931 resultados para photosynthetic pathway


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The oxalatecarbonate pathway involves the oxidation of calcium oxalate to low-magnesium calcite and represents a potential long-term terrestrial sink for atmospheric CO2. In this pathway, bacterial oxalate degradation is associated with a strong local alkalinization and subsequent carbonate precipitation. In order to test whether this process occurs in soil, the role of bacteria, fungi and calcium oxalate amendments was studied using microcosms. In a model system with sterile soil amended with laboratory cultures of oxalotrophic bacteria and fungi, the addition of calcium oxalate induced a distinct pH shift and led to the final precipitation of calcite. However, the simultaneous presence of bacteria and fungi was essential to drive this pH shift. Growth of both oxalotrophic bacteria and fungi was confirmed by qPCR on the frc (oxalotrophic bacteria) and 16S rRNA genes, and the quantification of ergosterol (active fungal biomass) respectively. The experiment was replicated in microcosms with non-sterilized soil. In this case, the bacterial and fungal contribution to oxalate degradation was evaluated by treatments with specific biocides (cycloheximide and bronopol). Results showed that the autochthonous microflora oxidized calcium oxalate and induced a significant soil alkalinization. Moreover, data confirmed the results from the model soil showing that bacteria are essentially responsible for the pH shift, but require the presence of fungi for their oxalotrophic activity. The combined results highlight that the interaction between bacteria and fungi is essential to drive metabolic processes in complex environments such as soil.


