881 resultados para micro-epidemic
A carbon micro/nanostructured composite based on cup-stacked carbon nanotubes (CSCNTs) grown onto a carbon felt has been found to be an efficient matrix for enzyme immobilization and chemical signal transduction. The obtained CSCNT/felt was modified with a copper hexacyanoferrate/polypyrrole (CuHCNFe/Ppy) hybrid mediator, and the resulting composite electrode was applied to H(2)O(2) detection, achieving a sensitivity of 194 +/- 15 mu A mmol(-1) L. The results showed that the CSCNT/felt matrix significantly increased the sensitivity of CuHCNFe/Ppy-based sensors compared to those prepared on a felt unrecovered by CSCNTs. Our data revealed that the improved sensitivity of the as-prepared CuHCNFe/Ppy-CSCNT/felt composite electrode can be attributed to the electronic interactions taking place among the CuHCNFe nanocrystals, Ppy layer and CSCNTs. In addition, the presence of CSCNTs also seemed to favor the dispersion of CuHCNFe nanocrystals over the Ppy matrix, even though the CSCNTs were buried under the conducting polymer layer. The CSCNT/felt matrix also enabled the preparation of a glucose biosensor whose sensitivity could be tuned as a function of the number of glucose oxidase (GOx) layers deposited through a Layer-by-Layer technique with an sensitivity of 11 +/- 2 mu A mmol(-1) L achieved at 15 poly(diallyldimethylammoniumchloride)/GOx bilayers. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The highly hydrophobic 5,10,15-triphenyl-20-(3-N-methylpyridinium-yl)porphyrin(3MMe)cationic species was synthesized, characterized and encapsulated in marine atelocollagen/xanthane gum microcapsules by the coacervation method. Further reduction in the capsule size, from several microns down to about 300-400 nm, was carried out successfully by ultrasonic processing in the presence of up to 1.6% Tween 20 surfactant, without affecting the distribution of 3MMe in the oily core. The resulting creamlike product exhibited enhanced photodynamic activity but negligible cytotoxicity towards HeLa cells. The polymeric micro/nanocapsule formulation was found to be about 4 times more phototoxic than the respective phosphatidylcholine lipidic emulsion, demonstrating high potentiality for photodynamic therapy applications. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The use of whole cells of micro-organisms to bring about the biotransformation of an organic compound offers a number of advantages, but problems caused by enzymatic Promiscuity may be encountered upon With Substrates hearing more than one functional group. A one-pot screening method, in which whole fungal cells were incubated with a Mixture of 4-rnethylcyclohexanone I and phenyl methyl Sulfide 2, has been employed to determine the chemoselectivity of various biocatalysts. The hyphomycetes, Aspergillus terreus CCT 3320 and A. terreus URM 3571, catalysed the oxidation of 2 accompanied by the reduction of I to 4-methylcyclohexanol 1a and, for strain A. terreus CCT 3320, the Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of 1. The Basidomycetes, Trametes versicolor CCB 202, Pycnoporus sanguineus CCB 501 and Trichaptum byssogenum CCB 203, catalysed the oxidation of 2 and the reduction 1, but no Baeyer-Villiger reaction products were detected. In contrast. Trametes rigida CCB 285 catalysed the biotransformation of 1 to 1a, exclusively, in the absence of any detectable Sulfide oxidation reactions. The chemoselective reduction Of (+/-)-2-(phenylthio)cyclohexanone 3 by T. rigida CCB 285 afforded exclusively the (+)-cis-(1R,2S) and (+)-trans-(1S,2S) diastereoisomers of 2-(phenylthio)cyclohexan-1-ol 3a in moderate yields (13% and 27%, respectively) and high enantiomeric excesses (>98%). Chemoselective screening for the reduction of a ketone and/or the oxidation Of a Sulfide group in one pot by whole cells of micro-organisms represents an attractive technique with applications in the development of synthesis of complex molecule hearing different functional groups. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Detta examensarbete går ut på att ta fram en applikation, avsedd för mobiltelefoner, där man på ett enkelt sätt kan få reda på avgångarna för Dalarnas kollektivtrafik. Det stigande bensinpriset och bilåkningens negativa miljöpåverkan ligger som grund till att Etex AB och Balanz AB vill undersöka om det går att få människor att välja bussen framför personbilen. Om man genom denna applikation kan underlätta planeringen av människors dagliga resor, hur påverkas då valet av fortskaffningsmedel?Resultatet blev en applikation där man, via sin mobiltelefon, bland annat kan ta reda på avgångar för utvalda linjer av Dalatrafiks bussar, hantera linjekartor och synkronisera avgångar med telefonens kalender. Alla tidtabeller sparas i telefonen för att minska nätverkstrafiken och för att informationen enkelt ska kunna återanvändas.Dalatrafik är det företag som ansvarar för kollektivtrafiken i Dalarna. Det finns i dagsläget ingen möjlighet att få reda på avgångarna för deras bussar om man inte har tillgång till en tidtabell eller ringer till deras kundservice. Vissa kommuner har redan lösningar för tidtabellshantering i mobiltelefonen och nu vill Etex AB och Balanz AB, som är två företag som bl.a. arbetar med trådlösa applikationer, att även Dalarna ska få ta del av detta praktiska hjälpmedel.De flesta mobiltelefoner som säljs idag har stöd för att köra applikationer, eller MIDlets som de också kallas, gjorda i J2ME (Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition). Denna teknik har tagits fram av Sun för att göra applikationer som kan köras på mindre mobila enheter såsom mobiltelefoner och handdatorer. Kombinerar man J2ME med den ökande prestandan i dagens mobiltelefoner kan avancerade applikationer t.ex. spel med 3D-grafik, webbläsare och andra nyttiga program tillverkas.
