990 resultados para proton form factor


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Background: Universities worldwide are seeking objective measures for the assessment of their faculties` research products to evaluate them and to attain prestige. Despite concerns, the impact factors (IF) of journals where faculties publish have been adopted. Research objective: The study aims to explore conditions created within five countries as a result of policies requiring or not requiring faculty to publish in high IF journals, and the extent to which these facilitated or hindered the development of nursing science. Design: The design was a multiple case study of Brazil, Taiwan, Thailand (with IF policies, Group A), United Kingdom and the United States (no IF policies, Group B). Key informants from each country were identified to assist in subject recruitment. Methods: A questionnaire was developed for data collection. The study was approved by a human subject review committee. Five faculty members of senior rank from each country participated. All communication occurred electronically. Findings: Groups A and B countries differed on who used the policy and the purposes for which it was used. There were both similarities and differences across the five countries with respect to hurdles, scholar behaviour, publishing locally vs. internationally, views of their science, steps taken to internationalize their journals. Conclusions: In group A countries, Taiwan seemed most successful in developing its scholarship. Group B countries have continued their scientific progress without such policies. IF policies were not necessary motivators of scholarship; factors such as qualified nurse scientists, the resource base in the country, may be critical factors in supporting science development.


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This work presents an automated system for the measurement of form errors of mechanical components using an industrial robot. A three-probe error separation technique was employed to allow decoupling between the measured form error and errors introduced by the robotic system. A mathematical model of the measuring system was developed to provide inspection results by means of the solution of a system of linear equations. A new self-calibration procedure, which employs redundant data from several runs, minimizes the influence of probes zero-adjustment on the final result. Experimental tests applied to the measurement of straightness errors of mechanical components were accomplished and demonstrated the effectiveness of the employed methodology. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An accurate estimate of machining time is very important for predicting delivery time, manufacturing costs, and also to help production process planning. Most commercial CAM software systems estimate the machining time in milling operations simply by dividing the entire tool path length by the programmed feed rate. This time estimate differs drastically from the real process time because the feed rate is not always constant due to machine and computer numerical controlled (CNC) limitations. This study presents a practical mechanistic method for milling time estimation when machining free-form geometries. The method considers a variable called machine response time (MRT) which characterizes the real CNC machine`s capacity to move in high feed rates in free-form geometries. MRT is a global performance feature which can be obtained for any type of CNC machine configuration by carrying out a simple test. For validating the methodology, a workpiece was used to generate NC programs for five different types of CNC machines. A practical industrial case study was also carried out to validate the method. The results indicated that MRT, and consequently, the real machining time, depends on the CNC machine`s potential: furthermore, the greater MRT, the larger the difference between predicted milling time and real milling time. The proposed method achieved an error range from 0.3% to 12% of the real machining time, whereas the CAM estimation achieved from 211% to 1244% error. The MRT-based process is also suggested as an instrument for helping in machine tool benchmarking.


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The Darcy-Weisbach equation was used in the analysis of flow over spillways, furnishing theoretical tools to design stilling basins. Predictions for the length of hydraulic jump stilling basins downstream of stepped and smooth spillways are presented, together with ranges of values for the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor of both spillways. The experimental data were compared with results of the theoretical solution of the gradually varied flow equation. All comparisons were made in non-dimensional form. The values of the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor were roughly five times smaller for smooth spillways than for stepped spillways. The theoretical predictions and the experimental data allow to present approximate equations for a preliminary evaluation of the length and the bed level of hydraulic jump stilling basins. In the same way, approximate equations were presented for the evaluation of the friction factor in smooth and stepped spillways, as a function of the Froude number at the downstream cross-section.


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Multipulse rectifier topologies based on autoconnections are increasingly applied as interface stages between mains and power electronics converters. These topologies are attractive and cost-effective solutions for meeting the requirements of low total harmonic distortion of line current and high power factor. Furthermore, as only a small fraction of the total power required by the load is processed in the magnetic core, the overall resulting volume and weight are reduced. This paper proposes a mathematical analysis based on phasor diagrams that results in a single and general expression capable of unifying all delta and wye step-up or step-down autotransformer connections for 12-and 18-pulse ac-dc converters. The expression obtained allows the choice of a wide range of input/output voltage ratio for step-up or step-down autotransformer, and this general expression is also presented in a graphical form for each converter. Moreover, it simplifies the procedure for determining turn ratios and polarities for all windings of the autotransformer. A routine for easy and fast calculations is developed and validated by a design example. Finally, experimental results are presented along with comments on a 6-kW 220-V line voltage, 400-V rectified voltage, and 18-pulse delta-autoconnected prototype.


