978 resultados para ordinary differential equation (ODE)


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A fast marching level set method is presented for monotonically advancing fronts, which leads to an extremely fast scheme for solving the Eikonal equation. Level set methods are numerical techniques for computing the position of propagating fronts. They rely on an initial value partial differential equation for a propagating level set function and use techniques borrowed from hyperbolic conservation laws. Topological changes, corner and cusp development, and accurate determination of geometric properties such as curvature and normal direction are naturally obtained in this setting. This paper describes a particular case of such methods for interfaces whose speed depends only on local position. The technique works by coupling work on entropy conditions for interface motion, the theory of viscosity solutions for Hamilton-Jacobi equations, and fast adaptive narrow band level set methods. The technique is applicable to a variety of problems, including shape-from-shading problems, lithographic development calculations in microchip manufacturing, and arrival time problems in control theory.


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Reatores tubulares de polimerização podem apresentar um perfil de velocidade bastante distorcido. Partindo desta observação, um modelo estocástico baseado no modelo de dispersão axial foi proposto para a representação matemática da fluidodinâmica de um reator tubular para produção de poliestireno. A equação diferencial foi obtida inserindo a aleatoriedade no parâmetro de dispersão, resultando na adição de um termo estocástico ao modelo capaz de simular as oscilações observadas experimentalmente. A equação diferencial estocástica foi discretizada e resolvida pelo método Euler-Maruyama de forma satisfatória. Uma função estimadora foi desenvolvida para a obtenção do parâmetro do termo estocástico e o parâmetro do termo determinístico foi calculado pelo método dos mínimos quadrados. Uma análise de convergência foi conduzida para determinar o número de elementos da discretização e o modelo foi validado através da comparação de trajetórias e de intervalos de confiança computacionais com dados experimentais. O resultado obtido foi satisfatório, o que auxilia na compreensão do comportamento fluidodinâmico complexo do reator estudado.


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Chemical Reaction Engineering. Course 2011-12. Solution of problem 2: constant pressure adiabatic stirred batch reactor with variable heat capacities.


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Wording of problem 3: Isothermal plug flow reactor with multiple reactions.


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In this work we prensent an analysis of non-slanted reflection gratings by using exact solution of the second order differential equation derived from Maxwell equations, in terms of Mathieu functions. The results obtained by using this method will be compared to those obtained by using the well known Kogelnik's Coupled Wave Theory which predicts with great accuracy the response of the efficieny of the zero and first order for volume phase gratings, for both reflection and transmission gratings.


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Partial differential equation (PDE) solvers are commonly employed to study and characterize the parameter space for reaction-diffusion (RD) systems while investigating biological pattern formation. Increasingly, biologists wish to perform such studies with arbitrary surfaces representing ‘real’ 3D geometries for better insights. In this paper, we present a highly optimized CUDA-based solver for RD equations on triangulated meshes in 3D. We demonstrate our solver using a chemotactic model that can be used to study snakeskin pigmentation, for example. We employ a finite element based approach to perform explicit Euler time integrations. We compare our approach to a naive GPU implementation and provide an in-depth performance analysis, demonstrating the significant speedup afforded by our optimizations. The optimization strategies that we exploit could be generalized to other mesh based processing applications with PDE simulations.


