984 resultados para investigative interviewers


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The notion of privacy represents a central criterion for both indoor and outdoor social spaces in most traditional Arab settlements. This paper investigates privacy and everyday life as determinants of the physical properties of the built and urban fabric and will study their impact on traditional settlements and architecture of the home in the contemporary Iraqi city. It illustrates the relationship between socio-cultural aspects of public/private realms using the notion of the social sphere as an investigative tool of the concept of social space in Iraqi houses and local communities (Mahalla). This paper reports that in spite of the impact of other factors in articulating built forms, privacy embodies the primary role under the effects of Islamic rules, principles and culture. The crucial problem is the underestimation of traditional inherited values through opening social spaces to the outside that giving unlimited accesses to the indoor social environment creating many problems with regard to privacy and communal social integration.


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PURPOSE. Raman spectroscopy is an effective probe of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in Bruch's membrane. However, because it is the outermost layer of the retina, this extracellular matrix is difficult to analyze in vivo with current technology. The sclera shares many compositional characteristics with Bruch's membrane, but it is much easier to access for in vivo Raman analysis. This study investigated whether sclera could act as a surrogate tissue for Raman-based investigation of pathogenic AGEs in Bruch's membrane.

METHODS. Human sclera and Bruch's membrane were dissected from postmortem eyes (n = 67) across a wide age range (33-92 years) and were probed by Raman spectroscopy. The biochemical composition, AGEs, and their age-related trends were determined from data reduction of the Raman spectra and compared for the two tissues.

RESULTS. Raman microscopy demonstrated that Bruch's membrane and sclera are composed of a similar range of biomolecules but with distinct relative quantities, such as in the heme/collagen and the elastin/collagen ratios. Both tissues accumulated AGEs, and these correlated with chronological age (R(2) = 0.824 and R(2) = 0.717 for sclera and Bruch's membrane, respectively). The sclera accumulated AGE adducts at a lower rate than Bruch's membrane, and the models of overall age-related changes exhibited a lower rate (one-fourth that of Bruch's membrane) but a significant increase with age (P <0.05).

CONCLUSIONS. The results suggest that the sclera is a viable surrogate marker for estimating AGE accumulation in Bruch's membrane and for reliably predicting chronological age. These findings also suggest that sclera could be a useful target tissue for future patient-based, Raman spectroscopy studies. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2011;52:1593-1598) DOI:10.1167/iovs.10-6554


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Purpose: Although L-type Ca2+ channels are known to play a key role in the myogenic reactivity of retinal arterial vessels, the involvement of other types of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in this process remains unknown. In the present study we have investigated the contribution of T-type Ca2+ channels to myogenic signalling in arterioles of the rat retinal microcirculation.

Methods: Confocal immunolabelling of wholemount preparations was used to investigate the localisation of CaV3.1-3 channels in retinal arteriolar smooth muscle cells. T-type currents and the contribution of T-type channels to myogenic signalling were assessed by whole-cell patch-clamp recording and pressure myography of isolated retinal arteriole segments.

Results: Strong immunolabelling for CaV3.1 was observed on the plasma membrane of retinal arteriolar smooth muscle cells. In contrast, no expression of CaV3.2 or CaV3.3 could be detected in retinal arterioles, although these channels were present on glial cell end feet surrounding the vessels and retinal ganglion cells, respectively. TTA-A2 sensitive T-type currents were recorded in retinal arteriolar myocytes with biophysical properties distinct from those of the L-type currents present in these cells. Inhibition of T-type channels using TTA-A2 or ML-218 dilated isolated, myogenically active, retinal arterioles.

Conclusions: CaV3.1 T-type Ca2+ channels are functionally expressed on arteriolar smooth muscle cells of retinal arterioles and play an important role in myogenic signalling in these vessels. The work has important implications concerning our understanding of the mechanisms controlling blood flow autoregulation in the retina and its disruption during ocular disease.