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Abstract Part I : Background : Isolated lung perfusion (ILP) was designed for the treatment of loco-regional malignancies of the lung. In contrast to intravenous (IV) drug application, ILP allows for a selective administration of cytostatic agents such as doxorubicin to the lung while sparing non-affected tissues. However, the clinical results with ILP were disappointing. Doxorubicinbased ILP on sarcoma rodent lungs suggested high overall doxorubicin concentrations within the perfused lung but a poor penetration of the cytostatic agent into tumors. The same holds true for liposomal-encapsulated macromolecular doxorubicin (LiporubicinTM) In specific conditions, low-dose photodynamic therapy (PDT) can enhance the distribution of macromolecules across the endothelial bamer in solid tumors. It was recently postulated that tumor neovessels were more responsive to PDT than the normal vasculature. We therefore hypothesized that Visudyne®-mediated PDT could selectively increase liposomal doxorubicin (LiporubicinTM) uptake in sarcoma tumors to rodent lungs during intravenous (IV) drug administration and isolated lung perfusion (ILP). Material and Methods : A sarcoma tumor was generated in the left lung of Fisher rats by subpleural injection of a sarcoma cell ,suspension via thoracotomy. Ten days later, LiporubicinTM is administered IV or by single pass antegrade ILP, with or without Visudyne® -mediated low-dose PDT pre-treatment of the sarcoma bearing lung. The drug concentration and distribution were assessed separately in tumors and lung tissues by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and fluorescence microscopy (FNI~, respectively. Results : PDT pretreatment before IV LiporubicinTM administration resulted in a significantly higher tumor drug uptake and tumor to lung drug ratio compared to IV drug injection alone without affecting the blood flow and drug distribution in the lung. PDT pre-treatment before LiporubicinTM-based ILP also resulted in a higher tumor drug uptake and a higher tumor to lung drug ratio compared to ILP alone, however, these differences were not significant due to a heterogeneous blood flow drug distribution during ILP which was further accentuated by PDT. Conclusions : Low-dose Visudyne®-mediated PDT pre-treatment has the potential to selectively enhance liposomal encapsulated doxorubicin uptake in tumors but not in normal lung tissue after IV drug application in a rat model of sarcoma tumors to the lung which opens new perspectives for the treatment of superficially spreading chemoresistant tumors of the chest cavity such as mesothelioma or malignant effusion. However, the impact of PDT on macromolecular drug uptake during ILP is limited since its therapeutic advantage is circumvented by ILP-induced heterogeneicity of blood flow and drug distribution Abstract Part II Background : Photodynamic therapy (PDT) with Visudyne® acts by direct cellular phototoxicity and/or by an indirect vascular-mediated effect. Here, we demonstrate that the vessel integrity interruption by PDT can promote the extravasation of a macromolecular agent in normal tissue. To obtain extravasation in normal tissue PDT conditions were one order of magnitude more intensive than the ones in tissue containing neovessels reported in the literature. Material and Methods : Fluorescein isothiocyanate dextran (FITC-D, 2000kDa), a macromolecular agent, was intravenously injected 10 minutes before (LKO group, n=14) or 2 hours (LK2 group, n=16) after Visudyne® mediated PDT in nude mice bearing a dorsal skin fold chamber. Control animals had no PDT (CTRL group, n=8). The extravasation of FITC-D from blood vessels in striated muscle tissue was observed in both groups in real-time for up to 2500 seconds after injection. We also monitored PDT-induced leukocyte rolling in-vivo and assessed, by histology, the corresponding inflammatory reaction score in the dorsal skin fold chambers. Results : In all animals, at the applied PDT conditions, FITC-D extravasation was significantly enhanced in the PDT treated areas as compared to the surrounding non-treated areas (p<0.0001). There was no FITC-D leakage in the control animals. Animals from the LKO group had significantly less FITC-D extravasation than those from the LK2 group (p = 0.0002). In the LKO group FITC-D leakage correlated significantly with the inflammation (p < 0.001). Conclusions: At the selected conditions, Visudyne-mediated PDT promotes vascular leakage and FITC-D extravasation into the interstitial space of normal tissue. The intensity of vascular leakage depends on the time interval between PDT and FITC-D injection. This concept could be used to locally modulate the delivery of macromolecules in vivo. Résumé : La perfusion cytostatique isolée du poumon permet une administration sélective des agents cytostatiques sans implication de la circulation systémique avec une forte accumulation au niveau du poumon mais une faible pénétration dans les tumeurs. La thérapie photodynamique (PDT) qui consiste en l'application d'un sensibilisateur activé par lumière laser non- thermique d'une longueur d'onde définie permet dans certaines conditions, une augmentation de la pénétration des agents cytostatiques macromoléculaires à travers la barrière endothéliale tumorale. Nous avons exploré cet avantage thérapeutique de la PDT dans un modèle expérimental afin d'augmenter d'une manière sélective la pénétration tumorale de la doxorubicin pegylée, liposomal- encapsulée macromoléculaire (Liporubicin). Une tumeur sarcomateuse a été générée au niveau du poumon de rongeur suivie d'administration de Liporubicin, soit par voie intraveineuse soit par perfusion isolée du poumon (ILP). Une partie des animaux ont reçus un prétraitement de la tumeur et du poumon sous jacent par PDT avec Visudyne comme photosensibilisateur. Les résultats ont démontrés que la PDT permet, sous certaines conditions, une augmentation sélective de Liporubicin dans les tumeurs mais pas dans le parenchyme pulmonaire sous jacent. Après administration intraveineuse de Liporubicin et prétraitement par PDT, l'accumulation dans les tumeurs était significative par rapport au poumon, et aux tumeurs sans PDT. Le même phénomène est observé après ILP du poumon. Cependant, les différences avec ou sans PDT n'étaient pas significatives lié à und distribution hétérogène de Liporubicin dans le poumon perfusé après ILP. Dans une deuxième partie de l'expérimentation, nous avons exploré la microscopie intra-vitale pour déterminer l'extravasion des substances macromoléculaires (FITS) à travers la barrière endothéliale avec ou sans Visudyne-PDT au niveau des chambres dorsales des souris nues. Les résultats montrent qu'après PDT, l'extravasion de FITS a été augmentée de manière significative par rapport au tissu non traité. L'intensité de l'extravasion de FITS dépendait également de l'intervalle entre PDT et injection de FITS. En conclusion, les expérimentations montrent que la PDT est capable, sous certaines conditions, d'augmenter de manière significative l'extravasion des macromolécules à travers la barrière endothéliale et leur accumulation dans des tumeurs mais pas dans le parenchyme pulmonaire. Ces résultats permettent une nouvelle perspective de traitement pour des tumeurs superficielles intrathoraciques chimio-résistent comme l'épanchement pleural malin ou le mésothéliome pleural.


