958 resultados para lignin condensation


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We have studied the interaction between the low-lying transverse collective oscillations and the thermal excitations of an elongated Bose-Einstein condensate by means of perturbation theory. We consider a cylindrical trapped condensate and calculate the transverse elementary excitations at zero temperature by solving the linearized Gross-Pitaevskii equations in two dimensions (2D). We use them to calculate the matrix elements between the thermal excited states and the quasi-2D collective modes. The Landau damping of transverse collective modes is studied as a function of temperature. At low temperatures, the corresponding damping rate is in agreement with the experimental data for the decay of the transverse quadrupole mode, but it is too small to explain the observed slow decay of the transverse breathing mode. The reason for this discrepancy is discussed.


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Abstract : The occupational health risk involved with handling nanoparticles is the probability that a worker will experience an adverse health effect: this is calculated as a function of the worker's exposure relative to the potential biological hazard of the material. Addressing the risks of nanoparticles requires therefore knowledge on occupational exposure and the release of nanoparticles into the environment as well as toxicological data. However, information on exposure is currently not systematically collected; therefore this risk assessment lacks quantitative data. This thesis aimed at, first creating the fundamental data necessary for a quantitative assessment and, second, evaluating methods to measure the occupational nanoparticle exposure. The first goal was to determine what is being used where in Swiss industries. This was followed by an evaluation of the adequacy of existing measurement methods to assess workplace nanopaiticle exposure to complex size distributions and concentration gradients. The study was conceived as a series of methodological evaluations aimed at better understanding nanoparticle measurement devices and methods. lt focused on inhalation exposure to airborne particles, as respiration is considered to be the most important entrance pathway for nanoparticles in the body in terms of risk. The targeted survey (pilot study) was conducted as a feasibility study for a later nationwide survey on the handling of nanoparticles and the applications of specific protection means in industry. The study consisted of targeted phone interviews with health and safety officers of Swiss companies that were believed to use or produce nanoparticles. This was followed by a representative survey on the level of nanoparticle usage in Switzerland. lt was designed based on the results of the pilot study. The study was conducted among a representative selection of clients of the Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund (SUVA), covering about 85% of Swiss production companies. The third part of this thesis focused on the methods to measure nanoparticles. Several pre- studies were conducted studying the limits of commonly used measurement devices in the presence of nanoparticle agglomerates, This focus was chosen, because several discussions with users and producers of the measurement devices raised questions about their accuracy measuring nanoparticle agglomerates and because, at the same time, the two survey studies revealed that such powders are frequently used in industry. The first preparatory experiment focused on the accuracy of the scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS), which showed an improbable size distribution when measuring powders of nanoparticle agglomerates. Furthermore, the thesis includes a series of smaller experiments that took a closer look at problems encountered