985 resultados para pp cross-section


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INTRODUCTION: Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) affects ∼8% of all pregnancies and is associated with major perinatal mortality and morbidity, and with an increased risk to develop cardiovascular diseases in adulthood. Despite identification of several risk factors, the mechanisms implicated in the development of IUGR remain poorly understood. In case of placental insufficiency, reduced delivery of oxygen and/or nutrients to the fetus could be associated with alterations in the umbilical circulation, contributing further to the impairment of maternal-fetal exchanges. We compared the structural and functional properties of umbilical cords from growth-restricted and appropriate for gestational age (AGA) term newborns, with particular attention to the umbilical vein (UV). METHODS: Human umbilical cords were collected at delivery. Morphological changes were investigated by histomorphometry, and UV's reactivity by pharmacological studies. RESULTS: Growth-restricted newborns displayed significantly lower growth parameters, placental weight and umbilical cord diameter than AGA controls. Total cross-section and smooth muscle areas were significantly smaller in UV of growth-restricted neonates than in controls. Maximal vasoconstriction achieved in isolated UV was lower in growth-restricted boys than in controls, whereas nitric oxide-induced relaxation was significantly reduced in UV of growth-restricted girls compared to controls. CONCLUSION: IUGR is associated with structural alterations of the UV in both genders, and with a decreased nitric oxide-induced relaxation in UV of newborn girls, whereas boys display impaired vasoconstriction. Further investigations will allow to better understand the regulation of umbilical circulation in growth-restricted neonates, which could contribute to devise potential novel therapeutic strategies to prevent or limit the development of IUGR.


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New reconstructions of the Western Alps from late Early Jurassic till early Tertiary are proposed. These reconstructions use deep lithospheric data gathered through recent seismic surveys and tomographic studies carried out in the Alps. The present day position, under the Po plain, of the southern limit of the European plate (fig. 1), allows to define the former geometry of the Brianconnais peninsula. The Brianconnais domain is regarded as an exotic terrane formerly belonging to the European margin until Late Jurassic, then transported eastward during the drift of Iberia (fig. 5). Therefore, on a present day Western Alps cross section, a duplication of the European continental margin can be recognized (fig. 10). Stratigraphic and sedimentological data along a zone linking the Pyrenean fracture zone to the Brianconnais, can be related to a rifting event starting in Oxfordian time. This event is responsible for the Late Jurassic till mid-Cretaceous drift of Iberia opening, first the northern Atlantic, then the Gulf of Biscay. Simultaneously, the drift of the Brianconnais will open the Valais ocean and close the Piemontese ocean. The resulting oblique collision zone between the Brianconnais and the Apulian margin generates HP/LT metamorphism starting in Early Cretaceous. The eastward drift of the Brianconnais peninsula will eventually bring it in front of a more northerly segment of the former European margin. The thrusting of the Brianconnais unto that margin takes place in early Tertiary (fig. 9), following the subduction of the Valais ocean. The present nappe pile results not only from continent/continent frontal collision, but also from important lateral displacement of terranes, the most important one being the Brianconnais. The dilemma of `'en echelon'' oceanic domains in the Alps is an outcome of these translations. A solution is found when considering the opening of a Cretaceous Valais ocean across the European margin, running out eastward into the Piemontese ocean, where the drift is taken up along a former transform fault and compensated by subduction under the Apulian margin (fig. 8). In the Western Alps we are then dealing with two oceans, the Piemontese and the Valaisan and a duplicated European margin. In the Eastern Alps the single Piemontese ocean is cut by newly created oceanic crust. All these elements will be incorporated into the Penninic structural domain which does not represent a former unique paleogeographic area, it is a composite accretionary domain squeezed between Europe and Apulia.


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The ONgoing Telmisartan Alone and in combination with Ramipril Global Endpoint Trial (ONTARGET()) showed that the angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) telmisartan was as protective as the reference-standard ramipril in a broad cross-section of patients at increased cardiovascular risk, but was better tolerated. Telmisartan has a unique profile among ARBs, with a high affinity for the angiotensin II type 1 receptor, a long duration of receptor binding, a high lipophilicity and a long plasma half life. This leads to sustained and powerful blood pressure lowering when compared with the first marketed ARBs, such as losartan and valsartan. Some pharmacological properties of telmisartan clearly distinguish it from other members of the ARB class and may contribute to the clinical effects seen with telmisartan. A class effect for ARBs cannot be assumed. To date, telmisartan is the only ARB that has been shown to reduce cardiovascular risk in at-risk cardiovascular patients.


