884 resultados para in situ technique in electrochemistry
OBJETIVOS: avaliar a variação do grau nuclear e da expressão das proteínas p53 e c-erbB-2 e dos receptores de estrógeno (RE) no carcinoma ductal in situ (CDIS) e no carcinoma invasivo, presentes na mesma mama. MÉTODOS: estudo descritivo retrospectivo com 38 mulheres com CDIS associado a carcinoma invasivo da mama. Foi avaliado o grau nuclear e o realizado estudo imunohistoquímico para expressão das proteínas p53 e c-erbB-2 e para os RE. Os casos considerados positivos para a expressão das proteínas e dos RE foram aqueles com contagem de células positivas igual ou superior a 10%. A concordância entre estas variáveis no componente in situ e invasivo foi avaliada pelo coeficiente kappa (k), interpretado de acordo com os critérios de Landis e Koch. O teste de MacNemar foi usado para testar diferenças entre os dois grupos. RESULTADOS: a concordância entre o grau nuclear e a expressão dos RE nos componentes in situ e invasivo foi de 0,89 para ambos, quase perfeita. A concordância para a expressão da proteína c-erbB-2 também foi considerada quase perfeita, com coeficiente de 0,84. Já a concordância entre a expressão da proteína p53 no componente in situ e no invasivo foi de 1,0, considerada perfeita. Não houve diferenças significativas entre o grau nuclear e as expressões das proteínas e dos RE nos componentes in situ e invasivo na mesma mama. CONCLUSÕES: existe concordância alta do grau nuclear e da expressão das proteínas p53 e c-erbB-2 no CDIS e no carcinoma invasivo presentes na mesma mama.
OBJETIVOS: fazer avaliação crítica do diagnóstico histopatológico do carcinoma ductal in situ (CDIS) da mama empregando a variação interobservador quanto ao diagnóstico, padrão arquitetural predominante, grau nuclear e grau histológico. MÉTODOS: oitenta e cinco casos com diagnóstico inicial de CDIS foram revisados por um mesmo patologista, especialista em patologia mamária, que selecionou 15 casos para análise interobservador. A análise foi realizada por cinco patologistas e um especialista internacional em patologia mamária, que receberam as mesmas lâminas e um protocolo para classificar as lesões em hiperplasia ductal atípica (HDA), CDIS e CDIS com microinvasão (CDIS-MIC). Caso o diagnóstico fosse de CDIS, os patologistas deveriam também classificá-lo quanto ao padrão arquitetural, grau nuclear e grau histológico. Os resultados foram analisados usando-se concordância percentual e o teste kappa. RESULTADOS: houve grande variação diagnóstica interobservador. Em um caso tivemos todos os diagnósticos, desde HDA, CDIS até CDIS-MIC. Usando o teste kappa para a comparação entre os diagnósticos dos cinco observadores e o especialista internacional obtivemos concordância interobservador mínima (<0,40). Quanto à classificação do CDIS em relação ao padrão arquitetural e ao grau histológico, os valores do teste kappa foram considerados ruins quanto à concordância interobservador. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos na análise da concordância quanto ao grau nuclear, com índices kappa de até 0,80, considerados como boa concordância. CONCLUSÃO: os baixos índices de concordância interobservador no diagnóstico e classificação do CDIS da mama indicam a dificuldade na utilização dos critérios diagnósticos mais empregados na literatura na interpretação destas lesões e a necessidade de treinamento especifico dos patologistas não-especialistas no diagnóstico destas lesões.
OBJETIVOS: avaliar os aspectos clínicos, radiológicos, anátomo-patológicos e terapêuticos de uma série de casos de carcinoma ductal in situ (CDIS) da mama de pacientes atendidos em três hospitais públicos de Belo Horizonte (MG). MÉTODOS: foram selecionados dos arquivos médicos todos os casos de câncer de mama diagnosticados entre os anos de 1985 e 2000, encontrando-se 179 casos com diagnóstico de CDIS. Fez-se revisão anátomo-patológica das lâminas e obtiveram-se dados clínicos completos, mamografias e informações sobre tratamento em 85 casos. RESULTADOS: a maioria dos casos eram assintomáticos e os diagnósticos foram feitos pela mamografia (68,2%), sendo as microcalcificações a alteração radiológica mais freqüente. Houve aumento progressivo no diagnóstico de CDIS ao longo dos anos simultâneo à introdução do exame periódico mamográfico. Houve concordância entre o diagnóstico inicial e após a revisão histopatológica em 72,9% dos casos. Em três casos, o diagnóstico original de CDIS não foi confirmado pela revisão, tratando-se de hiperplasias com atipias. O achado de microcalcificações radiológicas foi confirmado no estudo histopatológico em 95,6%. A metade dos pacientes foi submetida à mastectomia. Nos casos submetidos à linfadenectomia axilar, todos os linfonodos dissecados foram negativos para metástases. CONCLUSÕES: os dados encontrados estão de acordo com a literatura, que mostra um aumento do diagnóstico do CDIS a partir de 1990. Houve importante variação interobservador entre os diagnósticos anátomo-patológicos iniciais e os da revisão, sendo que os diagnósticos iniciais tendiam para malignidade. Houve grande número de tratamentos mais radicais como a mastectomia e esvaziamentos axilares, que provavelmente, com os conhecimentos atuais, seriam substituídos por tratamentos conservadores e biópsia do linfonodo sentinela.