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Although allogeneic bone marrow transplantation has been shown to be a highly effective treatment for acute and chronic leukemia, leukemic relapse remains a significant problem. Leukemic relapse occurs in recipient cells in the majority of cases, but the paucity of donor cell leukemias may reflect the sensitivity of the investigative technique. We have developed a highly sensitive technique to identify the origin of all hematopoietic cells in the post transplant state which is based on PCR amplification of microsatellites, polymorphic tandem repetitive elements. We have identified donor leukemia (AML M5) following a sex matched BMT for severe aplastic anemia, verified a previously reported case of donor leukemia following BMT for chronic granulocytic leukemia and recently identified an acquired cytogenetic abnormality(del 11q23) in donor cells four years following an apparently successful BMT for AML. In all cases the donors have remained healthy. Postulated mechanisms include transfer to the transplanted marrow of a dormant oncogene residing in the DNA of either a virus, the chromosomes of degenerating irradiation damaged host leukemic cells or in the marrow stroma which is radioresistant and host in origin following BMT. Using sensitive techniques donor leukemia has been shown to be a more common event than was previously thought and an understanding of its pathogenesis may allow us to elucidate leukemogenic mechanisms in man.


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Poverty means more than having a low income and includes exclusion from a minimally accepted way of life. It is now common practice in Europe to measure progress against poverty in terms of low income, material deprivation rates and some combination of both. This makes material deprivation indicators, and their selection, highly significant in its own right. The ‘consensual poverty’ approach is to identify deprivation items which a majority of the population agree constitute life’s basic necessities, accepting that these items will need revised over time to reflect social change. Traditionally, this has been carried out in the UK through specialised poverty surveys using a Sort Card (SC) technique.

Based on analysis of a 2012 omnibus survey, and discussions with three interviewers, this article examines how perception of necessities is affected by mode of administration – SC and Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI). More CAPI respondents scored deprivation items necessary. Greatest disparities are in material items where 25 out of 32 items were significantly higher via CAPI. Closer agreement is found in social participation with 3 out of 14 activities significantly different. Consensus is higher on children’s material deprivation.
We consider influencing variables which could account for the disparities and believe that the SC method produces a more considered response. However, in light of technological advances, we question how long the SC method will remain socially acceptable. This paper concludes that the CAPI method can be easily modified without compromising the benefits of the SC method in capturing thoughtful responses.


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The Antrim Coast Road stretching from the seaport of Larne in the East of Northern Ireland to the famous Giant’s Causeway in the North has a well-deserved reputation for being one of the most spectacular roads in Europe (Day, 2006). At various locations along the route, fluid interactions between the problematic geology, Jurassic Lias Clay and Triassic Mudstone overlain by Cretaceous Limestone and Tertiary Basalt, and environmental variables result in frequent instances of slope instability within the vadose zone. During such instances of instability, debris flows and composite mudflows encroach on the carriageway posing a hazard to road users. This paper examines the site investigative, geotechnical and spatial analysis techniques currently being implemented to monitor slope stability for one site at Straidkilly Point, Glenarm, Northern Ireland. An in-depth understanding of the geology was obtained via boreholes, resistivity surveys and laboratory testing. Environmental variables recorded by an on-site weather station were correlated with measured pore water pressure and soil moisture infiltration dynamic data.
Terrestrial LiDAR (TLS) was applied to the slope for the monitoring of failures, with surveys carried out on a bi-monthly basis. TLS monitoring allowed for the generation of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) of difference, highlighting areas of recent movement, erosion and deposition. Morphology parameters were generated from the DEMs and include slope, curvature and multiple measures of roughness. Changes in the structure of the slope coupled with morphological parameters are characterised and linked to progressive failures from the temporal monitoring. In addition to TLS monitoring, Aerial LiDARi datasets were used for the spatio-morphological characterisation of the slope on a macro scale. Results from the geotechnical and environmental monitoring were compared with spatial data obtained through Terrestrial and Airborne LiDAR, providing a multi-faceted approach to slope stability characterization, which facilitates more informed management of geotechnical risk by the Northern Ireland Roads Service.


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Landslides and debris flows, commonly triggered by rainfall, pose a geotechnical risk causing disruption to transport routes and incur significant financial expenditure. With infrastructure maintenance budgets becoming ever more constrained, this paper provides an overview of some of the developing methods being implemented by Queen’s University, Belfast in collaboration with the Department for Regional Development to monitor the stability of two distinctly different infrastructure slopes in Northern Ireland. In addition to the traditional, intrusive ground investigative and laboratory testing methods, aerial LiDAR, terrestrial LiDAR, geophysical techniques and differential Global Positioning Systems have been used to monitor slope stability. Finally, a comparison between terrestrial LiDAR, pore water pressure and soil moisture deficit (SMD) is presented to outline the processes for a more informed management regime and to highlight the season relationship between landslide activity and the aforementioned parameters.