with other measurement devices in the presence of nanoparticle agglomerates: condensation particle counters (CPC), portable aerosol spectrometer (PAS) a device to estimate the aerodynamic diameter, as well as diffusion size classifiers. Some initial feasibility tests for the efficiency of filter based sampling and subsequent counting of carbon nanotubes (CNT) were conducted last. The pilot study provided a detailed picture of the types and amounts of nanoparticles used and the knowledge of the health and safety experts in the companies. Considerable maximal quantities (> l'000 kg/year per company) of Ag, Al-Ox, Fe-Ox, SiO2, TiO2, and ZnO (mainly first generation particles) were declared by the contacted Swiss companies, The median quantity of handled nanoparticles, however, was 100 kg/year. The representative survey was conducted by contacting by post mail a representative selection of l '626 SUVA-clients (Swiss Accident Insurance Fund). It allowed estimation of the number of companies and workers dealing with nanoparticles in Switzerland. The extrapolation from the surveyed companies to all companies of the Swiss production sector suggested that l'309 workers (95%-confidence interval l'073 to l'545) of the Swiss production sector are potentially exposed to nanoparticles in 586 companies (145 to l'027). These numbers correspond to 0.08% (0.06% to 0.09%) of all workers and to 0.6% (0.2% to 1.1%) of companies in the Swiss production sector. To measure airborne concentrations of sub micrometre-sized particles, a few well known methods exist. However, it was unclear how well the different instruments perform in the presence of the often quite large agglomerates of nanostructured materials. The evaluation of devices and methods focused on nanoparticle agglomerate powders. lt allowed the identification of the following potential sources of inaccurate measurements at workplaces with considerable high concentrations of airborne agglomerates: - A standard SMPS showed bi-modal particle size distributions when measuring large nanoparticle agglomerates. - Differences in the range of a factor of a thousand were shown between diffusion size classifiers and CPC/SMPS. - The comparison between CPC/SMPS and portable aerosol Spectrometer (PAS) was much better, but depending on the concentration, size or type of the powders measured, the differences were still of a high order of magnitude - Specific difficulties and uncertainties in the assessment of workplaces were identified: the background particles can interact with particles created by a process, which make the handling of background concentration difficult. - Electric motors produce high numbers of nanoparticles and confound the measurement of the process-related exposure. Conclusion: The surveys showed that nanoparticles applications exist in many industrial sectors in Switzerland and that some companies already use high quantities of them. The representative survey demonstrated a low prevalence of nanoparticle usage in most branches of the Swiss industry and led to the conclusion that the introduction of applications using nanoparticles (especially outside industrial chemistry) is only beginning. Even though the number of potentially exposed workers was reportedly rather small, it nevertheless underscores the need for exposure assessments. Understanding exposure and how to measure it correctly is very important because the potential health effects of nanornaterials are not yet fully understood. The evaluation showed that many devices and methods of measuring nanoparticles need to be validated for nanoparticles agglomerates before large exposure assessment studies can begin. Zusammenfassung : Das Gesundheitsrisiko von Nanopartikel am Arbeitsplatz ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit dass ein Arbeitnehmer einen möglichen Gesundheitsschaden erleidet wenn er diesem