OBJETIVO: avaliar a presença da ciclooxigenase-2 (COX-2) nos carcinomas de mama ductal in situ (CDIS) e ductal invasivo (CDI), no estroma adjacente normal e no epitélio. A correlação entre os níveis de expressão com os graus nuclear e histológico, tamanho do tumor e idade da paciente foi também analisada. MÉTODOS: foram incluídos 47 espécimes cirúrgicos provenientes de mastectomias e quadrantectomias com CDI e CDIS concomitantes, estádios clínicos I e II. Foram utilizados anticorpos policlonais anti-COX-2 para determinar a expressão da enzima. As amostras foram categorizadas em escores de zero a três, de acordo com a intensidade e o número de células coradas. RESULTADOS: COX-2 foi positivamente expressa em CDI, CDIS e epitélio normal em 86,7, 84,4 e 73,3% dos casos, respectivamente. Quanto ao grau nuclear (GN), a expressão da COX-2 foi positiva em 80% dos casos de GN-I; 81,5 e 78,9% de GN-II; e 88,5 e 96,1% de GN-III no CDIS e CDI, respectivamente. A expressão da COX-2 ocorreu em 78,9% dos CDIS com comedonecrose e em 89,3% sem comedonecrose. Quanto ao grau histológico (GH) do CDI, a COX-2 foi positiva em 83,3% de GH-I; 89,9% de GH-II e 80% de GH-III. Em relação ao diâmetro tumoral, COX-2 esteve presente em 86,1% de CDI e 83,3% de CDIS em tumores com >2 cm de diâmetro e 11% em CDI; e CDIS em tumores ≤ 2 cm. A faixa etária ≥ 50 anos apresentou 90% de expressão para CDI e 86,7% para CDIS, e 92,5% de COX-2 para ambos CDI e CDIS em pacientes com idade <50 anos. CONCLUSÕES: nossos resultados demonstram alta correlação entre as expressões da COX-2 nos CDI, CDIS e epitélio normal, o que é consistente com a hipótese de que a superexpressão da COX-2 é um evento precoce na carcinogênese mamária. Não houve diferença quando da análise do grau histológico, presença de comedonecrose, grupo etário e tamanho do tumor.
OBJETIVOS: avaliar a expressão de erbB-2 e dos receptores hormonais para estrógeno e progesterona (RE/RP) nas regiões de transição entre as frações in situ e invasoras de neoplasias ductais da mama (CDIS e CDI, respectivamente). MÉTODOS: oitenta e cinco casos de neoplasias mamárias, contendo regiões contíguas de CDIS e CDI, foram selecionados. Espécimes histológicos das áreas de CDIS e de CDI foram obtidos através da técnica de tissue microarray (TMA). As expressões da erbB-2 e dos RE/RP foram avaliadas por meio de imunoistoquímica convencional. A comparação da expressão da erbB-2 e dos RE/RP nas frações in situ e invasoras da mama foi realizada com emprego do teste de McNemar. Os intervalos de confiança foram determinados em 5% (p=0,05). Foram calculados coeficientes de correlação intraclasse (ICC) para avaliar a concordância na tabulação cruzada da expressão de erbB-2 e RE/RP nas frações de CDIS e CDI. RESULTADOS: a expressão da erbB-2 não diferiu entre as áreas de CDIS e CDI (p=0,38). Comparando caso a caso suas áreas de CDIS e CDI, houve boa concordância na expressão da erbB-2 (coeficiente de correlação intraclasse, ICC=0,64), dos RP (ICC = 0,71) e dos RE (ICC = 0,64). Considerando apenas tumores cujo componente in situ apresentasse áreas de necrose (comedo), o ICC para erbB-2 foi de 0,4, comparado a 0,6 no conjunto completo de casos. Os ICC não diferiram substancialmente daqueles obtidos com o conjunto completo de espécimes em relação aos RE/RP: para RE, ICC=0,7 (versus 0,7 no conjunto completo), e para RP, ICC=0,7 (versus 0,6 no conjunto completo). CONCLUSÕES: nossos achados sugerem que as expressões de erbB-2 e RE/RP não diferem nos componentes contíguos in situ e invasivo em tumores ductais da mama.
