773 resultados para prolonged grief disorder


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Objectif. Analyser les déterminants de la prolongation des séjours hospitaliers en service de soins de suite et réadaptation gériatrique (SSRG) et identifier les indicateurs du devenir des patients après leur sortie. Méthode. Étude rétrospective au CHRU de Strasbourg de l'ensemble des séjours de durée supérieure à 90 jours entre le 1 janvier 2012 et le 30 septembre 2013. L'ensemble des données sociodémographiques, descriptives des séjours et de l'état de santé des patients ont été analysées. Les patients ont été suivis 9 mois après leur sortie. Les réhospitalisations, l'admission en institution et le décès ont été informés par un contact téléphonique auprès du médecin traitant ou de la famille. Résultats. Quarante-six séjours ont été analysés. Les patients étaient à 68,0 % des femmes. La moyenne d'âge était de 82,9 ± 5,8 ans. Quatre-vingt-dix-huit pour cent d'entre eux vivaient à domicile avant l'admission en milieu hospitalier. Les raisons justifiant la prolongation étaient d'ordre médical (60,8 %), psychique (45,6 %), social (65,2 %) et liées à la difficulté de trouver une solution d'aval (58,7 %). À la fin de leur séjour, 9 patients ont pu regagner leur domicile et 37 ont été admis directement en institution. Durant la période de suivi, 17 patients ont été réhospitalisés au moins une fois et 3 jusqu'à trois fois. Au 9e mois, 9 patients étaient décédés dans un délai moyen de 75 jours après la sortie du SSRG. Les résultats des analyses unifactorielles et multivariées ont permis d'identifier des indicateurs d'évolution défavorable (décès et/ou réhospitalisation). Aucune des variables sociodémographiques ou de syndrome gériatrique n'a été identifiée. Par contre un « motif d'hospitalisation pour une maladie infectieuse », ou pour « un trouble de la marche ou une chute », une « prolongation du séjour en SSRG pour raison médicale » et un « séjour prolongé en court séjour » étaient les facteurs identifiés. Conclusion. Dans la tendance actuelle à améliorer la rentabilité de l'utilisation des ressources de santé, ces résultats rappellent qu'il est important de maintenir un juste équilibre entre utilisation raisonnée des ressources et les besoins spécifiques des patients âgés.


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BACKGROUND: Defining the molecular genomic basis of the likelihood of developing depressive disorder is a considerable challenge. We previously associated rare, exonic deletion copy number variants (CNV) with recurrent depressive disorder (RDD). Sex chromosome abnormalities also have been observed to co-occur with RDD. METHODS: In this reanalysis of our RDD dataset (N = 3106 cases; 459 screened control samples and 2699 population control samples), we further investigated the role of larger CNVs and chromosomal abnormalities in RDD and performed association analyses with clinical data derived from this dataset. RESULTS: We found an enrichment of Turner's syndrome among cases of depression compared with the frequency observed in a large population sample (N = 34,910) of live-born infants collected in Denmark (two-sided p = .023, odds ratio = 7.76 [95% confidence interval = 1.79-33.6]), a case of diploid/triploid mosaicism, and several cases of uniparental isodisomy. In contrast to our previous analysis, large deletion CNVs were no more frequent in cases than control samples, although deletion CNVs in cases contained more genes than control samples (two-sided p = .0002). CONCLUSIONS: After statistical correction for multiple comparisons, our data do not support a substantial role for CNVs in RDD, although (as has been observed in similar samples) occasional cases may harbor large variants with etiological significance. Genetic pleiotropy and sample heterogeneity suggest that very large sample sizes are required to study conclusively the role of genetic variation in mood disorders.


