926 resultados para pediatric anesthesia


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The scale-up of antiretrovirals (ARVs) to treat HIV/AIDS in Africa has been rapid over the last five years. Botswana was the first African nation to roll out a comprehensive ARV program, where ARVs are available to all citizens who qualify. Excellent adherence to these ARVs is necessary to maintain HIV suppression and on-going health of all individuals taking them. Children rely almost entirely on their caregivers for the administration of these medications, and very little research has been done to examine the factors which affect both adherence and disclosure to the child of their HIV status. ^ Methods. This cross-sectional study used multiple methods to examine adherence, disclosure, and stigma across various dimensions of the child and caregiver's lives, including 30 caregiver questionnaires, interviewer-administered 3-day adherence recalls, pharmacy pill counts, and chart reviews. Fifty in-depth interviews were conducted with caregivers, male caregivers, teenagers, and health care providers. ^ Results. Perceived family stigma was found to be a predictor of excellent adherence. After controlling for age, children who live with their mothers were significantly less likely to know their HIV status than children living with any other relative (OR=0.403, p=0.014). Children who have a grandmother living in the household or taking care of them each day are significantly more likely to have optimal adherence than children who don't have grandmother involvement in their daily lives. ^ Discussion. Visible illness plays an intermediary role between adherence and perceived family stigma: Caregivers know that ARVs suppress physical manifestations of HIV, and in an effort to avoid unnecessary disclosure of the child's status to family members, therefore have children with excellent adherence. Grandmothers play a vital role in supporting the care and treatment of children in Botswana. ^


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Background. Health literacy is an important determinant for quality health care, and affects communication between patients and physicians. Poor communication may result in negative effects in health. Improved communication between patients and physicians could positively affect health outcomes. Communication skills are teachable.^ Objectives. (1) to evaluate the process involved in the design and implementation of a health literacy intervention targeting pediatric providers’ communication skills at the Texas Children’s Health Plan in Houston, Texas; and (2) to describe lessons learned from this process that may be used in future attempts to address the issue of health literacy and health communication. ^ Design/methods. The process evaluation of the implementation of a health literacy strategy at the Texas Children’s Health Plan (TCHP) consisted of a critical analysis of all documents and minutes from meetings of the team of investigators. It also involved a secondary analysis of data collected between December 2006 and June 2007. Descriptive statistics, paired t-test and Wilcoxon-signed-rank test were employed in analyzing the data. This information was complemented with a limited review of existing literature on communication skills training programs. ^ Results. The design of the educational intervention followed recommendations from experts in the field of health literacy. The delivery of the intervention was possible and benefited from existing resources and logistics within the TCHP. Very few targeted providers participated in two offerings of the workshop (6.6% and 1.7% respectively). After the educational intervention, providers showed increased knowledge of health literacy facts and its effects in health (p=0.001); increased awareness of the low health literacy problem (p=0.003); increased expectations for change in practice (p=0.002), and intent to use health literacy strategies for communication immediately following the intervention (p=0.001). Low participation indicated the need for further investigation of barriers to, and means for successful implementation of programs aimed to improving health communication. ^ Conclusions. A short, focused intervention utilizing health literacy strategies for communication appeared effective in increasing knowledge and intentions for change in a small group of pediatric providers. ^


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As the obesity epidemic continues to increase, the pediatric primary care office setting remains a relatively unexplored arena to offer obesity prevention interventions for children. The increased risk for adult obesity among 10 to 14 year-old children who are overweight, suggests obesity prevention programs should be introduced just before this age or early in this age period. Research is also accumulating on the importance of targeting parents along with children, since parents are in charge of the home environment for children. Therefore, the aim of this project was to develop an obesity prevention program called Helping HAND (Healthy Activity and Nutrition Directions) based on Social Cognitive Theory and authoritative parenting techniques for the pediatric primary care setting and conduct one-on-one interviews with parents as the initial formative evaluation of the intervention material for the obesity prevention intervention. A secondary aim of the project was to determine the feasibility of identifying appropriate subjects for the intervention, and conducting qualitative evaluations of the materials through recruitment through pediatric primary care settings. ^