Stoff ausgesetzt ist: sie wird gewöhnlich als Produkt von Schaden mal Exposition gerechnet. Für eine gründliche Abklärung möglicher Risiken von Nanomaterialien müssen also auf der einen Seite Informationen über die Freisetzung von solchen Materialien in die Umwelt vorhanden sein und auf der anderen Seite solche über die Exposition von Arbeitnehmenden. Viele dieser Informationen werden heute noch nicht systematisch gesarnmelt und felilen daher für Risikoanalysen, Die Doktorarbeit hatte als Ziel, die Grundlagen zu schaffen für eine quantitative Schatzung der Exposition gegenüber Nanopartikel am Arbeitsplatz und die Methoden zu evaluieren die zur Messung einer solchen Exposition nötig sind. Die Studie sollte untersuchen, in welchem Ausmass Nanopartikel bereits in der Schweizer Industrie eingesetzt werden, wie viele Arbeitnehrner damit potentiel] in Kontakt komrrien ob die Messtechnologie für die nötigen Arbeitsplatzbelastungsmessungen bereits genügt, Die Studie folcussierte dabei auf Exposition gegenüber luftgetragenen Partikel, weil die Atmung als Haupteintrittspforte iïlr Partikel in den Körper angesehen wird. Die Doktorarbeit besteht baut auf drei Phasen auf eine qualitative Umfrage (Pilotstudie), eine repräsentative, schweizerische Umfrage und mehrere technische Stndien welche dem spezitischen Verständnis der Mëglichkeiten und Grenzen einzelner Messgeräte und - teclmikeri dienen. Die qualitative Telephonumfrage wurde durchgeführt als Vorstudie zu einer nationalen und repräsentativen Umfrage in der Schweizer Industrie. Sie zielte auf Informationen ab zum Vorkommen von Nanopartikeln, und den angewendeten Schutzmassnahmen. Die Studie bestand aus gezielten Telefoninterviews mit Arbeit- und Gesundheitsfachpersonen von Schweizer Unternehmen. Die Untemehmen wurden aufgrund von offentlich zugànglichen lnformationen ausgewählt die darauf hinwiesen, dass sie mit Nanopartikeln umgehen. Der zweite Teil der Dolctorarbeit war die repräsentative Studie zur Evalniernng der Verbreitnng von Nanopaitikelanwendungen in der Schweizer lndustrie. Die Studie baute auf lnformationen der Pilotstudie auf und wurde mit einer repräsentativen Selektion von Firmen der Schweizerischen Unfall Versicherungsanstalt (SUVA) durchgeüihxt. Die Mehrheit der Schweizerischen Unternehmen im lndustrieselctor wurde damit abgedeckt. Der dritte Teil der Doktorarbeit fokussierte auf die Methodik zur Messung von Nanopartikeln. Mehrere Vorstudien wurden dnrchgefîihrt, um die Grenzen von oft eingesetzten Nanopartikelmessgeräten auszuloten, wenn sie grösseren Mengen von Nanopartikel Agglomeraten ausgesetzt messen sollen. Dieser F okns wurde ans zwei Gründen gewählt: weil mehrere Dislcussionen rnit Anwendem und auch dem Produzent der Messgeràte dort eine Schwachstelle vermuten liessen, welche Zweifel an der Genauigkeit der Messgeräte aufkommen liessen und weil in den zwei Umfragestudien ein häufiges Vorkommen von solchen Nanopartikel-Agglomeraten aufgezeigt wurde. i Als erstes widmete sich eine Vorstndie der Genauigkeit des Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS). Dieses Messgerät zeigte in Präsenz von Nanopartikel Agglorneraten unsinnige bimodale Partikelgrössenverteilung an. Eine Serie von kurzen Experimenten folgte, welche sich auf andere Messgeräte und deren Probleme beim Messen von Nanopartikel-Agglomeraten konzentrierten. Der Condensation Particle Counter (CPC), der portable aerosol spectrometer (PAS), ein Gerät zur Schàtzung des aerodynamischen Durchniessers von Teilchen, sowie der Diffusion Size Classifier wurden getestet. Einige erste Machbarkeitstests zur Ermittlnng der Effizienz von tilterbasierter Messung von luftgetragenen Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) wnrden als letztes durchgeiührt. Die Pilotstudie hat ein detailliiertes Bild der Typen und Mengen von genutzten Nanopartikel in Schweizer Unternehmen geliefert, und hat den