998 resultados para insect-plant interation


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Stressed plants are generally more attacked by galling insects. In this study we investigated the relationship between population abundance and species richness of galling insects on the tree Alchornea castaneaefolia A. JUSS. (Euphorbiaceae), submited to stress induced by the hemiparasite Psittacanthus sp. (Loranthaceae) in the Amazon, Brazil. Branches of A. castaneaefolia attacked by the hemiparasite were more heavily infested by galling insects than non-attacked branches. The field observations partially corroborate the hypothesis that there would be an optimal level of host-plant stress for galling insect establishment.


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Fruit tree production is gaining an increasing importance in the central Amazon and elsewhere in the humid tropics, but very little is known about the nutrient dynamics in the soil-plant system. The present study quantified the effects of fertilization and cover cropping with a legume (Pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth.) on soil nitrogen (N) dynamics and plant nutrition in a young guarana plantation (Paullinia cupana Kunth. (H.B. and K.) var. sorbilis (Mart.) Ducke) on a highly weathered Xanthic Ferralsol. Large subsoil nitrate (NO3-) accumulation at 0.3-3 m below the guarana plantation indicated N leaching from the topsoil. The NO3- contents to a depth of 2 m were 2.4 times greater between the trees than underneath unfertilized trees (P<0.05). The legume cover crop between the trees increased soil N availability as shown by elevated aerobic N mineralization and lower N immobilization in microbial biomass. The guarana N nutrition and yield did not benefit from the N input by biological fixation of atmospheric N2 by the legume cover (P>0.05). Even without a legume intercrop, large amounts of NO3- were found in the subsoil between unfertilized trees. Subsoil NO3- between the trees could be utilized, however, by fertilized guarana. This can be explained by a more vigorous growth of fertilized trees which had a larger nutrient demand and exploited a larger soil volume. With a legume cover crop, however, more mineral N was available at the topsoil which was leached into the subsoil and consequently accumulated at 0.3-3 m depth. Fertilizer additions of P and K were needed to increase subsoil NO3- use between trees.


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Foram coletados 888 exemplares de Coleoptera aquáticos nos municípios de Manaus, Manacapuru e Presidente Figueiredo (AM), de fevereiro de 2000 a agosto de 2002, distribuídos em 12 famílias, 50 gêneros e 88 espécies ou morfoespécies. Novas ocorrências para o Brasil, incluem as seguintes espécies de Dytiscidae: Hydrodessus robinae, H. surinamensis, Hypodessus frustrator, Neobidessus confusus, N. spangleri e N. woodruffi. Os gêneros Agaporomorphus (Dytiscidae) e Pronoterus (Noteridae) são registrados pela primeira vez para o estado do Amazonas, assim como as espécies: P. punctipennis e Suphisellus nigrinus (Noteridae); Agaporomorphus grandisinuatus, Bidessonotus tibialis, Derovatellus lentus,Desmopachria nitida, Hydaticus xanthomelas, Laccophilus tarsalis, Liodessus affinis e Megadytes laevigatus (Dytiscidae). A família Dytiscidae foi a que apresentou maior riqueza, com 34 espécies, seguida de Hydrophilidae, com 20 e Noteridae, com 12 espécies. Os gêneros com maior número de espécies foram Gyretes (Gyrinidae) e Suphisellus (Noteridae) com 6 espécies, Copelatus (Dytiscidae) e Tropisternus (Hydrophilidae), com 5 espécies.


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The present study aimed to characterize the extracts prepared from Pimpinella anisum L. (anise) and Coriandrum sativum L. (coriander) (Apiaceae plants) seeds in terms of phenolic composition, and to correlate the obtained profiles with the antioxidant activity. Anise gave the highest abundance in phenolic compounds (42.09± 0.11 mg/g extract), mainly flavonoids (28.08±0.17 mg/g extract) and phenolic acids (14.01±0.06 mg/g extract), and also the highest antioxidant potential, accessed for the ability to inhibit lipid peroxidation and -carotene bleaching, reducing power and free radical scavenger activity. Apigenin and luteolin derivatives, as also caffeoylquinic acid derivatives appear to be directly related with the higher in vitro antioxidant potential of the anise extract.. In contrast, the weak antioxidant potential of coriander seems to be due to their lower abundance in phenolic compounds (2.24±0.01 mg/g extract). Further studies are necessary to evaluate the in vivo antioxidant potential of the tested extracts, but the performed in vitro experiments highlight them as potential health promoters.