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Fatty acid degradation in most organisms occurs primarily via the beta-oxidation cycle. In mammals, beta-oxidation occurs in both mitochondria and peroxisomes, whereas plants and most fungi harbor the beta-oxidation cycle only in the peroxisomes. Although several of the enzymes participating in this pathway in both organelles are similar, some distinct physiological roles have been uncovered. Recent advances in the structural elucidation of numerous mammalian and yeast enzymes involved in beta-oxidation have shed light on the basis of the substrate specificity for several of them. Of particular interest is the structural organization and function of the type 1 and 2 multifunctional enzyme (MFE-1 and MFE-2), two enzymes evolutionarily distant yet catalyzing the same overall enzymatic reactions but via opposite stereochemistry. New data on the physiological roles of the various enzymes participating in beta-oxidation have been gathered through the analysis of knockout mutants in plants, yeast and animals, as well as by the use of polyhydroxyalkanoate synthesis from beta-oxidation intermediates as a tool to study carbon flux through the pathway. In plants, both forward and reverse genetics performed on the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana have revealed novel roles for beta-oxidation in the germination process that is independent of the generation of carbohydrates for growth, as well as in embryo and flower development, and the generation of the phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid and the signal molecule jasmonic acid.


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The present study investigated promoter hypermethylation of TP53 regulatory pathways providing a potential link between epigenetic changes and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) alterations in breast cancer patients lacking a TP53 mutation. The possibility of using the cancer-specific alterations in serum samples as a blood-based test was also explored. Triple-matched samples (cancerous tissues, matched adjacent normal tissues and serum samples) from breast cancer patients were screened for TP53 mutations, and the promoter methylation profile of P14(ARF), MDM2, TP53 and PTEN genes was analyzed as well as mtDNA alterations, including D-loop mutations and mtDNA content. In the studied cohort, no mutation was found in TP53 (DNA-binding domain). Comparison of P14(ARF) and PTEN methylation patterns showed significant hypermethylation levels in tumor tissues (P < 0.05 and <0.01, respectively) whereas the TP53 tumor suppressor gene was not hypermethylated (P < 0.511). The proportion of PTEN methylation was significantly higher in serum than in the normal tissues and it has a significant correlation to tumor tissues (P < 0.05). mtDNA analysis revealed 36.36% somatic and 90.91% germline mutations in the D-loop region and also significant mtDNA depletion in tumor tissues (P < 0.01). In addition, the mtDNA content in matched serum was significantly lower than in the normal tissues (P < 0.05). These data can provide an insight into the management of a therapeutic approach based on the reversal of epigenetic silencing of the crucial genes involved in regulatory pathways of the tumor suppressor TP53. Additionally, release of significant aberrant methylated PTEN in matched serum samples might represent a promising biomarker for breast cancer.