Stand des Wissens der interviewten Gesundheitsschntz und Sicherheitsfachleute aufgezeigt. Folgende Typen von Nanopaitikeln wurden von den kontaktierten Firmen als Maximalmengen angegeben (> 1'000 kg pro Jahr / Unternehrnen): Ag, Al-Ox, Fe-Ox, SiO2, TiO2, und ZnO (hauptsächlich Nanopartikel der ersten Generation). Die Quantitäten von eingesetzten Nanopartikeln waren stark verschieden mit einem ein Median von 100 kg pro Jahr. ln der quantitativen Fragebogenstudie wurden l'626 Unternehmen brieflich kontaktiert; allesamt Klienten der Schweizerischen Unfallversicherringsanstalt (SUVA). Die Resultate der Umfrage erlaubten eine Abschätzung der Anzahl von Unternehmen und Arbeiter, welche Nanopartikel in der Schweiz anwenden. Die Hochrechnung auf den Schweizer lndnstriesektor hat folgendes Bild ergeben: ln 586 Unternehmen (95% Vertrauensintervallz 145 bis 1'027 Unternehmen) sind 1'309 Arbeiter potentiell gegenüber Nanopartikel exponiert (95%-Vl: l'073 bis l'545). Diese Zahlen stehen für 0.6% der Schweizer Unternehmen (95%-Vl: 0.2% bis 1.1%) und 0.08% der Arbeiternehmerschaft (95%-V1: 0.06% bis 0.09%). Es gibt einige gut etablierte Technologien um die Luftkonzentration von Submikrometerpartikel zu messen. Es besteht jedoch Zweifel daran, inwiefern sich diese Technologien auch für die Messurrg von künstlich hergestellten Nanopartikeln verwenden lassen. Aus diesem Grund folcussierten die vorbereitenden Studien für die Arbeitsplatzbeurteilnngen auf die Messung von Pulverri, welche Nan0partike1-Agg10merate enthalten. Sie erlaubten die ldentifikation folgender rnöglicher Quellen von fehlerhaften Messungen an Arbeitsplätzen mit erhöhter Luft-K0nzentrati0n von Nanopartikel Agglomeratenz - Ein Standard SMPS zeigte eine unglaubwürdige bimodale Partikelgrössenverteilung wenn er grössere Nan0par'til<e1Agg10merate gemessen hat. - Grosse Unterschiede im Bereich von Faktor tausend wurden festgestellt zwischen einem Diffusion Size Classiîier und einigen CPC (beziehungsweise dem SMPS). - Die Unterschiede zwischen CPC/SMPS und dem PAS waren geringer, aber abhängig von Grosse oder Typ des gemessenen Pulvers waren sie dennoch in der Grössenordnung von einer guten Grössenordnung. - Spezifische Schwierigkeiten und Unsicherheiten im Bereich von Arbeitsplatzmessungen wurden identitiziert: Hintergrundpartikel können mit Partikeln interagieren die während einem Arbeitsprozess freigesetzt werden. Solche Interaktionen erschweren eine korrekte Einbettung der Hintergrunds-Partikel-Konzentration in die Messdaten. - Elektromotoren produzieren grosse Mengen von Nanopartikeln und können so die Messung der prozessbezogenen Exposition stören. Fazit: Die Umfragen zeigten, dass Nanopartikel bereits Realitàt sind in der Schweizer Industrie und dass einige Unternehmen bereits grosse Mengen davon einsetzen. Die repräsentative Umfrage hat diese explosive Nachricht jedoch etwas moderiert, indem sie aufgezeigt hat, dass die Zahl der Unternehmen in der gesamtschweizerischen Industrie relativ gering ist. In den meisten Branchen (vor allem ausserhalb der Chemischen Industrie) wurden wenig oder keine Anwendungen gefunden, was schliessen last, dass die Einführung dieser neuen Technologie erst am Anfang einer Entwicklung steht. Auch wenn die Zahl der potentiell exponierten Arbeiter immer noch relativ gering ist, so unterstreicht die Studie dennoch die Notwendigkeit von Expositionsmessungen an diesen Arbeitsplätzen. Kenntnisse um die Exposition und das Wissen, wie solche Exposition korrekt zu messen, sind sehr wichtig, vor allem weil die möglichen Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit noch nicht völlig verstanden sind. Die Evaluation einiger Geräte und Methoden zeigte jedoch, dass hier noch Nachholbedarf herrscht. Bevor grössere Mess-Studien durgefîihrt werden können, müssen die Geräte und Methodem für den Einsatz mit Nanopartikel-Agglomeraten validiert werden.


