666 resultados para hypercholesterolemic hamster


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The current organ shortage in transplantation medicine stimulates the exploration of new strategies to expand the donor pool including the utilisation of living donors, ABO-incompatible grafts, and xenotransplantation. Preformed natural antibodies (Ab) such as anti-Gal or anti-A/B Ab mediate hyperacute graft rejection and thus represent a major hurdle to the employment of such strategies. In contrast to solid organ transplantation (SOT), ABO blood group incompatibilities are of minor importance in haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Thus, ABO incompatible HSCT may serve as an in vivo model to study carbohydrate antigen (Ag)-mismatched transplantations such as ABO-incompatible SOT or the effect of preformed Ab against Gal in xenotransplantation. This mini-review summarises our clinical and experimental studies performed with the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation program on Implants and Transplants (NFP-46). Part 1 describes data on the clinical outcome of ABO-incompatible HSCT, in particular the incidence of several immunohaematological complications, acute graft-versus-host-disease (GvHD), and the overall survival. Part 2 summarises the measurements of anti-A/B Ab in healthy blood donors and ABO-incompatible HSCT using a novel flow cytometry based method and the potential mechanisms responsible for the loss of anti-A/B Ab observed following minor ABO-incompatible HSCT, ie the occurrence of humoral tolerance. Part 3 analyses the potential of eliminating Gal expression as well as specific complement inhibitors such as dextran sulfate and synthetic tyrosine analogues to protect porcine endothelial cells from xenoreactive Ab-mediated damage in vitro and in a hamster-to-rat heart transplantation model. In conclusion, due to similarities of the immunological hurdles of ABO incompatible transplantations and xenotransplantation, the knowledge obtained from both fields might lead to new strategies to overcome humoral rejection in transplantation.


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We showed recently that low molecular weight dextran sulfate (DXS) acts as an endothelial cell (EC) protectant and prevents human complement- and NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity towards porcine cells in vitro. We therefore hypothesized that DXS, combined with cyclosporine A (CyA), could prevent acute vascular rejection (AVR) in the hamster-to-rat cardiac xenotransplantation model. Untreated, CyA-only, and DXS-only treated rats rejected their grafts within 4-5 days. Of the hearts grafted into rats receiving DXS in combination with CyA, 28% survived more than 30 days. Deposition of anti-hamster antibodies and complement was detected in long-term surviving grafts. Combined with the expression of hemoxygenase 1 (HO-1) on graft EC, these results indicate that accommodation had occurred. Complement activity was normal in rat sera after DXS injection, and while systemic inhibition of the coagulation cascade was observed 1 h after DXS injection, it was absent after 24 h. Moreover, using a fluorescein-labeled DXS (DXS-Fluo) injected 1 day after surgery, we observed a specific binding of DXS-Fluo to the xenograft endothelium. In conclusion, we show here that DXS + CyA induces long-term xenograft survival and we provide evidence that DXS might act as a local EC protectant also in vivo.


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Die Therapie immunvermittelter und maligner Erkrankungen befindet sich im Umbruch. Zunehmend kommen gezielt mit molekularen Zellstrukturen interagierende therapeutische Proteine, sogenannte Biologika oder Biopharmaka, zum Einsatz. Biologika sind in der Regel Antikörper oder Fusionsproteine und werden gentechnologisch nach dem Vorbild körpereigener Strukturen in zellulären Expressionssystemen, wie zum Beispiel Hamster-Ovarzellen, hergestellt und in hochreiner Form verabreicht. Biologika haben mit den klassischen kleinmolekularen Medikamenten, den sogenannten Synthetika, sowohl in der Wirkungsweise wie auch hinsichtlich der Nebenwirkungen nur noch wenig gemein. Der zunehmende Einsatz von Biologika im klinischen Alltag stellt eine Herausforderung für die anwendenden Ärzte dar, die nebst den neuen Wirkmechanismen auch den Umgang mit komplexen Nebenwirkungsmustern von direkt mit dem Immunsystem interagierenden Substanzen kennen und behandeln lernen müssen. Akute Infusionreaktionen (infusion-related reaction, IRR) stellen mit einer Inzidenz von 0,1 – 3% die häufigste Nebenwirkung dar. Interessanterweise handelt es sich in den meisten Fällen nicht um IgE-vermittelte Reaktionen und lassen sogar eine Reexposition zu. Während regulatorische Behörden und die Pharmaindustrie sich vor allem auf anti-drug-antibodies (ADA)-vermittelte Nebenwirkungen konzentrieren, wollen wir hier einen Überblick über das Nebenwirkungsspektrum und mögliche Abklärungsalgorithmen geben.


