977 resultados para psicología cultural
The benefits and drawbacks of homogeneity and heterogeneity have been debated at length. Whereas some researchers assert that heterogeneity is beneficial for groups that are engaged in complex problem solving, the other researchers emphasize the potential costs associated with diversity. The inconsistency is a result of the incomplete measurement of diversity and focus one or two types of diversity. Most research concentrates on the readily detected/visible characteristics, making the assumption that such characteristics are related to underlying attributes (e.g., attitudes and values). In many cases, the demographic characteristics do not covary perfectly with the psychological attributes. Thus both types of attributes need to be utilized to fully understand the impact of diversity. The present research with four essays takes into account both types of attributes and tests their impact on social integration in cross-cultural settings. The results indicate that: (1) readily detectable- and underlying attributes are not related; (2) diversity has overall a negative impact on social integration; (3) socio-cultural context potentially influences the salience of diversity; and (4) diversity and social integration influences the formation of social cognition in form of transactive memory directories. The limits of research and managerial implications are discussed.
Attitudes towards suicide among Master’s degree students in Chang Sha (China) and Helsinki (Finland) were compared in order to explore possible cross-cultural differences. The sample included 206 Master’s degree students, 101 Chinese and 105 Finnish. Data were collected using the 30-item Multi-Attitudes Suicide Tendency Scale (MAST) and a demographic information form. According to the results, both Chinese and Finnish students held positive attitudes towards life, they held contradictory attitudes towards suicide, with Finnish students having more permissive and liberal attitudes towards suicide than their Chinese counterparts. In addition, three socio-demographic characteristics, namely religion, family structure, and economic status, associated with attitudes towards suicide among the Chinese Master’s degree students; meanwhile, all socio-demographic characteristics, including gender, religion, major subject, family structure, economic status, and received social support related to attitudes towards suicide among the Finnish Master’s degree students. However, after examining the interaction effect between socio-demographics and cultural backgrounds on attitudes towards suicide, the attitudes of Chinese students were more related to gender, marital status, family economic status, and received social support, whereas Finnish students were more influenced by religion. These findings suggest that culture plays an important role in shaping country-specific differences in attitudes towards suicide and their association with socio-demographic characteristics. Understanding individual attitudes towards suicide could help in intervention to prevent the development of suicidal ideation and in providing appropriate psychological counseling to reduce mental problems. Therefore, these cross-cultural differences may provide indications on how to conduct suicide prevention programs while considering culture-specific contexts.
Culturally protected forest patches or sacred groves have been the integral part of many traditional societies. This age old tradition is a classic instance of community driven nature conservation sheltering native biodiversity and supporting various ecosystem functions particularly hydrology. The current work in Central Western Ghats of Karnataka, India, highlights that even small sacred groves amidst humanised landscapes serve as tiny islands of biodiversity, especially of rare and endemic species. Temporal analysis of landuse dynamics reveals the changing pattern of the studied landscape. There is fast reduction of forest cover (15.14-11.02 %) in last 20 years to meet up the demand of agricultural land and plantation programs. A thorough survey and assessment of woody endemic species distribution in the 25 km(2) study area documented presence of 19 endemic species. The distribution of these species is highly skewed towards the culturally protected patches in comparison to other land use elements. It is found that, among the 19 woody endemic species, those with greater ecological amplitude are widely distributed in the studied landscape in groves as well as other land use forms whereas, natural population of the sensitive endemics are very much restricted in the sacred grove fragments. The recent degradation in the sacred grove system is perhaps, due to weakening of traditional belief systems and associated laxity in grove protection leading to biotic disturbances. Revitalisation of traditional practices related to conservation of sacred groves can go a long way in strengthening natural ecological systems of fragile humid tropical landscape.
Human provisioning of wildlife with food is a widespread global practice that occurs in multiple socio-cultural circumstances. Provisioning may indirectly alter ecosystem functioning through changes in the eco-ethology of animals, but few studies have quantified this aspect. Provisioning of primates by humans is known to impact their activity budgets, diets and ranging patterns. Primates are also keystone species in tropical forests through their role as seed dispersers; yet there is no information on how provisioning might affect primate ecological functions. The rhesus macaque is a major human-commensal species but is also an important seed disperser in the wild. In this study, we investigated the potential impacts of provisioning on the role of rhesus macaques as seed dispersers in the Buxa Tiger Reserve, India. We studied a troop of macaques which were provisioned for a part of the year and were dependent on natural resources for the rest. We observed feeding behaviour, seed handling techniques and ranging patterns of the macaques and monitored availability of wild fruits. Irrespective of fruit availability, frugivory and seed dispersal activities decreased when the macaques were provisioned. Provisioned macaques also had shortened daily ranges implying shorter dispersal distances. Finally, during provisioning periods, seeds were deposited on tarmac roads that were unconducive for germination. Provisioning promotes human-primate conflict, as commensal primates are often involved in aggressive encounters with humans over resources, leading to negative consequences for both parties involved. Preventing or curbing provisioning is not an easy task as feeding wild animals is a socio-cultural tradition across much of South and South-East Asia, including India. We recommend the initiation of literacy programmes that educate lay citizens about the ill-effects of provisioning and strongly caution them against the practice.
