735 resultados para pantanal alligator
The biology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnostic techniques, and history of the introduction of Trypanosoma (Duttonella) vivax in the New World are reviewed. The two main immunological responses of trypanosome-infected animals - antibody production and immunodepression - are discussed in the context of how these responses play a role in disease tolerance or susceptibility. Isolation and purification of T. vivax are briefly discussed. The recent reports of bovine trypanosomiasis diagnosed in cattle on farms located in the Pantanal region of the states of Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso, Brazil, are also discussed.
Ecological niche modelling was used to predict the potential geographical distribution of Rhodnius nasutus Stål and Rhodnius neglectus Lent, in Brazil and to investigate the niche divergence between these morphologically similar triatomine species. The distribution of R. neglectus covered mainly the cerrado of Central Brazil, but the prediction maps also revealed its occurrence in transitional areas within the caatinga, Pantanal and Amazon biomes. The potential distribution of R. nasutus covered the Northeastern Region of Brazil in the semi-arid caatinga and the Maranhão babaçu forests. Clear ecological niche differences between these species were observed. R. nasutus occurred more in warmer and drier areas than R. neglectus. In the principal component analysis PC1 was correlated with altitude and temperature (mainly temperature in the coldest and driest months) and PC2 with vegetation index and precipitation. The prediction maps support potential areas of co-occurrence for these species in the Maranhão babaçu forests and in caatinga/cerrado transitional areas, mainly in state of Piaui. Entomologists engaged in Chagas disease vector surveillance should be aware that R. neglectus and R. nasutus can occur in the same localities of Northeastern Brazil. Thus, the identification of bugs in these areas should be improved by applying morphometrical and/or molecular methods.
Adult ticks of the species Amblyomma parvum were collected from the vegetation in the Pantanal biome (state of Mato Grosso do Sul) and from horses in the Cerrado biome (state of Piauí) in Brazil. The ticks were individually tested for rickettsial infection via polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting three rickettsial genes, gltA, ompA and ompB. Overall, 63.5% (40/63) and 66.7% (2/3) of A. parvum ticks from Pantanal and Cerrado, respectively, contained rickettsial DNA, which were all confirmed by DNA sequencing to be 100% identical to the corresponding fragments of the gltA, ompA and ompB genes of Candidatus Rickettsia andeanae. This report is the first to describe Ca. R. andeanae in Brazil.
The swimming behavior exhibited by specimens of L. fasciatus and O. uniformis was analyzed frame-by-frame with video observation recorded with a digital camera, attached to a stereomicroscope. Adults of O. uniformis, an aquatic insect, swim with all three pairs of legs. During the process of swimming the majority of the abdomen and rostrum remain submerged, part of the fore and hind tibiae remain above the surface, while the mid tibiae remain submerged. The mesothoracic legs, during the power-stroke stage, provide the greatest thrust while the metathoracic legs provide the least forward propulsion. The prothoracic legs, extended forward, help to direct the swimming. The semi-aquatic specie L. fasciatus shows the same swimming style as O. uniformis, that is, with movement of all the three pairs of legs; the mesothoracic legs are responsible for the main propulsion. The insect body remains on the water surface during the process of swimming, while the legs remain submerged. Both species complete a swimming cycle in 0.33 and 0.32 seconds, respectively, with an average speed of 1.38 cm/s and a maximum and minimum swimming duration time of 11.15 and 5.05 minutes, respectively, for L. fasciatus. The swimming behavior exhibited by O. uniformis and L. fasciatus corresponds to the style known as a breast strokelike maneuver. This is the first record of this kind of swimming for both species here observed and increases to seven the number of genera of Curculionidae exhibiting this behavior.