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Ketamine is an anesthetic and analgesic regularly used in veterinary patients. As ketamine is almost always administered in combination with other drugs, interactions between ketamine and other drugs bear the risk of either adverse effects or diminished efficacy. Since cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYPs) play a pivotal role in the phase I metabolism of the majority of all marketed drugs, drug-drug interactions often occur at the active site of these enzymes. CYPs have been thoroughly examined in humans and laboratory animals, but little is known about equine CYPs. The characterization of equine CYPs is essential for a better understanding of drug metabolism in horses. We report annotation, cloning and heterologous expression of the equine CYP2B6 in V79 Chinese hamster fibroblasts. After computational annotation of all CYP2B genes, the coding sequence (CDS) of equine CYP2B6 was amplified by RT-PCR from horse liver total RNA and revealed an amino acid sequence identity of 77% and a similarity of 93.7% to its human ortholog. A non-synonymous variant c.226G>A in exon 2 of the equine CYP2B6 was detected in 97 horses. The mutant A-allele showed an allele frequency of 82%. Two further variants in exon 3 were detected in one and two horses of this group, respectively. Transfected V79 cells were incubated with racemic ketamine and norketamine as probe substrates to determine metabolic activity. The recombinant equine CYP2B6 N-demethylated ketamine to norketamine and produced metabolites of norketamine, such as hydroxylated norketamines and 5,6-dehydronorketamine. V(max) for S-/and R-norketamine formation was 0.49 and 0.45nmol/h/mg cellular protein and K(m) was 3.41 and 2.66μM, respectively. The N-demethylation of S-/R-ketamine was inhibited concentration-dependently with clopidogrel showing an IC(50) of 5.63 and 6.26μM, respectively. The functional importance of the recorded genetic variants remains to be explored. Equine CYP2B6 was determined to be a CYP enzyme involved in ketamine and norketamine metabolism, thus confirming results from inhibition studies with horse liver microsomes. Clopidogrel seems to be a feasible inhibitor for equine CYP2B6. The specificity still needs to be established with other single equine CYPs. Heterologous expression of single equine CYP enzymes opens new possibilities to substantially improve the understanding of drug metabolism and drug interactions in horses.


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Testosterone (TES) 6-β-hydroxylation is a significant metabolic step in the biotransformation of TES in human liver microsomes and reflects cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4/5 specific metabolic activity. Several CYP3A enzymes have been annotated in the horse genome, but functional characterization is missing. This descriptive study investigates TES metabolism in the horse liver in vitro and the qualitative contribution of three CYP3A isoforms of the horse. Metabolism of TES was investigated by using equine hepatocyte primary cultures and liver microsomes. Chemical inhibitors were used to determine the CYPs involved in TES biotransformation in equine microsomes. Single CYPs 3A89, 3A94, and 3A95, recombinantly expressed in V79 hamster lung fibroblasts, were incubated with TES and the fluorescent metabolite 7-benzyloxy-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin (BFC). The effect of ketoconazole and troleandomycin was evaluated on single CYPs. Testosterone metabolites were analyzed by HPLC and confirmed by GC/MS. In hepatocyte primary cultures, the most abundant metabolite was androstenedione (AS), whereas in liver microsomes, 6-β-hydroxytestosterone showed the largest peak. Formation of 6-β-hydroxytestosterone and 11-β-hydroxytestosterone in liver microsomes was inhibited by ketoconazole, troleandomycin, and quercetin. Equine recombinant CYP3A95 catalyzed 11-β-hydroxylation of testosterone (TES). Metabolism of BFC was significantly inhibited by ketoconazole in CYP3A95, whereas troleandomycin affected the activities of CYP3A94 and CYP3A95. Both inhibitors had no significant effect on CYP3A89. Metabolic reactions and effects of inhibitors differed between the equine CYP3A isoforms investigated. This has to be considered in future in vitro studies.