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To date, for most biological and physiological phenomena, the scientific community has reach a consensus on their related function, except for sleep, which has an undetermined, albeit mystery, function. To further our understanding of sleep function(s), we first focused on the level of complexity at which sleep-like phenomenon can be observed. This lead to the development of an in vitro model. The second approach was to understand the molecular and cellular pathways regulating sleep and wakefulness, using both our in vitro and in vivo models. The third approach (ongoing) is to look across evolution when sleep or wakefulness appears. (1) To address the question as to whether sleep is a cellular property and how this is linked to the entire brain functioning, we developed a model of sleep in vitro by using dissociated primary cortical cultures. We aimed at simulating the major characteristics of sleep and wakefulness in vitro. We have shown that mature cortical cultures display a spontaneous electrical activity similar to sleep. When these cultures are stimulated by waking neurotransmitters, they show a tonic firing activity, similar to wakefulness, but return spontaneously to the "sleep-like" state 24h after stimulation. We have also shown that transcriptional, electrophysiological, and metabolic correlates of sleep and wakefulness can be reliably detected in dissociated cortical cultures. (2) To further understand at which molecular and cellular levels changes between sleep and wakefulness occur, we have used a pharmacological and systematic gene transcription approach in vitro and discovered a major role played by the Erk pathway. Indeed, pharmacological inhibition of this pathway in living animals decreased sleep by 2 hours per day and consolidated both sleep and wakefulness by reducing their fragmentation. (3) Finally, we tried to evaluate the presence of sleep in one of the most primitive species with a neural network. We set up Hydra as a model organism. We hypothesized that sleep as a cellular (neuronal) property may occur with the appearance of the most primitive nervous system. We were able to show that Hydra have periodic rest phases amounting to up to 5 hours per day. In conclusion, our work established an in vitro model to study sleep, discovered one of the major signaling pathways regulating vigilance states, and strongly suggests that sleep is a cellular property highly conserved at the molecular level during evolution. -- Jusqu'à ce jour, la communauté scientifique s'est mise d'accord sur la fonction d'une majorité des processus physiologiques, excepté pour le sommeil. En effet, la fonction du sommeil reste un mystère, et aucun consensus n'est atteint le concernant. Pour mieux comprendre la ou les fonctions du sommeil, (1) nous nous sommes d'abord concentré sur le niveau de complexité auquel un état ressemblant au sommeil peut être observé. Nous avons ainsi développé un modèle du sommeil in vitro, (2) nous avons disséqué les mécanismes moléculaires et cellulaires qui pourraient réguler le sommeil, (3) nous avons cherché à savoir si un état de sommeil peut être trouvé dans l'hydre, l'animal le plus primitif avec un système nerveux. (1) Pour répondre à la question de savoir à quel niveau de complexité apparaît un état de sommeil ou d'éveil, nous avons développé un modèle du sommeil, en utilisant des cellules dissociées de cortex. Nous avons essayé de reproduire les corrélats du sommeil et de l'éveil in vitro. Pour ce faire, nous avons développé des cultures qui montrent les signes électrophysiologiques du sommeil, puis quand stimulées chimiquement passent à un état proche de l'éveil et retournent dans un état de sommeil 24 heures après la stimulation. Notre modèle n'est pas parfait, mais nous avons montré que nous pouvions obtenir les corrélats électrophysiologiques, transcriptionnels et métaboliques du sommeil dans des cellules corticales dissociées. (2) Pour mieux comprendre ce qui se passe au niveau moléculaire et cellulaire durant les différents états de vigilance, nous avons utilisé ce modèle in vitro pour disséquer les différentes voies de signalisation moléculaire. Nous avons donc bloqué pharmacologiquement les voies majeures. Nous avons mis en évidence la voie Erkl/2 qui joue un rôle majeur dans la régulation du sommeil et dans la transcription des gènes qui corrèlent avec le cycle veille-sommeil. En effet, l'inhibition pharmacologique de cette voie chez la souris diminue de 2 heures la quantité du sommeil journalier et consolide l'éveil et le sommeil en diminuant leur fragmentation. (3) Finalement, nous avons cherché la présence du sommeil chez l'Hydre. Pour cela, nous avons étudié le comportement de l'Hydre pendant 24-48h et montrons que des périodes d'inactivité, semblable au sommeil, sont présentes dans cette espèce primitive. L'ensemble de ces travaux indique que le sommeil est une propriété cellulaire, présent chez tout animal avec un système nerveux et régulé par une voie de signalisation phylogénétiquement conservée.


