996 resultados para käsikirjoitukset - 1100-1200-luku
Question Does a land-use variable improve spatial predictions of plant species presence-absence and abundance models at the regional scale in a mountain landscape? Location Western Swiss Alps. Methods Presence-absence generalized linear models (GLM) and abundance ordinal logistic regression models (LRM) were fitted to data on 78 mountain plant species, with topo-climatic and/or land-use variables available at a 25-m resolution. The additional contribution of land use when added to topo-climatic models was evaluated by: (1) assessing the changes in model fit and (2) predictive power, (3) partitioning the deviance respectively explained by the topo-climatic variables and the land-use variable through variation partitioning, and (5) comparing spatial projections. Results Land use significantly improved the fit of presence-absence models but not their predictive power. In contrast, land use significantly improved both the fit and predictive power of abundance models. Variation partitioning also showed that the individual contribution of land use to the deviance explained by presence-absence models was, on average, weak for both GLM and LRM (3.7% and 4.5%, respectively), but changes in spatial projections could nevertheless be important for some species. Conclusions In this mountain area and at our regional scale, land use is important for predicting abundance, but not presence-absence. The importance of adding land-use information depends on the species considered. Even without a marked effect on model fit and predictive performance, adding land use can affect spatial projections of both presence-absence and abundance models.
Acquis le 2 avril 1743 de madame du Faÿ parmi 11 mss. pour le prix global de 1200 livres; cf. B.n.F., département des Manuscrits, Archives Ancien Régime 65, registre des acquisitions du département des Manuscrits 1667-1758, f. 291 "n° 87. Codex evangelii secundum Joannem, litteris auro depictis"; mention de la main de l'abbé Sallier "De madame du Fay. 12" (contreplat sup.); — note du XVe s. "Iste liber emptus fuit de precio scutorum LXV (...) M° CCCC° LXV°" (contreplat sup.); — anciennes cotes "87", "17" (Cv)
Acquis le 3 août 1824 de M. de Bure, libraire, suite à la vente Chardin, n° 462, pour un prix non précisé; cf. B.n.F., département des Manuscrits, Archives Modernes 492ter, registre des acquisitions du département des Manuscrits 1821-1830, f. 142-143 "Burcardi Wormaciensis episcopi decreta, in fol. ms. sur vélin", et barré "belle et riche reliure, v. b. 10e siècle"; — ex-libris "Liber Cornely Duyn Aëmstelredamensis" (1); — cathédrale de Fréjus, cf. ex-libris du XIVe s. "Est ecclesie Forojuliensis" (1 et 259v); Delisle, Cab. des mss., II, 367.
Contient : Obituaire du prieuré de Daveron ; "Summa dictaminis domini Thome de Capua"
N° 26 des mss envoyés à Paris par Maugerard en octobre 1802; cf. B.n.F., département des Manuscrits, Archives Modernes 497; — abbaye d'Echternach (dioc. de Trèves), cf. titre "Continet"; 1789. Le patrimoine libéré, 152 et n° 96
Catalogue de l'abbaye de Corbie (éd. d'E. Coyecque, Cat des mss des bibliothèques de France, XIX, p.XI-XLVIII) XIIIe s.: n°246; 1621: n°420 Ex-libris : f.1 : « Sti Germani a Pratis »
Contient : Graduel ; Proses notées