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This paper investigates the non-linear bending behaviour of functionally graded plates that are bonded with piezoelectric actuator layers and subjected to transverse loads and a temperature gradient based on Reddy's higher-order shear deformation plate theory. The von Karman-type geometric non-linearity, piezoelectric and thermal effects are included in mathematical formulations. The temperature change is due to a steady-state heat conduction through the plate thickness. The material properties are assumed to be graded in the thickness direction according to a power-law distribution in terms of the volume fractions of the constituents. The plate is clamped at two opposite edges, while the remaining edges can be free, simply supported or clamped. Differential quadrature approximation in the X-axis is employed to convert the partial differential governing equations and the associated boundary conditions into a set of ordinary differential equations. By choosing the appropriate functions as the displacement and stress functions on each nodal line and then applying the Galerkin procedure, a system of non-linear algebraic equations is obtained, from which the non-linear bending response of the plate is determined through a Picard iteration scheme. Numerical results for zirconia/aluminium rectangular plates are given in dimensionless graphical form. The effects of the applied actuator voltage, the volume fraction exponent, the temperature gradient, as well as the characteristics of the boundary conditions are also studied in detail. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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We consider the boundary value problems for nonlinear second-order differential equations of the form u '' + a(t)f (u) = 0, 0 < t < 1, u(0) = u (1) = 0. We give conditions on the ratio f (s)/s at infinity and zero that guarantee the existence of solutions with prescribed nodal properties. Then we establish existence and multiplicity results for nodal solutions to the problem. The proofs of our main results are based upon bifurcation techniques. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the Majoritarian Parliamentary System, the government has a constitutional right to call an early election. This right provides the government a control to achieve its objective to remain in power for as long as possible. We model the early election problem mathematically using opinion polls data as a stochastic process to proxy the government's probability of re-election. These data measure the difference in popularity between the government and the opposition. We fit a mean reverting Stochastic Differential Equation to describe the behaviour of the process and consider the possibility for the government to use other control tools, which are termed 'boosts' to induce shocks to the opinion polls by making timely policy announcements or economic actions. These actions improve the government's popularity and have some impact upon the early-election exercise boundary. © Austral. Mathematical Soc. 2005.


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What is the minimal size quantum circuit required to exactly implement a specified n-qubit unitary operation, U, without the use of ancilla qubits? We show that a lower bound on the minimal size is provided by the length of the minimal geodesic between U and the identity, I, where length is defined by a suitable Finsler metric on the manifold SU(2(n)). The geodesic curves on these manifolds have the striking property that once an initial position and velocity are set, the remainder of the geodesic is completely determined by a second order differential equation known as the geodesic equation. This is in contrast with the usual case in circuit design, either classical or quantum, where being given part of an optimal circuit does not obviously assist in the design of the rest of the circuit. Geodesic analysis thus offers a potentially powerful approach to the problem of proving quantum circuit lower bounds. In this paper we construct several Finsler metrics whose minimal length geodesics provide lower bounds on quantum circuit size. For each Finsler metric we give a procedure to compute the corresponding geodesic equation. We also construct a large class of solutions to the geodesic equation, which we call Pauli geodesics, since they arise from isometries generated by the Pauli group. For any unitary U diagonal in the computational basis, we show that: (a) provided the minimal length geodesic is unique, it must be a Pauli geodesic; (b) finding the length of the minimal Pauli geodesic passing from I to U is equivalent to solving an exponential size instance of the closest vector in a lattice problem (CVP); and (c) all but a doubly exponentially small fraction of such unitaries have minimal Pauli geodesics of exponential length.


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In this paper, we consider dynamic programming for the election timing in the majoritarian parliamentary system such as in Australia, where the government has a constitutional right to call an early election. This right can give the government an advantage to remain in power for as long as possible by calling an election, when its popularity is high. On the other hand, the opposition's natural objective is to gain power, and it will apply controls termed as "boosts" to reduce the chance of the government being re-elected by introducing policy and economic responses. In this paper, we explore equilibrium solutions to the government, and the opposition strategies in a political game using stochastic dynamic programming. Results are given in terms of the expected remaining life in power, call and boost probabilities at each time at any level of popularity.