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The effect of Pigment Volume Content (PVC) on fungal growth on acrylic paint formulations with and without biocide, exposed to weathering in three different climatic regions in Brazil for four years, was studied Latex paints. with PVC of 30%, 35% and 50%, were applied to autoclaved aerated concrete blocks pre-covered with acrylic sealer and acrylic plaster They were exposed to equatorial, tropical and temperate climates in north, south-east, and south Brazil Cladosporium was the most abundant fungal genus detected in the biofilm on the surfaces of all paint formulations at all sites after four years Heaviest fungal colonization occurred in the tropical south-east and lightest in the temperate south of the country, but more phototrophs, principally cyanobacteria, were detected in the equatorial region PVC and presence of biocides were shown to be of less importance than environmental conditions (irradiance, humidity and temperature) for biofilm formation and consequent discolouration These results have important implications for testing of paint formulations (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved


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The use of finite element analysis (FEA) to design electrical motors has increased significantly in the past few years due the increasingly better performance of modern computers. Even though the analytical software remains the most used tool, the FEA is widely used to refine the analysis and gives the final design to be prototyped. The power factor, a standard data of motor manufactures data sheet is important because it shows how much reactive power is consumed by the motor. This data becomes important when the motor is connected to network. However, the calculation of power factor is not an easy task. Due to the saturation phenomena the input motor current has a high level of harmonics that cannot be neglected. In this work the FEA is used to evaluate a proposed (not limitative) methodology to estimate the power factor or displacement factor of a small single-phase induction motor. Results of simulations and test are compared.


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A slope stability model is derived for an infinite slope subjected to unsaturated infiltration flow above a phreatic surface. Closed form steady state solutions are derived for the matric suction and degree of saturation profiles. Soil unit weight, consistent with the degree of saturation profile, is also directly calculated and introduced into the analyzes, resulting in closed-form solutions for typical soil parameters and an infinite series solution for arbitrary soil parameters. The solutions are coupled with the infinite slope stability equations to establish a fully realized safety factor function. In general, consideration of soil suction results in higher factor of safety. The increase in shear strength due to the inclusion of soil suction is analogous to making an addition to the cohesion, which, of course, increases the factor of safety against sliding. However, for cohesive soils, the results show lower safety factors for slip surfaces approaching the phreatic surface compared to those produced by common safety factor calculations. The lower factor of safety is due to the increased soil unit weight considered in the matric suction model but not usually accounted for in practice wherein the soil is treated as dry above the phreatic surface. The developed model is verified with a published case study, correctly predicting stability under dry conditions and correctly predicting failure for a particular storm.


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The therapeutic ultrasound (US) is one of the resources mostly used by physiotherapists; however the use of uncalibrated equipments results in inefficient or even harmful therapies to the patient. In this direction, the objective of this study was to evaluate the performance and the procedures of utilization and maintenance of US in use in clinics and Physical-therapy offices. A questionnaire with questions related to the procedures applied in service during the use of therapeutic ultrasound was applied to physiotherapists. The performance of 31 equipments of 6 different brands and 13 different models was evaluated according to the IEC 61689 norm. The parameters measured were: acoustic power; effective radiating area (AER); non-uniformity ratio of the beam (RBN); maximum effective intensity; acoustic frequency of operation, modulation factor and wave form on pulsate mode. As for the questionnaires, it was evident that the professionals are not concerned about the calibration of the equipment. The results demonstrated that only 32.3% of the equipments were in accordance with the norms for the variables power and effective radiation area. The frequency analysis indicated that 20% of the 3 MHz transducers and 12.5% of the 1 MHz contemplated the norms. In the pulsate mode, 12.7% presented relation rest/duration inside allowed limits. A great variation of the ultrasonic field was observed on the obtained images, which presented beams not centered, sometimes with bifurcation of its apex. The results allow concluding that, although used in therapeutic sessions with the population, none of the equipments presents all the analyzed variables inside technical norms. (C) 2010 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, a supervisor system, able to diagnose different types of faults during the operation of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell is introduced. The diagnosis is developed by applying Bayesian networks, which qualify and quantify the cause-effect relationship among the variables of the process. The fault diagnosis is based on the on-line monitoring of variables easy to measure in the machine such as voltage, electric current, and temperature. The equipment is a fuel cell system which can operate even when a fault occurs. The fault effects are based on experiments on the fault tolerant fuel cell, which are reproduced in a fuel cell model. A database of fault records is constructed from the fuel cell model, improving the generation time and avoiding permanent damage to the equipment. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The rheological behavior of milk cream was studied for different fat contents (0.10 to 0.31) and for a wide temperature range (2 and 87C) using a rotational rheometer. Newtonian behavior was observed, except for fat content between 0.20 and 0.31 and temperature between 2 and 33C, where viscoplastic behavior was remarkable. The rheological parameters (Newtonian viscosity, plastic viscosity and yield stress) and density were well correlated to temperature and fat content. Tube friction factor during flow of cream was experimentally obtained at various flow rates, temperatures and tube diameters (86 < Re < 2.3 x 104, 38 < Re(B) < 8.8 x 103, 1.1 x 103 < He < 6.7 x 103). The proposed correlations for density and rheological parameters were applied for the prediction of friction factor for laminar and turbulent flow of cream using well-known equations for Newtonian and viscoplastic flow. The good agreement between experimental and predicted values confirms the reliability of the proposed correlations for describing the flow behavior of cream. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS This paper presents correlations for the calculation of density and rheological parameters (Newtonian viscosity, Bingham plastic viscosity and yield stress) of milk cream as functions of temperature (2-87C) and fat content (0.10-0.31). Because of the large temperature range, the proposed correlations are useful for process design and optimization in dairy processing. An example of practical application is presented in the text, where the correlations were applied for the prediction of friction factor for laminar and turbulent tube flow of cream using well-known equations for Newtonian and viscoplastic flow, which are summarized in the text. The comparison with experimental data obtained at various flow rates, temperatures and tube diameters showed a good agreement, which confirms the reliability of the proposed correlations.