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Expression of the SS18/SYT-SSX fusion protein is believed to underlie the pathogenesis of synovial sarcoma (SS). Recent evidence suggests that deregulation of the Wnt pathway may play an important role in SS but the mechanisms whereby SS18-SSX might affect Wnt signaling remain to be elucidated. Here, we show that SS18/SSX tightly regulates the elevated expression of the key Wnt target AXIN2 in primary SS. SS18-SSX is shown to interact with TCF/LEF, TLE and HDAC but not β-catenin in vivo and to induce Wnt target gene expression by forming a complex containing promoter-bound TCF/LEF and HDAC but lacking β-catenin. Our observations provide a tumor-specific mechanistic basis for Wnt target gene induction in SS that can occur in the absence of Wnt ligand stimulation.


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The present study was carried out to test the hypothesis that photosynthetic bacteria contribute a large portion of the food of filter feeding zooplankton populations in Crawford Lake, Ontario. The temporal and spatial variations of both groups of organisms are strongly dependent on one another. 14 By using C-Iabelled photosynthetic bacteria. the ingestion and clearance rates of Daphnia pulex, ~. rosea, and Keratella spp were estimated during summer and fall of 1982. These quantitative estimations of zooplankton ingestion and clearence rates on photosynthetic bacteria comprised an original addition to the literature. Photosynthetic bacteria comprised a substantial portion of the diet of all four dominant zooplankton species. The evidence for this is based on the ingestion and clearance rates of the dominant zooplankton species. Ingestion rates of D. pulex and D. rosea ranged 5 5 -1 -1 - -- 5 - -- 5 from 8.3X10 -1 to 14.6XlO -1 cells.ind. hr and 8.1X10 to 13.9X10 cells.ind. hr • Their clearance rates ranged from 0.400 to 1.000 -1 -1 -1 -1 ml.ind. hr. and 0.380 to 0.930 ml.ind. hr • The ingestion and clearance -1 -1 -1 -1 rates of Keratella spp were 600 cell.ind. hr and 0.40 ul.ind. hr respectively. Clearance rates were inversely proportional to the concentration of food cells and directly proportional to the body size of the animals. It is believed that despite the very short reg~neration times of photosynthetic bacteria (3-8 hours) their population densities were controlled in part by the feeding rates of the dominant zooplankton in Crawford Lake. By considering the regeneration times of photosynthetic bacteria and the population clearance rates of zooplankton, it was estimated that between 16 to 52% and 11 to 35% of the PHotosynthetic bacteria were' consumed· by Daphnia· pulex. and Q.. rosea per day. The temporal and spatial distribution of Daphnia pulex, !.. rosea, Keratella quadrata, K. coChlearis and photosynthetic bacteria in Crawford Lake were also investigated during the period of October, 1981 to December, 1982. The photosynthetic bacteria in the lake, constituted a major food source for only those zooplankton Which tolerate anaerobic conditions. Changes in temperature and food appeared to correlate with the seasonal changes in zooplankton density. All four dominant species of zooplankton were abundant at the lake's surface (O-4m) during winter and spring and moved downwards with the thermocline as summer stratification proceeded. Photosynthetic bacteria formed a 2 m thick layer at the chemocline. The position of this photosynthetic bacterial J-ayer changed seasonally. In the summer, the bacterial plate moved upwards and following fall mixing it moved downwards. A vertical shift of O.8m (14.5 to 15.3m) was recorded during the period of June to December. The upper limit of the photosynthetic bacteria in the water column was controlled by dissolved oxygen, and sulfide concentrations While their lower limit was controlled by light intensity. A maximum bacterio- 1 chlorophyll concentration of 81 mg Bchl.l was recorded on August 9, 1981. The seasonal distribution of photosynthetic bacteria was controlledinpart' by ·theg.-"z1ai'_.Q;~.zoopl. ank:tCm;-.Qther -ciactors associated with zooplankton grazing were oxygen and sulfide concentrations.


