909 resultados para indigenous knowledge systems
The domain of context-free languages has been extensively explored and there exist numerous techniques for parsing (all or a subset of) context-free languages. Unfortunately, some programming languages are not context-free. Using standard context-free parsing techniques to parse a context-sensitive programming language poses a considerable challenge. Im- plementors of programming language parsers have adopted various techniques, such as hand-written parsers, special lex- ers, or post-processing of an ambiguous parser output to deal with that challenge. In this paper we suggest a simple extension of a top-down parser with contextual information. Contrary to the tradi- tional approach that uses only the input stream as an input to a parsing function, we use a parsing context that provides ac- cess to a stream and possibly to other context-sensitive infor- mation. At a same time we keep the context-free formalism so a grammar definition stays simple without mind-blowing context-sensitive rules. We show that our approach can be used for various purposes such as indent-sensitive parsing, a high-precision island parsing or XML (with arbitrary el- ement names) parsing. We demonstrate our solution with PetitParser, a parsing-expression grammar based, top-down, parser combinator framework written in Smalltalk.
Imprecise manipulation of source code (semi-parsing) is useful for tasks such as robust parsing, error recovery, lexical analysis, and rapid development of parsers for data extraction. An island grammar precisely defines only a subset of a language syntax (islands), while the rest of the syntax (water) is defined imprecisely. Usually, water is defined as the negation of islands. Albeit simple, such a definition of water is naive and impedes composition of islands. When developing an island grammar, sooner or later a programmer has to create water tailored to each individual island. Such an approach is fragile, however, because water can change with any change of a grammar. It is time-consuming, because water is defined manually by a programmer and not automatically. Finally, an island surrounded by water cannot be reused because water has to be defined for every grammar individually. In this paper we propose a new technique of island parsing - bounded seas. Bounded seas are composable, robust, reusable and easy to use because island-specific water is created automatically. We integrated bounded seas into a parser combinator framework as a demonstration of their composability and reusability.
Software developers often ask questions about software systems and software ecosystems that entail exploration and navigation, such as who uses this component?, and where is this feature implemented?. Software visualisation can be a great aid to understanding and exploring the answers to such questions, but visualisations require expertise to implement effectively, and they do not always scale well to large systems. We propose to automatically generate software visualisations based on software models derived from open source software corpora and from an analysis of the properties of typical developers queries and commonly used visualisations. The key challenges we see are (1) understanding how to match queries to suitable visualisations, and (2) scaling visualisations effectively to very large software systems and corpora. In the paper we motivate the idea of automatic software visualisation, we enumerate the challenges and our proposals to address them, and we describe some very initial results in our attempts to develop scalable visualisations of open source software corpora.
Polymorphism, along with inheritance, is one of the most important features in object-oriented languages, but it is also one of the biggest obstacles to source code comprehension. Depending on the run-time type of the receiver of a message, any one of a number of possible methods may be invoked. Several algorithms for creating accurate call-graphs using static analysis already exist, however, they consume significant time and memory resources. We propose an approach that will combine static and dynamic analysis and yield the best possible precision with a minimal trade-off between used resources and accuracy.
Detecting bugs as early as possible plays an important role in ensuring software quality before shipping. We argue that mining previous bug fixes can produce good knowledge about why bugs happen and how they are fixed. In this paper, we mine the change history of 717 open source projects to extract bug-fix patterns. We also manually inspect many of the bugs we found to get insights into the contexts and reasons behind those bugs. For instance, we found out that missing null checks and missing initializations are very recurrent and we believe that they can be automatically detected and fixed.
Code clone detection helps connect developers across projects, if we do it on a large scale. The cornerstones that allow clone detection to work on a large scale are: (1) bad hashing (2) lightweight parsing using regular expressions and (3) MapReduce pipelines. Bad hashing means to determine whether or not two artifacts are similar by checking whether their hashes are identical. We show a bad hashing scheme that works well on source code. Lightweight parsing using regular expressions is our technique of obtaining entire parse trees from regular expressions, robustly and efficiently. We detail the algorithm and implementation of one such regular expression engine. MapReduce pipelines are a way of expressing a computation such that it can automatically and simply be parallelized. We detail the design and implementation of one such MapReduce pipeline that is efficient and debuggable. We show a clone detector that combines these cornerstones to detect code clones across all projects, across all versions of each project.
Software developers are often unsure of the exact name of the method they need to use to invoke the desired behavior in a given context. This results in a process of searching for the correct method name in documentation, which can be lengthy and distracting to the developer. We can decrease the method search time by enhancing the documentation of a class with the most frequently used methods. Usage frequency data for methods is gathered by analyzing other projects from the same ecosystem - written in the same language and sharing dependencies. We implemented a proof of concept of the approach for Pharo Smalltalk and Java. In Pharo Smalltalk, methods are commonly searched for using a code browser tool called "Nautilus", and in Java using a web browser displaying HTML based documentation - Javadoc. We developed plugins for both browsers and gathered method usage data from open source projects, in order to increase developer productivity by reducing method search time. A small initial evaluation has been conducted showing promising results in improving developer productivity.
Dynamically typed languages lack information about the types of variables in the source code. Developers care about this information as it supports program comprehension. Ba- sic type inference techniques are helpful, but may yield many false positives or negatives. We propose to mine information from the software ecosys- tem on how frequently given types are inferred unambigu- ously to improve the quality of type inference for a single system. This paper presents an approach to augment existing type inference techniques by supplementing the informa- tion available in the source code of a project with data from other projects written in the same language. For all available projects, we track how often messages are sent to instance variables throughout the source code. Predictions for the type of a variable are made based on the messages sent to it. The evaluation of a proof-of-concept prototype shows that this approach works well for types that are sufficiently popular, like those from the standard librarie, and tends to create false positives for unpopular or domain specific types. The false positives are, in most cases, fairly easily identifiable. Also, the evaluation data shows a substantial increase in the number of correctly inferred types when compared to the non-augmented type inference.
