912 resultados para inward exports


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This paper analyses the effects on Brazil's trade indices of the rising share of industrial products in Brazil's exports in the period from 1964 to 1974. New price and quantity indices of Fisher for Brazil's exports and imports of industrial and non-industrial goods have been especially constructed for this period, in order to obtain methodologically consistent series of indexes from 1964 to 2005. The market-share-constant model was applied to analyze the effects of different groups of products on Brazil's export revenues between 1964 and 1974.


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This paper analyses the recent performance of Brazilian exports, based on estimates of price and income elasticities of states external sellings. After presenting an overview of the national position, the aim is to check if, by exporting dynamic goods of high value, some of them were able to achieve an external position different from Brazilian's. Nevertheless, the results, as the ones obtained by other empirical works, indicate that all but one states have inelastic exports with respect to both prices and income.


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The Dutch disease is a major market failure originated in the existence of cheap and abundant natural or human resources that keep overvalued the currency of a country for an undetermined period of time, thus turning non profitable the production of tradable goods using technology in the state-of-the-art. It is an obstacle to growth on the demand side, because it limits investment opportunities. The severity of the Dutch disease varies according to the extent of the Ricardian rents involved, i.e., according to the difference between two exchange rate equilibriums: the ‘current’ or market rate and the ‘industrial’ rate - the one that make viable efficient tradable industries. Its main symptoms, besides overvalued currency, are low rates of growth of the manufacturing industry, artificially high real wages, and unemployment. Its neutralization requires managing the exchange rate. The principal instrument for that is a sales or export tax on the commodities that give origin to the Dutch disease. In order to neutralize it policymakers face major political obstacles since it involves taxing exports and reducing wages. Finally, this papers argues that there is an extended concept of Dutch disease: besides having its origin in natural resources, it may arise from cheap labor provided that the ‘wage spread’ in the developing country is considerably larger than in the developed one - a condition that is usually present.


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Brazil, in the 1990s, assumed a remarkable position as a host of foreign direct investment. It is worth mentioning that the service sector received the highest proportion of foreign investment. This market seeking strategy was responsible for the growth of the Brazilian imports. The results are confirmed by the performance of foreign enterprises into different groups of activities. Those enterprises with majority of foreign capital have increased their imports the most from 1995 to 2000. Therefore, during the 1995-2000 period, this study does not support the view that foreign investment has directly improved the performance of the Brazilian exporting sector.


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The effect of industrial policies on the electronic sector in Brazil. Brazil's reputation in vertical industrial policies is dreadful. The electronics industry case is a good example. As measured by the performance of Brazil's exports vis-à-vis that of a group of emerging economies, the result of these policies was a total disaster. Had not been for the inadequacy of Brazil's industrial policies for this sector, exports of manufactures could have been between 36% and 46% higher than they actually were. Brazil's cumulated losses from 1984, when foreign microcomputer firms were prohibited to operate in the country, are estimated to be from 3.6 to 4.6 the country's manufactures export revenue in 2005.


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De-Industrialization: concept, causes, effects and the Brazilian case. This article aims to do a theoretical discussion about the term "de-industrialization" and its relationship with other concepts as "primarization" of exports and "Dutch disease". After that we will analyze the possible causes and effects of "de-industrialization". Finally, we analyze the Brazilian case, with a special attention over the economic literature about this issue.


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Foreign direct investment flow, competitiveness and technological structure of foreign trade in China in the beginning of the 21st century. China's government introduced open market reforms in 1979, mediated by industrial policies improving the ability of attracting higher quality FDI (Foreign Direct Investment), which helped China's economy developing its technological capabilities. As a result, China's share in international trade rose impressively becoming third-largest trading nation in the world, by 2004, also its export structure is significantly more sophisticated. Facing the importance of understanding the determinants of developing word specialization patterns, this paper focuses on the competitiveness and technological structure of exports and imports by China for 1994-1998 and 2001-2005.