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In this work we compare the results of the Gross-Pitaevskii and modified Gross-Pitaevskii equations with ab initio variational Monte Carlo calculations for Bose-Einstein condensates of atoms in axially symmetric traps. We examine both the ground state and excited states having a vortex line along the z axis at high values of the gas parameter and demonstrate an excellent agreement between the modified Gross-Pitaevskii and ab initio Monte Carlo methods, both for the ground and vortex states.


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Two-dimentional systems of trapped samples of few cold bosonic atoms submitted to strong rotation around the perpendicular axis may be realized in optical lattices and microtraps. We investigate theoretically the evolution of ground state structures of such systems as the rotational frequency Omega increases. Various kinds of ordered structures are observed. In some cases, hidden interference patterns exhibit themselves only in the pair correlation function; in some other cases explicit broken-symmetry structures appear that modulate the density. For N < 10 atoms, the standard scenario, valid for large sytems is absent, and is only gradually recovered as N increases. On the one hand, the Laughlin state in the strong rotational regime contains ordered structures much more similar to a Wigner molecule than to a fermionic quantum liquid. On the other hand, in the weak rotational regime, the possibility to obtain equilibrium states, whose density reveals an array of vortices, is restricted to the vicinity of some critical values of the rotational frequency Omega.


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The application of sewage sludge is a concern because it may affect the quality of organic matter and microbiological and biochemical soil properties. The effects of surface application of sewage sludge to an agricultural soil (at 18 and 36 t ha-1 dry basis) were assessed in one maize (Zea mays L.) growing season. The study evaluated microbial biomass, basal respiration and selected enzymatic activities (catalase, urease, acid and alkaline phosphatase, and β-glucosidase) 230 days after sewage sludge application and infrared spectroscopy was used to assess the quality of dissolved organic matter and humic acids. Sewage sludge applications increased the band intensity assigned to polysaccharides, carboxylic acids, amides and lignin groups in the soil. The organic matter from the sewage sludge had a significant influence on the soil microbial biomass; nevertheless, at the end of the experiment the equilibrium of the soil microbial biomass (defined as microbial metabolic quotient, qCO2) was recovered. Soil urease, acid and alkaline phosphatase activity were strongly influenced by sewage sludge applications.


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Studies on microbial activity and biomass in forestry plantations often overlook the role of litter, typically focusing instead on soil nutrient contents to explain plant and microorganism development. However, since the litter is a significant source of recycled nutrients that affect nutrient dynamics in the soil, litter composition may be more strongly correlated with forest growth and development than soil nutrient contents. This study aimed to test this hypothesis by examining correlations between soil C, N, and P; litter C, N, P, lignin content, and polyphenol content; and microbial biomass and activity in pure and mixed second-rotation plantations of Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium before and after senescent leaf drop. The numbers of cultivable fungi and bacteria were also estimated. All properties were correlated with litter C, N, P, lignin and polyphenols, and with soil C and N. We found higher microbial activity (CO2 evolution) in litter than in soil. In the E. grandis monoculture before senescent leaf drop, microbial biomass C was 46 % higher in litter than in soil. After leaf drop, this difference decreased to 16 %. In A. mangium plantations, however, microbial biomass C was lower in litter than in soil both before and after leaf drop. Microbial biomass N of litter was approximately 94 % greater than that of the soil in summer and winter in all plantations. The number of cultivable fungi and bacteria increased after leaf drop, especially so in the litter. Fungi were also more abundant in the E. grandis litter. In general, the A. mangium monoculture was associated with higher levels of litter lignin and N, especially after leaf drop. In contrast, the polyphenol and C levels in E. grandis monoculture litter were higher after leaf drop. These properties were negatively correlated with total soil C and N. Litter in the mixed stands had lower C:N and C:P ratios and higher N, P, and C levels in the microbial biomass. This suggests more effective nutrient cycling in mixed plantations in the long term, greater stimulation of microbial activity in litter and soil, and a more sustainable system in general.


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A significant quantity of nutrients in vineyards may return to the soil each year through decomposition of residues from cover plants. This study aimed to evaluate biomass decomposition and nutrient release from residues of black oats and hairy vetch deposited in the vines rows, with and without plastic shelter, and in the between-row areas throughout the vegetative and productive cycle of the plants. The study was conducted in a commercial vineyard in Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brazil, from October 2008 to February 2009. Black oat (Avena strigosa) and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa) residues were collected, subjected to chemical (C, N, P, K, Ca, and Mg) and biochemical (cellulose - Cel, hemicellulose - Hem, and lignin - Lig content) analyses, and placed in litter bags, which were deposited in vines rows without plastic shelter (VPRWS), in vines rows with plastic shelter (VPRS), and in the between-row areas (BR). We collected the residues at 0, 33, 58, 76, and 110 days after deposition of the litter bags, prepared the material, and subjected it to analysis of total N, P, K, Ca, and Mg content. The VPRS contained the largest quantities and percentages of dry matter and residual nutrients (except for Ca) in black oat residues from October to February, which coincides with the period from flowering up to grape harvest. This practice led to greater protection of the soil surface, avoiding surface runoff of the solution derived from between the rows, but it retarded nutrient cycling. The rate of biomass decomposition and nutrient release from hairy vetch residues from October to February was not affected by the position of deposition of the residues in the vineyard, which may especially be attributed to the lower values of the C/N and Lig/N ratios. Regardless of the type of residue, black oat or hairy vetch, the greatest decomposition and nutrient release mainly occurred up to 33 days after deposition of the residues on the soil surface, which coincided with the flowering of the grapevines, which is one of the phenological stages of greatest demand for nutrients.


