969 resultados para second 12 principles
Meio ambiente e Ética são temas recorrentes nas pautas de discussões sobre os desafios da educação brasileira. O mundo está imerso em uma crise ambiental e ética que nos convida ao movimento dialético da ação-reflexão-ação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar as concepções e as relações entre os Temas Transversais Meio Ambiente e Ética dos professores de Ciências, técnicos educacionais e alunos de 5ª a 8ª série do Ensino Fundamental, de uma escola da rede particular de Belém. O estudo apoiou-se em Sauvé, Reigota, Sánchez Vásquez, Leff, Grün, Valls, Bardin, Zabala, Freire, Lüdke, André, entre outros. O caminho metodológico foi o da abordagem qualitativa. Para mergulhar nos diálogos intersubjetivos, que são as práticas pedagógicas, foram utilizadas as técnicas de pesquisa de campo e pesquisa documental. A primeira consistiu na realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas com 16 estudantes, 3 professores e 2 técnicos da Escola - “Alfa”; a segunda envolveu os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, os livros didáticos de Ciências e os documentos entregues aos alunos e professores, em 2008, na Escola. A interpretação dos dados se baseou na análise de conteúdo, em sua modalidade temática. Foram trabalhados dois temas: Concepções de Meio Ambiente e Concepções de Ética. A unidade de contexto, o ―pano de fundo‖ do estudo, foi uma escola da rede particular de ensino, dotada de boa infraestrutura, cuja clientela é formada, em sua maioria, por alunos da classe média alta. Para definição das categorias, foi preparado um caderno com as entrevistas, o que facilitou o agrupamento, a classificação e a análise interpretativa dos dados. Isso resultou na síntese em sete categorias de análise: Concepção de Meio Ambiente como natureza; Concepção de Meio Ambiente como o local onde se vive; Concepção de Meio Ambiente como relação dos seres entre si e deles com o ambiente; Concepção de Meio Ambiente como sustentabilidade; Concepção de Ética como respeito; Concepção associada a princípios e valores e Concepção relacionada ao meio ambiente e ao respeito às pessoas. Os resultados revelam, contraditoriamente, a prevalência da lógica disciplinar nos PCN e na Escola ―Alfa‖; os livros adotados pela Escola não se limitam aos conteúdos factuais e conceituais; em relação às concepções de Meio Ambiente e Ética, os entendimentos do que vem a ser ambiente e ética são reducionistas. Os sujeitos, de uma maneira geral, não estabelecem conexão necessária entre Ambiente e Ética. Nas turmas de 5ª a 8ª série, a Escola não trabalha os Temas de forma efetiva. As reflexões finais pontificam um convite à Escola para refletir e buscar alternativas que revertam o quadro de suas ações educacionais relativas ao Meio Ambiente e à Ética. As escolas precisam se sentir desafiadas a inserir a Educação Ambiental em seu cotidiano, com o fito de colaborar na construção de uma educação cidadã.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Objective. To review the literature regarding the application of the notion of user embracement and to identify the contributions of this concept for primary health care practices in Brazil.Method. We carried out an integrative review of the literature regarding primary health care. The following databases were searched: LILACS, SciELO, and MEDLINE, covering the period from 2006 to 2010. The following search terms were used in LILACS and SciELO: acolhimento and programa saude da familia and saude. For MEDLINE, the terms user embracement and family health program and health were used. The review was performed in November 2010.Results. We identified 21 articles meeting the inclusion criteria, all of which described studies carried out in Brazil. The articles were divided into three empirical categories: integration and embracement; primary care work process; and evaluation of services. These are complementary categories that converge to two main views of embracement: the first sees embracement as a means of reorganizing the primary health care environment, and the second sees embracement as an attitude towards users. The review also shows that embracement may be a management tool that supports the Unified Health System and is associated with the principles of comprehensiveness and universality.Conclusions. Embracement is able to create a bond between health care workers and users. It promotes self-care, a better understanding of disease, as well as user co-responsibility for treatment. In addition, it facilitates universal access, strengthens multiprofessional and intersectoral work, qualifies care, humanizes practices, and encourages actions to combat prejudice. Nevertheless, the perspective of health care users regarding embracement deserves more attention and should be the focus of future studies.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The presence of mulch on the soil surface after the mechanical harvesting of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) enhances the cycling of nutrients, especially K, which can decrease K fertilizer recommendations for the crop. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of K addition to an Oxisol, with an initial concentration 0.07 cmol(c) K kg(-1), in first and second ratoon (no-till) sugarcane cultures by a conservationist system, i.e. rational use of fertilizers, use of alternative inputs and especially the maintenance of residues in soil that was previously burned to facilitate cutting. The following K doses were tested: 0, 32.5, 65, 130, and 195 kg K2O ha(-1), arranged in a randomized block design with five replicates. Potassium content in the soil and in the plant, as well as the yield and the quality of stalks were evaluated. Soil K application increased K concentration in soil and plant, and was reflected in the prodUction of stalks, with higher production (87.5 and 107.5 t ha(-1)) with the use of 120 and 123 kg K2O ha(-1) in first and second ratoon sugarcane, respectively. At the first 2 yr it was not possible to reduce the K fertilization in ratoon. Therefore, with the introduction of the conservationist system there was an increase (20 t ha(-1)) at the second ratoon regarding the first one with the same applied rate.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper reports on an unmodeled, all-sky search for gravitational waves from merging intermediate mass black hole binaries (IMBHB). The search was performed on data from the second joint science run of the LIGO and Virgo detectors (July 2009-October 2010) and was sensitive to IMBHBs with a range up to similar to 200 Mpc, averaged over the possible sky positions and inclinations of the binaries with respect to the line of sight. No significant candidate was found. Upper limits on the coalescence-rate density of nonspinning IMBHBs with total masses between 100 and 450 M-circle dot and mass ratios between 0.25 and 1 were placed by combining this analysis with an analogous search performed on data from the first LIGO-Virgo joint science run (November 2005-October 2007). The most stringent limit was set for systems consisting of two 88 M-circle dot black holes and is equal to 0.12 Mpc(-3) Myr(-1) at the 90% confidence level. This paper also presents the first estimate, for the case of an unmodeled analysis, of the impact on the search range of IMBHB spin configurations: the visible volume for IMBHBs with nonspinning components is roughly doubled for a population of IMBHBs with spins aligned with the binary's orbital angular momentum and uniformly distributed in the dimensionless spin parameter up to 0.8, whereas an analogous population with antialigned spins decreases the visible volume by similar to 20%.
