939 resultados para laser cutting
Purpose: To investigate the differences between the Fundus Camera (Topcon TRC-50X) and Confocal Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope (Heidelberg retina angiogram (HRA)) on the fundus autofluorescence (FAF) imaging (resolution and FAF characteristics). Methods: Eighty nine eyes of 46 patients with various retinal diseases underwent FAF imaging with HRA (488nm exciter / 500nm barrier filter) before fluorescein angiography (FFA) and Topcon Fundus Camera (580nm exciter / 695nm barrier filter) before and after FFA. The quality of the FAF images was estimated, compared for their resolution and analysed for the influence of fixation stability and cataracts. Hypo- and hyper-FAF behaviour was analysed for the healthy disc, healthy fovea, and a variety of pathological features. Results: HRA images were found to be of superior quality in 18 eyes, while Topcon images were estimated superior in 21 eyes. No difference was found in 50 eyes. Both poor fixation (p=0.009) and more advanced cataract (p=0.013) were found to strongly increase the likelihood of better image quality by Topcon. Images acquired by Topcon before and after FFA were identical (100%). The healthy disc was usually dark on HRA (71%), but showed mild autofluorescence on Topcon (88%). The healthy fovea showed in 100% Hypo-FAF on HRA, while Topcon showed in 52% Iso-FAF, in 43% mild Hypo-FAF, and in 5% Hypo-FAF as on HRA. No difference of FAF was found for geographic atrophy, pigment changes, and drusen, although Topcon images were often more detailed. Hyper-FAF due to exudation showed better on HRA. Pigment epithelium detachment showed identical FAF behaviour on the border, but reduced FAF with Topcon in the center. Cystic edema was visible only on HRA in a petaloid pattern. Hard exsudates caused Hypo-FAF only on HRA, hardly visible on Topcon. Blocage phenomenon by blood however was identical. Conclusions: The filter set of Topcon and the single image acquisition appear to be an advantage for patients with cataract or poor fixation. Preceding FFA does not alter the Topcon FAF image. Regarding the FAF behaviour, there are differences between the two systems which need to be taken into account when interpreting the images.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the natural attack by Acromyrmex crassispinus in initial Pinus taeda plantations without control measures against ants, as well as the effect of defoliation in seedlings of P. taeda. Evaluations of the attack of leaf-cutting ants on P. taeda plantations were done monthly in the first six months, then 9 and 12 months after planting. The percentages of plants that were naturally attacked by ants were registered. The effect of defoliation was evaluated by artificial defoliation, simulating the natural patterns of attack by A. crassispinus on P. taeda seedlings. The natural attack of A. crassispinus was greater during the first months after planting, being more intense in the first 30 days. Artificial defoliation indicated that there were no significant losses in diameter and height in plants with less than 75% defoliation. However, there were significant losses in diameter and height in plants with 100% defoliation, independently of the cut of the apical meristem, and also plant death. The control of leaf-cutting ants in P. taeda plantings, in which A. crassispinus is the most frequent leaf-cutting ant, should be intense only at the beginning of planting, since the most severe attacks occur during this time.
This case study deals with a rock face monitoring in urban areas using a Terrestrial Laser Scanner. The pilot study area is an almost vertical, fifty meter high cliff, on top of which the village of Castellfollit de la Roca is located. Rockfall activity is currently causing a retreat of the rock face, which may endanger the houses located at its edge. TLS datasets consist of high density 3-D point clouds acquired from five stations, nine times in a time span of 22 months (from March 2006 to January 2008). The change detection, i.e. rockfalls, was performed through a sequential comparison of datasets. Two types of mass movement were detected in the monitoring period: (a) detachment of single basaltic columns, with magnitudes below 1.5 m3 and (b) detachment of groups of columns, with magnitudes of 1.5 to 150 m3. Furthermore, the historical record revealed (c) the occurrence of slab failures with magnitudes higher than 150 m3. Displacements of a likely slab failure were measured, suggesting an apparent stationary stage. Even failures are clearly episodic, our results, together with the study of the historical record, enabled us to estimate a mean detachment of material from 46 to 91.5 m3 year¿1. The application of TLS considerably improved our understanding of rockfall phenomena in the study area.
