927 resultados para poetic cinematography


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This essay aims to analyze the book Engano geográfico Marília Garcia, published in 2012. It is a long narrative poem that recounts a trip through Spanish and French landscapes, and which allows to question various shifts of the poetic voice. One of them, marked by the duplicity between geographic and poetic journey which I could characterize as a be­ 76 Revista semestral do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras – UFES tween-place given by the sign of waiting. A second, through a dialogical instance that allows a process of depoetization of the language with its permeability to other voices. Finally, through the presence of several pronouns “I”, “he”, “she”, “you”, without explicit textual reference, and that would indicate a kind of closeness of the loving attention.


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Frederico Barbosa’s poetry builds an intricate and amazing maze of words and meanings in which negativity and emptiness concepts emerge to be the expressing voice of the lyric subject. This article aims to follow the routes of this poetry in terms of its poetic and linguistic procedures, of giving shape to its critical point of view on poetry itself and on the fears and edges of humanity.


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Contemporary culture is showing us, with growing evidence, that fields of knowledge and spheres of action interpenetrate strongly, forcing us to change behavior in order to connive with the productive and creative new ways. Our scope is to consider the cybrid environment in which we situate the reader in his relations with the poetic productions created in the digital world, from the perspective of a contemporary context of reading done through interfaces and also by a reading of a poem by Patrick Burgaud.


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Taking into consideration the previous critical interpretations about Baudelaire’s poem called “Le cygne” (Benjamin, Oehler, Barbosa), this article highlights some relevant aspects about allegorical structure, seeking to demonstrate how the feeling of exile and the melancholy, which define the poetic individual and which represent underlying themes in Baudelaire’s poem, can be read through a frame of reference which links both historical-political and psychoanalytical interpretations.


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This  paper  attempts  to  investigate  a  part of  Brazilian’s modernism poetic tradition starting  from the notions of “sublime”,”essential poetry” and “pure poetry”. Such notions seem to constitute both the critical projects of Alceu Amoroso Lima and Graça Aranha, as well as they allow to consider partially the trajectories of Joaquim Cardozo, Emílio Moura, Henriqueta Lisboa and Augusto Frederico Schmidt in face of the vanguards.


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Os pregos na erva (1962), the first book by Maria Gabriela Llansol, presents us several textures and pictures that break the dividing lines of both textual and imaging spaces due to the figurative compositional process that stands within the literary universe, coloring it with words. The short stories found in this book are based on minimum action that silences the voices of the characters, expanding some other composition, a new course, not in the order of the narrative continuum, but of the textual one. The three short stories to be analyzed (“Intróito”, “A casa às avessas” e “A manhã morta”) are highlighted due to the meaningful incidence of poetic colors that set representation and the motionless universe of narrative on the move, due to the dialogue established with painting, especially with the pictures by Amadeo Modigliani (“Young Brunette”) and Picasso (“Child holding a dove”). Thus, the lines of writing and the geometric ones of painting cross with each other and draft triangles and circles, being responsible for figures that go beyond figurative language and, by doing so, making the suggested images of textuality’s “fulgor” stronger.


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Harryette Mullen is a contemporary African-American poet whose work has been increasingly analyzed and commented upon in American literary circles. Along her poetic career, one can identify the development of a complex relationship with the construction of the (black) female identity. Early in her career such construction involved the affirmation of a safer, if not “truthful” locus that could encompass the meaning of the female existence, which has ultimately come to develop a deconstruction, in her current poetry, of any centrality or essentiality in the search for a an authentic female identity. Translations of her poems will be presented in order to investigate their implication for understanding the fragmented body of the contemporary woman.


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Lyric poetry is where the relationships between world perception, language and representation are mostly problematized. In fact, poetic creation oscillates between the desire of a realistic expression of the world, beings and things and the understanding that its urgent task is simply to reinvent the world order and denaturalize it. Thus, Sérgio Mello’s poems in No Banheiro um Espelho Trincado (2004) conceive a poetry mainly concerned on the tension between words and things; between the lyric subject and the world; between language and the reality it encloses, through groups of images that range from the natural to the rupture process. His poems are small pieces of narrative, scenes that are articulated through the cutting technique, like the process of a cinematographic edition.


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This paper presents the development of a scientific investigation that addresses the Latin text using theoretical concepts of Linguistic, Literary Poetic and Semiotic in order to focus mainly on aspects of the figurative expression. Therefore, the meaning effects raised by the perception through the reading of text were taken as baseline data to investigate the particular arrangement of language, responsible for expression of these effects. As a result of this investigation, a metalinguistic discourse was produced about the basic features of the poetic figurativity of the text. This analysis and description had a focus mainly on the first step of the procedures of figurativization, i.e., the figuration of the discourse, when a theme is coated by semiotic figures. In addition, reference notes were drafted to accompany the selected translation of support, with general comments about the culture (mythology, history, geography, philosophy, etc.), necessary data to an more comprehensive understanding of the text (these notes shall provide basic subsidies for reading the original Latin)


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The modernist poet Emílio Moura (1902-1971) incorporates a strictly modern language regarding the imagistic suggesting a mainly poetry metalinguistic. That way, from the works Canto da hora amarga (1932) and Cancioneiro (1944) we attest, through the poetic analysis, that modernity Moura’s poetry takes place in confluences with ideas ranging from biblical tradition and come to the depersonalization of the modern I and questing. We objectify, therefore, demonstrate and explore the metalinguistic and intertextual character that results in the personification of poetry, as clarified muse. To achieve this, this same poetry undergoes a dualistic and pessimistic sentiment, baroque, the I that is divided into life and death, light and shadow; goes through a romantic feeling of anguish and desolation and reaches the multiplicity of the poetic speaker, which promotes a constant struggle with the language. More than draw a correlation between classical and modern ideas (in the sense that the poet creates depersonalization and appropriates of free, short prose or verse, typical of modernism), intend to supply, at least in part, the dearth of studies on the miner poet who has found fertile ground to question and analyze internally the role of poetry in the multiplicity of man and modern society to therefore conclude that universalism the Emílio Moura becomes distinctive and mature. Thus, we will check how poetic inflows corroborate both works for reevaluation and critical insertion of poetic the Emílio Moura in the context of modern/Modernist Brazilian literature


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)