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We investigated two siblings with granulomatous histiocytosis prominent in the nasal area, mimicking rhinoscleroma and Rosai-Dorfman syndrome. Genome-wide linkage analysis and whole-exome sequencing identified a homozygous frameshift deletion in SLC29A3, which encodes human equilibrative nucleoside transporter-3 (hENT3). Germline mutations in SLC29A3 have been reported in rare patients with a wide range of overlapping clinical features and inherited disorders including H syndrome, pigmented hypertrichosis with insulin-dependent diabetes, and Faisalabad histiocytosis. With the exception of insulin-dependent diabetes and mild finger and toe contractures in one sibling, the two patients with nasal granulomatous histiocytosis studied here displayed none of the many SLC29A3-associated phenotypes. This mild clinical phenotype probably results from a remarkable genetic mechanism. The SLC29A3 frameshift deletion prevents the expression of the normally coding transcripts. It instead leads to the translation, expression, and function of an otherwise noncoding, out-of-frame mRNA splice variant lacking exon 3 that is eliminated by nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) in healthy individuals. The mutated isoform differs from the wild-type hENT3 by the modification of 20 residues in exon 2 and the removal of another 28 amino acids in exon 3, which include the second transmembrane domain. As a result, this new isoform displays some functional activity. This mechanism probably accounts for the narrow and mild clinical phenotype of the patients. This study highlights the"rescue" role played by a normally noncoding mRNA splice variant of SLC29A3, uncovering a new mechanism by which frameshift mutations can be hypomorphic.


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We report two unrelated patients with a multisystem disease involving liver, eye, immune system, connective tissue, and bone, caused by biallelic mutations in the neuroblastoma amplified sequence (NBAS) gene. Both presented as infants with recurrent episodes triggered by fever with vomiting, dehydration, and elevated transaminases. They had frequent infections, hypogammaglobulinemia, reduced natural killer cells, and the Pelger-Huët anomaly of their granulocytes. Their facial features were similar with a pointed chin and proptosis; loose skin and reduced subcutaneous fat gave them a progeroid appearance. Skeletal features included short stature, slender bones, epiphyseal dysplasia with multiple phalangeal pseudo-epiphyses, and small C1-C2 vertebrae causing cervical instability and myelopathy. Retinal dystrophy and optic atrophy were present in one patient. NBAS is a component of the synthaxin-18 complex and is involved in nonsense-mediated mRNA decay control. Putative loss-of-function mutations in NBAS are already known to cause disease in humans. A specific founder mutation has been associated with short stature, optic nerve atrophy and Pelger-Huët anomaly of granulocytes (SOPH) in the Siberian Yakut population. A more recent report associates NBAS mutations with recurrent acute liver failure in infancy in a group of patients of European descent. Our observations indicate that the phenotypic spectrum of NBAS deficiency is wider than previously known and includes skeletal, hepatic, metabolic, and immunologic aspects. Early recognition of the skeletal phenotype is important for preventive management of cervical instability. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Among the negative consequences of video gaming disorder, decreased participation in sport and exercise has received little attention. This study aimed to assess the longitudinal association between video gaming disorder and the level of sport and exercise in emerging adult men. A questionnaire was completed at baseline and 15-month follow-up by a representative national sample of 4,933 respondents. The seven items of the Game Addiction Scale were used to construct a latent variable representing video gaming disorder. Level of sport and exercise was also self-reported. Cross-lagged path modeling indicated a reciprocal causality between video gaming disorder and the level of sport and exercise, even after adjusting for a large set of confounders. These findings support the need for better promotion of sport and exercise among emerging adults in order to contribute to the prevention of video gaming disorder, and to raise the level of sport and exercise activity in addicted gamers.


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BackgroundBipolar disorder is a highly heritable polygenic disorder. Recent enrichment analyses suggest that there may be true risk variants for bipolar disorder in the expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) in the brain.AimsWe sought to assess the impact of eQTL variants on bipolar disorder risk by combining data from both bipolar disorder genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and brain eQTL.MethodTo detect single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that influence expression levels of genes associated with bipolar disorder, we jointly analysed data from a bipolar disorder GWAS (7481 cases and 9250 controls) and a genome-wide brain (cortical) eQTL (193 healthy controls) using a Bayesian statistical method, with independent follow-up replications. The identified risk SNP was then further tested for association with hippocampal volume (n = 5775) and cognitive performance (n = 342) among healthy individuals.ResultsIntegrative analysis revealed a significant association between a brain eQTL rs6088662 on chromosome 20q11.22 and bipolar disorder (log Bayes factor = 5.48; bipolar disorder P = 5.85×10(-5)). Follow-up studies across multiple independent samples confirmed the association of the risk SNP (rs6088662) with gene expression and bipolar disorder susceptibility (P = 3.54×10(-8)). Further exploratory analysis revealed that rs6088662 is also associated with hippocampal volume and cognitive performance in healthy individuals.ConclusionsOur findings suggest that 20q11.22 is likely a risk region for bipolar disorder; they also highlight the informative value of integrating functional annotation of genetic variants for gene expression in advancing our understanding of the biological basis underlying complex disorders, such as bipolar disorder.


