977 resultados para monetary value


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O objetivo dessa pesquisa é apresentar uma ferramenta alternativa ao valor econômico adicionado na mensuração da performance empresarial correlacionada com o valor de mercado. Na revisão da literatura apresenta-se o conceito de estrutura e custo de capital, utilizando a metodologia do CAPM e do APT. São igualmente apresentadas as principais medidas financeiras de desempenho tais como: retorno operacional sobre o investimento, retorno sobre o patrimônio liquido, retorno sobre os ativos, além de outras formas para cálculo do retorno. Na sequência introduzimos o conceito de lucro residual e o valor econômico adicionado, discutindo suas vantagens, desvantagens, dificuldades e limitações dessa ferramenta. Através do EVA podemos calcular o valor de mercado adicionado, fundamental para o cálculo do valor patrimonial ajustado. Também é apresentado nessa obra a interpretação do EVA pela ótica do modelo Fleuriet de planejamento financeiro. Após essa explanação teórica é apresentado o Financial Value Added proposto por esse trabalho, como alternativa ao Valor Econômico Adicionado na mensuração do desempenho empresarial. Essa ferramenta exclui da base de cálculo as receitas e despesas econômicas, uma vez que as mesmas em alguns casos distorcem o resultado como é constatado no teste com as empresas: Sadia S.A. e Perdigão S.A. onde os resultados foram 54% na Sadia e 13% na Perdigão superiores ao EVA. Em nenhum momento argumenta-se a substituição do EVA, apenas a introdução do FVA como alternativa nos casos em que o EVA não funcione adequadamente.


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This study examines the vulnerability of fish pr oduction in Uganda, particularly as it r elates to the predicted impacts from climate change, using the concept of the value chain. The value chain approach has been recommended as a useful tool to study specific challenges facing a sector resulting from various drivers of change, including climate. Critically, such analyses can reveal context-specific response strategies to enhance a sector (Jacinto and Pomer oy 2010). The specific purpose of the study was to identify curr ent and potential impacts of climate change and corresponding adaptation strategies in fish value chains. The study builds upon information fr om earlier value chain analyses on fisheries and aquaculture production in Uganda to provide a more in-depth understanding of issues facing the fish industry, in particular, those to be incorporated in the CGIAR Resear ch Program Livestock and Fish.


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Small freshwater pelagic fisheries in closed lakes are very important to millions of people in sub-Saharan Africa providing livelihoods and nutritional security. However, returns from these fisheries have been shown to �uctuate in response to climatic variability. In order to understand the impact of these fluctuations on the livelihoods of people dependant on these fisheries, there is a need for information on how the fish value chain is organized and how it functions in response to variation in supplies. The results will feed into strategies that build resilience in fishing households against the uncertainties arising from unstable ecosystems. The Lake Chilwa fishery value chain is composed of fishers, processors, traders, fish transporters, boat owners, owners of fish processing shades, fisheries associations, gear owners, gear makers, firewood sellers, and traders of fishing gear and equipment. The value chain employs many people and local authorities can consider using this information in the design of rural development strategies for employment generation in small-scale fishing communities. The findings from this study have a number of implications for the improvement of the livelihood of fishers and enhancing their capacity to mitigate against the effects of climate change.


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The article highlights the aquaculture of marble or sand goby (Oxyeleotris marmoratus) in Malaysia. Topics discussed are: breeding, hatchery and nursery techiques, nutrition, growout techniques, and diseases.


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This study is the third output of the SDC-funded “Improving Employment and Income through Development of Egyptian Aquaculture” (IEIDEAS), a three-year project being jointly implemented by the WorldFish Center and CARE International in Egypt with support from the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation. The aim of the study is to gather data on the retailer segment of the aquaculture value chain in Egypt, namely on the employment and market conditions of the women fish retailers in the five target governorates. In addition, this study provides a case study in Minya and Fayoum of the current income levels and standards of living of this target group. Finally, the study aims to identify the major problems and obstacles facing these women retailers and suggest some relevant interventions.


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This report presents the findings and recommendations of a strategic planning mission to reevaluate the feasibility of WorldFish implementing a fish value chain research program in Uganda under the CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish (L&F). The over-arching goal of L&F is to increase productivity of small-scale livestock and fish systems so as to increase availability and affordability of meat, milk and fish for poor consumers and, in doing so, to reduce poverty through greater participation by the poor along animal source food value chains. This will be achieved by making a small number of carefully selected animal source food value chains function better, for example by identifying and addressing key constraints and opportunities (from production to consumption), improving institutional arrangements and capacities, and supporting the establishment of enabling pro-poor policy and institutional environments.


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This report presents the findings and recommendations of a strategic planning mission to reevaluate the feasibility of WorldFish implementing a fish value chain research program in Uganda under the CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish (L&F). The over-arching goal of L&F is to increase productivity of small-scale livestock and fish systems so as to increase availability and affordability of meat, milk and fish for poor consumers and, in doing so, to reduce poverty through greater participation by the poor along animal source food value chains. This will be achieved by making a small number of carefully selected animal source food value chains function better, for example by identifying and addressing key constraints and opportunities (from production to consumption), improving institutional arrangements and capacities, and supporting the establishment of enabling pro-poor policy and institutional environments.


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The Aquaculture for Income and Nutrition (AIN) project implemented by World Fish and funded by USAID, aims at increasing aquaculture production in 20 districts of Southern Bangladesh (Greater Khulna, Greater Barisal, Greater Jessore and Greater Faridpur) to reduce poverty and enhance nutritional status. As part of its initial scoping activities World Fish commissioned this value chain assessment on the market chains of carp fish seed (spawn, fry and fingerlings) in the southern region of Bangladesh. The purpose of this study is to obtain a clearer understanding of the volumes of fish produced and consumed in Southern Bangladesh and their origin (by system and location), their destination (by type of market, type of consumer and location), and to gain a clearer understanding of potential market based solutions to farmer’s problems, which the project could implement.