BACKGROUND: Selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) is a relatively new treatment strategy for the treatment of glaucoma. Its principle is similar to that of argon laser trabeculoplasty (ALT), but may lead to less damage to the trabecular meshwork. METHODS: We assessed the 2-year efficacy of SLT in a noncomparative consecutive case series. Any adult patient either suspected of having glaucoma or with open-angle glaucoma, whose treatment was judged insufficient to reach target intraocular pressure (IOP), could be recruited. IOP and number of glaucoma treatments were recorded over 2 years after the procedure. RESULTS: Our sample consisted of 44 consecutive eyes of 26 patients, aged 69+/-8 years. Eyes were treated initially on the lower 180 degrees . Three of them were retreated after 15 days on the upper 180. Fourteen eyes had ocular hypertension, 17 primary open-angle/normal-tension glaucoma, 11 pseudoexfoliation (PEX) glaucoma, and two pigmentary glaucoma. Thirty-six eyes had previously been treated and continued to be treated with topical anti-glaucoma medication, ten had had prior ALT, nine iridotomy, and 12 filtering surgery. The 2-year-follow up could not be completed for eight eyes because they needed filtering surgery. In the remaining 36 eyes, IOP decreased by a mean of 17.2%, 3.3 mmHg, (19.2+/-4.7 to 15+/-3.6 mmHg) after 2 years (p<0.001). As a secondary outcome, the number of glaucoma treatments decreased from 1.44 to 1.36 drops/patient. Other results according to subgroups of patients are analyzed: the greatest IOP decrease occurred in eyes that had never been treated with anti-glaucoma medication or with PEX glaucoma. SLT was probably valuable in a few eyes after filtering surgery; however, the statistical power of the study was not strong enough to draw a firm conclusion. When expressed in survival curves after 2 years, however, only 48% and 41% of eyes experienced a decrease of more than 3 mmHg or more than 20% of preoperative intraocular pressure, respectively. CONCLUSION: SLT decreases IOP somewhat for at least 2 years without an increase in topical glaucoma treatment. However, it cannot totally replace topical glaucoma treatment. In the future, patient selection should be improved to decrease the cost/effectiveness ratio.
Both "early" (< 16 weeks' gestation) and "late" (> 26 weeks' gestation) presentations of twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) are rare and challenging complications of monochorionic/diamniotic twin pregnancies. Growing evidence suggests that fetoscopic laser therapy for both "early" and "late" TTTS is feasible, safe, and yields similar outcomes to cases treated between 16 and 26 weeks' gestation. We suggest reevaluation of conventional gestational age guidelines for laser therapy for TTTS.
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NK cell self-tolerance is maintained by inhibitory receptors specific for MHC class I molecules. Inhibitory NK receptors are also expressed on memory CD8 T cells but their biological relevance on T cells is unclear. In this study, we describe the expression of the Ly49A receptor on a subset of autoreactive T cells which persist in mice double-transgenic for the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus-derived peptide gp33 and a TCRalphabeta specific for the gp33. No Ly49A-expressing cells are found in TCRalphabeta single-transgenic mice, indicating that the presence of the autoantigen is required for Ly49A induction. Direct evidence for an Ag-specific initiation of Ly49A expression has been obtained in vitro after stimulation of autoreactive TCRalphabeta T cells with the cognate self-Ag. This expression of Ly49A substantially reduces Ag-specific activation of autoreactive T cells. These findings thus suggest that autoantigen-specific induction of inhibitory NK cell receptors on T cells may contribute to peripheral self-tolerance.