El Burnout (desgaste profesional), sentido existencial y posibilidades de prevención / Alfried Längle -- Impacto psicológico del divorcio sobre los niños / Jorge A. Serrano -- Los sesgos cognitivos en la toma de decisiones / Nuria Cortada de Kohan ; Guillermo Macbeth -- Notas para una reformulación de la epistemología junguiana. Primera Parte / Bernardo Nantes -- La racionalidad humana: Breve reseña sobre estado de la cuestión / Humberto Fernández -- Condicionantes sociales del malestar subjetivo en un entorno de crisis y desempleo masivo / Roxana M. R. Boso ; Agustín Salvia -- Estudio sobre la noción de “Autopsia Psicológica” desde el enfoque bibliométrico / María Elena Brenlla -- Recensiones bibliográficas
Problemas Teórico-Científicos y Metodológicos de la Investigación Clínico-Psicoanalítica. Segunda Parte / Helmut Thomä ; Horst Kächele -- Los aportes de Lev S. Vygotsky a la investigación educativa / Wanda Rodríguez Arocho -- La noción de cambio en la ZDP / Ricardo Esteban Maquieira -- Bienestar, orientación temporal y estrategias de control en personas mayores: un estudio exploratorio / Juan Francisco Díaz Morales ; Mario Toboso Martín ; Celeste Dávila León ; Cristina Escribano Barreno ; Pedro Delgado Prieto -- Inserción laboral y condiciones psicológicas: un estudio en sectores urbanos de la Argentina / María Elena Brenlla ; Agustín Salvia ; María Belén Despierre -- El Child Behaviour Checklist: su estandarización en población urbana argentina / Virginia Corina Samaniego -- Resenciones bibliográficas
Distorsiones de la estimación subjetiva de éxito / Guillermo Macbeth ; Eugenia Razumiejczyk ; Nuria Cortada de Cohan -- Supuestos Antropológicos de la terapéutica / Juan Manuel Rubio -- Diferencias de personalidad entre deportistas y no deportistas, a través del 16 PF. / Félix Gullén García -- Evaluación de la competencia crítica a través del test de Watson-Glaser. Exploración de sus cualidades psicométricas / Elizabeth Da Dal de Mangione ; Hilda Difabio de Anglat -- Confianza Institucional y el rol mediador de creencias y valores / Elena Zubieta ; Gisela Delfino ; Omar Fernández -- Recensiones del autor -- Recensiones bibliográficas
Contenido: Clima emocional, inseguridad y miedo al delito : percepciones diferenciales en función del auto-posicionamiento ideológico / M. Muratori ; E. M. Zubieta -- Análisis de la relación entre optimismo, calidad de vida y estabilidad emocional en personas con cáncer / A. M. Massone ; D. M. Llull -- La carpeta escolar : muestrario de actividades y espejo del esfuerzo asociado a los aprendizajes escolares en jóvenes y adultos / M. C. Facciola ; M. C. Aguilar Rivera -- Autoeficacia académica, burnout académico y desgranamiento universitario / Irene Noemí Karpiuk Chub ; Ricardo Omar Opazo ; Andrea Ivette Gómez -- Incidencia de la matriz de creencias compartidas y la centralidad sociocognitiva en la construcción de significados y formación de consensos / Jorge R. Vivas -- Recensión bibliográfica
Condicionantes epistémicos y extra-epistémicos de la apropiación social de las creencias científicas
Resumen: En este artículo se examina el proceso de distribución y apropiación social de las creencias científicas como una forma particular de intercambio de conocimiento entre agentes en condiciones de asimetría cognitiva. Se parte de la premisa de que el “principio general del testimonio” capta la estructura epistémica de deferencia a la autoridad cognitiva que permite la circulación de saber entre científicos y legos. En ese marco se analizan la atribución de crédito y construcción de la confianza recíproca involucrados en el desarrollo de la interacción. Para concluir, se destaca la relevancia que adquiere en esos procesos un núcleo de presupuestos de orden sociocultural –las representaciones sociales de los agentes– que conforma el contexto significativo en que se enmarca el intercambio de conocimiento.
Comprensión de las Diferencias de Sexo en la Adaptación de los Niños al Divorcio: Inferencia en la Práctica / Pedro R. Portes ; Joe H. Brown -- Funciones ejecutivas y Trastornos de Lóbulo Frontal / Facundo Manes ; Teresa Torralba -- Persona bajo la lluvia. Consideraciones teóricas y criterios de interpretación / María Inés Sivori -- Las dimensiones del Perdón / Silvia Franchi -- La evaluación de los valores en adolescentes: su relación con variables Sociodemográficas e intelectuales /María Martina Casullo ; Mercedes Fernández Liporace -- La relación entre factores de riesgo para la Salud Mental y Psicopatología en la Niñez / Inés Di Bártolo -- Recensiones bibliográficas