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Aminoglycoside antibiotics are ototoxic, inducing irreversible sensorineural hearing loss mediated by oxidative and excitotoxic stresses. The NF-kappaB pathway is involved in the response to aminoglycoside damage in the cochlea. However, the molecular mechanisms of this ototoxicity remain unclear. We investigated the expression of PKCzeta, a key regulator of NF-kappaB activation, in response to aminoglycoside treatment. Amikacin induced PKCzeta cleavage and nuclear translocation. These events were concomitant with chromatin condensation and paralleled the decrease in NF-kappaB (p65) levels in the nucleus. Amikacin also induced the nuclear translocation of apoptotic inducing factor (AIF). Prior treatment with aspirin prevented PKCzeta cleavage and nuclear translocation. Thus, aspirin counteracts the early effects of amikacin, thereby protecting hair cells and spiral ganglion neurons. These results demonstrate that PKCzeta acts as sentinel connecting specific survival pathways to mediate cellular responses to amikacin ototoxicity.


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Cell-wall mechanical properties play a key role in the growth and the protection of plants. However, little is known about genuine wall mechanical properties and their growth-related dynamics at subcellular resolution and in living cells. Here, we used atomic force microscopy (AFM) stiffness tomography to explore stiffness distribution in the cell wall of suspension-cultured Arabidopsis thaliana as a model of primary, growing cell wall. For the first time that we know of, this new imaging technique was performed on living single cells of a higher plant, permitting monitoring of the stiffness distribution in cell-wall layers as a function of the depth and its evolution during the different growth phases. The mechanical measurements were correlated with changes in the composition of the cell wall, which were revealed by Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. In the beginning and end of cell growth, the average stiffness of the cell wall was low and the wall was mechanically homogenous, whereas in the exponential growth phase, the average wall stiffness increased, with increasing heterogeneity. In this phase, the difference between the superficial and deep wall stiffness was highest. FTIR spectra revealed a relative increase in the polysaccharide/lignin content.


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The isotopie composition of clay minerals can be used to gain information on paleoaltitude, -topography and -climate during the time of their formation, as they form in isotopie equilibrium with ambient water, which has an isotopie composition that is determined by previous rain-out. In this thesis, the usability of this approach is evaluated for sample material from both the North Alpine Foreland Basin and internal parts of the European Alps. The isotopie composition of precipitation is determined by the air temperature and the extent of previous rain-out, which in turn is affected by the distance to the point of origin of the water vapor and the condensation conditions. An orographic barrier leads to uplift and adiabatic cooling of air masses and thereby enhances rainfall with a characteristic depletion in heavy 0 and H isotopes. Processes such as evaporation and mixing of water with different origin affect the isotopie composition further on the surface. Clay minerals are hydrous phyllosilicates that can form during weathering or pedogenesis in isotopie equilibrium with the present water and inherit its isotopie composition with a characteristic fractionation. If their isotopie composition was preserved after formation and the necessary parameters are known, it is possible to calculate the isotopie composition of the ambient water and thereby reconstruct climatic and topographic conditions during their formation. Due to the hygroscopic behavior of the sample material, analytical procedures needed to be modified to allow an analysis of the oxygen and hydrogen isotopie composition of the hydroxyl water built into their crystal structure and not the one of recently adsorbed water. In order to determine typical 5lsO and 8D values of meteoric water and minerals in the weathering environment in high Alpine regions, samples of surface water and soils from the valley of Visp in the Swiss Alps were studied that were collected along a transect with varying altitudes and host rock lithologies. The actual aim to attempt the reconstruction of Alpine paleoelevations was addressed by the analysis of sediments deposited under marine and terrestrial conditions during the Miocene and Oligocene, which were sampled from different locations in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. Further bentonite and fault gouge clay samples were used as reference material from low and high elevations. Results show that the isotopie composition of clay minerals can be influenced by several factors, such as the mode and site of their formation, possible isotope exchange (which is evident for 8D values), the samples' mineral composition (such as the presence of detrital material) and the deposition environment. With a consideration of these parameters and limitation to certain sample material, conclusions are drawn on the isotopie composition of the water from which the clay minerals formed. Most of the obtained values lie in the same range as has been reported in literature for foreland precipitation. The reconstruction of paleoelevation might be possible for selected sites with a geographical setting close to the Alpine chain or for intramontane basins. - La composition isotopique des argiles, qui se forment typiquement en contact avec des eaux superficielles, peut être utilisée pour obtenir des informations sur la paléoaltitude, la paléotopographie et le paléoclimat pendant leur création. La composition en isotopes stable (oxygène et hydrogène) des eaux de pluie est déterminée par l'altitude, la température, la distance depuis le lieu d'évaporation et par le taux de précipitation. Certains processus comme l'évaporation, l'interaction avec des minéraux et le mélange d'eaux d'origines variées peuvent aussi changer la composition des eaux de surface. Les argiles sont des pliyllosilicates hydratés qui sont crées par l'altération des roches au contact de ces eaux de surface et ils acquièrent une composition isotopique qui est soumise à un certain fractionnement. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'évaluer si l'effet de l'altitude des Alpes, est détectable dans la composition isotopique des sédiments du bassin d'avant-pavs pendant le Miocène. Après avoir établi la procédure analytique, des compositions isotopiques typiques de régions de hautes altitudes ont été determine sur les eaux de surfaces (rivières) et sur des échantillons de sols, le long d'une coupe dans la valée de Visp, dans les Alpes Suisses. Une reconstruction des paléoaltitudes Miocènes Alpines a ensuite été mené par l'analyse de sédiments marins et terrestres en utilisant des échantillons d'âges variés et provenant de Suisse, d'Allemagne et d'Autriche. Les résultats montrent que la composition isotopique des échantillons est impactée par de multiples facteurs, tels que le mode de et le lieu de formation. un possible échange isotopique tardif (surtout pour 5D). leur composition minéralogique et l'environnement de leur sédimentation. Après un examen prudent de ces paramètres, et en se limitant à un certain assortiment d'échatillons, on peut tirer des conclusions sur la composition isotopique des eaux originelles pour en déduire l'effet du climat et de la topographie.