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Steep mountain catchments typically experience large sediment pulses from hillslopes which are stored in headwater channels and remobilized by debris-flows or bedload transport. Event-based sediment budget monitoring in the active Manival debris-flow torrent in the French Alps during a two-year period gave insights into the catchment-scale sediment routing during moderate rainfall intensities which occur several times each year. The monitoring was based on intensive topographic resurveys of low- and high-order channels using different techniques (cross-section surveys with total station and high-resolution channel surveys with terrestrial and airborne laser scanning). Data on sediment output volumes from the main channel were obtained by a sediment trap. Two debris-flows were observed, as well as several bedload transport flow events. Sediment budget analysis of the two debris-flows revealed that most of the debris-flow volumes were supplied by channel scouring (more than 92%). Bedload transport during autumn contributed to the sediment recharge of high-order channels by the deposition of large gravel wedges. This process is recognized as being fundamental for debris-flow occurrence during the subsequent spring and summer. A time shift of scour-and-fill sequences was observed between low- and high-order channels, revealing the discontinuous sediment transfer in the catchment during common flow events. A conceptual model of sediment routing for different event magnitude is proposed.


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In this study, equations for the calculation of erosion wear caused by ash particles on convective heat exchanger tubes of steam boilers are presented. Anew, three-dimensional test arrangement was used in the testing of the erosion wear of convective heat exchanger tubes of steam boilers. When using the sleeve-method, three different tube materials and three tube constructions could be tested. New results were obtained from the analyses. The main mechanisms of erosionwear phenomena and erosion wear as a function of collision conditions and material properties have been studied. Properties of fossil fuels have also been presented. When burning solid fuels, such as pulverized coal and peat in steam boilers, most of the ash is entrained by the flue gas in the furnace. In bubbling andcirculating fluidized bed boilers, particle concentration in the flue gas is high because of bed material entrained in the flue gas. Hard particles, such as sharp edged quartz crystals, cause erosion wear when colliding on convective heat exchanger tubes and on the rear wall of the steam boiler. The most important ways to reduce erosion wear in steam boilers is to keep the velocity of the flue gas moderate and prevent channelling of the ash flow in a certain part of the cross section of the flue gas channel, especially near the back wall. One can do this by constructing the boiler with the following components. Screen plates can beused to make the velocity and ash flow distributions more even at the cross-section of the channel. Shield plates and plate type constructions in superheaters can also be used. Erosion testing was conducted with three types of tube constructions: a one tube row, an inline tube bank with six tube rows, and a staggered tube bank with six tube rows. Three flow velocities and two particle concentrations were used in the tests, which were carried out at room temperature. Three particle materials were used: quartz, coal ash and peat ash particles. Mass loss, diameter loss and wall thickness loss measurements of the test sleeves were taken. Erosion wear as a function of flow conditions, tube material and tube construction was analyzed by single-variable linear regression analysis. In developing the erosion wear calculation equations, multi-variable linear regression analysis was used. In the staggered tube bank, erosion wear had a maximum value in a tube row 2 and a local maximum in row 5. In rows 3, 4 and 6, the erosion rate was low. On the other hand, in the in-line tube bank the minimum erosion rate occurred in tube row 2 and in further rows the erosion had an increasing value, so that in a six row tube bank, the maximum value occurred in row 6.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether better management of chronic conditions by family practices reduces mortality risk. DATA: Two random samples of 5 million patients registered with over 8,000 English family practices followed up for 4 years (2004/5-2007/8). Measures of the quality of disease management for 10 conditions were constructed for each family practice for each year. The outcome measure was an indicator taking the value 1 if the patient died during a specified year, 0 otherwise. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-section and multilevel panel data multiple logistic regressions were estimated. Covariates included age, gender, morbidity, hospitalizations, attributed socio-economic characteristics, and local health care supply measures. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Although a composite measure of the quality of disease management for all 10 conditions was significantly associated with lower mortality, only the quality of stroke care was significant when all 10 quality measures were entered in the regression. CONCLUSIONS: The panel data results suggest that a 1 percent improvement in the quality of stroke care could reduce the annual number of deaths in England by 782 [95 percent CI: 423, 1140]. A longer study period may be necessary to detect any mortality impact of better management of other conditions.