New information technologies and new forms of documentary production have led archivists to rethink the role of archival science in the so-called information age. Since the late 1980s, the principles, methods and concepts stated by the well-known manuals of the 19th and the 20th centuries have been reconsidered along with their application to the organic sets of document in the 21st century. In this new scenario of reformulation and reinterpretation regarding the perspectives on archival knowledge organization, two trends with different approaches have emerged in North America and Europe: postmodern archival science and contemporary diplomatics, respectively. The first one was introduced by Terry Cook, who proposed a reformulation of the basic concepts and the functional analysis method focusing on the process and context of document creation. The second approach originated in Italy and incorporated all the theoretical and methodological models of classic diplomatics. The studies following this new trend were disseminated by Luciana Duranti and aimed to ensure the production, access and use of the documentation generated in the present times focusing on document typology, as opposed by the postmodern approach. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the connection points and distinct features between the two trends concerning the organization of archival knowledge.
Objective The objective of this article is to present options of rehabilitation with dental implants in two cases of severely atrophic mandibles (<10 mm) after rigid internal fixation of fractures. Patients and method Two patients who sustained fractures in severely atrophic mandibles with less than 10 mm of bone height were treated by open reduction and internal fixation through a transcervical access. Internal fixation was obtained with 2.4-mm locking reconstruction plates. The first patient presented satisfactory bone height at the area between the mental foramens and after 2 years, received flapless guided implants in the anterior mandible and an immediate protocol prosthesis. The second patient received a tent pole iliac crest autogenous graft after 2 years of fracture treatment and immediate implants. After 5 months, a protocol prosthesis was installed in the second patient. Results In both cases, the internal fixation followed AO principles for load-bearing osteosynthesis. Both prosthetic devices were Branemark protocol prosthesis. The mandibular reconstruction plates were not removed. Both patients are rehabilitated without complications and satisfied with esthetic and functional results. Conclusion With the current techniques of internal fixation, grafting, and guided implants, the treatment of atrophic mandible fractures can achieve very good results, which were previously not possible.
Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
We report on the generation of tunable light around 400 nm by frequency-doubling ultrashort laser pulses whose spectral phase is modulated by a sum of sinusoidal functions. The linewidth of the ultraviolet band produced is narrower than 1 nm, in contrast to the 12 nm linewidth of the non-modulated incident spectrum. The influence of pixellation of the liquid crystal spatial light modulator on the efficiency of the phase-modulated second harmonic generation is discussed.
Background: Dyslipidemia is observed among older children and adults with HIV. We examined nonfasting cholesterol and triglycerides in two groups of 12-23-month-old Latin American children - HIV-infected vs. HIV-exposed but uninfected (HEU). Methods: HIV-infected and HEU children in Latin America and Jamaica were enrolled in an observational cohort. Eligibility for this analysis required having cholesterol and triglyceride results available during the second year of life. Results: HIV-infected (n = 83) children were slightly older at the time of lipid testing than the HEU (n 681). Forty percent of the HIV-infected children were on protease inhibitor-based antiretroviral therapy (ART); 41% were not on ART. There was no statistically significant difference in mean cholesterol concentrations (mg/dl) by HIV status; however, the HIV-infected children had higher mean triglyceride concentrations. The prevalence of high cholesterol (>200 mg/dl) and high triglycerides (>110 mg/dl) was higher among the HIV-infected vs. HEU. Among the HIV-infected children, mean cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations varied by ART. Children receiving no ART had a significantly lower mean cholesterol concentration. Those receiving protease inhibitor-containing ART had a significantly higher mean triglyceride concentration compared to the other two antiretroviral regimen groups. Conclusion: A greater proportion of HIV-infected children at 12-23 months have hyperlipidemia when compared to HEU children, with the highest triglyceride concentrations observed among those receiving protease inhibitor-containing ART, and the lowest cholesterol levels among those not receiving ART. Implications of these findings will require continued follow-up of HIV-infected children who initiate therapy early in life. (C) 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins