662 resultados para plastic strain
Selected grades of low density polyethylene (LDPE) polystyrene (PS) were extruded in a laboratory extruder by varying the feeding rate at different revolutions per minute and temperatures. The mechanical properties of the extruded plastic sheets were determined. LDPE shows a marked variation in mechanical properties with feeding rate while PS shows a marginal change in mechanical properties with feeding rate. However, for both plastics there is a particular feeding rate in the starved region which results in maximum mechanical properties.
School of Management Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology
Warships are generally sleek, slender with V shaped sections and block coefficient below 0.5, compared to fuller forms and higher values for commercial ships. They normally operate in the higher Froude number regime, and the hydrodynamic design is primarily aimed at achieving higher speeds with the minimum power. Therefore the structural design and analysis methods are different from those for commercial ships. Certain design guidelines have been given in documents like Naval Engineering Standards and one of the new developments in this regard is the introduction of classification society rules for the design of warships.The marine environment imposes subjective and objective uncertainties on ship structure. The uncertainties in loads, material properties etc.,. make reliable predictions of ship structural response a difficult task. Strength, stiffness and durability criteria for warship structures can be established by investigations on elastic analysis, ultimate strength analysis and reliability analysis. For analysis of complicated warship structures, special means and valid approximations are required.Preliminary structural design of a frigate size ship has been carried out . A finite element model of the hold model, representative of the complexities in the geometric configuration has been created using the finite element software NISA. Two other models representing the geometry to a limited extent also have been created —- one with two transverse frames and the attached plating alongwith the longitudinal members and the other representing the plating and longitudinal stiffeners between two transverse frames. Linear static analysis of the three models have been carried out and each one with three different boundary conditions. The structural responses have been checked for deflections and stresses against the permissible values. The structure has been found adequate in all the cases. The stresses and deflections predicted by the frame model are comparable with those of the hold model. But no such comparison has been realized for the interstiffener plating model with the other two models.Progressive collapse analyses of the models have been conducted for the three boundary conditions, considering geometric nonlinearity and then combined geometric and material nonlinearity for the hold and the frame models. von Mises — lllyushin yield criteria with elastic-perfectly plastic stress-strain curve has been chosen. ln each case, P-Delta curves have been generated and the ultimate load causing failure (ultimate load factor) has been identified as a multiple of the design load specified by NES.Reliability analysis of the hull module under combined geometric and material nonlinearities have been conducted. The Young's Modulus and the shell thickness have been chosen as the variables. Randomly generated values have been used in the analysis. First Order Second Moment has been used to predict the reliability index and thereafter, the probability of failure. The values have been compared against standard values published in literature.
The thesis presents the results of the investigations on the crystallisation ‘behaviour, detect structure end electrical properties of certain organic crystals---phthslic snhydride end potsssiun scid phthalate Hollow crystals of phthalic snhydride were grown from vapour. the norpholog of these hollow crystals were studied in detail and s. mechanism for their growth has been proposed. A closed crystal—vapour system was used to study the basal plane growth of the whiskers and the sequential growth, observed, confirmed the mechanism suggested for hollow crystals. The dendritic crystals of phthslic enhydride were grown, both iron the melt and solution. The observed morphologies of these dendrites ere described. Bpherulites of phthalic anhydride have been grown by the artificial initiation of nucleation, from melt and solution. The variation of the substructure oi’ these spherulites with the growth tenperature wee investigated. The spherulitic filll having ribbon substructure were etched to reveal dislocations. A mechanism for the formation of the observed etch pattern has been suggested. the slip occurring in these ribbons were studied and the results are presented
The effect of the local environment on the energetic strain within small (SiO)N rings (with N=2,3) in silica materials is investigated via periodic model systems employing density functional calculations. Through comparison of the energies of various nonterminated systems containing small rings in strained and relatively unstrained environments, with alpha quartz, we demonstrate how small ring strain is affected by the nature of the embedding environment. We compare our findings with numerous previously reported calculations, often predicting significantly different small-ring strain energies, leading to a critical assessment of methods of calculating accurate localized ring energies. The results have relevance for estimates of the strain-induced response (e.g., chemical, photo, and radio) of small silica rings, and the propensity for them to form in bulk glasses, thin films, and nanoclusters.
At this era of energy crisis and resource depletion, availability of conventional materials throughout the year in quantity and quality, pose a hectic problem for the builders. Adding fuel to the fire, the demand of these materials increases day by day, since the housing and habitat requirements exponentially increase time to time. There is an international concern over this crisis and researchers are reorienting themselves, so as to evolve appropriate masonry units, using locally available cheap materials and technology. The concept of green material and construction has been well conceived in the research so that marginal materials and unskilled labour can be employed for the mass production of building blocks. In this context, considering earth as a sustainable material, there is a growing interest in the use of it, as a modern construction material. Solid waste management is one of the current major environmental concerns in our country. Our country is left with millions of cubic metre of waste plastics. One of the methods to satisfactorily address this solid waste management and the environmental issues is to suitably accommodate the waste in some form (as fibres). Their employability in block making in the form of fibres (plastic fibre- mud blocks) can be investigated through a fundamental research. Also, the review of the existing literature shows that most studies on natural fibres are focussed on cellulose based/ vegetable fibres obtained from renewable plant resources except in very few cases, where animal fibre, plastic fibre and polystyrene fabric were used. At this context, for the plastic fibre-mud blocks to be more widely applicable, a systematic quantification of the relevant physical and mechanical properties of the fibre masonry units is crucial, to enable an objective evaluation of the composite material’s response to actual field condition. This research highlights the salient observations from the detailed investigation of a systematic study on the effect of embedded fibres, made of plastic wastes on the performance of stabilised mud blocks.
Giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man), is an important commercial species with considerable export value, ideal for cultivation under low saline conditions and in freshwater zones (Kurup 1994). However, despite more than a decade of research on its larval production systems, vibriosis still hampers seed production resulting in high mortality rates. Among the different species of vibrios, Vibrio alginolyticus has been isolated frequently from diseased shrimp as the aetiological agent of vibriosis and has been described as a principal pathogen of both penaeids and nonpenaeids (Lightner 1988; Baticados, Cruz-Lacierda, de la Cruz, Duremdez-Fernandez, Gacutan, Lavilla- Pitogo & Lio-Po 1990; Mohney, Lightner & Bell 1994; Lee, Yu, Chen, Yang & Liu 1996). Vibrio fluvialis, V. alginolyticus, V. cholerae non-O1 (Fujioka & Greco 1984), Aeromonas liquifaciens and V. anguillarum (Colorni 1985) have been isolated from the larvae of M. rosenbergii. A profound relationship between the abundance of members of the family Vibrionaceae and larval mortality (Singh 1990) and the predominance of Vibrio in eggs, larvae and post-larvae of M. rosenbergii (Hameed, Rahaman, Alagan & Yoganandhan 2003) was reported. The present paper reports the isolation, characterization, pathogenicity and antibiotic sensitivity of V. alginolyticus associated with M. rosenbergii larvae during an occurrence of severe mass mortality at the ninth larval stage.
The present study investigates the benefits of stabilizing the stone mastic asphalt (SMA) mixture in flexible pavement with shredded waste plastic. Conventional (without plastic) and the stabilized SMA mixtures were subjected to performance tests including Marshall Stability, tensile strength and compressive strength tests. Triaxial tests were also conducted with varying percentage bitumen by weight of mineral aggregate (6% to 8%) and by varying percentage plastic by weight of mix (6% to 12% with an increment of 1%). Plastic content of 10% by weight of bitumen is recommended for the improvement of the performance of Stone Mastic Asphalt mixtures. 10% plastic content gives an increase in the stability, split tensile strength and compressive strength of about 64%, 18% and 75% respectively compared to the conventional SMA mix. Triaxial test results show a 44% increase in cohesion and 3% decrease in angle of shearing resistance showing an increase in the shear strength. The drain down value decreases with an increase in plastic content and the value is only 0.09 % at 10% plastic content and proves to be an effective stabilizing additive in SMA mixtures
Nano magnetic oxides are promising candidates for high density magnetic storage and other applications. Nonspherical mesoscopic iron oxide particles are also candidate materials for studying the shape, size and strain induced modifications of various physical properties viz. optical, magnetic and structural. Spherical and nonspherical iron oxides having an aspect ratio, ~2, are synthesized by employing starch and ethylene glycol and starch and water, respectively by a novel technique. Their optical, structural, thermal and magnetic properties are evaluated. A red shift of 0⋅24 eV is observed in the case of nonspherical particles when compared to spherical ones. The red shift is attributed to strain induced changes in internal pressure inside the elongated iron oxide particles. Pressure induced effects are due to the increased overlap of wave functions. Magnetic measurements reveal that particles are superparamagnetic. The marked increase in coercivity in the case of elongated particles is a clear evidence for shape induced anisotropy. The decreased specific saturation magnetization of the samples is explained on the basis of weight percentage of starch, a nonmagnetic component and is verified by TGA and FTIR studies. This technique can be modified for tailoring the aspect ratio and these particles are promising candidates for drug delivery and contrast enhancement agents in magnetic resonance imaging
Pathogenic microorganisms such as Bacillus cereus, Listeria Monocytogenes and Staphylococcus sp have caused serious diseases, and consequently contributed to considerable economic loss in the food and agricultural industries. Antibiotics have been practically used to treat these pathogens since penicillin G was discovered more than half a century ago. Many different types of antibiotics have been discovered or synthesized to control pathogenic microorganisms. Repetitive use and misuse of antibiotics by the agricultural and pharmaceutical industries have caused the emergence of multidrug-resistant microorganisms, even to the strongest antibiotics currently available; therefore, the rapid development of more effective antimicrobial compounds is required to keep pace with demand. Bacteria were isolated from marine water and sediment samples collected from various locations off the coast of Cochin and salt pans of Tuticorin using pour plate technique. One hundred and twelve isolates were obtained. Seventeen isolates exhibiting antimicrobial activity were segregated after primary screening. The secondary screening which was aimed at selection of bacteria that produce proteinaceous inhibitory compounds, helped to select five strains viz. BTFK101, BTHT8, BTKM4, BTEK16 and BTSB22. The five isolates inhibited the growth of six Gram positive test organisms viz. B. cereus, B. circulans, B. coagulans, B. pumilus, Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium perfringens. After quantitative estimation of the bacteriocin production, the two strains BTFK101 and BTHT8 were selected for further study.
Das Werkstoffverhalten von stahlfaserfreiem bzw. stahlfaserverstärktem Stahlbeton unter biaxialle Druck- Zugbeanspruchung wurde experimentell und theoretisch untersucht. Die Basis der experimentellen Untersuchungen waren zahlreiche Versuche, die in der Vergangenheit an faserfreiem Stahlbetonscheiben zur Bestimmung des Werkstoffverhaltens von gerissenem Stahlbeton im ebenen Spannungszustand durchgeführt wurden. Bei diesen Untersuchungen wurde festgestellt, dass infolge einer Querzugbeanspruchung eine Abminderung der biaxialen Druckfestigkeit entsteht. Unter Berücksichtigung dieser Erkenntnisse sind zur Verbesserung der Werkstoffeigenschaften des Betons, Stahlbetonscheiben aus stahlfaserverstärktem Beton hergestellt worden. Die aus der Literatur bekannten Werkstoffmodelle für Beton sowie Stahlbeton, im ungerissenen und gerissenen Zustand wurden hinsichtlich der in der Vergangenheit ermittelten Materialeigenschaften des Betons bzw. Stahlbetons unter proportionalen sowie nichtproportionalen äußeren Belastungen erklärt und kritisch untersucht. In den frischen Beton wurden Stahlfasern hinzugegeben. Dadurch konnte die Festigkeits- und die Materialsteifigkeitsabminderung infolge Rissbildung, die zur Schädigung des Verbundwerkstoffs Beton führt, reduziert werden. Man konnte sehen, dass der Druckfestigkeitsabminderungsfaktor und insbesondere die zur maximal aufnehmbaren Zylinderdruckfestigkeit gehörende Stauchung, durch Zugabe von Stahlfasern besser begrenzt wird. Die experimentelle Untersuchungen wurden an sechs faserfreien und sieben stahlfaserverstärkten Stahlbetonscheiben unter Druck-Zugbelastung zur Bestimmung des Verhaltens des gerissenen faserfreien und stahlfaserverstärkten Stahlbetons durchgeführt. Die aus eigenen Versuchen ermittelten Materialeigenschaften des Betons, des stahlfaserverstärkten Betons und Stahlbetons im gerissenen Zustand wurden dargelegt und diskutiert. Bei der Rissbildung des quasi- spröden Werkstoffs Beton und dem stahlfaserverstärkten Beton wurde neben dem plastischen Fließen, auch die Abnahme des Elastizitätsmoduls festgestellt. Die Abminderung der aufnehmbaren Festigkeit und der zugehörigen Verzerrung lässt sich nicht mit der klassischen Fließtheorie der Plastizität ohne Modifizierung des Verfestigungsgesetzes erfassen. Es wurden auf elasto-plastischen Werkstoffmodellen basierende konstitutive Beziehungen für den faserfreien sowie den stahlfaserverstärkten Beton vorgeschlagen. Darüber hinaus wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit eine auf dem elasto-plastischen Werkstoffmodell basierende konstitutive Beziehung für Beton und den stahlfaser-verstärkten Beton im gerissenen Zustand formuliert. Die formulierten Werkstoffmodelle wurden mittels dem in einer modularen Form aufgebauten nichtlinearen Finite Elemente Programm DIANA zu numerischen Untersuchungen an ausgewählten experimentell untersuchten Flächentragwerken, wie scheibenartigen-, plattenartigen- und Schalentragwerken aus faserfreiem sowie stahlfaserverstärktem Beton verwendet. Das entwickelte elasto-plastische Modell ermöglichte durch eine modifizierte effektive Spannungs-Verzerrungs-Beziehung für das Verfestigungsmodell, nicht nur die Erfassung des plastischen Fließens sondern auch die Berücksichtigung der Schädigung der Elastizitätsmodule infolge Mikrorissen sowie Makrorissen im Hauptzugspannungs-Hauptdruckspannungs-Bereich. Es wurde bei den numerischen Untersuchungen zur Ermittlung des Last-Verformungsverhaltens von scheibenartigen, plattenartigen- und Schalentragwerken aus faserfreiem und stahlfaserverstärktem Stahlbeton, im Vergleich mit den aus Versuchen ermittelten Ergebnissen, eine gute Übereinstimmung festgestellt.
This report demonstrates a UV-embossed polymeric chip for protein separation and identification by Capillary Isoelectric Focusing (CIEF) and Matrix Assisted Laser Desportion/Ionization Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-MS). The polymeric chip has been fabricated by UV-embossing technique with high throughput; the issues in the fabrication have been addressed. In order to achieve high sensitivity of mass detection, five different types of UV curable polymer have been used as sample support to perform protein ionization in Mass Spectrometry (MS); the best results is compared to PMMA, which was the commonly used plastic chip for biomolecular separation. Experimental results show that signal from polyester is 12 times better than that of PMMA in terms of detection sensitivity. Finally, polyester chip is utilized to carry out CIEF to separate proteins, followed by MS identification.
Immunity to severe malaria is the first level of immunity acquired to Plasmodium falciparum. Antibodies to the variant antigen PfEMP1 (P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1) present at the surface of the parasitized red blood cell (pRBC) confer protection by blocking microvascular sequestration. Here we have generated antibodies to peptide sequences of subdomain 2 of PfEMP1-DBL1a previously identified to be associated with severe or mild malaria. A set of sera generated to the amino acid sequence KLQTLTLHQVREYWWALNRKEVWKA, containing the motif ALNRKE, stained the live pRBC. 50% of parasites tested (7/14) were positive both in flow cytometry and immunofluorescence assays with live pRBCs including both laboratory strains and in vitro adapted clinical isolates. Antibodies that reacted selectively with the sequence REYWWALNRKEVWKA in a 15-mer peptide array of DBL1a-domains were also found to react with the pRBC surface. By utilizing a peptide array to map the binding properties of the elicited anti-DBL1a antibodies, the amino acids WxxNRx were found essential for antibody binding. Complementary experiments using 135 degenerate RDSM peptide sequences obtained from 93 Ugandan patient-isolates showed that antibody binding occurred when the amino acids WxLNRKE/D were present in the peptide. The data suggests that the ALNRKE sequence motif, associated with severe malaria, induces strain-transcending antibodies that react with the pRBC surface
Immunity to severe malaria is the first level of immunity acquired to Plasmodium falciparum. Antibodies to the variant antigen PfEMP1 (P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1) present at the surface of the parasitized red blood cell (pRBC) confer protection by blocking microvascular sequestration. Here we have generated antibodies to peptide sequences of subdomain 2 of PfEMP1-DBL1 alpha previously identified to be associated with severe or mild malaria. A set of sera generated to the amino acid sequence KLQTLTLHQVREYWWALNRKEVWKA, containing the motif ALNRKE, stained the live pRBC. 50% of parasites tested (7/14) were positive both in flow cytometry and immunofluorescence assays with live pRBCs including both laboratory strains and in vitro adapted clinical isolates. Antibodies that reacted selectively with the sequence REYWWALNRKEVWKA in a 15-mer peptide array of DBL1 alpha-domains were also found to react with the pRBC surface. By utilizing a peptide array to map the binding properties of the elicited anti-DBL1 alpha antibodies, the amino acids WxxNRx were found essential for antibody binding. Complementary experiments using 135 degenerate RDSM peptide sequences obtained from 93 Ugandan patient-isolates showed that antibody binding occurred when the amino acids WxLNRKE/D were present in the peptide. The data suggests that the ALNRKE sequence motif, associated with severe malaria, induces strain-transcending antibodies that react with the pRBC surface.
This study followed a design of observational, cross-sectional descriptive. In a sample of 59 workers of the Congress of the Republic of Colombia, to which we applied a survey based on the Nordic questionnaire (1) and demographic information: age, gender, position and seniority; as well as height and weight to estimate body mass index (BMI). For the analysis of the information frequency, percentage and units of central tendency were used. The data processing was performed with the software Stat Info Vocational (2) and Excel version 2013.