A one year data analysis for a micro PV-Wind hybrid system (0.52 kW + 1 kW), installed in Borlänge/Sweden is presented in this paper. The system performance was evaluated according the guidelines of the IEC 61724 standard. The parameters obtained allow a comparison with similar systems. The measurement data are also used to evaluate the sizing and operation of the hybrid system. In addition, the system was modelled in HOMER to study sizing options.
In April 2011 a monitoring system was installed to enable studies of the performance and the usage of a micro PV-Diesel Hybrid system at the Ihushi Development Center (IDC) near Mwanza in Tanzania. Estimations of the load have been obtained by a survey of installed appliances and interviews with users of installed equipment. The load profile obtained by measurements has been analyzed and compared to estimations of the energy use. Further, the system size and performance were studied.
Background: In recent studies a lot of attention is drawn to the connection between networking and entrepreneurship. Many scholars consider successful business and networking inseparable. Taking into consideration the topicality of the two notions discussed above the authors of this thesis decided to conduct the research dedicated to these phenomena in the field that interests them most – in the field of Swedish fashion. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to gain a deeper insight into entrepreneur’s experiences to point out the role of entrepreneurial networking in the process of internationalization of a micro-sized Swedish fashion company and to contribute to the research in this field by telling its unique story. Method: To achieve the purpose of the research a narrative ethnographic research was conducted. This research strategy was chosen because it suits the purpose best by giving an opportunity to get fresh insights into the field of entrepreneurial networking from the point of view of the entrepreneur. The data collected has a narrative nature therefore narrative analysis is used to present it. The methods of gathering the data are face-to-face interview and documents. Conclusion: we can define the most important role of entrepreneurial networking on the internationalization process of Odeur as an effective accelerator and a tool to fulfil the knowledge and expertise gaps in certain areas through other actors in the network.
Background: Genetic variation for environmental sensitivity indicates that animals are genetically different in their response to environmental factors. Environmental factors are either identifiable (e.g. temperature) and called macro-environmental or unknown and called micro-environmental. The objectives of this study were to develop a statistical method to estimate genetic parameters for macro- and micro-environmental sensitivities simultaneously, to investigate bias and precision of resulting estimates of genetic parameters and to develop and evaluate use of Akaike’s information criterion using h-likelihood to select the best fitting model. Methods: We assumed that genetic variation in macro- and micro-environmental sensitivities is expressed as genetic variance in the slope of a linear reaction norm and environmental variance, respectively. A reaction norm model to estimate genetic variance for macro-environmental sensitivity was combined with a structural model for residual variance to estimate genetic variance for micro-environmental sensitivity using a double hierarchical generalized linear model in ASReml. Akaike’s information criterion was constructed as model selection criterion using approximated h-likelihood. Populations of sires with large half-sib offspring groups were simulated to investigate bias and precision of estimated genetic parameters. Results: Designs with 100 sires, each with at least 100 offspring, are required to have standard deviations of estimated variances lower than 50% of the true value. When the number of offspring increased, standard deviations of estimates across replicates decreased substantially, especially for genetic variances of macro- and micro-environmental sensitivities. Standard deviations of estimated genetic correlations across replicates were quite large (between 0.1 and 0.4), especially when sires had few offspring. Practically, no bias was observed for estimates of any of the parameters. Using Akaike’s information criterion the true genetic model was selected as the best statistical model in at least 90% of 100 replicates when the number of offspring per sire was 100. Application of the model to lactation milk yield in dairy cattle showed that genetic variance for micro- and macro-environmental sensitivities existed. Conclusion: The algorithm and model selection criterion presented here can contribute to better understand genetic control of macro- and micro-environmental sensitivities. Designs or datasets should have at least 100 sires each with 100 offspring.