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This report outlines the findings from a research project examining what works well in investigative interviews (ABE interviews) with child witnesses in Northern Ireland. The project was developed in collaboration with key stakeholders and was joint funded by the Department of Justice NI, NSPCC, SBNI and PSNI. While there is substantial a research literature examining the practice of forensic interview both internationally and within the UK there has been little in the way of exploration of this issue in Northern Ireland. Equally, the existing literature has tended to focus on a ‘deficit’ approach, identifying areas of poor practice with limited recognition of the practical difficulties interview practitioners face or what works well for them in practice. This study aimed to address these gaps by adopting an ‘appreciative inquiry’ approach to explore stakeholder perspectives on what is working well within ABE current practice and identify what can be built on to deliver optimal practice.


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PURPOSE: It is widely held that neurons of the central nervous system do not store glycogen and that accumulation of the polysaccharide may cause neurodegeneration. Since primary neural injury occurs in diabetic retinopathy, we examined neuronal glycogen status in the retina of streptozotocin-induced diabetic and control rats.

METHODS: Glycogen was localized in eyes of streptozotocin-induced diabetic and control rats using light microscopic histochemistry and electron microscopy, and correlated with immunohistochemical staining for glycogen phosphorylase and phosphorylated glycogen synthase (pGS).

RESULTS: Electron microscopy of 2-month-old diabetic rats (n = 6) showed massive accumulations of glycogen in the perinuclear cytoplasm of many amacrine neurons. In 4-month-old diabetic rats (n = 11), quantification of glycogen-engorged amacrine cells showed a mean of 26 cells/mm of central retina (SD ± 5), compared to 0.5 (SD ± 0.2) in controls (n = 8). Immunohistochemical staining for glycogen phosphorylase revealed strong expression in amacrine and ganglion cells of control retina, and increased staining in cell processes of the inner plexiform layer in diabetic retina. In control retina, the inactive pGS was consistently sequestered within the cell nuclei of all retinal neurons and the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), but in diabetics nuclear pGS was reduced or lost in all classes of retinal cell except the ganglion cells and cone photoreceptors.

CONCLUSIONS: The present study identifies a large population of retinal neurons that normally utilize glycogen metabolism but show pathologic storage of the polysaccharide during uncontrolled diabetes.


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Purpose: To identify factors associated prospectively with increased cataract surgical rate (CSR) in rural Chinese hospitals.

Methods: Annual cataract surgical output was obtained at baseline and 24 months later from operating room records at 42 rural, county-level hospitals. Total local CSR (cases/million population/y), and proportion of CSR from hospital and local competitors were calculated from government records. Hospital administrators completed questionnaires providing demographic and professional information, and annual clinic and outreach screening volume. Independent cataract surgeons provided clinical information and videotapes of cases for grading by two masked experts using the Ophthalmology Surgical Competency Assessment Rubric (OSCAR). Uncorrected vision was recorded for 10 consecutive cataract cases at each facility, and 10 randomly-identified patients completed hospital satisfaction questionnaires. Total value of international nongovernmental development organization (INGDO) investment in the previous three years and demographic information on hospital catchment areas were obtained. Main outcome was 2-year percentage change in hospital CSR.

Results: Among the 42 hospitals (median catchment population 530,000, median hospital CSR 643), 78.6% (33/42) were receiving INGDO support. Median change in hospital CSR (interquartile range) was 33.3% (-6.25%, 72.3%). Predictors of greater increase in CSR included higher INGDO investment (P = 0.02, simple model), reducing patient dissatisfaction (P = 0.03, simple model), and more outreach patient screening (P = 0.002, simple and multiple model).

Conclusions: Outreach cataract screening was the strongest predictor of increased surgical output. Government and INGDO investment in screening may be most likely to enhance output of county hospitals, a major goal of China's Blindness Prevention Plan.