The plastron theory was tested in adults of Neochetina eichhorniae Warner, 1970, through the analysis of the structure that coats these insects' integument and also through submersion laboratorial experiments. The tegument processes were recognized in three types: agglutinated scales with large perforations, plumose scales of varied sizes and shapes, and hairs. The experiments were carried out on 264 adult individuals which were kept submerged at different time intervals (n = 11) and in two types of treatment, natural non-aerated water and previously boiled water, with four repetitions for each treatment. The tests showed a maximum mortality after 24 hours of immersion in the previously boiled water treatment. The survival of the adults was negative and significantly correlated with the types of treatment employed and within the different time intervals. The values of oxygen dissolved in water (mg/l) differed significantly within the types of treatment employed. They were positively correlated with the survival of the adults in the two types of treatment, although more markedly in the treatment with previously boiled water. The mortality of adults after 24 hours of submersion in the treatment with previously boiled water may be associated with the physical-chemical conditions of the non-tested water in this study, such as low surface tension and concentration of solutes. These results suggest plastron functionality in the adults of this species.
A formação Aquidauana é constituída por um conjunto de sedimentos com até 500 m de espessura, predominando arenito de granulometria fina a média, intercalado com conglomerado arenoso. Nesse ambiente, o relevo é um dos principais fatores condicionantes na formação de solos. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, caracterizar e classificar os solos desenvolvidos desses arenitos. Para isso, foram estudados quatro perfis ao longo de uma topossequência, de uma pendente representativa das colinas suaves onduladas verificadas na área de estudo. Os perfis localizavam-se no terço superior (P1), terço médio (P2), terço inferior (P3) e sopé de encosta (P4). Eles foram morfologicamente descritos, e os horizontes, caracterizados quanto às propriedades físicas e químicas. Os solos estudados apresentaram predomínio da fração areia (> 680 g kg-1), com textura variando de franco-arenosa (P4) a franco-argiloarenosa. Os valores de pH em água variaram de 4,2 a 6,5. Os valores de capacidade de troca catiônica variaram de 1,6 cmol c kg-1 no P4 a 10,3 cmol c kg-1 no P2, com predomínio dos íons H+ no P1 e P4 e Ca2+ no P2 e P3. Os horizontes subsuperficiais do P1 e P4 são distróficos, enquanto em P2 e P3 verificou-se elevada saturação por bases, evidenciando caráter eutrófico. À exceção do P2, os demais apresentaram argila de baixa atividade. Em todos os perfis verificaram-se atributos morfológicos, físicos, químicos e mineralógicos condicionados pelo material de origem e relevo, demonstrando a influência desses fatores na pedogênese.
O programa brasileiro de serviços ambientais, denominado "Produtor de Água", apoia-se em incentivos financeiros proporcionais à redução da erosão advinda da implantação voluntária de projetos de conservação do solo por parte de produtores rurais. No entanto, esse programa não constitui restrições preestabelecidas de elegibilidade de áreas de aplicação ou de propostas de conservação. Assim, no sentido de contribuir para a evolução metodológica desse programa, propõe-se uma nova abordagem deste, analisando-se, essencialmente, duas adaptações: introdução de critério de elegibilidade; e utilização da aptidão agrícola para indicação de propostas de uso intensivo e conservação do solo. Para isso, tomou-se por base uma bacia hidrográfica rural próxima ao Pantanal brasileiro, em Terenos, MS. O novo critério de elegibilidade foi baseado no Risco Natural de Erosão (razão entre o potencial natural de erosão e a tolerância à perda de solo). As propostas de ocupação do solo, por sua vez, foram definidas a partir de mapa de aptidão agrícola predefinido. O estudo revela que o novo critério de elegibilidade foi capaz de contemplar somente cerca de 40 % da área de estudo. A aplicação da classificação de aptidão agrícola nessa parcela reduziu drasticamente as alternativas de uso intensivo do solo, direcionando-as, em grande parte, para a atividade pecuária. A análise das duas propostas de inovação do programa "Produtor de Água" permite inferir quanto à potencialidade delas na formação de estratégias de aplicação do programa, além de promover uso mais eficiente dos recursos financeiros destinados ao pagamento por serviços ambientais no contexto brasileiro.