We estimate the effect of employment density on wages in Sweden in a large geocoded data set on individuals and workplaces. Employment density is measured in four circular zones around each individual’s place of living. The data contains a rich set of control variables that we use in an instrumental variables framework. Results show a relatively strong but rather local positive effect of employment density on wages. Beyond 5 kilometers the effect becomes negative. This might indicate that the effect of agglomeration economies falls faster with distance than the effects of congestion.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada como exigência parcial para a obtenção do título de Mestre em Administração no Programa de Mestrado em Administração da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul.
Uma grande evolução aconteceu no mundo com o surgimento da Internet. Ela causou um espantoso aumento das comunicações, que passaram a ser em tempo real e com uma abrangência mundial. Foi a democratização da informação. A Internet serve como uma grande ferramenta para as empresas, principalmente com a globalização dos mercados, fenômeno que cresce cada dia mais e atinge a todos. A globalização fez com que as organizações se tornassem globais, e a Internet funciona como um elo de ligação entre empresas, fornecedores e consumidores. Este trabalho consistiu na realização de uma pesquisa survey exploratória com o objetivo de verificar e descrever o uso potencial da Internet como ferramenta de auxílio à realização de negócios de caráter global, nas micro, pequenas e médias empresas de Porto Alegre. A amostra das empresas pesquisadas foi extraída do Trade Point Porto Alegre, por ser essa uma entidade que tem por objetivo auxiliar as empresas a realizarem operações globais. Com relação ao mercado global, o trabalho identificou que quase todas as empresas acreditam que ele tenha oportunidades de negócios. Os principais meios para entrar nesse mercado são a participação em feiras e rodadas de negócios, contato pessoal e o Trade Point. A Internet já está disseminada no meio empresarial, todas as empresas já a conhecem, e boa parte das empresas realizam operações que podem ser auxiliadas pela rede, como comunicação, promoção de produtos e acompanhamento pós-venda. Identificou-se que as microempresas são as que menos acreditam no mercado internacional, mas apontaram que a Internet pode ajudá-las em suas atividades. Já as pequenas empresas são as que atuam no mercado internacional e acreditam que a Internet possa ajudá-las em algumas atividades. Por fim, as médias empresas, também atuam no mercado internacional, principalmente com as exportações, e são as que já estão utilizando a Internet. O Trade Point se mostrou um serviço bem requisitado pelas empresas, principalmente as que atuam com o comércio internacional. As principais vantagens citadas foram a centralização de informações e a geração de novos negócios.
Essa dissertação aborda o tema simulação de serviços. É apresentada abordagem para estudo de empresas prestadoras de serviços a partir da ótica de avaliação e otimização de produtividade, custos operacionais e lead-time. A abordagem proposta foi desenvolvida com base em estudo de caso realizado junto à empresa Scherer Informática, que atua na área de manutenção de computadores. Os cenários gerados e as simulações dos serviços prestados foram realizados com o suporte de software específico para a modelagem de serviços: o Servicemodel. O estudo possibilitou a empresa conhecer: (i) o melhor dimensionamento das equipes de front office e back office, (ii) a melhor distribuição dos funcionários, que conduz a maior produtividade, (iii) a melhor qualificação da equipe, que minimiza custos operacionais, e, (iv) a análise do lead-time, que permitiu identificar as operações críticas e estabelecer um plano de melhorias visando agilizar o atendimento ao cliente. As etapas observadas no estudo de caso constituem uma abordagem para a otimização de serviços, que considera produtividade, custos operacionais e lead-time. Devido à generalidade das etapas propostas, a abordagem pode ser adaptada para o uso em outras empresas, subsidiando decisões relativas à melhoria dos processos de prestação de serviços.
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar o efeito da implantação da Norma ISO 9000 em Micro e Pequenas Empresas, elaborado através de uma pesquisa quali/quantitativa em um grupo de empresas de micro e pequeno porte no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, empresas estas certificadas pelas Normas NBR ISO 9000, no período de 1998 a dezembro de 2000, com o apoio do SEBRAE/RS por meio do Programa Rumo à ISO 9000. Para tanto, abordaram-se questões referentes a competitividade, qualidade e sistema de garantia da qualidade. Foram pesquisadas 60 empresas e obteve-se um retorno de 53% da amostra pesquisada. Das empresas que responderam, 28% representam o setor de serviços; 10%, o comércio e 62% são representantes da indústria. Essas empresas estão estabelecidas 25% em Porto Alegre, 22% na região metropolitana e 53% no interior do estado, destacando-se como maioria empresas da região serrana. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de um questionário estruturado, enviado via correio e também algumas entrevistas por telefone. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que as empresas tornaram-se mais competitivas após a certificação pela ISO 9000. Destacou-se também que a maior dificuldade encontrada pelas empresas durante e após o processo de certificação foi a falta de preparação e comprometimento das pessoas que compõem as empresas.