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A naturally occurring population of photosynthetic bacteria, located in the meromictic Crawford Lake, was examined during two field seasons (1979-1981). Primary production, biomass, light intensity, lake transparency, pH and bicarbonate concentration were all monitored during this period at selected time intervals. Analysis of the data indicated that (l4C) bacterial photosynthesis was potentially limited by the ambient bicarbonate concentration. Once a threshold value (of 270 mg/l) was reached a dramatic (2 to 10 fold) increase in the primary productivity of the bacteria was observed. Light intensity appeared to have very little effect on the primary productivity of the bacteria, even at times when analyses by Parkin and Brock (1980a) suggested that light intensity could be limiting (i.e., 3.0-5.0 ft. candles). Shifts in the absorption maxima at 430 nrn of the .bacteriochlorophyll spectrum suggested that changes in the species or strain composition of the photosynthetic bacteria had occurred during the summer months. It was speculated that these changes might reflect seasonal variation in the wavelength of light reaching the bacteria. Chemocline erosion did not have the same effect on the population size (biomass) of the photosynthetic bacteria in Crawford Lake (this thesis) as it did in Pink Lake (Dickman, 1979). In Crawford Lake the depth of the chemocline was lowered with no apparent loss in biomass (according to bacteriochlorophyll data). A reverse current was. proposed to explain the observation. The photosynthetic bacteria contributed a significant proportion (10-60%) of the lake1s primary productivitya Direct evidence was obtained with (14C) labelling of the photosynthetic bacteria, indica.ting that the zooplankton were grazing the photosynthetic bacteria. This indicated that some of the photosynthetic bacterial productivity was assimilated into the food chain of the lake. Therefore, it was concluded that the photosynthetic bacteria made a significant contribution to the total productivity of Crawford Lake.


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GABA (y-amino butyric acid) is a non-protein amino acid synthesized through the a-decarboxylation of L-glutamate. This reaction is catalyzed by L-glutamate decarboxylase (EC, a cytosolic Ca2+/calmodulin-stimulated enzyme. The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not GABA accumulation is associated with the hypersensitive response of isolated Asparagus sprengeri mesophyll cells. The addition of 25 J.lM mastoparan, a G protein activator, to suspensions of isolated asparagus mesophyll cells significantly increased GABA synthesis and cell death. Cell death was assessed using Evan's blue dye and fluorescein diacetate tests for cell viability. In addition, mastoparan stimulated pH-dependent alkalinization of the external medium, and a rapid and large 02 consumption followed by a loss of photosynthetic activity. The rate of 02 consumption and the net decrease in 02 in the dark was enhanced by light. The inactive mastoparan analogue Mas17 was ineffective in stimulating GABA accumulation, medium alkalinization, 02 uptake and cell death. Accumulation of H202 in response tomastoparan was not detected, however, mastoparan caused the cell-dependent degradation of added H202. The pH dependence of mastoparan-stimulated alkalinization suggests cellular electrolyte leakage, while the consumption of 02 corresponds to the oxidative burst in which 02 at the cell surface is reduced to form various active oxygen species. The results are indicative of the "hypersensitive response" of plants to pathogen attack, namely, the death of cells in the locality of pathogen invasion. The data are compatible with a model in which mastoparan triggers G protein activity, subsequent intracellular signal transduction pathway/s, and the hypersensitive response. It is postulated that the physiological elicitation of the hypersensitive response involves G protein signal transduction. The synthesis of GABA during the hypersensitive response has not been documented previously; however the role/s of GABA synthesis in the hypersensitive response, if any, remain unclear.