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The Brazilian economy pulled by the aggregate demand. This article aims to present the demand-led growth theory and some empirical evidences for a demand-led growth regime in Brazil. First of all, we will do a brief review of the theory of demand led-growth, based in the seminal work of Kaldor (1988), for whom long-run growth is determined by the growth rate of consumption expenditures and the growth rate of exports. Based in the empirical methodology developed by Atesoglu (2002), we run some econometric tests for the hypothesis of demand-led growth for Brazilian economy. The results of such tests shown that near of 85% of GDP growth in Brazil in the period 1991-2005 is explained by variables at the demand side of the economy. Besides that, based in the methodology developed by Ledesma and Thirwall (2002), we shown that natural rate of growth for Brazilian economy is endogenous, increasing during boom times. This means that appears to be no restrictions in the supply side of the economy for a faster growth of Brazilian economy. Finally, we argue that a necessary condition for a sustained growth of Brazilian economy is the adoption of a export-led growth model. For such it is necessary to put an end on the actual over-valuation of real exchange rate.


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Growth and industrialization in Brazil. In this paper, based on the writings of Kaldor and his followers, we compare two phases of Brazilian economic growth, one showing fast growth rate and other with lack of growth. Our aim is to analyze the Brazilian economic behavior in the last 40 years, pointing out economic policy intervention, structural change, foreign trade and capital flows as determinants to account for gross product development path performance. Our aim is to shed some light on which is the potential rate of growth of the Brazilian economy nowadays, considering its historical growth path and recent structural changes in the industrial sector.


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Neoliberalism in Latin America. Neoliberalism and globalization had decisive influence in shaping public policies both internal and foreign in Latin America. Less state, trade and market freedoms, social goals subordinated to economic criteria, are part and parcel of the neoliberal utopia. Price stability was erected as the main social objective; import substitution resulted replaced by exports as the main source of growth. The neoliberal net results as applied to Latin America are: less growth, deindustrialization, income concentration and precarious employments. Therefore, countries public policies should try to gain autonomy to use jointly markets and public intervention in a constructive and innovative fashion.


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Implicit reciprocity and growth in the international economy: a structuralist perspective. This paper discusses some of the structuralist ideas about international coordination and growth in an international system formed by countries whose productive structures and technological capabilities are strongly asymmetric. These ideas are formalized taking as a point of departure the Keynesian Balance-of-Payments constrained growth model with two countries. To this model is added a function (based on the catching up literature) in which the income elasticity of the demand for exports and imports depends on the technology gap. The model allows for discussing the inter-relations between the fiscal and the industrial and technological policies. It also allows for finding the rate of growth of autonomous expenditure in the periphery which ensures that it will use all the foreign exchange it earns in promoting economic growth (the principle of "automatic reciprocity").


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This paper investigates the hypothesis of Dutch disease in Brazil by the existence of a negative relationship between commodity exports and the real exchange rate, and the effects of export specialization in commodities on the Brazilian economic growth from 1999 to 2010 based on VAR model. The evidences suggested an expressive importance of commodities exports in explaining the real exchange rate changes. Moreover, commodities exports shocks were relevant to explain Brazilian economic growth rate changes, which supports the "curse" of natural resources literature.


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The purpose of this study is to compare the performance of Latin America and South-Southeast Asia countries over the past three decades with respect to technological intensity of their exports. The main contribution of this paper is to construct an indicator of technological intensity to allow adequate measurement of the degree of knowledge content of exports from both regions. This indicator was calculated for all sample countries for the period 1983-2008, based on data from Comtrade/WITS and clearly show how Asian countries have a technological intensity of their exports much higher than the Latin American countries.


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De-industrialization and foreign trade: recent evidences to Brazil. This paper analyses the behavior of the Brazilian manufacturing sector during the 2000's. We test the hypothesis of early de-industrialization induced by foreign trade. Our results show a mixed picture: although we showed signs of early de-industrialization induced by foreign trade, at the same time, we found evidence that Brazilian entrepreneurs have reduced manufacturing exports during internal market boom between 2004 and 2010. This fact determines the deterioration of trade balance of the manufacturing sector and justifies worries on long-term perspectives for Brazilian economy.


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China has experienced not only high rates of economic growth as well as an unprecedented competitive international insertion since the turn of the century. This process was not guided solely by market forces or influenced by Government intervention in the economy. Although much has been argued that China's "going global" strategy is rooted in state action, and especially its policy of exchange rate depreciation and trade policy incentives for exports and investments abroad, we argue that the major determinant of this strategy, which established the basic conditions for industrial competitiveness, was its industrial policy. The focus of this article is on the changes in China's industrial structure, emphasizing that Chinese industrial policy is a central determinant of its international insertion strategy.