987 resultados para row arrangement
Circular proteins are a recently discovered phenomenon. They presumably evolved to confer advantages over ancestral linear proteins while maintaining the intrinsic biological functions of those proteins. In general, these advantages include a reduced sensitivity to proteolytic cleavage and enhanced stability. In one remarkable family of circular proteins, the cyclotides, the cyclic backbone is additionally braced by a knotted arrangement of disulfide bonds that confers additional stability and topological complexity upon the family. This article describes the discovery, structure, function and biosynthesis of the currently known circular proteins. The discovery of naturally occurring circular proteins in the past few years has been complemented by new chemical and biochemical methods to make synthetic circular proteins; these are also briefly described.
The distributions of the Eph-class receptors EphA4 and EphB 1, and their ligands ephrin-A2, ephrin-B1, and ephrin-B2, were analysed by immunostaining in the mouse inner ear. Complementary patterns of EphA4 and its potential ligand ephrin-A2 were found, with ephrin-A2 in many of the structures lining the cochlear duct and within the cochlear nerve cells, and EphA4 in the deeper structures underlying the cochlear duct and in the cells lining the nerve pathway. EphB1 and its potential ligands ephrin-B1 and ephrin-B2 showed a segregated layered expression in the lateral wall of the cochlear duct (the external sulcus), which together with EphA4 expressed in the area, form a four-layered structure with an alternating pattern of receptors and ligands in the different layers. This arrangement gives the potential for different bidirectional Eph-mediated interactions between each of the layers. The results suggest that the Eph system in the cochlea may have a role in maintaining cell segregation during phases of cochlear development. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Pycnadenoides pagrosomi Yamaguti, 1938 and P. reversati n. sp. from Pagrus auratus (Sparidae) and P. invenustus n. sp. from Nemadactylus valenciennesi (Cheilodactylidae) are described from the temperate marine waters off south-west Western Australia and south-east Queensland. The difference in the anterior extent of the vitelline follicles observed in P. reversati n. sp. recovered from off south-east Queensland waters and the material from off Western Australia is discussed. P. reversati n. sp. is distinguished from P. pagrosomi mainly in the position of the genital pore and in the arrangement of the testes, and from P. invenustus n. sp. in the posterior extent of the cirrus-sac. P. reversati belongs to the group of species with a short cirrus-sac and P. invenustus to the group with the cirrus-sac reaching into the anterior hindbody.
A new species of Pseudotrypanosoma, P. elphinstonae sp. n., is described which is symbiotic within the hindguts of the rhinotermitid termites Schedorhinotermes secundus and S. intermedius. P. elphinstonae possesses most of the features of the genus: 4 anterior flagella, prominent costa and recurrent flagellum forming an undulating membrane and simple bean-shaped parabasal body. The mastigont complex is of similar composition and arrangement to other trichomonads but the pelto-axostylar complex is greatly simplified being composed of a single layer of microtubules which do not over lap and cannot be distinguished into separate structures. The undulating membrane is much smaller than in related species; the costa is smaller and simpler and there are no microtubular bundles connecting it to the recurrent flagellum. Comparison of the ultrastructure of P. elphinstonae sp. n. with that of P. giganteum demonstrated that P. elphinstonae sp. n. in addition to being much smaller in size had a correspondingly simper ultrastructural organisation lacking several organelles which characterise the latter species.
Hot-wire anemometers at low operating currents are used as fast response resistance thermometers for the study of heated turbulent flows. Simultaneous measurement of temperature and velocity is generally performed with multi-wire arrays. In order to give good spatial resolution a new layout has been tested which uses an inclined temperature wire positioned parallel to the nearest inclined velocity wire. This leads to an asymmetric wire arrangement relative to the mean flow direction. As expected, a reduction in thermal interference from the velocity wires results when compared with an array containing a temperature wire placed normal to the flow. However, measurement of higher order moments of fluctuating quantities in an axisymmetric jet shows considerable distortion of radial distributions which is traced to alteration of the temperature field sensed by the temperature wire. When inclined velocity sensitive wires contain a temperature component, the latter may be affected by the same phenomenon.
Idiosyncratic markers are features of genes and genomes that are so unusual that it is unlikely that they evolved more than once in a lineage of organisms. Here we explore further the potential of idiosyncratic markers and changes to typically conserved tRNA sequences for phylogenetic inference. Hard ticks were chosen as the model group because their phylogeny has been studied extensively. Fifty-eight candidate markers from hard ticks ( family Ixodidae) and 22 markers from the subfamily Rhipicephalinae sensu lato were mapped onto phylogenies of these groups. Two of the most interesting markers, features of the secondary structure of two different tRNAs, gave strong support to the hypothesis that species of the Prostriata ( Ixodes spp.) are monophyletic. Previous analyses of genes and morphology did not strongly support this relationship, instead suggesting that the Prostriata is paraphyletic with respect to the Metastriata ( the rest of the hard ticks). Parallel or convergent evolution was not found in the arrangements of mitochondrial genes in ticks nor were there any reversals to the ancestral arthropod character state. Many of the markers identified were phylogenetically informative, whereas others should be informative with study of additional taxa. Idiosyncratic markers and changes to typically conserved nucleotides in tRNAs that are phylogenetically informative were common in this data set, and thus these types of markers might be found in other organisms.