O zoneamento ambiental auxilia na gestão do solo e da água, pois fornece informações de uso e manejo do solo de forma adequada. Assim, propõe-se neste estudo: (i) a aplicação do zoneamento ambiental, baseado em valores de perda de solo, tolerância à perda de solo e à legislação ambiental; e (ii) etapa de monitoramento das características quali-quantitativas dos cursos d'água a partir do uso de curvas Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL). O estudo foi realizado na bacia hidrográfica do ribeirão Salobra, localizada na transição entre os biomas Cerrado e Pantanal. A partir do cruzamento dos planos de informação, obteve-se a divisão da área em cinco zonas de uso do solo, determinadas de acordo com a conservação e preservação da vegetação nativa, ocorrência de áreas úmidas e nascentes, uso adequado do solo e recuperação de áreas erodidas. Paralelamente, as curvas TMDL foram obtidas a partir da curva de permanência e de padrões de qualidade da água. Verificou-se que cerca de 6 % da área em estudo apresentou perda de solo superior ao limite tolerável e foi definida como área prioritária de recuperação no contexto do planejamento ambiental. O método aplicado permitiu a determinação de zonas específicas de uso do solo, identificação de irregularidades e de prioridades de conservação do solo. Além disso, as curvas TMDL constituem boa alternativa de monitoramento da água, pois produzem informações em condições críticas do corpo d'água.
A serra da Bodoquena, localizada no Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, apresenta particularidades nos seus solos, que diferem de outras regiões do bioma cerrado-pantanal. Este trabalho teve como objetivo ampliar o conhecimento dos solos formados sobre calcário, por meio da caracterização dos seus atributos físicos, químicos, mineralógicos e da matéria orgânica. Foi selecionada uma topossequência sobre calcário, onde foram abertas trincheiras no topo (P1), terço inferior (P2), sopé (P3) e baixada (P4 e P5). Os perfis foram descritos morfologicamente e analisados os atributos físicos, químicos e mineralógicos dos horizontes. De acordo com o Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos, os solos estudados foram classificados como: (P1) Organossolo Fólico Sáprico lítico - OOs; (P2) Chernossolo Háplico Órtico típico - MXo; (P3) Chernossolo Argilúvico Órtico típico - MTo; (P4) Gleissolo Melânico Carbonático chernossólico - GMk1; e (P5) Gleissolo Melânico Carbonático organossólico - GMk2. Todos os perfis estudados apresentaram cores escuras nos horizontes superficiais e mais avermelhadas ou acinzentadas em profundidade, em razão da drenagem, sempre associados com elevados valores de saturação por bases e tendo o cálcio como cátion predominante no complexo sortivo. Das frações húmicas, a humina representou a maior fração do carbono orgânico em todos os solos. A análise mineralógica constatou a presença de calcita na fração areia nos perfis GMk1 e GMk2 e caulinita, illita e montmorilonita, na fração argila de todos os solos. A ocorrência do Organossolo Fólico em ambiente não altimontano, diferente do relatado pelo Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos, sugere maior amplitude das condições ambientais para a ocorrência dessa subordem.
Ipomoea carnea spp. fistulosa, a native woody perennial, is capable of spreading rapidly over seasonally flooded grassland in the Brazilian Pantanal, South America's largest wetland, thus conflicting with the local cattle ranching. I. carnea is controlled by mowing at the onset of the rainy season, as close as possible before the seasonal flooding. Often, however, flooding begins after the plant has had enough time to re-sprout enabling it to survive. The objective of this study was to verify if Ipomoea carnea plant's production follows a seasonal cycle, and, if so, at which point in this cycle, the plant is most vulnerable to mechanical control measures. Seasonal dynamics of stem and leaf production of I. carnea were studied. The results showed that growth of I. carnea is fastest at the onset of the rainy season in November/December. Production declines when seasonal flooding commences in January/February and almost ceases towards the begin of the dry season in May/June. This leads to the proposal that I. carnea could be controlled more effectively if the weed were mown in the early dry season when its production and its capability to re-sprout is lowest, and if any new sprouts were cut by hand when the seasonal flooding starts.