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In radionuclide metrology, Monte Carlo (MC) simulation is widely used to compute parameters associated with primary measurements or calibration factors. Although MC methods are used to estimate uncertainties, the uncertainty associated with radiation transport in MC calculations is usually difficult to estimate. Counting statistics is the most obvious component of MC uncertainty and has to be checked carefully, particularly when variance reduction is used. However, in most cases fluctuations associated with counting statistics can be reduced using sufficient computing power. Cross-section data have intrinsic uncertainties that induce correlations when apparently independent codes are compared. Their effect on the uncertainty of the estimated parameter is difficult to determine and varies widely from case to case. Finally, the most significant uncertainty component for radionuclide applications is usually that associated with the detector geometry. Recent 2D and 3D x-ray imaging tools may be utilized, but comparison with experimental data as well as adjustments of parameters are usually inevitable.


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Ce mémoire de maîtrise a pour objet une recherche de leptons lourds de quatrième génération avec les données prises par le détecteur ATLAS au LHC dans les collisions pp à $\sqrt{s}$ = 7 TeV et avec une luminosité intégrée de 1.02 fb$^{-1}$. Le processus étudié est la production au singulet de leptons lourds neutres de quatrième génération (N) par la voie du courant chargé suivi de la désintégration du celui-ci en un électron et un boson W : $ pp \to W \to N e \to e W e \to e e \nu_{\ell} \ell $ ($\ell$ = $e$ ou $\mu$), et dépend d'un paramètre de mélange $\xi^{2}$ avec un lepton léger. L'analyse passe par plusieurs étapes, soit l'utilisation de FeynRules pour construire le modèle pour ensuite générer des événements par MadGraph Comme hypothèse de référence, on a choisi une masse de 100 GeV pour le lepton lourd neutre et $\xi_{Ne}^2$ = 0.19, donnant une section efficace de 0.312 pb pour une énergie au centre de masse de 7 TeV. Puisque la génération du signal s'est faite de manière privée à Montréal et non par la collaboration ATLAS, les résultats ne peuvent pas être reconnus officiellement. Sur la base de la simulation, avec des données correspondant à 1 fb$^{-1}$, la limite supérieure attendue à un niveau de confiance de $95\%$ sur la section efficace du signal est de 0.145 pb avec 0.294 pb pour un écart type($\sigma$) et 0.519 pb pour 2$\sigma$. La limite supérieure attendue à un niveau de confiance de $95\%$ sur $\xi_{Ne}^{2}$ de 0.09 pour une masse de 100 GeV.


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Utilisant les plus récentes données recueillies par le détecteur ATLAS lors de collisions pp à 7 et 8 TeV au LHC, cette thèse établira des contraintes sévères sur une multitude de modèles allant au-delà du modèle standard (MS) de la physique des particules. Plus particulièrement, deux types de particules hypothétiques, existant dans divers modèles théoriques et qui ne sont pas présentes dans le MS, seront étudiés et sondés. Le premier type étudié sera les quarks-vectoriels (QV) produits lors de collisions pp par l’entremise de couplages électrofaibles avec les quarks légers u et d. On recherchera ces QV lorsqu’ils se désintègrent en un boson W ou Z, et un quark léger. Des arguments théoriques établissent que sous certaines conditions raisonnables la production simple dominerait la production en paires des QV. La topologie particulière des évènements en production simple des QV permettra alors la mise en oeuvre de techniques d’optimisation efficaces pour leur extraction des bruits de fond électrofaibles. Le deuxième type de particules recherché sera celles qui se désintègrent en WZ lorsque ces bosons de jauges W, et Z se désintègrent leptoniquement. Les états finaux détectés par ATLAS seront par conséquent des évènements ayant trois leptons et de l’énergie transverse manquante. La distribution de la masse invariante de ces objets sera alors examinée pour déterminer la présence ou non de nouvelles résonances qui se manifesterait par un excès localisé. Malgré le fait qu’à première vue ces deux nouveaux types de particules n’ont que très peu en commun, ils ont en réalité tous deux un lien étroit avec la brisure de symétrie électrofaible. Dans plusieurs modèles théoriques, l’existence hypothétique des QV est proposé pour annuler les contributions du quark top aux corrections radiatives de la masse du Higgs du MS. Parallèlement, d’autres modèles prédisent quant à eux des résonances en WZ tout en suggérant que le Higgs est une particule composite, chambardant ainsi tout le sector Higgs du MS. Ainsi, les deux analyses présentées dans cette thèse ont un lien fondamental avec la nature même du Higgs, élargissant par le fait même nos connaissances sur l’origine de la masse intrinsèque des particules. En fin de compte, les deux analyses n’ont pas observé d’excès significatif dans leurs régions de signal respectives, ce qui permet d’établir des limites sur la section efficace de production en fonction de la masse des résonances.