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The vitamin A metabolite, retinoic acid (RA), is known to play a crucial role in several developmental processes including axial patterning and differentiation. More recently, RA has been implicated in the regenerative process acting through its classical signaling pathway, the nuclear receptors, retinoic acid receptor (RAR) and retinoid X receptor (RXR), to mediate gene transcription. Moreover, RA has been shown to act as a guidance molecule for growth cones of regenerating motorneurons of the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis. Our lab has recently shown that RA can induce this morphological response independent of nuclear transcription, however, the role of the retinoid receptors in RA-induced chemoattraction is still unknown. Here, I show that the retinoid receptors, RXR and RAR, may mediate the growth cones response to the metabolically active retinoic acid isomers, all-trans and 9-cis RA, in Lymnaea stagnalis. Data presented here show that both an RXR and RAR antagonist can block growth cone turning in response to application of both isomers. Because no prior investigations have shown growth cone turning of individual vertebrate neurons, I aimed to show that both retinoic acid isomers were capable of inducing growth cone turning of embryonic spinal cord neurons in the frog, Xenopus laevis. For the first time in Xenopus, I showed that both all-trans and 9-cis RA were able to induce significantly more neurite outgrowth from cultured embryonic spinal cord neurons and induce positive growth cone turning of individual growth cones. In addition, I showed that the presence of the RXR antagonist, HX531, blocked 9-cis RA-induced growth cone turning and the RARβ antagonist, LE135, blocked all-trans RA-induced growth cone turning in this species. Evidence provided here shows for the first time, conservation of retinoic acid-induced growth cone turning in a vertebrate model system. In addition, these data show that the receptors involved in this morphological response may be the same in vertebrates and invertebrates.


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Two time-resolved EPR techniques, have been used to study the light induced electron transfer(ET) in Type I photosynthetic reaction centers(RCs). First, pulsed EPR was used to compare PsaA-M688H and PsaB-M668H mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Synechosystis sp. PCC 6803.The out-of-phase echo modulation curves combined with other EPR and optical data show that the effect of the mutations is species dependent. Second, transient and pulsed EPR data are presented which show that PsaA-A660N and PsaB-A640N mutations in C. reinhardtii alter the relative quantum yield of ET in the A- and B-branches of PS I. Third, transient EPR studies on RCs from Heliobacillus mobilis that have been exposed to oxygen show partial inhibition of ET. In the RCs in which ET still occurs, the ET kinetics and EPR spectra show evidence of oxidation of some but not all of the, BChl g and BChl g' to Chl a.


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Affiliation: Henner Brinkmann : Département de biochimie, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montreal


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Affiliation: Unité de recherche en Arthrose, Centre de recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal, Hôpital Notre-Dame


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Les Wnts représentent une famille de glycoprotéines de signalisation qui sont connues pour les nombreux rôles qu'ils jouent durant le développement embryonnaire et dans la cancerogénèse. Plusieurs Wnts, leurs récepteurs (Fzd) et d'autres composants des voies de signalisation des Wnt sont exprimés dans l’ovaire postnatal, et il a été démontré que l’expression de certains de ces gènes est régulée pendant le développement et l'ovulation/luteinization folliculaires. Toutefois, leurs rôles physiologiques dans l’ovaire demeurent mal définis. Pour étudier le rôle de WNT4 dans le développement folliculaire, nous avons entrepris d’identifier ses cibles transcriptionnels dans les cellules de la granulosa. Pour ce faire, nous avons employé la souris Catnbflox(ex3)/flox(ex3), chez laquelle une activation constitutive de la voie de Wnt/β-catenin a lieu suite à l’action de la recombinare Cre. Des cellules de la granulosa de ces souris ont été mises en culture et infectées avec un adenovirus pour causer la surexpression de WNT4 ou l’expression de Cre. L’ARN a alors été extrait de ces cellules et analysé par micro-puce. Les résultats ont démontré qu’une forte proportion des gènes induits par WNT4 étaient des gènes impliqués dans la réponse cellulaire au stress. Presque tous gènes induits par WNT4 ont également été induits par Cre, indiquant que WNT4 signale via la voie Wnt/β-catenin dans ces cellules. Nos résultats suggèrent donc que WNT4 favorise la survie des follicules par l’induction de gènes de réponse au stress dans les cellules de la granulosa, augmentant ainsi la résistance cellulaire à l'apoptose.