The work described in this report documents the activities performed for the evaluation, development, and enhancement of the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) pavement condition information as part of their pavement management system operation. The study covers all of the Iowa DOT’s interstate and primary National Highway System (NHS) and non-NHS system. A new pavement condition rating system that provides a consistent, unified approach in rating pavements in Iowa is being proposed. The proposed 100-scale system is based on five individual indices derived from specific distress data and pavement properties, and an overall pavement condition index, PCI-2, that combines individual indices using weighting factors. The different indices cover cracking, ride, rutting, faulting, and friction. The Cracking Index is formed by combining cracking data (transverse, longitudinal, wheel-path, and alligator cracking indices). Ride, rutting, and faulting indices utilize the International Roughness Index (IRI), rut depth, and fault height, respectively.
The objective of this work was to undertake a qualitative assessment of earthworm diversity in areas under human influence, in a region of Cerrado-Pantanal-Amazon rainforest transition, in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The earthworms were collected in the municipalities of Barra do Bugres and Arenápolis, and were studied together with species previously identified from other municipalities. Seventeen municipalities, at 29 sampling points of Mato Grosso State, have been sampled. Seven species of earthworms were collected and identified in Barra do Bugres: Goiascolex vanzolinii, Pontoscolex (Pontoscolex) corethrurus, Opisthodrillus borellii borellii, Opisthodrillus sp., Dichogaster (Diplothecodrilus) gracilis, Dichogaster sp. and a species of the Criodrilidae family. Four species of earthworms were identified in Arenápolis: Pontoscolex (Pontoscolex) corethrurus, Dichogaster (Diplothecodrilus) gracilis, Dichogaster (Diplothecodrilus) affinis and Dichogaster sp. In total, 32 earthworm species/subspecies are known from Mato Grosso, 22 native and 10 exotic.
This study aimed to evaluate different proportions of organic compost and soil as a substrate for the guavira emergence and seedling formation under different protected environments, in the high Pantanal region of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. The seeds were placed in polyethylene bags (15 x 25 centimeters) filled with four percentages of organic compost (0%, 20%, 80%, and 100% of total volume) mixed with soil. These substrates were tested in agro-nurseries covered with black screen and 50% thermo-reflecting shade cloths. The substrate with 20% soil and 80% organic compost and the black screen shade cloth promote the best performance in the seedling production.
Aerial parts of Elyonurus muticus were collected in the four seasons of the year in the Brazilian Pantanal and subjected to extractrion with cold ethanol and to hydrodistillation. Sesquiterpenoids (E)-caryophyllene, bicyclogermacrene, spathulenol and caryophyllene oxide were the main components identified in the essential oils and their concentrations varied according to the plant collection period. The essential oils and the ethanolic crude extracts were active against Bacillus cereus MIP 96016, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 and were not active against Escherichia coli ATCC 25922. The antibacterial activities varied according to the plant collection period.
A new triterpene, 3beta,6beta,21beta-trihydroxyolean-12-ene and a new iridoid, 8alpha-methyl-8beta-hydroxy-6beta-(3',4'-dimethoxy)benzoyloxy-1 alpha,3alpha-dimethoxy-octahydro-cyclopenta[c]pyran were isolated from the trunk bark of a specimen of Tabebuia heptaphylla (Bignoniaceae) collected in the "Pantanal" of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Twelve known compounds were also obtained in this work, comprising four iridoids, 6-O-p-hydroxybenzoylajugol, 6-O-p-methoxybenzoylajugol, 6-O-3",4"-dimethoxybenzoylajugol, 8alpha-methyl-8beta-hydroxy-6beta-(4'-hydroxy)benzoyloxy-1alpha,3 alpha-dimethoxy-octahydro-cyclopenta[c]pyran, a cyclopentene dialdehyde, 2-formyl-5-(3',4'-dimethoxybenzoyloxy)-3-methyl-2-cyclopentene-1-acetaldehyde, a phenylethanoid glycoside, verbascoside and three benzoic acid derivatives, p-hydroxybenzoic, p-methoxybenzoic and 3,4-dimethoxybenzoic acids, in addition to squalene, sitostenone and sitosterol. The antioxidant properties of the isolated compounds were also evaluated in this work.