951 resultados para probe hybridization
Human activities, such intentional and unintentional transplantations, and habitat alterations including the establishment of migration corridors, generate increasing opportunities for formerly allopatric taxa to meet and to hybridize. There is indeed increasing evidence that these introduced plant and animal taxa (including crop plants and domesticated animal taxa) frequently hybridize with native relatives and with other introduced taxa, leading to a growing concern that these hybridizations may compromise the genetic integrity of native taxa to the point of causing extinctions (Abbott 1992; Rhymer and Simberloff 1996; Levin et al. 1996; Ellstrand and Schierenbeck 2000; Vilà et al. 2000). A decade ago, Rhymer and Simberloff (1996) stated in their review on this topic that the known cases are probably just the tip of the iceberg.Using the search term ‘hybridization and introgression’, the Web of Science database yields a total of 1,178 research articles, of which 935 (or 80 %) have been published after 1995 (Fig. 16.1). Indeed, the evidence for natural and man-induced hybridization and introgression appears to have increased exponentially these last few years.
A considerable fraction of the world's biodiversity is of recent evolutionary origin and has evolved as a by-product of, and is maintained by, divergent adaptation in heterogeneous environments. Conservationists have paid attention to genetic homogenization caused by human-induced translocations (e.g. biological invasions and stocking), and to the importance of environmental heterogeneity for the ecological coexistence of species. However, far less attention has been paid to the consequences of loss of environmental heterogeneity to the genetic coexistence of sympatric species. Our review of empirical observations and our theoretical considerations on the causes and consequences of interspecific hybridization suggest that a loss of environmental heterogeneity causes a loss of biodiversity through increased genetic admixture, effectively reversing speciation. Loss of heterogeneity relaxes divergent selection and removes ecological barriers to gene flow between divergently adapted species, promoting interspecific introgressive hybridization. Since heterogeneity of natural environments is rapidly deteriorating in most biomes, the evolutionary ecology of speciation reversal ought to be fully integrated into conservation biology.
BACKGROUND: As for Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and many other hereditary diseases there is still a lack in understanding the relationship between genetic (e.g. allelic) and phenotypic diversity. Therefore methods which allow fine quantification of allelic proportions of mRNA transcripts are of high importance. METHODS: We used either genomic DNA (gDNA) or total RNA extracted from nasal cells as starting nucleic acid template for our assay. The subjects included in this study were 9 CF patients compound heterozygous for the F508del mutation and each one F508del homozygous and one wild type homozygous respectively. We established a novel ligation based quantification method which allows fine quantification of the allelic proportions of ss and ds CFTR cDNA. To verify reliability and accuracy of this novel assay we compared it with semiquantitative fluorescent PCR (SQF-PCR). RESULTS: We established a novel assay for allele specific quantification of gene expression which combines the benefits of the specificity of the ligation reaction and the accuracy of quantitative real-time PCR. The comparison with SQF-PCR clearly demonstrates that LASQ allows fine quantification of allelic proportions. CONCLUSION: This assay represents an alternative to other fine quantitative methods such as ARMS PCR and Pyrosequencing.
Human rhinoviruses (HRV), and to a lesser extent human enteroviruses (HEV), are important respiratory pathogens. Like other RNA viruses, these picornaviruses have an intrinsic propensity to variability. This results in a large number of different serotypes as well as the incessant discovery of new genotypes. This large and growing diversity not only complicates the design of real-time PCR assays but also renders immunofluorescence unfeasible for broad HRV and HEV detection or quantification in cells. In this study, we used the 5' untranslated region, the most conserved part of the genome, as a target for the development of both a real-time PCR assay (Panenterhino/Ge/08) and a peptide nucleic acid-based hybridization oligoprobe (Panenterhino/Ge/08 PNA probe) designed to detect all HRV and HEV species members according to publicly available sequences. The reverse transcription-PCR assay has been validated, using not only plasmid and viral stocks but also quantified RNA transcripts and around 1,000 clinical specimens. These new generic detection PCR assays overcame the variability of circulating strains and lowered the risk of missing emerging and divergent HRV and HEV. An additional real-time PCR assay (Entero/Ge/08) was also designed specifically to provide sensitive and targeted detection of HEV in cerebrospinal fluid. In addition to the generic probe, we developed specific probes for the detection of HRV-A and HRV-B in cells. This investigation provides a comprehensive toolbox for accurate molecular identification of the different HEV and HRV circulating in humans.