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Aim: The goal of this study was to evaluate the change in hemoglobin A1C and glycemic control after nutrition intervention among a population of type 1 diabetic pediatric patients. Methods: Data was collected from all type 1 diabetic patients who were scheduled for a consultation with the diabetes/endocrine RD from January 2006 through December 2006. Two groups were compared, those who kept their RD appointment and those who did not keep their appointment. The main outcome measure was HgbA1C. An independent samples t-test compared the two groups with respect to change in HbgA1C before and after the most recent scheduled appointment with the RD. Baseline characteristics were used as covariates and analyzed and controlled for using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Results: There was no difference in HgbA1c after either attending an RD appointment or not having attended an RD appointment. Those who arrived for and attended their RD appointment and those who did not arrive for and attend their RD appointment, had statistically different HgbA1C's before their scheduled appointment as well as after the RD appointment. However, the two groups were not equal at the beginning of the study period. Discussion: A study design with inclusion criteria of a specified range of HgbA1C values within which the study subjects needed to fall, would have potentially eliminated the difference between the two groups at the beginning of the study period. Conducting either another retrospective study that controlled for the initial HgbA1C value or conducting a prospective study that designated a range of HgbA1C values would be worth investigating to evaluate the impact of medical nutrition therapy intervention and the role of the RD in diabetes management. It is an interesting finding that there was a significant difference in the initial HgbA1c for those who came to the RD appointment compared to those who did not come. The fact that in this study those who did not arrive for their RD appointment had worse control of their diabetes suggests that this is a high-risk group. Targeting diabetes education toward this group of patients may prove to be beneficial. ^


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This study is a retrospective longitudinal study at Texas Children's Hospital, a 350-bed tertiary level pediatric teaching hospital in Houston, Texas, for the period 1990 to 2006. It measured the incidence and trends of positive pre-employment drug tests among new job applicants At TCH. ^ Over the study period, 16,219 job applicants underwent pre-employment drug screening at TCH. Of these, 330 applicants (2%) tested positive on both the EMIT and GC/MS. After review by the medical review officer, the number of true drug test positive applicants decreased to 126 (0.78%). ^ According to the overall annual positive drug test incidence rates, the highest overall incidence was in 2002 (14.71 per 1000 tests) and the lowest in 2004 (3.17 per 1000 tests). Despite a marked increase in 2002, over the 15-year study period the overall incidence tended to decrease. Incidence rates and trends of other illegal drugs are further discussed in the study. And in general, these incidence rates also decline in the study period. In addition to that, we found the overall, positive drug tests were more common in females than in males (55.5% versus 44.4%). ^


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Background. Community-based participatory research (CBPR) is a collaborative approach to research actively involving community members in all aspects of the research process. CBPR is not a new research method, but an approach that has gained increased attention in the field of public health over the last several years. Recognition of the inequalities in health status associated with social and environmental factors have led to calls for a renewed focus on ecological approaches to research. Ecological approaches acknowledge that the health of the community is dependent on an interaction between behavioral and environmental factors affecting the entire population. While many published studies document the benefits of CBPR in difficult-to-reach populations and describe successful implementation of this approach in adult populations, relatively few studies have been conducted in child and adolescent populations. Given that children and adolescents are particularly sensitive to the effects of their physical environments and may also be distrustful of outsiders, ecological approaches involving the community as partners, such as CBPR, may be especially useful in this population. ^ Objective. This thesis reviews published studies using a community-based participatory research approach in children and adolescents to assess the appropriateness of this approach in this population. ^ Method. Studies using CBPR in youth populations were identified using Medline and other Internet searches through both MeSH heading and text-word searches. ^ Results. A total of 16 studies were identified and analyzed for this review. Nine of the sixteen studies were experimental or quasi-experimental design, with Asthma being the most commonly studied disease. ^ Conclusions. While many studies using CBPR were not conducted with the level of scientific rigor typically found in clinical trial research, the studies reviewed each contributed to a greater understanding of the problems they investigated. Furthermore, interventional studies provided lasting benefits to communities under study above what would be found in studies using more traditional research approaches. While CBPR may not be appropriate for all research situations due to the time and resources required, we conclude that is a useful approach and should be considered when conducting community-based research for pediatric and adolescent populations.^