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On this paper, the results of an experimental study oil the hydraulic friction loss for small-diameter polyethylene pipes are reported. The experiment was carried out using a range of Reynolds number between 6000 to 72000, obtained by varying discharge at 20 degrees C water temperature, with internal pipe diameters of 10.0 mm, 12.9 mm, 16.1 mm, 17.4 mm and 19.7 mm. According to the analysis results and experimental conditions, the friction factor 0 of the Darcy-Weisbach equation call be estimated with c = 0.300 and m = 0.25. The Blasius equation (c = 0.316 and m = 0.25) gives an overestimate of friction loss, although this fact is non-restrictive for micro-irrigation system designs. The analysis shows that both the Blasius and the adjusted equation parameters allow for accurate friction factor estimates, characterized by low mean error (5.1%).


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Background and objective: Patients with COPD can have impaired diaphragm mechanics. A new method of assessing the mobility of the diaphragm, using ultrasound, has recently been validated. This study evaluated the relationship between pulmonary function and diaphragm mobility, as well as that between respiratory muscle strength and diaphragm mobility, in COPD patients. Methods: COPD patients with pulmonary hyperinflation (n = 54) and healthy subjects (n = 20) were studied. Patients were tested for pulmonary function, maximal respiratory pressures and diaphragm mobility using ultrasound to measure the craniocaudal displacement of the left branch of the portal vein. Results: COPD patients had less diaphragm mobility than did healthy individuals (36.5 +/- 10.9 mm vs 46.3 +/- 9.5 mm, P = 0.001). In COPD patients, diaphragm mobility correlated strongly with pulmonary function parameters that quantify air trapping (RV: r = -0.60, P < 0.001; RV/TLC: r = -0.76, P < 0.001), moderately with airway obstruction (FEV1: r = 0.55, P < 0.001; airway resistance: r = -0.32, P = 0.02) and weakly with pulmonary hyperinflation (TLC: r = -0.28, P = 0.04). No relationship was observed between diaphragm mobility and respiratory muscle strength (maximal inspiratory pressure: r = -0.11, P = 0.43; maximal expiratory pressure: r = 0.03, P = 0.80). Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that the reduction in diaphragm mobility in COPD patients is mainly due to air trapping and is not influenced by respiratory muscle strength or pulmonary hyperinflation.


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P>Brazilian Santa Ines (SI) sheep are very well-adapted to the tropical conditions of Brazil and are an important source of animal protein. A high rate of twin births was reported in some SI flocks. Growth and Differentiation Factor 9 (GDF9) and Bone Morphogenetic Protein 15 (BMP15) are the first two genes expressed by the oocyte to be associated with an increased ovulation rate in sheep. All GDF9 and BMP15 variants characterized, until now, present the same phenotype: the heterozygote ewes have an increased ovulation rate and the mutated homozygotes are sterile. In this study, we have found a new allele of GDF9, named FecGE (Embrapa), which leads to a substitution of a phenylalanine with a cysteine in a conservative position of the mature peptide. Homozygote ewes presenting the FecGE allele have shown an increase in their ovulation rate (82%) and prolificacy (58%). This new phenotype can be very useful in better understanding the genetic control of follicular development; the mechanisms involved in the control of ovulation rate in mammals; and for the improvement of sheep production.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of glutamine on the expression of proteins involved in the nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappa B) signaling pathway of murine peritoneal macrophages. Since glutamine is essential for the normal functioning of macrophages, it was hypothesized that in vitro glutamine supplementation would increase NF-kappa B activation. Peritoneal macrophages were pretreated with glutamine (0, 0.6, 2 and 10 mM) before incubation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and the effects of glutamine on the production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and on the expression and activity of proteins involved in the NF-kappa B signaling pathway were studied by an enzyme linked immuno-sorbent assay, Western blotting, and an electrophoretic mobility shift assay. Glutamine treatment (2 and 10 mM) increased the activation of NF-kappa B in LPS-stimulated peritoneal macrophages (P < 0.05). In non-stimulated cells, glutamine treatment (2 and 10 mM) significantly reduced I kappa B-alpha protein expression (P < 0.05). Glutamine modulates NF-kappa B signaling pathway by reducing the level of I kappa B-alpha, leading to an increase in NF-kappa B within the nucleus in peritoneal macrophages.