892 resultados para new product development in international company


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The paper presents the results of a multi-year baseline study project in which 10 sectors ranging from agriculture to natural hazards were assessed by a transdisciplinary Swiss–Tajik research team. This knowledge base was enhanced in a development strategy workshop that brought together stakeholders from the local to the international levels. The methodology applied was found appropriate to initiate a broad reflection and negotiation process among various stakeholder groups, leading to a joint identification of possible measures to be taken. Knowledge—and its enhancement through the involvement of all stakeholder levels— appeared to be an effective carrier of innovation and changes of attitudes, thus containing the potential to effectively contribute to sustainable development in marginalized and resource-poor mountain areas.


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Software development teams increasingly adopt platform-as-a-service (PaaS), i.e., cloud services that make software development infrastructure available over the internet. Yet, empirical evidence of whether and how software development work changes with the use of PaaS is difficult to find. We performed a grounded-theory study to explore the affordances of PaaS for software development teams. We find that PaaS enables software development teams to enforce uniformity, to exploit knowledge embedded in technology, to enhance agility, and to enrich jobs. These affordances do not arise in a vacuum. Their emergence is closely interwoven with changes in methodologies, roles, and norms that give rise to self-organizing, loosely coupled teams. Our study provides rich descriptions of PaaS-based software development and an emerging theory of affordances of PaaS for software development teams.


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Spontaneous pneumomediastinum commonly occurs in healthy young men or parturient women in whom an increased intra-alveolar pressure (Valsalva maneuver, asthma, cough, emesis) leads to the rupture of the marginal pulmonary alveoli. The air ascends along the bronchi to the mediastinum and the subcutaneous space of the neck, causing cervico-fascial subcutaneous emphysema in 70-90% of cases. Ninety-five forensic cases, including five cases of hanging, were examined using postmortem multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) prior to autopsy until December 2003. This paper describes the findings of pneumomediastinum and cervical emphysema in three of five cases of hanging. The mechanism of its formation is discussed based on these results and a review of the literature. In conclusion, when putrefaction gas can be excluded the findings of pneumomediastinum and cervical soft tissue emphysema serve as evidence of vitality of a hanged person. Postmortem cross-sectional imaging is considered a useful visualization tool for emphysema, with a great potential for examination and documentation.


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The town of Nakuru—Kenya's fourth largest town—lies in a unique setting in the Great Rift Valley. Recent developments on the Menengai Crater, the Mau Escarpment, and the Bahati Highlands exemplify the impacts of poorly planned urban growth on mountain ecosystems. The Nakuru Local Urban Observatory (LUO) project was initiated by the Municipal Council of Nakuru in January 2003, in collaboration with the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) of the University of Berne and the Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG), and with funding from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The project aims to provide a framework for sustainable urban development practices by building technical skills and improving participation by local stakeholders in decision-making processes. The potentials of information technology (IT) are being tapped to provide up-to-date information to decision-makers and democratize access to information, in order to improve public participation. The overall objective is to find ways of achieving better urban management in order to mitigate non-sustainable development trends in the town and its surroundings.


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From a panel of 34 artemisinin derivatives tested in vitro, artemisone, GC007 and GC012 were most efficacious at inhibiting Neospora caninum replication (IC50 values of 3-54nM), did not notably impair the invasiveness of tachyzoites and were non-toxic for human foreskin fibroblasts (HFFs). Transmission electron microscopy of drug-treated N. caninum-infected HFFs demonstrated severe alterations in the parasite cytoplasm, changes in the composition of the matrix of the parasitophorous vacuole (PV) and diminished integrity of the PV membrane. To exert parasiticidal activity, parasites had to be cultured continuously in the presence of 5μM artemisone or GC007 for 3 weeks. N. caninum tachyzoites readily adapted to a stepwise increase in concentrations (0.5-10μM) of GC012, but not to artemisone or GC007. Drugs induced the expression of elevated levels of NcBAG1 and NcSAG4 mRNA, but only NcBAG1 could be detected by immunofluorescence. Thus, artemisinin derivatives represent interesting leads that should be investigated further.


