980 resultados para philosophy, philosophie, ethics, éthique, economics, économie, medical ethics, amputation, cycle


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La solidarité est souvent présentée comme incompatible avec la responsabilité individuelle qui est essentiellement comprise comme l’application de sanctions et récompenses inspirées par la méritocratie. Nous développons un concept, la responsabilisation capacitante, qui est de nature à réconcilier la solidarité et les exigences de responsabilité individuelle en évitant toutefois les écueils de la méritocratie. Nous montrons que la pratique du care peut susciter la (re)découverte de la liberté ontologique des patients qui peuvent ainsi devenir responsables et ‘capables’ de leur santé et de leurs soins. Cette responsabilisation ne se limite pas à l’individu, elle le porte vers une responsabilité politique qui lui permet de faire et d’assumer des choix collectifs.


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Cet article s'interroge sur les pratiques tarifaires des médecins généralistes libéraux français et notamment de la succession d'actes gratuits et de dépassements d'honoraires. Il soutient l'hypothèse selon laquelle la marchandisation du système de soins se traduit par une différence (à la hausse ou à la baisse) par rapport au tarif conventionnel. La marchandisation se répercute par une augmentation des tarifs spécifiques et creuse l'écart entre le prix "juste" selon le médecin et le tarif conventionnel.


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Cet article cherche à montrer que l’apparente intégration de critères éthiques dans l’aide à la santé cache une diversité d’approches et une prédominance à bien des égards de la conception marchande. Dans un premier temps est abordée l’échelle transnationale et macro pour mettre en évidence la coexistence de deux approches différentes: la conception en termes de droits humains, à dominante éthique, et la conception en termes de biens publics mondiaux, à dominante économique. Les limites de la seconde au regard des objectifs de santé sont ensuite discutées. Dans une seconde section, l’échelle méso et micro est examinée. Elle correspond aux tentatives que les acteurs de l’aide fournissent pour dépasser les limites de l’approche par les biens publics mondiaux, en se tournant vers l’éthique des partenariats et de la coopération entre acteurs. Cette éthique de la coopération s’appuie sur un modèle gagnant-gagnant dont les failles théoriques et empiriques sont peu étudiées par les acteurs de l’aide.


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L’agenda de la coordination apparu au tournant des années 2000 repose sur l’idée que plus les actions des donneurs sont harmonisées et transparentes, plus grande est l’efficacité de l’action collective. C’est du moins l’esprit porté par les différentes déclarations sur l’efficacité de l’aide (Accra en 2008, Paris en 2005, Rome en 2003) qui ont mis en avant la coordination. C’est pourquoi, depuis une décennie nous assistons à l’élaboration de dispositifs communs « optimaux » de coordination (mécanismes de coordination) qui peuvent aller des plans d’action stratégique des partenariats public-privés (PPP) aux documents de stratégies de réduction de la pauvreté en passant par l’aide programme. Partant du secteur de la santé, nous essayons de montrer dans cet article que les images politiques, combinées au caractère contractuel de ces mécanismes de coordination, font qu’ils remplissent difficilement les conditions d’une coordination efficace.


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L’objectif de ce papier est d’étudier l’incidence des inégalités de revenu, de la croissance économique et de la corruption sur la pauvreté. Pour ce faire, nous développons, tout d’abord, une revue de la littérature sur le lien entre croissance et pauvreté. Ensuite, nous soulevons l’importance du rôle des institutions dans l’amélioration de la croissance économique et la lutte contre la pauvreté. Enfin, nous étudions l’incidence des ces facteurs sur la pauvreté pour un échantillon des sept pays méditerranéens pour la période 1995-2007. Les résultats dégagés prouvent que la croissance est pro-pauvre et que la corruption nuit à la croissance économique et aggrave la pauvreté.


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L’objectif de cet article est d’étudier la perception par le consommateur de l’offre responsable disponible aujourd’hui dans la grande distribution alimentaire en France et de réfléchir aux leviers d’action que les enseignes peuvent activer pour attirer davantage ce consommateur. Les premiers résultats mettent en valeur d’une part des niveaux d’implication différents dans la consommation responsable et d’autre part une sensibilité du consommateur à trois facteurs : La visibilité du produit, le contenu de l’offre et le prix. Sur la base de l’analyse menée, les axes d’amélioration pour les enseignes de distribution pourraient se résumer autour de quatre dimensions : élargir l’offre responsable, améliorer la lisibilité en rayon, baisser les prix en évitant les incohérences et décliner un merchandising plus centré sur les produits responsables.


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Sweatshop labour is sometimes defended from critics by arguments that stress the voluntariness of the worker’s choice, and the fact that sweatshops provide a source of income where no other similar source exists. The idea is if it is exploitation—as their opponents charge—it is mutually beneficial and consensual exploitation. This defence appeals to the non-worseness claim (NWC), which says that if exploitation is better for the exploited party than neglect, it cannot be seriously wrong. The NWC renders otherwise exploitative—and therefore morally wrong—transactions permissible, making the exploitation of the global poor a justifiable path to development. In this paper, I argue that the use of NWC for the case of sweatshops is misleading. After reviewing and strengthening the exploitation claims made concerning sweatshops, most importantly by refuting certain allegations that a micro-unfairness account of exploitation cannot evaluate sweatshop labour as exploitative, I then argue that even if this practice may seem permissible due to benefits otherwise unavailable to the global poor, there remains a duty to address the background conditions that make this form of wrong-doing possible, which the NWC cannot accommodate. I argue that the NWC denies this by unreasonably limiting its scope and is therefore incomplete, and ultimately unconvincing.