A number of studies indicated that lineages of animals with high rates of mitochondrial (mt) gene rearrangement might have high rates of mt nucleotide substitution. We chose the hemipteroid assemblage and the Insecta to test the idea that rates of mt gene rearrangement and mt nucleotide substitution are correlated. For this purpose, we sequenced the mt genome of a lepidopsocid from the Psocoptera, the only order of hemipteroid insects for which an entire mtDNA sequence is not available. The mt genome of this lepidopsocid is circular, 16,924 bp long, and contains 37 genes and a putative control region; seven tRNA genes and a protein-coding gene in this genome have changed positions relative to the ancestral arrangement of mt genes of insects. We then compared the relative rates of nucleotide substitution among species from each of the four orders of hemipteroid insects and among the 20 insects whose mt genomes have been sequenced entirely. All comparisons among the hernipteroid insects showed that species with higher rates of gene rearrangement also had significantly higher rates of nucleotide substitution statistically than did species with lower rates of gene rearrangement. In comparisons among the 20 insects, where the mt genomes of the two species differed by more than five breakpoints, the more rearranged species always had a significantly higher rate of nucleotide substitution than the less rearranged species. However, in comparisons where the mt genomes of two species differed by five or less breakpoints, the more rearranged species did not always have a significantly higher rate of nucleotide substitution than the less rearranged species. We tested the statistical significance of the correlation between the rates of mt gene rearrangement and mt nucleotide substitution with nine pairs of insects that were phylogenetically independent from one 2 another. We found that the correlation was positive and statistically significant (R-2 = 0.73, P = 0.01; R-s = 0.67, P < 0.05). We propose that increased rates of nucleotide substitution may lead to increased rates of gene rearrangement in the mt genomes of insects.
The outer-sphere redox behaviour of a series of [LnCoIII-NCFeII(CN)(5)](-) (L-n = n-membered pentadentate aza-macrocycle) complexes have been studied as a function of pH and oxidising agent. All the dinuclear complexes show a double protonation process at pH approximate to 2 that produces a shift in their UV/Vis spectra. Oxidation of the different non-protonated and diprotonated complexes has been carried out with peroxodisulfate, and of the non-protonated complexes also with trisoxalatocobaltate(III). The results are in agreement with predictions from the Marcus theory. The oxidation of [Fe(phen)(3)](3+) and [IrCl6](2-) is too fast to be measured, although for the latter the transient observation of the process has been achieved at pH = 0. The study of the kinetics of the outer-sphere redox process, with the S2O82- and [Co(ox)(3)](3-) oxidants, has been carried out as a function of pH, temperature, and pressure. As a whole, the values found for the activation volumes, entropies, and enthalpies are in the following margins, for the diprotonated and non-protonated dinuclear complexes, respectively: DeltaV(not equal) from 11 to 13 and 15 to 20 cm(3) mol(-1); DeltaS(not equal) from 110 to 30 and -60 to -90 J K-1 mol(-1); DeltaH(not equal) from 115 to 80 and 50 to 65 kJ.mol(-1). The thermal activation parameters are clearly dominated by the electrostriction occurring on outer-sphere precursor formation, while the trends found for the values of the volume of activation indicate an important degree of tuning due to the charge distribution during the electron transfer process. The special arrangement on the amine ligands in the isomer trans[(L14CoNCFeII)-N-III(CN)(5)](-) accounts for important differences in solvent-assisted hydrogen bonding occurring within the outer-sphere redox process, as has been established in redox reactions of similar compounds. ((C) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2003).
The effect of pore-network connectivity on binary liquid-phase adsorption equilibria using the ideal adsorbed solution theory (LAST) was studied. The liquid-phase binary adsorption experiments used ethyl propionate, ethyl butyrate, and ethyl isovalerate as the adsorbates and commercial activated carbons Filtrasorb-400 and Norit ROW 0.8 as adsorbents. As the single-component isotherm, a modified Dubinin-Radushkevich equation was used. A comparison with experimental data shows that incorporating the connectivity of the pore network and considering percolation processes associated with different molecular sizes of the adsorptives in the mixture, as well as their different corresponding accessibility, can improve the prediction of binary adsorption equilibria using the LAST Selectivity of adsorption for the larger molecule in binary systems increases with an increase in the pore-network coordination number, as well with an increase in the mean pore width and in the spread of the pore-size distribution.