PURPOSE:To compare the prognostic and predictive features between in situ and invasive components of ductal breast carcinomas. METHODS:We selected 146 consecutive breast samples with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) associated with adjacent invasive breast carcinoma (IBC). We evaluated nuclear grade and immunohistochemical expression of estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), cytokeratin 5/6 (CK5/6), and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in both components, in situ and invasive, and the Ki-67 percentage of cells in the invasive part. The DCIS and IBC were classified in molecular surrogate types determined by the immunohistochemical profile as luminal (RE/PR-positive/ HER2-negative), triple-positive (RE/RP/HER2-positive), HER2-enriched (ER/PR-negative/HER2-positive), and triple-negative (RE/RP/HER2-negative). Discrimination between luminal A and luminal B was not performed due to statistical purposes. Correlations between the categories in the two groups were made using the Spearman correlation method. RESULTS:There was a significant correlation between nuclear grade (p<0.0001), expression of RE/RP (p<0.0001), overexpression of HER2 (p<0.0001), expression of EGFR (p<0.0001), and molecular profile (p<0.0001) between components in situ and IBC. CK 5/6 showed different distribution in DCIS and IBC, presenting a significant association with the triple-negative phenotype in IBC, but a negative association among DCIS. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that classical prognostic and predictive features of IBC are already determined in the preinvasive stage of the disease. However the role of CK5/6 in invasive carcinoma may be different from the precursor lesions.
Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer and accounts for 1 to 2% of all breast cancers. LCIS diagnosis currently remains one of the major identifiable risk factors for subsequent breast cancer development. Imaging methods are becoming increasingly sensitive, and the consequent detection of small lesions and subtle abnormalities increases the chance of detection of in situ and invasive carcinomas, leading to a reduction in mortality. This report describes a case of a palpable complaint with abnormal imaging findings, including a solid LCIS mass.
Information gained from the human genome project and improvements in compound synthesizing have increased the number of both therapeutic targets and potential lead compounds. This has evolved a need for better screening techniques to have a capacity to screen number of compound libraries against increasing amount of targets. Radioactivity based assays have been traditionally used in drug screening but the fluorescence based assays have become more popular in high throughput screening (HTS) as they avoid safety and waste problems confronted with radioactivity. In comparison to conventional fluorescence more sensitive detection is obtained with time-resolved luminescence which has increased the popularity of time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET) based assays. To simplify the current TR-FRET based assay concept the luminometric homogeneous single-label utilizing assay technique, Quenching Resonance Energy Transfer (QRET), was developed. The technique utilizes soluble quencher to quench non-specifically the signal of unbound fraction of lanthanide labeled ligand. One labeling procedure and fewer manipulation steps in the assay concept are saving resources. The QRET technique is suitable for both biochemical and cell-based assays as indicated in four studies:1) ligand screening study of β2 -adrenergic receptor (cell-based), 2) activation study of Gs-/Gi-protein coupled receptors by measuring intracellular concentration of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cell-based), 3) activation study of G-protein coupled receptors by observing the binding of guanosine-5’-triphosphate (cell membranes), and 4) activation study of small GTP binding protein Ras (biochemical). Signal-to-background ratios were between 2.4 to 10 and coefficient of variation varied from 0.5 to 17% indicating their suitability to HTS use.
The objective of this study was to optimize and validate the solid-liquid extraction (ESL) technique for determination of picloram residues in soil samples. At the optimization stage, the optimal conditions for extraction of soil samples were determined using univariate analysis. Ratio soil/solution extraction, type and time of agitation, ionic strength and pH of extraction solution were evaluated. Based on the optimized parameters, the following method of extraction and analysis of picloram was developed: weigh 2.00 g of soil dried and sieved through a sieve mesh of 2.0 mm pore, add 20.0 mL of KCl concentration of 0.5 mol L-1, shake the bottle in the vortex for 10 seconds to form suspension and adjust to pH 7.00, with alkaline KOH 0.1 mol L-1. Homogenate the system in a shaker system for 60 minutes and then let it stand for 10 minutes. The bottles are centrifuged for 10 minutes at 3,500 rpm. After the settlement of the soil particles and cleaning of the supernatant extract, an aliquot is withdrawn and analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography. The optimized method was validated by determining the selectivity, linearity, detection and quantification limits, precision and accuracy. The ESL methodology was efficient for analysis of residues of the pesticides studied, with percentages of recovery above 90%. The limits of detection and quantification were 20.0 and 66.0 mg kg-1 soil for the PVA, and 40.0 and 132.0 mg kg-1 soil for the VLA. The coefficients of variation (CV) were equal to 2.32 and 2.69 for PVA and TH soils, respectively. The methodology resulted in low organic solvent consumption and cleaner extracts, as well as no purification steps for chromatographic analysis were required. The parameters evaluated in the validation process indicated that the ESL methodology is efficient for the extraction of picloram residues in soils, with low limits of detection and quantification.