Scoping behavioral variations to dynamic extents is useful to support non-functional requirements that otherwise result in cross-cutting code. Unfortunately, such variations are difficult to achieve with traditional reflection or aspects. We show that with a modification of dynamic proxies, called delegation proxies, it becomes possible to reflectively implement variations that propagate to all objects accessed in the dynamic extent of a message send. We demonstrate our approach with examples of variations scoped to dynamic extents that help simplify code related to safety, reliability, and monitoring.
In this work, a method that synchronizes two video sequences is proposed. Unlike previous methods, which require the existence of correspondences between features tracked in the two sequences, and/or that the cameras are static or jointly moving, the proposed approach does not impose any of these constraints. It works when the cameras move independently, even if different features are tracked in the two sequences. The assumptions underlying the proposed strategy are that the intrinsic parameters of the cameras are known and that two rigid objects, with independent motions on the scene, are visible in both sequences. The relative motion between these objects is used as clue for the synchronization. The extrinsic parameters of the cameras are assumed to be unknown. A new synchronization algorithm for static or jointly moving cameras that see (possibly) different parts of a common rigidly moving object is also proposed. Proof-of-concept experiments that illustrate the performance of these methods are presented, as well as a comparison with a state-of-the-art approach.
Real cameras have a limited depth of field. The resulting defocus blur is a valuable cue for estimating the depth structure of a scene. Using coded apertures, depth can be estimated from a single frame. For optical flow estimation between frames, however, the depth dependent degradation can introduce errors. These errors are most prominent when objects move relative to the focal plane of the camera. We incorporate coded aperture defocus blur into optical flow estimation and allow for piecewise smooth 3D motion of objects. With coded aperture flow, we can establish dense correspondences between pixels in succeeding coded aperture frames. We compare several approaches to compute accurate correspondences for coded aperture images showing objects with arbitrary 3D motion.
In this work we solve the uncalibrated photometric stereo problem with lights placed near the scene. We investigate different image formation models and find the one that best fits our observations. Although the devised model is more complex than its far-light counterpart, we show that under a global linear ambiguity the reconstruction is possible up to a rotation and scaling, which can be easily fixed. We also propose a solution for reconstructing the normal map, the albedo, the light positions and the light intensities of a scene given only a sequence of near-light images. This is done in an alternating minimization framework which first estimates both the normals and the albedo, and then the light positions and intensities. We validate our method on real world experiments and show that a near-light model leads to a significant improvement in the surface reconstruction compared to the classic distant illumination case.
In this paper we study the problem of blind deconvolution. Our analysis is based on the algorithm of Chan and Wong [2] which popularized the use of sparse gradient priors via total variation. We use this algorithm because many methods in the literature are essentially adaptations of this framework. Such algorithm is an iterative alternating energy minimization where at each step either the sharp image or the blur function are reconstructed. Recent work of Levin et al. [14] showed that any algorithm that tries to minimize that same energy would fail, as the desired solution has a higher energy than the no-blur solution, where the sharp image is the blurry input and the blur is a Dirac delta. However, experimentally one can observe that Chan and Wong's algorithm converges to the desired solution even when initialized with the no-blur one. We provide both analysis and experiments to resolve this paradoxical conundrum. We find that both claims are right. The key to understanding how this is possible lies in the details of Chan and Wong's implementation and in how seemingly harmless choices result in dramatic effects. Our analysis reveals that the delayed scaling (normalization) in the iterative step of the blur kernel is fundamental to the convergence of the algorithm. This then results in a procedure that eludes the no-blur solution, despite it being a global minimum of the original energy. We introduce an adaptation of this algorithm and show that, in spite of its extreme simplicity, it is very robust and achieves a performance comparable to the state of the art.
Superresolution from plenoptic cameras or camera arrays is usually treated similarly to superresolution from video streams. However, the transformation between the low-resolution views can be determined precisely from camera geometry and parallax. Furthermore, as each low-resolution image originates from a unique physical camera, its sampling properties can also be unique. We exploit this option with a custom design of either the optics or the sensor pixels. This design makes sure that the sampling matrix of the complete system is always well-formed, enabling robust and high-resolution image reconstruction. We show that simply changing the pixel aspect ratio from square to anamorphic is sufficient to achieve that goal, as long as each camera has a unique aspect ratio. We support this claim with theoretical analysis and image reconstruction of real images. We derive the optimal aspect ratios for sets of 2 or 4 cameras. Finally, we verify our solution with a camera system using an anamorphic lens.
Defocus blur is an indicator for the depth structure of a scene. However, given a single input image from a conventional camera one cannot distinguish between blurred objects lying in front or behind the focal plane, as they may be subject to exactly the same amount of blur. In this paper we address this limitation by exploiting coded apertures. Previous work in this area focuses on setups where the scene is placed either entirely in front or entirely behind the focal plane. We demonstrate that asymmetric apertures result in unique blurs for all distances from the camera. To exploit asymmetric apertures we propose an algorithm that can unambiguously estimate scene depth and texture from a single input image. One of the main advantages of our method is that, within the same depth range, we can work with less blurred data than in other methods. The technique is tested on both synthetic and real images.