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Tropical grasslands under lowland soils are generally underutilized and the litter of forage legumes may be used to recover these degraded pastures. The objective of this work was to study the dynamics of litter decomposition of Arachis pintoi (pinto peanut), Hyparrhenia rufa (thatching grass) and a mixture of both species in a lowland soil. These treatments were analyzed in three areas: grass monoculture, legume monoculture and legume intercropped with the grass during the dry and wet seasons. Litter bags containing the legume, grass or a mixture of both species were incubated to estimate the decomposition rate and microorganism colonization. Decomposition constants (K) and litter half-lives (T1/2) were estimated by an exponential model whereas number of microorganisms in specific media were determined by plate dilution. The decomposition rate, release of nutrients and microorganisms number, especially bacteria, increased when pinto peanut was added to thatching grass, influenced by favorable lignin/N and C/N ratios in legume litter. When pinto peanut litter was incubated in the grass plots, 50% N and P was released within about 135 days in the dry season and in the wet season, the equivalent release occurred within 20 days. These results indicate that A. pintoi has a great potential for nutrient recycling via litter and can be used to recover degraded areas.


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We present a study of binary mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates confined in a double-well potential within the framework of the mean field Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation. We re-examine both the single component and the binary mixture cases for such a potential, and we investigate what are the situations in which a simpler two-mode approach leads to an accurate description of their dynamics. We also estimate the validity of the most usual dimensionality reductions used to solve the GP equations. To this end, we compare both the semi-analytical two-mode approaches and the numerical simulations of the one-dimensional (1D) reductions with the full 3D numerical solutions of the GP equation. Our analysis provides a guide to clarify the validity of several simplified models that describe mean-field nonlinear dynamics, using an experimentally feasible binary mixture of an F = 1 spinor condensate with two of its Zeeman manifolds populated, m = ±1.