The aim of this thesis was to identify the best grease removal technique with the application of low power of UV light to TiO2 coated grease filters. The treatment with various power series of ozone generating and ozone free lamps to normal grease filters and TiO2 coated grease filters were examined and the obtained results are compared to each other in this paper. The effect of ozone reaction was observed and compared with the effect of TiO2. The experiments were solely based on the photo oxidation and photo catalytic oxidation reactions. TiO2 is a green catalyst used in the photocatalytic reaction. Sunflower oil was used for grease production and tetracholoroethylene as a solvent. Grease samples were collected from the ventilation duct connected to the cooking hood system. Sample extraction was done in ultrasonic bath with the principle of sonication. The sample analysis was done by FTIR machine. The result determining the concentration of grease was the quantification of saturated C-H bonds in the chosen peak group of the spectrum. A very low power of UVC light functions perfectly with the Titanium dioxide. The experimental results have shown the combined treatment of titanium dioxide and UV light is an effective method in grease removal process. The photocatalytic reaction with titanium dioxide is better than photo oxidation reaction with ozone treatment. Photocatalytic reaction is environmentally friendly, energy efficient and economical.
Interphase cytogenetics, utilizing fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques, has been successfully applied to diffuse and solid tissue specimens. Most studies have been performed on isolated cells, such as blood or bone marrow cells; a few have been performed on cells from body fluids, such as amniotic fluid, urine, sperm, and sputum. Mechanically or chemically disaggregated cells from solid tissues have also been used as single cell suspensions for FISH. Additionally, intact organized tissue samples represented by touch preparations or thin tissue sections have been used, especially in cancer studies. Advantages and pitfalls of application of FISH methodology to each type of specimen and some significant biological findings achieved are illustrated in this overview.
In the latter days, human activities constantly increase greenhouse gases emissions in the atmosphere, which has a direct impact on a global climate warming. Finland as European Union member, developed national structural plan to promote renewable energy generation, pursuing the aspects of Directive 2009/28/EC and put it on the sharepoint. Finland is on a way of enhancing national security of energy supply, increasing diversity of the energy mix. There are plenty significant objectives to develop onshore and offshore wind energy generation in country for a next few decades, as well as another renewable energy sources. To predict the future changes, there are a lot of scenario methods developed and adapted to energy industry. The Master’s thesis explored “Fuzzy cognitive maps” approach in scenarios developing, which captures expert’s knowledge in a graphical manner and using these captures for a raw scenarios testing and refinement. There were prospects of Finnish wind energy development for the year of 2030 considered, with aid of FCM technique. Five positive raw scenarios were developed and three of them tested against integrated expert’s map of knowledge, using graphical simulation. The study provides robust scenarios out of the preliminary defined, as outcome, assuming the impact of results, taken after simulation. The thesis was conducted in such way, that there will be possibilities to use existing knowledge captures from expert panel, to test and deploy different sets of scenarios regarding to Finnish wind energy development.
Adrenocortical autoantibodies (ACA), present in 60-80% of patients with idiopathic Addison's disease, are conventionally detected by indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) on frozen sections of adrenal glands. The large-scale use of IIF is limited in part by the need for a fluorescence microscope and the fact that histological sections cannot be stored for long periods of time. To circumvent these restrictions we developed a novel peroxidase-labelled protein A (PLPA) technique for the detection of ACA in patients with Addison's disease and compared the results with those obtained with the classical IIF assay. We studied serum samples from 90 healthy control subjects and 22 patients with Addison's disease, who had been clinically classified into two groups: idiopathic (N = 13) and granulomatous (N = 9). ACA-PLPA were detected in 10/22 (45%) patients: 9/13 (69%) with the idiopathic form and 1/9 (11%) with the granulomatous form, whereas ACA-IIF were detected in 11/22 patients (50%): 10/13 (77%) with the idiopathic form and 1/9 (11%) with the granulomatous form. Twelve of the 13 idiopathic addisonians (92%) were positive for either ACA-PLPA or ACA-IIF, but only 7 were positive by both methods. In contrast, none of 90 healthy subjects was found to be positive for ACA. Thus, our study shows that the PLPA-based technique is useful, has technical advantages over the IIF method (by not requiring the use of a fluorescence microscope and by permitting section storage for long periods of time). However, since it is only 60% concordant with the ACA-IIF method, it should be considered complementary instead of an alternative method to IIF for the detection of ACA in human sera.