O Programa Bolsa Fam??lia, programa de transfer??ncia condicionada de renda, vem se firmando no cen??rio mundial como uma das mais expressivas iniciativas dessa natureza para o enfrentamento da pobreza e a redu????o da desigualdade. Presente em todos os 5.564 munic??pios brasileiros, caracteriza- se por ser um programa federal que n??o prescinde dos estados e, em especial, dos munic??pios para a sua execu????o. No sentido de estabelecer uma gest??o compartilhada entre todas as esferas governamentais, o governo federal tem buscado implantar mecanismos flex??veis de parceria, com defini????o clara de pap??is e compartilhamento de responsabilidades, bem como auxiliar os governos subnacionais, por meio da transfer??ncia de recursos para a gest??o, na cria????o das condi????es institucionais e de infra-estrutura necess??rias ?? operacionaliza????o de um programa dessa magnitude. Este texto analisa as rela????es intergovernamentais existentes no ??mbito do Programa Bolsa Fam??lia, identificando os avan??os e os desafios na busca da coordena????o federativa. A primeira parte, sobre o federalismo brasileiro, ap??ia-se basicamente em estudos do pesquisador Luiz Fernando Abrucio. J?? os dados e informa????es sobre o Programa foram fornecidos pelo Minist??rio do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate ?? Fome.
Parte da Dissertação do primeiro autor, apresentada ao Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo/PPGPV, Alegre-ES, como parte das exigências para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Produção Vegetal/Fitotecnia.
The effect of molybdenum (Mo) on common bean grown in desiccated corn stover in a no-tillage system was evaluated under two application modes: Mo mixed with the desiccant glyphosate and Mo direct spray to the bean leaves. The treatments (four replicates) were assigned to a completely randomized block design in a split-plot arrangement with the application of Mo (0, 100, 200, 400 and 800 g ha-1) mixed with glyphosate in the main plots and Mo foliar spray (0 and 100 g ha-1) in the sub-plots. The field experiments were carried out in 2009 and 2010 in the municipality of Coimbra, Minas Gerais State, with the common bean cultivar Ouro Vermelho. Mo mixed with glyphosate had neither an effect on common bean yield nor on the Mo and N contents in leaves, however it increased the Mo and N contents in seeds. Application of Mo via foliar spray increased Mo content in leaves and Mo and N contents in seeds. The reapplication of molybdenum with glyphosate for desiccation in subsequent crops caused a cumulative effect of Mo content in bean seeds.
ABSTRACT Soybean cultivation is increasing rapidly in the region of Alto Vale do Itajaí, State of Santa Catarina, where there is a predominance of silt soils. The objective of this work was to evaluate the content of primary macronutrients in shoots and shoot and root vegetative growth of soybean (Glicine max L. Merrill) grown in a silt-loam soil under different compactation densities and moisture levels. A randomized block design in a 4x4 factorial arrangement was used, with four compactation densities: 1.00; 1.20; 1.40 and 1.60 Mg m-3, and four soil moisture levels: 0.130; 0.160; 0.190 and 0.220 kg kg-1 and four replications. Each pot consisted of the overlapping of three 150-mm PVC rings, where soil was maintained in the higher and lower part of the pot with a density of 1.00 Mg m-3 and in the intermediate ring, the compactation densities were increased. Values of soil density higher than 120 Mg m-3 negatively affected N, P and K uptake by soybean plants, as well as the plant mass of the shoots and roots. The higher levels of soil moisture reduced the compaction effect and promoted better absorption of P and K.
ABSTRACT Large salty areas in the Brazilian semi-arid region have limited farming in Northeastern Brazil. One example is the sugar cane cultivation, which reinforces the need of selecting varieties that are more tolerant to salinity. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of salinity on growth of ten varieties of sugar cane. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, set in the experimental field of Embrapa Semiárido, in Petrolina, Pernambuco State. The experimental design was randomized blocks arranged in a 6 X 10 factorial arrangement, comprised of six levels of salinity (0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 and 8.0 dS m-1) and ten sugar cane varieties (VAT 90212; RB 72454; RB 867515; Q 124; RB 961003; RB 957508; SP791011; RB 835089; RB 92579 and SP 943206). Salt levels of irrigation water were obtained by adding NaCl, CaCl2.2H2O and MgSO4.7H2O to achieve an equivalent ratio among Na:Ca:Mg of 7:2:1. Sixty days later, plant height, stem diameter (base), number of leaves, stalks and sprouts, leaf area and fresh and dry mass of the aerial part and roots were all measured. The varieties of sugar cane showed similar responses for growth reduction as soil salinity increases, being considered moderately sensitive to salinity.
Existing studies on global sourcing strategy have implicitly adopted a cJosed-systems perspective in which sourcing activities are managed within a multinational company across national boundaries. Produd and process innovations and components procurement that are jointly managed by a consortium of cooperating firms have not been examined. In this paper, we empiricallyexamine the issues concerning sourcing partnerships in an open-systems perspective. Findings suggest that even in a sourcing partnership arrangement with a foreign supplier, the principal firm's ability to procure and control the supply of major components has a positive bearing on its market performance.