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In the last three decades, obesity has been gaining recognition as a serious public health problem in Mexico. This epidemic developed insidiously in a country that was still focused on chronic under-nutrition in the population. During that same period, macro-economic reforms projected Mexico into the global economic arena. Foreign investments, trade in goods and services, and technological transfers were promoted through participation in numerous trade agreements between Mexico and other countries. The North American Trade Agreement (NAFTA), signed in 1994, promised an integrated market between the three North American countries: Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Although these trade policies were likely to have effects on the available food supply in Mexico, this association has not been elucidated. In this case study, we examine how these trade liberalization policies may have influenced the food supply in Mexico.^ Information on the trade of food commodities between the United States and Mexico and the nature of foreign investment in Mexico was compiled using public data available through American, Mexican, and other international published reports for 1986 through 2011. After the implementation of NAFTA, an increase in trade and investments was observed between Mexico and its two North American partners, but most of the trade increase occurred between the US and Mexico. Since the liberalization of trade policies between these counties, exports of fruit and vegetables into the U.S. from Mexico have increased, while exports of cereals, fats, vegetable oils, meat, dairy products and processed foods from the U.S. into Mexico have increased. During this same time period, there has been an increase in the foreign direct investment in the food industry in Mexico, as well as changes in the types and amounts of dietary energy available on a population level. Specifically, between 1990 to 2006, the dietary energy supply per person has increased 6.1% available animal protein has increased 35.8%, and available fat has increased 18.9%.^ Thus, this case study suggests that the recent changes in food-related industries through foreign direct investment and market liberalization may be likely contributors to the obesogenic food environment in Mexico. Although this initial case study provides interesting data, whether trade liberalization policies should be considered hazardous for health as a distal determinant of the obesity epidemic needs to be further examined using a more stringent study design or further follow up of the US Mexico trade data.^


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Una reciente transición en el campo del desarrollo rural es el movimiento desde un enfoque reducido del sector agrícola hasta uno que adopta una visión territorial más amplia. Este pasaje intenta interpretar las interacciones entre los mundos urbano y rural de una manera más comprensiva. Esta perspectiva teórica relativamente nueva interesa particularmente a los académicos y los políticos en los países latinoamericanos donde, a partir de la mitad de los años noventa, el concepto de una nueva ruralidad se ha visto como la fuente de un nuevo enfoque para el desarrollo rural. Por lo tanto, el propósito teórico de esta investigación es explicitar los indicadores analíticos del nuevo enfoque de la ruralidad en América Latina e identificar las diferencias entre los acercamientos sectoriales y territoriales, considerando los aspectos socio-económicos, institucionales y medioambientales involucrados. La transición del enfoque sectorial a uno territorial significa también, desde un punto de vista operativo, el reconocimiento de la existencia de áreas homogéneas a partir de las cuales pueden proponerse estrategias de desarrollo rural. El propósito operativo de esta investigación consiste en proponer una metodología para identificar estas áreas con una aplicación a la Región del Maule en Chile. La conclusión subraya algunos elementos críticos que se deben considerar en la definición de estrategias del desarrollo rural territorial.


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Nuestro objetivo es compartir la experiencia de implementación y desarrollo en OJS del Portal de Revistas Científicas de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación (FaHCE) de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) a través del cual se publican en acceso abierto, bajo licencias Creative Commons, las revistas científicas de esta Unidad Académica, incluyendo tanto las electrónicas como las versiones digitales de las de formato papel. El proyecto Portal de Revistas, inaugurado en diciembre de 2012, a cargo del Area de Publicaciones, logró unificar el acceso a las revistas de la institución que integran el Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas Argentinas (CAICYT-CONICET). Su objetivo es facilitar la gestión editorial, el cumplimiento de la periodicidad y de los parámetros de evaluación sugeridos por las bases de datos regionales e internacionales y la automatización de los envíos a bases de datos para aumentar su visibilidad optimizando los tiempos de trabajo


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This paper is dedicated to key issues of the actual challenges in all societies regardless their developmental level and how the international guidance community is coping with these challenges. It deals with the importance of guidance in a changing society, quality assurance, access to services and qualification of guidance practitioners under an international perspective.


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This paper is dedicated to key issues of the actual challenges in all societies regardless their developmental level and how the international guidance community is coping with these challenges. It deals with the importance of guidance in a changing society, quality assurance, access to services and qualification of guidance practitioners under an international perspective.


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Nuestro objetivo es compartir la experiencia de implementación y desarrollo en OJS del Portal de Revistas Científicas de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación (FaHCE) de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) a través del cual se publican en acceso abierto, bajo licencias Creative Commons, las revistas científicas de esta Unidad Académica, incluyendo tanto las electrónicas como las versiones digitales de las de formato papel. El proyecto Portal de Revistas, inaugurado en diciembre de 2012, a cargo del Area de Publicaciones, logró unificar el acceso a las revistas de la institución que integran el Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas Argentinas (CAICYT-CONICET). Su objetivo es facilitar la gestión editorial, el cumplimiento de la periodicidad y de los parámetros de evaluación sugeridos por las bases de datos regionales e internacionales y la automatización de los envíos a bases de datos para aumentar su visibilidad optimizando los tiempos de trabajo


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This paper is dedicated to key issues of the actual challenges in all societies regardless their developmental level and how the international guidance community is coping with these challenges. It deals with the importance of guidance in a changing society, quality assurance, access to services and qualification of guidance practitioners under an international perspective.