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Optical properties of free and substituted porphyrins (PP) doped borate glass matrix are reported for the first time. Absorption spectral measurements of H2TPP, CdTPP, MgTPP and ZnTPP doped borate glass matrix have been made in the 200–1100 nm region and the spectra obtained are analyzed to obtain the optical bandgap (Eg) and other important spectral parameters viz. oscillator strength (f), molar extinction coefficient (ε), electric dipole strength (q2), absorption cross-section (σa) and molecular concentration (N). Intense fluorescence was observed in the region 668–685 nm for CdTPP, ZnTPP and MgTPP doped matrices, whereas no such fluorescence was observed in H2TPP doped matrix. Fluorescence intensity was observed to be almost similar in all the metallated porphyrine matrices. Fluorescence bandwidth (Δλ), decay time (τ), stimulated emission cross-section (σ) and optical gain (G) of the principal fluorescence transitions corresponding to the Q-band excitation were also evaluated and discussed.


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Result of the study on traditional traps in the inland waters of three northern districts viz, Kasargod, Kannur and Kozhikode in Kerala state during 2003-2004 is presented. Mainly six types of traps are found in operation. Chempally koode is a rectangular bamboo trap with" D" shape in cross section operated without bait in some rivers of Kannur and Kasargod. Bamboo screen barriers are almost completely replaced with durable HDPE net screen to make handling easy. Thottil vala is a unique aerial trap operated from the dam in Pazhassi reservoir during monsoon to catch big fishes jumping against flowing water.


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The photoionization of the Ne 2s-electrons was studied from threshold to 1 eV above threshold. The technique of photon-induced fluorescence spectroscopy was applied. Pronounced structures were observed resulting from autoionization of doubly excited atomic states. A threshold cross section of 0.17 Mb was determined.


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El Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), es el tumor cerebral más frecuente, con pronóstico grave y baja sensibilidad al tratamiento inicial. El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar si la Difusión en RM (IDRM), es un biomarcador temprano de respuesta tumoral, útil para tomar decisiones tempranas de tratamiento y para obtener información pronostica. Metodología La búsqueda se realizo en las bases de datos EMBASE, CENTRAL, MEDLINE; las bibliografías también fueron revisadas. Los artículos seleccionados fueron estudios observacionales (casos y controles, cohortes, corte transversal), no se encontró ningún ensayo clínico; todos los participante tenían diagnostico histopatológico de GBM, sometidos a resección quirúrgica y/o radio-quimioterapia y seguimiento de respuesta al tratamiento con IDRM por al menos 6 meses. Los datos extraídos de forma independiente fueron tipo de estudio, participantes, intervenciones, seguimiento, desenlaces (sobrevida, progresión/estabilización de la enfermedad, muerte) Resultados Quince estudios cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Entre las técnicas empleadas de IDRM para evaluar respuesta radiológica al tratamiento, fueron histogramas del coeficiente aparente de difusion ADC (compararon valores inferiores a la media y el percentil 10 de ADC, con los valores superiores); encontrando en términos generales que un ADC bajo es un fuerte predictor de sobrevida y/o progresión del tumor. (Esto fue significativo en 5 estudios); mapas funcionales de difusion (FDM) (midieron el porcentaje de cambio de ADC basal vs pos tratamiento) que mostro ser un fuerte predictor de sobrevida en pacientes con progresión tumoral. DISCUSION Desafortunadamente la calidad de los estudios fue intermedia-baja lo que hace que la aplicabilidad de los estudios sea limitada.


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El WACC o Coste Medio Ponderado de Capital es la tasa a la que se deben descontar los flujos para evaluar un proyecto o empresa. Para calcular esta tasa es necesario determinar el costo de la deuda y el costo de los recursos propios de la compañía; el costo de la deuda es la tasa actual del mercado que la empresa está pagando por su deuda, sin embargo el costo de los recursos propios podría ser difícil y más complejo de estimar ya que no existe un costo explícito. En este trabajo se presenta un panorama de las teorías propuestas a lo largo de la historia para calcular el costo de los recursos propios. Como caso particular, se estimará el costo de los recursos propios sin apalancamiento financiero de seis empresas francesas que no cotizan en bolsa y pertenecientes al sector de Servicios a la Persona (SAP). Para lograr lo anterior, se utilizará el Proceso de Análisis Jerárquico (AHP) y el Modelo de Valoración del Precio de los Activos Financieros (CAPM) con base en lo presentado por Martha Pachón (2013) en “Modelo alternativo para calcular el costo de los recursos propios”.


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En este trabajo se implementa una metodología para incluir momentos de orden superior en la selección de portafolios, haciendo uso de la Distribución Hiperbólica Generalizada, para posteriormente hacer un análisis comparativo frente al modelo de Markowitz.