Tämän työn tarkoituksena on kehittää LM-vesiturbiini tuotantoon soveltuvaksi, käytöltään pitkäikäiseksi ja helposti huollettavaksi tuotesarjaksi. Työn ohjaavana runkona on käytetty VDI-Richtlinie 2221: 'Kehitystyön ja konstruoinnin yleinen kulku', mukaista järjestelmää. Lisäksi on käytetty valmistuksellista modulointia tuotteen osien suunnittelussa. Erityisesti on huomioitu tuotteen koko elinkaaren aikaiset kustannukset (LCC) ja sen vaatimukset mitoitukseen. LM-vesiturbiinistaon kehitetty kolmen erikokoisen laitteiston tuotesarja. Tuoteperheen yksittäisistä sylinteriryhmistä voidaan koota joustavasti erikokoisia ja -tehoisia energiantuotantoyksiköitä, jotka soveltuvat käyttöön hyvin pieniinkin virtauksiin ja putouskorkeuksiin. Piensarjatuotantoon hyvin soveltuvat materiaalit on valittu silmälläpitäen mahdollisimman edullista kokonaiskustannusta. Kiertomäntä laitteiston toiminnan kannalta tärkeimpänä ja siten vaativimpana osana on edellyttänyt laserhitsausta ja -leikkausta sekä koekappaleiden valmistusta, joiden perusteellalopulliseen rakenteeseen on päädytty. Mitoitus perustuu perinteisiin lujuuslaskentamenetelmiin, joiden avulla eri osien kestävyys käyttöolosuhteissa on pyrittysaamaan luotettavaksi vähintään 20 vuoden kestoiälle ja väsymiskestävyyteen käytön aikaisissa vaihtelevissa olosuhteissa. Kiertomäntä on ns. kevytrakenne koostuen ohutlevykennorakenteesta ja täytteenä olevasta kompound-materiaalista.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a possibilidade de se estimar o diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP) com os dados de altura e de número de árvores derivados do escâner a laser aerotransportado (LiDAR, "light detection and ranging"), e determinar o volume de madeira de talhão de Eucalyptus sp. a partir dessas variáveis. O número total de árvores detectadas foi obtido com uso da filtragem de máxima local. A altura de plantas estimada pelo LiDAR apresentou tendência não significativa à subestimativa. A estimativa do DAP foi coerente com os valores encontrados no inventário florestal; porém, também mostrou tendência à subestimativa, em razão do comportamento observado quanto à altura. A variável número de fustes apresentou valores próximos aos observados nas parcelas do inventário. O LiDAR subestimou o volume total de madeira do talhão em 11,4%, em comparação ao volume posto na fábrica. A tendência de subestimação da altura das árvores (em média, cerca de 5%) impactou a estimativa do volume individual de árvores e, consequentemente, a do volume do talhão. No entanto, é possível gerar equações de regressão que estimam o DAP com boa precisão, a partir de dados de altura de plantas obtidos pelo LiDAR. O modelo parabólico é o que possibilita as melhores estimativas da produção volumétrica dos talhões de eucalipto.
Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää tilannetta Euroopan automaattiteräsmarkkinoilla ja sen perusteella arvioida Imatra Steelin mahdollisuuksia kilpailla kyseessä olevilla markkinoilla. Tärkein tavoite oli kokonaismarkkinapotentiaalin arvioiminen Saksan, Ruotsin, Englannin ja Suomen markkinoilla. Lisäksi selvitettiin käytetyt automaattiteräslajit ja mitta-alue, hintataso sekä koneistukseenliittyviä teknisiä yksityiskohtia.Tavoitteena oli myös kartoittaa asenteita ja mielipiteitä mahdollisesta lyijyn käytön kieltämisestä teräksen seosaineena tulevaisuudessa. Paremman kokonaiskuvan saamiseksi analysoitiin myös kilpailutilannetta Euroopassa. Työn teoriakehyksessä tutkittiin teollisuustuotteiden markkinatutkimuksen suorittamisen erityispiirteitä, markkinapotentiaalin määrittämiseen liittyviä käsitteitä ja kilpailija-analyysin suorittamista. Empiirinen tutkimus suoritettiin pääasiassa asiantuntijoiden haastattelujen ja kyselyjen avulla. Haastateltavina oli tukkureita ja loppukäyttäjiä. Kilpailutilanteen kartoittaminen perustuu lähinnä sekundääriseen tietoon, Internet-sivuihin ja myyntikonttoreiden aikaisemmin keräämään tietoon.Automaattiterästen kokonaispotentiaaliksi Euroopassa arvioitiin miljoona tonnia ja suurin osa kaupasta käydään tutkituilla markkina-alueilla. Suurimmat volyymit sijoittuvat pienemmille mitta-alueille, Æ 12 - 50 mm. Markkinoita hallitsee muutama suuri teräksen valmistaja. Imatra Steel kohtuullisen pienenä toimittajana ei pysty kilpailemaan volyymilla ja tuotevalikoimallaan suurten teräsjättien kanssa. Imatra Steelin mahdollinen strategiavaihtoehto olisi yrittää löytää ne kapeat segmentit ja markkinaraot, joilla sen tuotteet jatietotaito tuovat asiakkaalle suurimman mahdollisen hyödyn verrattuna kilpailijoihin.
