916 resultados para lateral prostate


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Estudiar en niños los efectos del nivel lector y algunos aspectos de la dominancia lateral motora y sensorial sobre la lateralidad perceptiva de estímulos verbales en presentación taquistoscópica. Se pretende conocer mejor las relaciones entre la especialización funcional hemisférica cerebral y la habilidad lectora. Estudiar el efecto de determinadas variaciones en el procedimiento experimental sobre el mismo grado de lateralidad perceptivo visual. 24 sujetos. 12 malos lectores y 12 buenos lectores. Cada uno de dichos grupos se subdivide en, 6 con lateralidad diestra y 6 con lateralidad cruzada. La edad oscila en los malos lectores entre 8 años 3 meses y 9 años 11 meses y en los buenos lectores entre 8 años 1 mes y 9 años 5 meses. Diseño experimental intrasujeto. Las variables utilizadas para el primer objetivo son: 1. Variable independiente intrasujeto: nivel lector; 2. Variable independiente intrasujeto: dominancia lateral. Variable dependiente: grado de lateralidad perceptiva visual en estímulos verbales. Para el segundo objetivo: diversas variables independientes intersujeto y la misma variable dependiente. El dispositivo experimental permite estudiar ambos objetivos mediante una técnica de lateralización de estímulos en presentación taquistoscópica. Dos listas elaboradas por los profesores: buenos y malos lectores. Para evaluar el nivel lector: test de análisis de la lecto-escritura (TALE). Para el nivel intelectual: escala de inteligencia para niños (Wisc) y test de matrices progresivas de Raven. Para evaluar la dominancia lateral motora y sensorial el test de dominancia lateral de Harris. Para la prueba taquistoscópica se utilizó un taquistoscopio de dos canales (CA-610), lave vocal (CA.340) y un tiner doble repetitivo (LA-51043). Análisis de varianza bifactorial para averiguar las diferencias cuantitativas en reconocimiento visual. 'T' de muestras relacionadas para contrastar el grado de asimetría perceptiva. Para la comparación de las asimetrías perceptivas entre grupos se han utilizado dos métodos convergentes: análisis de varianza bifactorial y análisis de varianza mixto 2 x 2 x 2. Correlación lineal de Pearson para averiguar el grado de correlación inversa en los distintos tipos y condiciones de estímulos. Existen escasas diferencias cuantitativas en reconocimiento visual de estímulos verbales neurolaterales según el nivel de habilidad lectora y según los niños tengan lateralidad diestra o cruzada. Sin embargo, estos problemas de lectura y lateralidad no implican deficiencias en la lateralidad perceptiva visual. Ciertas variaciones de la técnica experimental (condiciones de presentación, tipos de estímulos y de medida) ejercen un efecto diferencial sobre la lateralidad perceptiva visual en una misma muestra de sujetos. No se puede afirmar que la dominancia hemisférica cerebral es un factor etiológico relevante en la explicación de los problemas de la lectura.


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El grup de Visió per Computador i Robòtica (VICOROB) disposa de varis robots submarins per a la recerca i inspecció subaquàtica. Recentment s’ha adquirit un sensor sonar d’escombrat lateral el qual s’utilitza per realitzar imatges acústiques del fons marí quan aquest es mou principalment a velocitat constant i mantenint el rumb. Els robots del grup VICOROB estan equipats amb diferents tipus de sensors i càmeres per analitzar el fons marí. Aquest sensors són de gran qualitat i permeten conèixer de manera bastant satisfactòria l’entorn a les proximitats del robot. Freqüentment però, aquest sensors estant sotmesos a diferents restriccions depenent de la seva naturalesa de funcionament, de tal manera que es necessària la seva combinació per resoldre determinats problemes en diferents situacions. Amb aquest projecte, es pretén integrar un nou sistema de captura d’imatges sonores del fons marí, en un dels robots. Amb la integració d’aquest nou sensor, s’espera obtenir una opció alternativa els sistemes actuals que pugui aportar informació addicional sobre el fons. Aquest sistema podrà ser utilitzat per realitzar tasques per les quals els altres sensors no estant preparats o bé per complementar informació d’altres sensor


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Els pacients amb càncer presenten una taxa de supervivència superior si es diagnostiquen a estadis inicials, per la qual cosa és indispensable disposar de marcadors tumorals adequats. Glicoformes de proteïnes específiques es podrian utilizar com marcadors tumorals. S’han investigat les subformes i glicosilació de l’Antígen Prostàtic Específic (PSA) per millorar la seva capacitat de diagnosis de pacients amb càncer de pròstata vs aquells amb hiperplàsia benigna prostàtica. També s’han avaluat glicoproteïnes sèriques amb alteracions glucídiques en pacients de càncer de pàncrees, comparat amb pacients amb pancreatitis crònica i controls. S’ha observat una disminució de la fucosilació core i sialilació del PSA en càncer de pròstata i un augment de la fucosilació core i Sialyl-Lewis X en algunes Proteïnes de fase Aguda en càncer de pàncrees. Aquest canvis s’haurien d’avaluar en un cohort de pacients més gran per determinar el seu paper en el cribratge, diagnòstic o monitorització dels cancers estudiats.