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BACKGROUND: Risky single-occasion drinking (RSOD) is a prevalent and potentially harmful alcohol use pattern associated with increased alcohol use disorder (AUD). However, RSOD is commonly associated with a higher level of alcohol intake, and most studies have not controlled for drinking volume (DV). Thus, it is unclear whether the findings provide information about RSOD or DV. This study sought to investigate the independent and combined effects of RSOD and DV on AUD. METHODS: Data were collected in the longitudinal Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF) among 5598 young Swiss male alcohol users in their early twenties. Assessment included DV, RSOD, and AUD at two time points. Generalized linear models for binomial distributions provided evidence regarding associations of DV, RSOD, and their interaction. RESULTS: DV, RSOD, and their interaction were significantly related to the number of AUD criteria. The slope of the interaction was steeper for non/rare RSOD than for frequent RSOD. CONCLUSIONS: RSOD appears to be a harmful pattern of drinking, associated with increased AUD and it moderated the relationship between DV and AUD. This study highlighted the importance of taking drinking patterns into account, for both research and public health planning, since RSO drinkers constitute a vulnerable subgroup for AUD.


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When status epilepticus (SE) remains refractory to appropriate therapy, it is associated with high mortality and with substantial morbidity in survivors. Many outcome predictors such as age, seizure type, level of consciousness before treatment, and mostly, etiology, are well-established. A longer duration of SE is often associated with worse outcome, but duration may lose its prognostic value after several hours. Several terms and definitions have been used to describe prolonged, refractory SE, including "malignant SE," "prolonged" SE, and more recently, "super refractory" SE, defined as "SE that has continued or recurred despite 24 hours of general anesthesia (or coma-inducing anticonvulsants)." There are few data available regarding the outcome of prolonged refractory SE, and even fewer for SE remaining refractory to anesthetic drugs. This article reviews reports of outcome after prolonged, refractory, and "super refractory" SE. Most information detailing the clinical outcome of patients surviving these severe illnesses, in which seizures can persist for days or weeks (and especially those concerning "super-refractory" SE) come from case reports and retrospective cohort studies. In many series, prolonged, refractory SE has a mortality of 30% to 50%, and several studies indicate that most survivors have a substantial decline in functional status. Nevertheless, several reports demonstrate that good functional outcome is possible even after several days of SE and coma induction. Treatment of refractory SE should not be withdrawn from younger patients without structural brain damage at presentation solely because of the duration of SE.


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Possible new ways in the pharmacological treatment of bipolar disorder and comorbid alcoholism. Azorin JM, Bowden CL, Garay RP, Perugi G, Vieta E, Young AH. Source Department of Psychiatry, CHU Sainte Marguerite, Marseilles, France. Abstract About half of all bipolar patients have an alcohol abuse problem at some point of their lifetime. However, only one randomized, controlled trial of pharmacotherapy (valproate) in this patient population was published as of 2006. Therefore, we reviewed clinical trials in this indication of the last four years (using mood stabilizers, atypical antipsychotics, and other drugs). Priority was given to randomized trials, comparing drugs with placebo or active comparator. Published studies were found through systematic database search (PubMed, Scirus, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, Science Direct). In these last four years, the only randomized, clinically relevant study in bipolar patients with comorbid alcoholism is that of Brown and colleagues (2008) showing that quetiapine therapy decreased depressive symptoms in the early weeks of use, without modifying alcohol use. Several other open-label trials have been generally positive and support the efficacy and tolerability of agents from different classes in this patient population. Valproate efficacy to reduce excessive alcohol consumption in bipolar patients was confirmed and new controlled studies revealed its therapeutic benefit to prevent relapse in newly abstinent alcoholics and to improve alcohol hallucinosis. Topiramate deserves to be investigated in bipolar patients with comorbid alcoholism since this compound effectively improves physical health and quality of life of alcohol-dependent individuals. In conclusion, randomized, controlled research is still needed to provide guidelines for possible use of valproate and other agents in patients with a dual diagnosis of bipolar disorder and substance abuse or dependence.