Perinteisten kaarihitsausmenetelmien suhteellisen suuri lämmöntuonti aiheuttaa huomattavia muodonmuutoksia laivan rungon valmistusprosessin alkuvaiheessa. Muodonmuutosten seurauksena rakenteiden mitta- ja muototarkkuus heikkenee, mikä lisää oikaisu- ja sovitustyötä myöhemmissä työvaiheissa. Hitsausmuodonmuutoksia voidaan vähentää siirtymällä käyttämään laser-MAG-hybridihitsausta, jossa lämmöntuonti on merkittävästi pienempi kuin kaarihitsauksessa. Näin kyetään oleellisesti leikkaamaan oikaisu- ja sovitustyöstä syntyviä kustannuksia. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli kehittää tuotantovalmiiksi kuitulaser- ja MAG-hitsauksen yhdistelmäprosessi Aker Yards Oy:n Turun telakalla loppuvuoden 2006 aikana. Hitsauslaitteiston asennus oli valmistunut kesäkuussa 2006, minkä jälkeen aloitettiin luokituslaitoksen hyväksymän koeohjelman hitsaukset. Käyttöönotto suunnitelmaan sisältyvä koehitsausohjelma oli laadittu Det Norske Veritaksen julkaisemaa ohjetta (Guidelines no. 19) mukaillen. Ensimmäiseksi määritettiin hitsauskokeiden avulla prosessille laadun ja tehokkuuden suhteen optimaalinen railogeometria. Seuraavaksi optimoitiin prosessin hitsausparametrit 6 mm:n aineenpaksuudelle hyödyntäen Taguchi-koesuunnittelumenetelmää. Tämän jälkeen optimiparametreilla hitsattiin koekappale väsytyskokeisiin, jotka suoritettiin Teknillisen korkeakoulun laivalaboratoriossa. Väsytyskoetulokset täyttivät luokituslaitoksen vaatimukset. Myös hitsauksen menetelmäkoe suoritettiin hyväksytetysti. Viimeinen koeohjelman mukainen hitsauskoesarja tehtiin prosessiparametrien sallittujen vaihtelurajojen määrittämiseksi. Diplomityön tavoite täyttyi joulukuussa 2006, jolloin 'laivan kansipaneeli hitsattiin ensimmäistä kertaa uudella hitsausprosessilla. Hitsauksen laatu korreloi hyvin menetelmäkokeen tulosten kanssa ¿ hitsit olivat tasalaatuisia ja ne täyttivät B-luokan vaatimukset.
High reflectivity and high thermal conductivity, high vapour pressure of alloyingelements as well as low liquid surface tension and low ionisation potential, make laser welding of aluminium and its alloys a demanding task.Problems that occur during welding are mainly process instabilities of the keyhole and the melt pool, increased plasma formation above the melt pool and loss of alloying elements. These problems lead to unwanted metallurgical defects like hot cracks and porosity in the weld bead andother problems concerning the shape and appearance of the weld bead. In order to minimise the defects and improve the weld quality, the process and beam parameters need to be carefully adjusted along with a consideration concerning the use of filler wire for the welding process. In this work the welding of 3,0 mm thick grade 5083 aluminium alloy plates using a 3,0 kW Nd:YAG laser with grade 5183 filler wire addition is investigated. The plates were welded as butt joints with air gap sizes 0,5 mm, 0,7mm and 1,0 mm. The analysis of the weld beads obtained from the weldedsamples showed that the least imperfections were produced with 0,7 mm air gaps at moderate welding speeds. The analysis also covered the calculation of the melting efficiency and the study of the shape of the weld bead. The melting efficiency was on average around 20 % for the melting process of the welded plates. The weld beads showed the characteristic V-shape of a laser weld and retained this shape during the whole series of experiments.
High reflectivity to laser light, alloying element evaporation during high power laser welding makes aluminium alloys highly susceptibility to weld defects such as porosity, cracking and undercutting. The dynamic behaviour of the keyhole, due to fluctuating plasma above the keyhole and the vaporization ofthe alloying elements with in the keyhole, is the key problem to be solved for the improvement of the weld quality and stabilization of the keyhole dynamics isperhaps the single most important development that can broaden the application of laser welding of aluminium alloys. In laser welding, the shielding gas is commonly used to stabilize the welding process, to improve the welded joint features and to protect the welded seam from oxidation. The chemicalcomposition of the shielding gas is a key factor in achieving the final qualityof the welded joints. Wide range of shielding gases varying from the pure gasesto complex mixtures based on helium, argon, nitrogen and carbon dioxide are commercially available. These gas mixtures should be considered in terms of their suitability during laser welding of aluminium alloys to produce quality welds. The main objective of the present work is to study the effect of the shielding gascomposition during laser welding of aluminium alloys. Aluminium alloy A15754 was welded using 3kW Nd-YAG laser (continuous wave mode). The alloy samples were butt welded with different shielding gases (pure and mixture of gases) so that high quality welds with high joint efficiencies could be produced. It was observed that the chemical composition of the gases influenced the final weld quality and properties. In general, the mixture gases, in correct proportions, enabled better utilisation of the properties of the mixing gases, stabilized the welding process and produced better weld quality compared to the pure shielding gases.