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Hair cell death and regeneration on the zebrafish posterior lateral line was investigated after cisplatin administration. Hair cell regeneration was first observed by 24 hours of recovery and was further analyzed after specific recovery intervals. Disruption of the notch signaling pathways by the y-secretase inhibitor DAPT resulted in an increase in hair cells at three days of recovery.


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The sensitivity of the upper ocean thermal balance of an ocean-atmosphere coupled GCM to lateral ocean physics is assessed. Three 40-year simulations are performed using horizontal mixing, isopycnal mixing, and isopycnal mixing plus eddy induced advection. The thermal adjustment of the coupled system is quite different between the simulations, confirming the major role of ocean mixing on the heat balance of climate. The initial adjustment phase of the upper ocean (SST) is used to diagnose the physical mechanisms involved in each parametrisation. When the lateral ocean physics is modified, significant changes of SST are seen, mainly in the southern ocean. A heat budget of the annual mixed layer (defined as the “bowl”) shows that these changes are due to a modified heat transfer between the bowl and the ocean interior. This modified heat intake of the ocean interior is directly due to the modified lateral ocean physics. In isopycnal diffusion, this heat exchange, especially marked at mid-latitudes, is both due to an increased effective surface of diffusion and to the sign of the isopycnal gradients of temperature at the base of the bowl. As this gradient is proportional to the isopycnal gradient of salinity, this confirms the strong role of salinity in the thermal balance of the coupled system. The eddy induced advection also leads to increased exchanges between the bowl and the ocean interior. This is both due to the shape of the bowl and again to the existence of a salinity structure. The lateral ocean physics is shown to be a significant contributor to the exchanges between the diabatic and the adiabatic parts of the ocean.


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Phytoestrogens are polyphenolic secondary plant metabolites that have structural and functional similarities to 17β-oestradiol and have been associated with a protective effect against hormone-related cancers. Most foods in the UK only contain small amounts of phytoestrogens (median content 21 μg/100 g) and the highest content is found in soya and soya-containing foods. The highest phytoestrogen content in commonly consumed foods is found in breads (average content 450 μg/100 g), the main source of isoflavones in the UK diet. The phytoestrogen consumption in cases and controls was considerably lower than in Asian countries. No significant associations between phytoestrogen intake and breast cancer risk in a nested case-control study in EPIC Norfolk were found. Conversely, colorectal cancer risk was inversely associated with enterolignan intake in women but not in men. Prostate cancer risk was positively associated with enterolignan intake, however this association became non-significant when adjusting for dairy intake, suggesting that enterolignans can act as a surrogate marker for dairy or calcium intake.


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Tethered films of polystyrene-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) copolymers of varying composition and molecular weight were investigated using atomic force microscopy and the observed structures compared with theoretical predictions. Although the experimental results were in qualitative agreement with the theory, there was significant quantitative variation. This was attributed to the presence of solvent in the films prior to and during annealing, a hypothesis supported by new preliminary calculations reported here. Solvent exchange experiments (where a good solvent for both polymer blocks was gradually replaced by a selective solvent), were also performed on the films. This procedure generated textured films in which the structure was defined by miscibility of the polymer blocks with the second solvent.


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Epidemiological evidence based on both case–control and prospective cohort studies points to an overall positive relationship between consumption of milk/dairy products and the risk of developing prostate cancer. There are inconsistencies in the data, but taken together, the increased relative risk does not seem to be high. A number of mechanisms have been proposed to account for the relationship, with most attention being focused on the involvement of calcium/vitamin D, insulin-like growth factor-1 and oestrogens, although it is unlikely that a single factor in milk is implicated. In any event, any added risk of prostate cancer from increased milk consumption has to be set alongside other evidence, which shows that increased milk consumption can provide substantially reduced risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and colorectal cancer, particularly because cardiovascular disease accounts for vastly more deaths than prostate cancer (although the latter is of course restricted to men).


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The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of prostate cancer in patients who have an elevated referral prostate-specific antigen (PSA), which subsequently falls to within their normal age-specific reference range prior to prostate biopsy. The study demonstrated that of the 160 patients recruited, 21 (13%) had a repeat PSA level which had fallen back to within their normal range. Five of these 21 patients (24%) were diagnosed with prostate cancer following biopsy, two of whom had a benign prostate examination. The study, therefore, demonstrates that normalisation of the PSA level prior to biopsy does not exclude the presence of prostate cancer even when the prostate feels benign.