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Dialysis patients are at high risk for hepatitis B infection, which is a serious but preventable disease. Prevention strategies include the administration of the hepatitis B vaccine. Dialysis patients have been noted to have a poor immune response to the vaccine and lose immunity more rapidly. The long term immunogenicity of the hepatitis B vaccine has not been well defined in pediatric dialysis patients especially if administered during infancy as a routine childhood immunization.^ Purpose. The aim of this study was to determine the median duration of hepatitis B immunity and to study the effect of vaccination timing and other cofactors on the duration of hepatitis B immunity in pediatric dialysis patients.^ Methods. Duration of hepatitis B immunity was determined by Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. Comparison of stratified survival analysis was performed using log-rank analysis. Multivariate analysis by Cox regression was used to estimate hazard ratios for the effect of timing of vaccine administration and other covariates on the duration of hepatitis B immunity.^ Results. 193 patients (163 incident patients) had complete data available for analysis. Mean age was 11.2±5.8 years and mean ESRD duration was 59.3±97.8 months. Kaplan-Meier analysis showed that the total median overall duration of immunity (since the time of the primary vaccine series) was 112.7 months (95% CI: 96.6, 124.4), whereas the median overall duration of immunity for incident patients was 106.3 months (95% CI: 93.93, 124.44). Incident patients had a median dialysis duration of hepatitis B immunity equal to 37.1 months (95% CI: 24.16, 72.26). Multivariate adjusted analysis showed that there was a significant difference between patients based on the timing of hepatitis B vaccination administration (p<0.001). Patients immunized after the start of dialysis had a hazard ratio of 6.13 (2.87, 13.08) for loss of hepatitis B immunity compared to patients immunized as infants (p<0.001).^ Conclusion. This study confirms that patients immunized after dialysis onset have an overall shorter duration of hepatitis B immunity as measured by hepatitis B antibody titers and after the start of dialysis, protective antibody titer levels in pediatric dialysis patients wane rapidly compared to healthy children.^


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Infections caused by Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) have been of great concern in hospitals due the difficulty in treating virulent, antibiotic resistant microorganisms in sensitive populations including children, the elderly, and immunocomprimised individuals. Since the late 1990's, MRSA infections have become a problem in the general community, and the strains of S. aureus that cause infections in the community are known to be genetically different than the hospital acquired strains. Community-acquired strains tend to be more virulent, affecting even relatively healthy individuals, and disease presentation tends to be more diverse than diseases observed in patients suffering from hospital-acquired strains. From the year 2000 to the present, there has been a significant increase in community-acquired infections in children, a population already particularly sensitive to S. aureus infection. Genotyping the strains of CA-MRSA circulating in the pediatric population is an important step in developing better antibiotic treatment strategies. Additionally, determining the carriage status of individuals in this population and comparing these data with strain genotypes will also be valuable in establishing prevention and control practices. ^


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Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has become an increasing problem in the community. Nasal carriage of these bacteria has been shown to be a predisposing factor for infection and environmental contamination. This serious public health concern prompted an investigation to assess the pediatric nasal carriage of these bacteria in an effort to better understand the populations at risk and prevention of infection.^ This prospective study surveys 30 children from the Northwest Assistance Ministries (NAM) pediatric clinic from October 2008 to the present. Two nasal swabs were taken in 2-4 week intervals to determine S. aureus carrier status. Microbiologic tests were conducted to isolate and identify S. aureus from nasal cultures. Children with 2 cultures positive for S. aureus were classified as persistent carriers, those with 1 positive and 1 negative culture were classified as intermittent carriers, and those with 2 negative cultures were classified as noncarriers. This information was related to patient records and statistical analyses (X 2 and t-tests) were performed.^ Distribution of S. aureus carriage related to patient demographics (age, sex, & race) was showed no significant differences between S. aureus positive and S. aureus negative patient populations (p = 0.8). Additionally, the distribution of carrier status related to demographics also showed no significant difference (p = 0.8). Finally, the distribution of carrier status related to relevant medical history (immunizations current, past infection, & antibiotic use at time of swabbing) showed no significant difference (p = 0.4).^ This study is a snapshot of an ongoing study to assess the pediatric nasal carriage of S. aureus and MRSA. The inability to draw any reliable conclusion from the distribution of data is likely a result of an inadequate samples size. This is one of few studies assessing pediatric nasal carriage of S. aureus and targeting an underrepresented, Hispanic population is especially unique. Continuing this study allows for a better understanding of the epidemiology of this bacterium which will hopefully lead to appropriate interventions thus preventing future S. aureus infections.^