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Nutrient recycling in the forest is linked to the production and decomposition of litter, which are essential processes for forest maintenance, especially in regions of nutritionally poor soils. Human interventions in forest such as selecttive logging may have strong impacts on these processes. The objectives of this study were to estimate litterfall production and evaluate the influence of environmental factors (basal area of vegetation, plant density, canopy cover, and soil physicochemical properties) and anthropogenic factors (post-management age and exploited basal area) on this production, in areas of intact and exploited forest in southern Amazonia, located in the northern parts of Mato Grosso state. This study was conducted at five locations and the average annual production of litterfall was 10.6 Mg ha-1 year-1, higher than the values for the Amazon rainforest. There were differences in litterfall productions between study locations. Effects of historical logging intensity on litterfall production were not significant. Effects of basal area of vegetation and tree density on litterfall production were observed, highlighting the importance of local vegetation characteristics in litterfall production. This study demonstrated areas of transition between the Amazonia-Cerrado tend to have a higher litterfall production than Cerrado and Amazonia regions, and this information is important for a better understanding of the dynamics of nutrient and carbon cycling in these transition regions.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Biologia Molecular, Biotecnologia e Bioempreendedorismo em Plantas


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Trophic relationships in fish communities are affected by the availability of resources, which in turn is affected by spatial and temporal variations throughout the year. The aims of this study were to characterize the diet of A. tetramerus in a streamlet in the north of Brazil and compare its composition in different hydrological seasons (wet and dry seasons). Collections were performed every two months from October 2011 to September 2012 with the aid of seine nets, hand net and fishing traps in the streamlet located in the Machado River drainage basin in the Rondônia state. Most of the specimens collected were quite small (< 40 mm) and had empty stomachs. Our results showed that A. tetramerus feeds on a wide variety of items of plant origin, such as algae, seeds and leaves, as well as items of animal origin, including bryozoans, crustaceans, fish scales, terrestrial insects and detritus. The data also indicated higher consumption of aquatic insects than other food items, suggesting a primarily insect-based diet. Items of plant and allochthonous origin were consumed more in the wet season than in the dry season, but there were no seasonal differences in the consumption of animal and autochthonous items.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Biologia de Plantas MAP - Bioplant


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Secondary metabolites from plants are important sources of high-value chemicals, many of them being pharmacologically active. These metabolites are commonly isolated through inefficient extractions from natural biological sources and are often difficult to synthesize chemically. Therefore, their production using engineered organisms has lately attracted an increased attention. Curcuminoids, an example of such metabolites, are produced in Curcuma longa and exhibit anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory activities. Herein we report the construction of an artificial biosynthetic pathway for the curcuminoids production in Escherichia coli. Different 4-coumaroyl-CoA ligases (4CL) and polyketide synthases (diketide-CoA synthase (DCS), curcumin synthase (CURS) and curcuminoid synthase) were tested. The highest curcumin production (70 mg/L) was obtained by feeding ferulic acid and with the Arabidopsis thaliana 4CL1 and C. longa DCS and CURS enzymes. Other curcuminoids (bisdemethoxy- and demethoxycurcumin) were also produced by feeding coumaric acid or a mixture of coumaric and ferulic acids, respectively. Curcuminoids, including curcumin, were also produced from tyrosine through the caffeic acid pathway. To produce caffeic acid, tyrosine ammonia lyase and 4-coumarate 3-hydroxylase were used. Caffeoyl-CoA O-methyltransferase was used to convert caffeoyl-CoA to feruloyl-CoA. This pathway represents an improvement of the curcuminoids heterologous production. The construction of this pathway in another model organism is being considered, as well as the introduction of alternative enzymes.


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Las bacterias que habitan la rizosfera y que poseen la capacidad de provocar un efecto positivo sobre las plantas son denominadas en su conjunto como Rizobacterias Promotoras del Crecimiento Vegetal (PGPR). Estas bacterias han desarrollado diferentes estrategias para adaptarse a diversas condiciones ambientales. La capacidad para responder a variaciones en la disponibilidad nutricional permite la persistencia de la bacteria en el suelo y mejora sus posibilidades para colonizar la planta hospedadora. En la naturaleza, a menudo las bacterias se encuentran en estructuras de comunidades de microorganismos interconectados denominados biofilms, con un estilo de vida diferente al de la vida en forma planctónica. La formación del biofilm podría representar una estrategia de supervivencia de la rizobacteria a condiciones adversas del suelo. Por Microscopía Confocal de Barrido Láser (CLSM), hemos observado que Rhizobium leguminosarum desarrolla un biofilm característico sobre una superficie abiótica. Hemos identificado algunos de los factores genéticos que influyen en su formación. El presente proyecto propone avanzar en el conocimiento de los factores ambientales y genéticos que influyen sobre la capacidad de las rizobacterias para formar biofilms y su impacto en la interacción con las plantas. A través de enfoques genéticos (mutacionales y de expresión génica) y análisis por CLSM nos proponemos acercarnos a un modelo de los factores de superficie, extracelulares y regulatorios propios de la bacteria que influyen en las propiedades de adhesión y la formación de biofilms. Por último, se intentará correlacionar la emisión de compuestos orgánicos volátiles por las bacterias rizosféricas con ciertos aspectos de la promoción del crecimiento de las plantas.