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Background: Being physically assaulted is known to increase the risk of the occurrence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms but it may also skew judgements about the intentions of other people. The objectives of the study were to assess paranoia and PTSD after an assault and to test whether theory-derived cognitive factors predicted the persistence of these problems. Method: At 4 weeks after hospital attendance due to an assault, 106 people were assessed on multiple symptom measures (including virtual reality) and cognitive factors from models of paranoia and PTSD. The symptom measures were repeated 3 and 6 months later. Results: Factor analysis indicated that paranoia and PTSD were distinct experiences, though positively correlated. At 4 weeks, 33% of participants met diagnostic criteria for PTSD, falling to 16% at follow-up. Of the group at the first assessment, 80% reported that since the assault they were excessively fearful of other people, which over time fell to 66%. Almost all the cognitive factors (including information-processing style during the trauma, mental defeat, qualities of unwanted memories, self-blame, negative thoughts about self, worry, safety behaviours, anomalous internal experiences and cognitive inflexibility) predicted later paranoia and PTSD, but there was little evidence of differential prediction. Conclusions: Paranoia after an assault may be common and distinguishable from PTSD but predicted by a strikingly similar range of factors.


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Research into the course of life, mental stamina and health status of wartime prisoners, victims of Soviet partisan attacks, and paupers in Finnish Lapland The basis of this research comprised the issues raised during the interviews conducted in my work as a general practitioner in Lapland, regarding factors that have possibly affected the life stories and health conditions of Lappish people who had lived through the war as war prisoners, victims of partisan attacks, or paupers. The purpose of the study was to describe how the different life phases and experiences emerged from the interviewees’ stories and to identify their mental stamina. Another goal was to make observations on their health status, in which the main emphasis became to address mental symptoms. The cohort consisted of elderly Finns who lived in Lapland during the war and experienced war imprisonment, pauperism, or became victims of partisan attacks. All three groups consisted of 12 interviewees. The interview transcripts were read several times and then investigated using the content analysis methods applicable to the material. The research methodology was based on building awareness and understanding. Thematic tagging and data coding were used as structured analysis tools. In all three groups most of the interviewees clearly identified their mental stamina, the most fundamental of which were home, family and work. The war prisoners’ injuries and nervous sensibility symptoms had been shown in earlier studies on war prisoners, and on this basis they had been granted disability pensions. However, many of them had suppressed their traumatic experiences and mental difficulties, and they could not talk about these issues until at the time of these interviews held at old age. Four of them still suffered from a post-traumatic stress disorder. The victims of Soviet partisans had had to carry their mental load alone for decades before the cruel ravages on civilians in remote areas of Lapland became publicly known. Most of them still had disturbing nervous sensibility symptoms. Four interviewees had a post-traumatic stress disorder, and in addition to these, the mental symptoms of one had developed into a post-traumatic stress disorder during old age. Many of the interviewees who had been left paupers remembered their childhood as filled with grief and feelings of inferiority, and had nightmares relating to their wartime experiences. Yet none of them suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder. The results showed that the exceptional suffering caused by the war, the wartime imprisonment and the devastating attacks by Soviet partisans had led especially to mental difficulties. These were left almost completely unnoticed in the post-war conditions, and the war victims were unable to seek help on their own. Based on the results, our health care for the elderly should focus on familiarization with the individual experiences and life stories of each elderly person. This can facilitate geriatric diagnostics and individual therapy planning. Empathic familiarization with the life experiences of the elderly may strengthen their mental stamina and improve the quality of successful aging.