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We present a study of binary mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates confined in a double-well potential within the framework of the mean field Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation. We re-examine both the single component and the binary mixture cases for such a potential, and we investigate what are the situations in which a simpler two-mode approach leads to an accurate description of their dynamics. We also estimate the validity of the most usual dimensionality reductions used to solve the GP equations. To this end, we compare both the semi-analytical two-mode approaches and the numerical simulations of the one-dimensional (1D) reductions with the full 3D numerical solutions of the GP equation. Our analysis provides a guide to clarify the validity of several simplified models that describe mean-field nonlinear dynamics, using an experimentally feasible binary mixture of an F = 1 spinor condensate with two of its Zeeman manifolds populated, m = ±1.


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The production and use of biofuels has increased in the present context of sustainable development. Biofuel production from plant biomass produces not only biofuel or ethanol but also co-products containing lignin, modified lignin, and lignin derivatives. This research investigated the utilization of lignin-containing biofuel co-products (BCPs) in pavement soil stabilization as a new application area. Laboratory tests were conducted to evaluate the performance and the moisture susceptibility of two types of BCP-treated soil samples compared to the performance of untreated and traditional stabilizer-treated (fly ash) soil samples. The two types of BCPs investigated were (1) a liquid type with higher lignin content (co-product A) and (b) a powder type with lower lignin content (co-product B). Various additive combinations (co-product A and fly ash, co-products A and B, etc.) were also evaluated as alternatives to stand-alone co-products. Test results indicate that BCPs are effective in stabilizing the Iowa Class 10 soil classified as CL or A-6(8) and have excellent resistance to moisture degradation. Strengths and moisture resistance in comparison to traditional additives (fly ash) could be obtained through the use of combined additives (co-product A + fly ash; co-product A + co-product B). Utilizing BCPs as a soil stabilizer appears to be one of the many viable answers to the profitability of the bio-based products and the bioenergy business. Future research is needed to evaluate the freeze-thaw durability and for resilient modulus characterization of BCP-modified layers for a variety of pavement subgrade and base soil types. In addition, the long-term performance of these BCPs should be evaluated under actual field conditions and traffic loadings. Innovative uses of BCP in pavement-related applications could not only provide additional revenue streams to improve the economics of biorefineries, but could also serve to establish green road infrastructures.


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Road dust is caused by wind entraining fine material from the roadway surface and the main source of Iowa road dust is attrition of carbonate rock used as aggregate. The mechanisms of dust suppression can be considered as two processes: increasing particle size of the surface fines by agglomeration and inhibiting degradation of the coarse material. Agglomeration may occur by capillary tension in the pore water, surfactants that increase bonding between clay particles, and cements that bind the mineral matter together. Hygroscopic dust suppressants such as calcium chloride have short durations of effectiveness because capillary tension is the primary agglomeration mechanism. Somewhat more permanent methods of agglomeration result from chemicals that cement smaller particles into a mat or larger particles. The cements include lignosulfonates, resins, and asphalt products. The duration of the cements depend on their solubility and the climate. The only dust palliative that decreases aggregate degradation is shredded shingles that act as cushions between aggregate particles. It is likely that synthetic polymers also provide some protection against coarse aggregate attrition. Calcium chloride and lignosulfonates are widely used in Iowa. Both palliatives have a useful duration of about 6 months. Calcium chloride is effective with surface soils of moderate fine content and plasticity whereas lignin works best with materials that have high fine content and high plasticity indices. Bentonite appears to be effective for up to two years and works well with surface materials having low fines and plasticity and works well with limestone aggregate. Selection of appropriate dust suppressants should be based on characterization of the road surface material. Estimation of dosage rates for potential palliatives can be based on data from this report, from technical reports, information from reliable vendors, or laboratory screening tests. The selection should include economic analysis of construction and maintenance costs. The effectiveness of the treatment should be evaluated by any of the field performance measuring techniques discussed in this report. Novel dust control agents that need research for potential application in Iowa include; acidulated soybean oil (soapstock), soybean oil, ground up asphalt shingles, and foamed asphalt. New laboratory evaluation protocols to screen additives for potential effectiveness and determine dosage are needed. A modification of ASTM D 560 to estimate the freeze-thaw and wet-dry durability of Portland cement stabilized soils would be a starting point for improved laboratory testing of dust palliatives.