Computer-aided surgery (CAS) allows for real-time intraoperative feedback resulting in increased accuracy, while reducing intraoperative radiation. CAS is especially useful for the treatment of certain pelvic ring fractures, which necessitate the precise placement of screws. Flouroscopy-based CAS modules have been developed for many orthopedic applications. The integration of the isocentric flouroscope even enables navigation using intraoperatively acquired three-dimensional (3D) data, though the scan volume and imaging quality are limited. Complicated and comprehensive pathologies in regions like the pelvis can necessitate a CT-based navigation system because of its larger field of view. To be accurate, the patient's anatomy must be registered and matched with the virtual object (CT data). The actual precision within the region of interest depends on the area of the bone where surface matching is performed. Conventional surface matching with a solid pointer requires extensive soft tissue dissection. This contradicts the primary purpose of CAS as a minimally invasive alternative to conventional surgical techniques. We therefore integrated an a-mode ultrasound pointer into the process of surface matching for pelvic surgery and compared it to the conventional method. Accuracy measurements were made in two pelvic models: a foam model submerged in water and one with attached porcine muscle tissue. Three different tissue depths were selected based on CT scans of 30 human pelves. The ultrasound pointer allowed for registration of virtually any point on the pelvis. This method of surface matching could be successfully integrated into CAS of the pelvis.
DJ-1 is mutated in autosomal recessive, early onset Parkinson's disease but the exact localization of the DJ-1 gene product in the mammalian brain is largely unknown. We aimed to evaluate the DJ-1 mRNA expression pattern in the mouse brain. Serial coronal sections of brains of five male and five female adult mice were investigated by using in situ hybridization with a DJ-1 specific 35S-labeled oligonucleotide probe. Hybridized sections were analyzed after exposure to autoradiography films and after coating with a photographic emulsion. DJ-1 was heterogeneously expressed throughout the mouse central nervous system. A high expression of DJ-1 mRNA was detected in neuronal and non-neuronal populations of several structures of the motor system such as the substantia nigra, the red nucleus, the caudate putamen, the globus pallidus, and the deep nuclei of the cerebellum. Furthermore, DJ-1 mRNA was also highly expressed in non-motor structures including the hippocampus, the olfactory bulb, the reticular nucleus of the thalamus, and the piriform cortex. The high expression of DJ-1 mRNA in brain regions involved in motor control is compatible with the occurrence of parkinsonian symptoms after DJ-1 mutations. However, expression in other regions indicates that a dysfunction of DJ-1 may contribute to additional clinical features in patients with a DJ-1 mutation.
Adenosine A2A receptors are present on enkephalinergic medium sized striatal neurons in the rat and have an important function in the modulation of striatal output. In order to establish more accurately whether adenosine transmission is a generalized phenomenon in mammalian striatum we compared the A2A R expression in the mouse, rat, cat and human striatum. Secondly we compared the modulation of enkephalin gene expression and A2A receptor gene expression in rat striatal neurons after 6-OH-dopamine lesion of the substantia nigra. Hybridization histochemistry was performed with a 35S-labelled radioactive oligonucleotide probe. The results showed high expression of A2A adenosine receptor genes only in the medium-sized cells of the striatum in all examined species. In the rat striatum, expression of A2A receptors was not significantly altered after lesion of the dopaminergic pathways with 6-OH-dopamine even though enkephalin gene expression was up-regulated. The absence of a change in A2A receptor gene expression after 6-OH-dopamine treatment speaks against a dependency on dopaminergic innervation. The maintained inhibitory function of A2A R on motor activity in spite of dopamine depletion could be partly responsible for the depression of locomotor activity observed in basal ganglia disorders such as Parkinson's disease.
The expression of adenosine A2a receptors (A2aR) in the mammalian striatum is well known. In contrast the exact distribution of A2aR in other regions of the central nervous system remains unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the A2aR gene expression in the rat olfactory bulb and spinal cord, two regions which are seldom included in mapping studies. Secondly, we compared the A2aR expression in the rat and in the mouse brain. Hybridization histochemistry was performed with an S35-labelled radioactive oligonucleotide probe. The results show strong expression of A2aR in the mouse and rat striatum in accordance with previous reports. In the olfactory bulb a weak but specific expression of A2aR was found in the granular cell layer in both species. In contrast, no significant expression of the A2aR gene was observed in other parts of the brain or the rat spinal cord. The presence of the A2aR in the mammalian olfactory bulb suggests a functional role for this receptor in olfaction.
Decision-making and memory are fundamental processes for successful human behaviour. For eye movements, the frontal eye fields (FEF), the supplementary eye fields (SEF), the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), the ventrolateral frontal cortex and the anterior cingulum are important for these cognitive processes. The online approach of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), i.e., the application of magnetic pulses during planning and performance of saccades, allows interfering specifically with information processing of the stimulated region at a very specific time interval (chronometry of cortical processing). The paper presents studies, which showed the different roles of the FEF and DLPFC in antisaccade control. The critical time interval of DLPFC control seems to be before target onset since TMS significantly increased the percentage of antisaccade errors at that time interval. The FEF seems to be important for the triggering of correct antisaccades. Bilateral stimulation of the DLPFC could demonstrate parallel information-processing transfer in spatial working memory during memory-guided saccades.