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The developments of models in Earth Sciences, e.g. for earthquake prediction and for the simulation of mantel convection, are fare from being finalized. Therefore there is a need for a modelling environment that allows scientist to implement and test new models in an easy but flexible way. After been verified, the models should be easy to apply within its scope, typically by setting input parameters through a GUI or web services. It should be possible to link certain parameters to external data sources, such as databases and other simulation codes. Moreover, as typically large-scale meshes have to be used to achieve appropriate resolutions, the computational efficiency of the underlying numerical methods is important. Conceptional this leads to a software system with three major layers: the application layer, the mathematical layer, and the numerical algorithm layer. The latter is implemented as a C/C++ library to solve a basic, computational intensive linear problem, such as a linear partial differential equation. The mathematical layer allows the model developer to define his model and to implement high level solution algorithms (e.g. Newton-Raphson scheme, Crank-Nicholson scheme) or choose these algorithms form an algorithm library. The kernels of the model are generic, typically linear, solvers provided through the numerical algorithm layer. Finally, to provide an easy-to-use application environment, a web interface is (semi-automatically) built to edit the XML input file for the modelling code. In the talk, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this concept in more details. We will also present the modelling environment escript which is a prototype implementation toward such a software system in Python (see www.python.org). Key components of escript are the Data class and the PDE class. Objects of the Data class allow generating, holding, accessing, and manipulating data, in such a way that the actual, in the particular context best, representation is transparent to the user. They are also the key to establish connections with external data sources. PDE class objects are describing (linear) partial differential equation objects to be solved by a numerical library. The current implementation of escript has been linked to the finite element code Finley to solve general linear partial differential equations. We will give a few simple examples which will illustrate the usage escript. Moreover, we show the usage of escript together with Finley for the modelling of interacting fault systems and for the simulation of mantel convection.


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A method has been constructed for the solution of a wide range of chemical plant simulation models including differential equations and optimization. Double orthogonal collocation on finite elements is applied to convert the model into an NLP problem that is solved either by the VF 13AD package based on successive quadratic programming, or by the GRG2 package, based on the generalized reduced gradient method. This approach is termed simultaneous optimization and solution strategy. The objective functional can contain integral terms. The state and control variables can have time delays. Equalities and inequalities containing state and control variables can be included into the model as well as algebraic equations and inequalities. The maximum number of independent variables is 2. Problems containing 3 independent variables can be transformed into problems having 2 independent variables using finite differencing. The maximum number of NLP variables and constraints is 1500. The method is also suitable for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. The state functions are approximated by a linear combination of Lagrange interpolation polynomials. The control function can either be approximated by a linear combination of Lagrange interpolation polynomials or by a piecewise constant function over finite elements. The number of internal collocation points can vary by finite elements. The residual error is evaluated at arbitrarily chosen equidistant grid-points, thus enabling the user to check the accuracy of the solution between collocation points, where the solution is exact. The solution functions can be tabulated. There is an option to use control vector parameterization to solve optimization problems containing initial value ordinary differential equations. When there are many differential equations or the upper integration limit should be selected optimally then this approach should be used. The portability of the package has been addressed converting the package from V AX FORTRAN 77 into IBM PC FORTRAN 77 and into SUN SPARC 2000 FORTRAN 77. Computer runs have shown that the method can reproduce optimization problems published in the literature. The GRG2 and the VF I 3AD packages, integrated into the optimization package, proved to be robust and reliable. The package contains an executive module, a module performing control vector parameterization and 2 nonlinear problem solver modules, GRG2 and VF I 3AD. There is a stand-alone module that converts the differential-algebraic optimization problem into a nonlinear programming problem.


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This thesis addresses the kineto-elastodynamic analysis of a four-bar mechanism running at high-speed where all links are assumed to be flexible. First, the mechanism, at static configurations, is considered as structure. Two methods are used to model the system, namely the finite element method (FEM) and the dynamic stiffness method. The natural frequencies and mode shapes at different positions from both methods are calculated and compared. The FEM is used to model the mechanism running at high-speed. The governing equations of motion are derived using Hamilton's principle. The equations obtained are a set of stiff ordinary differential equations with periodic coefficients. A model is developed whereby the FEM and the dynamic stiffness method are used conjointly to provide high-precision results with only one element per link. The principal concern of the mechanism designer is the behaviour of the mechanism at steady-state. Few algorithms have been developed to deliver the steady-state solution without resorting to costly time marching simulation. In this study two algorithms are developed to overcome the limitations of the existing algorithms. The superiority of the new algorithms is demonstrated. The notion of critical speeds is clarified and a distinction is drawn between "critical speeds", where stresses are at a local maximum, and "unstable bands" where the mechanism deflections will grow boundlessly. Floquet theory is used to assess the stability of the system. A simple method to locate the critical speeds is derived. It is shown that the critical speeds of the mechanism coincide with the local maxima of the eigenvalues of the transition matrix with respect to the rotational speed of the mechanism.