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Objective. To determine whether the use of a triage team would reduce the average time-in-department in a pediatric emergency department by 25%.^ Methods. A triage team consisting of a physician, a nurse, and a nurse's assistant initiated work-ups and saw patients who required minimal lab work-up and were likely to be discharged. Study days were randomized. Our inclusion criteria were all children seen in the emergency center between 6p and 2a Monday-Friday. Our exclusion criteria included resuscitations, inpatient-inpatient transfers, left without being seen, leaving against medical advice, any child seen outside of 6p-2am Monday-Friday and on the weekends. A Pearson-Chi square was used for comparison of the two groups for heterogeneity. For the time-in-department analysis, we performed a 2 sided t-test with a set alpha of 0.05 using Mann Whitney U looking for differences in time-in-department based on acuity level, disposition, and acuity level stratified by disposition. ^ Results. Among urgent and non-urgent patients, we found a statistically significant decrease in time-in-department in a pediatric emergency department. Urgent patients had a time-in-department that was 51 minutes shorter than patients seen on non-triage team days (p=0.007), which represents a 14% decrease in time-in-department. Non-urgent patients seen on triage team days had a time-in-department that was 24 minutes shorter than non-urgent patients seen on non-triage team days (p=0.009). From the disposition perspective, discharged patients seen on triage team days had a shorter time-in-department of 28 minutes as compared to those seen on non-triage team days (p=0.012). ^ Conclusion. Overall, there was a trend towards decreased time-in-department of 19 minutes (5.9% decrease) during triage team times. There was a statistically significant decrease in the time-in-department among urgent patients of 51 minutes (13.9% decrease) and among discharged patients of 28 minutes (8.4% decrease). Urgent care patients make up nearly a quarter of the emergency patient population and decreasing their time-in-department would likely make a significant impact on overall emergency flow.^


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Staphylococcus aureus is an important human pathogen of global health significance, whose frequency is increasing and whose persistence and versatility allow it to remain established in communities worldwide. An observed significant increase in infections, particularly in children with no predisposing risk factors or medical conditions, led to an investigation into pediatric humoral immune response to Panton-Valentine Leukocidin (PVL) and to other antigens expressed by S. aureus that represent the important classes of virulence activities. Patients who were diagnosed with staphylococcal infections were enrolled (n=60), and serum samples collected at the time of admission were analyzed using ELISA and Western blot to screen for immune response to the panel of recombinant proteins. The dominant circulating immunoglobulin titers in this pediatric population were primarily IgG, were specific, and were directed against LukF and LukS, while suppression of other important virulence factors in the presence of PVL was suggested. Patients with invasive infections (osteomyelitis, pneumonia or myositis) had higher titers against LukF and LukS compared to patients with non-invasive infections (abscesses, cellulitis or lymphadenitis). In patients with osteomyelitis, antibody responses to LukF and LukS were higher than antibody responses to any other virulence factor examined. This description of immune response to selected virulence factors of S. aureus caused by isolates of the USA300 lineage in children is novel. Antibody titers also correlated with markers of inflammation. The significance of these correlations remains to be understood.^


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Acute kidney Injury (AKI) in hospitalized pediatric patients can be a significant event that can result in increased patient morbidity and mortality. The incidence of medication associated AKI is increasing in the pediatric population. Currently, there are no data to quantify the risks of developing AKI for various potentially nephrotoxic medications. The primary objective of this study was to determine the odds of nephrotoxic medication exposure in hospitalized pediatric patients with AKI as defined by the pediatric modified pRIFLE criteria. A retrospective case-control study was performed with patients that developed AKI, as defined by the pediatric pRIFLE criteria, as cases, and patients without AKI as controls that were matched by age category, gender, and disease state. Patients between 1 day and 18 years of age, admitted to a non-intensive care unit at Texas Children's Hospital for at least 3 days, and had at least 2 serum creatinine values drawn were included. Patient data was analyzed with Student's t test, Mann-Whitney U test, Chi square analysis, ANOVA, and conditional logistic regression. ^ Out of 1,660 patients identified for inclusion, 561 (33.8%) patients had AKI, and 357 cases were matched with 357 controls to become pairs. Of the cases, 441 were category 'R', 117 category 'I', 3 patients were category 'F', and no patient died. Cases with AKI were significantly younger than controls (p < 0.05). Significantly longer hospital length of stays, increased hospital costs, and exposure to more nephrotoxic medications for a longer period of time were characteristics of patients with AKI compared to patient without AKI. Patients with AKI had greater odds of exposure to one or more nephrotoxic medication than patients without AKI (OR 1.3, 95% CI 1.1–1.4, p < 0.05). Percent changes in estimated creatinine clearance (eCCl) from baseline were greatest with increased number of nephrotoxic medication exposures. ^ Exposure to potentially nephrotoxic medications may place pediatric patients at greater risk of acute kidney injury. Multiple nephrotoxic medication exposure may confer a greater risk of development of acute kidney injury, and result in increased hospital costs and patient morbidity. Due to the high percentage of patients that were exposed to potentially nephrotoxic medications, monitoring and medication selection strategies may need to be altered to prevent or minimize risk.^


