant högre skattning i 8 de av de 16 frågorna. Sjuksköterskestudenterna skattade att de upplever att utbildningsmiljön är mer verklighetstrogen, de är mer nöjda med färdighetsträningen samt att den inspirerar dem till att arbeta som sjuksköterska. Att relationen mellan dem och läraren bygger på respekt och att det är en mer positiv atmosfären under färdighetsträningen. Däremot påvisades ingen signifikant skillnad i studenternas upplevelse av den kliniska lärarens roll. Slutsats: Det är uppenbart att lärandemiljö har betydelse för sjuksköterskestudentens integration av såväl teoretiska som praktiska kunskaper vilket medför att färdigheterna förbättras och ger en bra grund för arbetet som sjuksköterska. Strategier bör vidtas för att vidmakthålla och utveckla lärandemiljön på KC samt fokusera ytterligare på integrering av teori och praktik.


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Interaction involves people communicating and reacting to each other. This process is key to the study of discourse, but it is not easy to study systematically how interaction takes place in a specific communicative event, or how it is typically performed over a series of repeated communicative events. However, with a written record of the interaction, it becomes possible to study the process in some detail. This thesis investigates interaction through asynchronous written discussion forums in a computer-mediated learning environment. In particular, this study investigates pragmatic aspects of the communicative event which the asynchronous online discussions comprise. The first case study examines response patterns to messages by looking at the content of initial messages and responses, in order to determine the extent to which characteristics of the messages themselves or other situational factors affect the interaction. The second study examines in what ways participants use a range of discourse devices, including formulaic politeness, humour and supportive feedback as community building strategies in the interaction. The third study investigates the role of the subject line of messages in the interaction, for example by examining how participants choose different types of subject lines for different types of messages. The fourth study examines to what extent features serving a deictic function are drawn on in the interaction and then compares the findings to both oral conversation and formal academic discourse. The overall findings show a complex communicative situation shaped by the medium itself, type of activity, the academic discipline and topic of discussion and by the social and cultural aspects of tertiary education in an online learning environment. In addition, the findings may also provide evidence of learning.