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Over the course of the last two decades, IFIs (most prominently the World Bank) have begun acknowledging the centrality of human development as an essential element of the economic development process if the growth aimed at is to be holistic and sustainable. Strikingly, there is no agreement on the manner in which this approach is to be achieved, especially in the field of gender and development. This paper focuses on the issue of whether the Multilateral Development Banks’ policies have truly attempted at implementing their stated model of gender mainstreaming through their programmes and projects in India, with a specific focus on the legal sector, since that sector has both instrumental and intrinsic value for gender rights advocates. This article will aim at reviewing their approach towards rule of law projects and the manner in which gender equality norms have or have not been addressed within that framework; it will end with recommendations as to the necessary issues which gender programmes must address within the rule of law framework in order to achieve the Millennium Development Goal of gender equity.


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A large part of the work done by women is not counted in the gross national product (GDP) of nations. Which type of work are we referring to? Unpaid work; also commonly called domestic work. Because all the services produced by households for their own consumption are not subject to monetary exchange, they are excluded from de production boundary defined by the United Nations System of National Accounts (SNA). In doing so, this key statistics, inspired by the Keynesian school of thoughts, shows an accepted iniquity in the quantification of the product since women’s productive contribution within the households is not taken into account. In other words, national accounts are not gender neutral. In fact, this breach of a fundamental ethical rule which is equity towards gender inequalities is just the reflection of a social conception that prevails within the SNA since its creation, namely that domestic work is not considered as work. It is therefore essential to quantify women’s unpaid work, a concern that has long been the preserve of feminist activists even though; this should go beyond feminists considerations. This article shows how the issue of measuring unpaid work on a broader prospective is relevant on both ethical and economic fronts. The recognition of this production factor as a macroeconomic variable is indeed fundamental to get a more complete understanding and assessment of the economy. Valorization of unpaid work would also allow women to claim better retribution, or at least, to expect an effective social recognition of their actions and efforts and in the end would contribute to the establishment of greater social justice.


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Teachers and students were asked what ethics education is offered in their program. The survey of the teachers regarding ethics education revealed some differences between english and french schools. It was found that franch schools favoured ethics courses taught by philosophers while english schools favoured ethics courses taught by health care providers. Furthermore, case studies were reported to be used more often in english schools and more often in assignments. However, regarless of the differences, 87 % of teachers agreed that ethics training is a high priority and most teachers thought that ethics training in their programs was adequate. At same time, students were asked to answer some questions that involved ethical dilemmas wherein some moral decisions would have to be made. Their responses revealed their level of moral development, based on Kohlberg's theory of moral development. The impact of ethics courses in the curriculum on moral development was correlated taking into account what ethics education students actually received with what year-of-study they were in (1st year, end of program or two years post graduation). Students were presented scenarios about falsifying records, communication, student dishonesty and preanalytical impact on patient care. These are authentic issues that technologists face on a daily basis. In reply to multiple-choice questions, respondents chose, in order of personal preference, the three best answers out of six offered to complete a statement regarding ethics. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Studies), employing crosstabulations and Oneway Anova. Factors including respondents age range, mother tongue, gendre, and years of schooling were considered.


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This article assesses undergraduate teaching students’ assertion that there are no right and wrong answers in teaching philosophy. When asked questions about their experiences of philosophy in the classroom for primary children, their unanimous declaration that teaching philosophy has ‘no right and wrong answers’ is critically examined across the three sub-disciplinary areas to which they were generally referring, namely, pedagogy, ethics, and epistemology. From a pedagogical point of view, it is argued that some teaching approaches may indeed be more effective than others, and some pupils’ opinions less defensible, but pedagogically, in terms of managing the power relations in the classroom, it is counter-productive to continually insist on notions of truth and falsity at every point. From an ethical point of view, it is contended that anti-realist approaches to meta-ethics may represent a viable intellectual position, but from the point of view of normative ethics, notions of right and wrong still retain significant currency. From an epistemological point of view, it is argued using Karl Poppers’ work that while it may be difficult to determine what constitutes a right answer, determining a wrong one is far more straightforward. In conclusion, it is clear that prospective teachers engaging in philosophy in the classroom, and also future teachers in general, require a far more nuanced philosophical understanding of the notions of right and wrong and truth and falsity. In view of this situation, it we wish to promote the effective teaching of philosophical thinking to children, or produce educators who can understand the conceptual limits of the claims they make and their very real and often serious practical and social consequences, it is recommended that philosophy be reinstated to a fundamental, foundational place within the pre-service teaching curriculum.


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The construction of menopause as a long-term risk to health and the adoption of discourses of prevention has made necessary a decision by women about medical treatment; specifically regarding the use of hormone replacement therapy. In a study of general practitioners’ accounts of menopause and treatment in Australia, women's ‘choice’, ‘informed decision-making’ and ‘empowerment’ were key themes through which primary medical care for women at menopause was presented. These accounts create a position for women defined by the concept of individual choice and an ethic of autonomy. These data are a basis for theorising more generally in this paper. We critically examine the construct of ‘informed decision-making’ in relation to several approaches to ethics including bioethics and a range of feminist ethics. We identify the intensification of power relations produced by an ethic of autonomy and discuss the ways these considerations inform a feminist ethics of decision-making by women. We argue that an ‘ethic of autonomy’ and an ‘offer of choice’ in relation to health care for women at menopause, far from being emancipatory, serves to intensify power relations. The dichotomy of choice, to take or not to take hormone replacement therapy, is required to be a choice and is embedded in relations of power and bioethical discourse that construct meanings about what constitutes decision-making at menopause. The deployment of the principle of autonomy in medical practice limits decision-making by women precisely because it is detached from the construction of meaning and the self and makes invisible the relations of power of which it is a part.