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Pediatric HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa has been a major public health crisis with an estimated 3.5 million children infected. Baylor International Pediatric AIDS Initiative (BIPAI) has created a network of centers providing care and treatment for these children in several countries. In Botswana, where the first BIPAI center in Africa was opened, childhood mortality from HIV/AIDS is now less than 1%. Botswana is a middle-income country that previously held the highest HIV prevalence rate in the world. Efforts against HIV/AIDS have resulted in the building of a strong medical infrastructure with clear success against pediatric HIV/AIDS. The WHO predicts the next global health crisis will be cancer. Given the increased incidence of cancer in the setting of HIV/AIDS, Botswana has already implemented strategies to combat HIV-related malignancies in adults, but efforts in pediatrics have been lagging. This policy paper describes the importance of building on success against pediatric HIV/AIDS and extending this success to pediatric cancer in general. Specifically, it outlines a comprehensive pediatric cancer policy for the education and training of health professionals, the development of a pediatric cancer program, a pediatric cancer registry, public awareness efforts, and an appropriate, country specific pediatric cancer research agenda.^


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Child overweight and obesity reaches across ethnic, cultural, socioeconomic and regional barriers. It must be assessed, diagnosed and treated to help families make sustainable behavior changes. Treatment recommendations have been made to address pediatric overweight and obesity. They include screening for risk factors, monitoring BMI trends and educating patients and families to make small sustainable changes. Health insurance companies can play a meaningful role in supporting and facilitating provider education and behavior change to diagnose, treat and prevent pediatric overweight and obesity.^ The aims of this thesis were: (1) Describe a disease management program that uses evidence-based practices to create provider behavior change related to pediatric obesity screening, diagnosis and treatment. (2) Identify ways to improve the implementation of the program based on the perceptions of participating clinicians.^ A literature review was completed to evaluate current recommendations for screening and treating pediatric obesity using the Ovid data base. The evidenced-based recommendations were compared against the practices of the Healthy Lifestyles Program (HeLP). The literature confirmed that HeLP is following evidence-based recommendations for assessment, diagnosis and treatment of pediatric obesity.^ A Children’s Mercy Family Health Partners focus group was convened to create a provider survey. The goals of the survey were to assess providers’ perception of the Healthy Lifestyles Program (HeLP). The survey was sent out through email using Survey Monkey. All survey responses were anonymous. The survey was sent to a total of 80 providers who had completed HeLP. Twenty-five percent responded. The survey results were evaluated to make recommendations for HeLP.^ Results of the survey included motivating factors for participation in HeLP. Concern about the increasing prevalence of pediatric obesity was a frequent motivator for participation. Provider barriers to obesity diagnosis were evaluated. Lack of time during clinic visits a frequent barrier to obesity diagnosis. ^ In conclusion several recommendations for the HeLP were made based on survey results. It is recommended that the program evaluate methods and tools for facilitating effective weight management follow up visits. Promotional materials should highlight the increasing prevalence of pediatric obesity when advertising HeLP. These recommendations will be used to refine the current Healthy Lifestyles Program.^


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Background: Despite almost 40 years of research into the etiology of Kawasaki Syndrome (KS), there is little research published on spatial and temporal clustering of KS cases. Previous analysis has found significant spatial and temporal clustering of cases, therefore cluster analyses were performed to substantiate these findings and provide insight into incident KS cases discharged from a pediatric tertiary care hospital. Identifying clusters from a single institution would allow for prospective analysis of risk factors and potential exposures for further insight into KS etiology. ^ Methods: A retrospective study was carried out to examine the epidemiology and distribution of patients presenting to Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, Texas, with a diagnosis of Acute Febrile Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome (MCLS) upon discharge from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2009. Spatial, temporal, and space-time cluster analyses were performed using the Bernoulli model with case and control event data. ^ Results: 397 of 102,761 total patients admitted to Texas Children’s Hospital had a principal or secondary diagnosis of Acute Febrile MCLS upon over the 5 year period. Demographic data for KS cases remained consistent with known disease epidemiology. Spatial, temporal, and space-time analyses of clustering using the Bernoulli model demonstrated no statistically significant clusters. ^ Discussion: Despite previous findings of spatial-temporal clustering of KS cases, there were no significant clusters of KS cases discharged from a single institution. This implicates the need for an expanded approach to conducting spatial-temporal cluster analysis and KS surveillance given the limitations of evaluating data from a single institution.^