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Revertants of a colcemid-resistant Chinese hamster ovary cell line with an altered (D45Y) beta-tubulin have allowed the identification of four cis-acting mutations (L187R, Y398C, a 12-amino acid in-frame deletion, and a C-terminal truncation) that act by destabilizing the mutant tubulin and preventing it from incorporating into microtubules. These unstable beta-tubulins fail to form heterodimers and are predominantly found in association with the chaperonin CCT, suggesting that they cannot undergo productive folding. In agreement with these in vivo observations, we show that the defective beta-tubulins do not stably interact with cofactors involved in the tubulin folding pathway and, hence, fail to exchange with beta-tubulin in purified alphabeta heterodimers. Treatment of cells with MG132 causes an accumulation of the aberrant tubulins, indicating that improperly folded beta-tubulin is degraded by the proteasome. Rapid degradation of the mutant tubulin does not elicit compensatory changes in wild-type tubulin synthesis or assembly. Instead, loss of beta-tubulin from the mutant allele causes a 30-40% decrease in cellular tubulin content with no obvious effect on cell growth or survival.


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Nephroblastoma or Wilms' tumor is a pediatric renal malignancy that is the most frequently occurring childhood solid tumor. Approximately 1-2% of children with Wilms' tumor also present with aniridia, a congenital absence of all or part of the iris of the eye. These children also have high rates of genitourinary anomalies and mental retardation resulting in what is called the WAGR (Wilms' tumor, aniridia, genitourinary anomaly, mental retardation) syndrome. Cytogenetic analysis of metaphase chromosomes from these patients revealed a consistent deletion of band P13 on chromosome 11. These observations suggest close physical linkage between the disease-related loci, and further imply that development of each phenotype results from the loss of normal gene function.^ The objective of this work is to understand the molecular events at chromosome band 11p13 that are essential to the development of sporadic Wilms' tumor and sporadic aniridia. Two human/hamster somatic cell hybrids have been used to identify sixteen independent DNA probes that map to this segment of the human genome. These newly identified DNA probes and four previously reported probes (CAT, FSHB, D11S16, and HBVIS) have been used to subdivide 11p13 into five intervals defined by overlapping constitutional deletions from several WAGR patients. A long-range physical map of 11p13 has been constructed using each of these probes in Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA after digestion with infrequently cutting restriction enzymes and pulse-field gel electrophoresis. This map, established primarily with MluI and NotI, spans approximately 13 $\times$ 10$\sp{6}$ bp and encompasses deletion and translocation breakpoints associated with genitourinary anomalies, aniridia, and sporadic Wilms' tumor. This complete physical map of human chromosome band 11p13 enables us to localize the genes for sporadic Wilms' tumor and sporadic aniridia to a small number of specific NotI fragments. ^


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Human x rodent somatic cell hybrids have played an important role in human genetics research. They have been especially useful for assigning genes to chromosomes and isolating DNA markers from specific regions of the human genome.^ By employing a combination of somatic cell genetic, recombinant DNA, and cytogenetic techniques, human DNA excision repair gene ERCC4 was mapped regionally to human 16p13.13-13.2, even though the gene has not been cloned. Human x Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell hybrids selected for human ERCC4 activity and containing 16p13.1-p13.3 as the only human genetic material were identified. These hybrids were used to order DNA markers located in 16p13.1-p13.3. New DNA markers physically close to ERCC4 were isolated from such hybrids. Using amplified human DNA from the hybrids as probe in fluorescent in situ hybridization, the short arm breakpoint in the chromosome 16 inversion associated with acute myelomonocytic leukemia (AMML) was found to be physically close to the ERCC4 gene. The physical mapping and eventually, the cloning of the ERCC4 gene, will benefit the understanding of the DNA repair system and the study of other important biomedical problems such as tumorigenesis.^ To facilitate the cloning of ERCC4 gene and, in general, the cloning of genes from any defined regions of the human genome, a method was developed for the direct isolation of human transcribed genes ffom somatic cell hybrids. cDNA was prepared from human x rodent hybrid by using consensus 5$\sp\prime$ splice site sequences as primers. These primers were designed to select immature, unspliced messenger RNA (still retaining species specific repeat sequences) as templates. Screening of a derived cDNA library for human repeat sequences resulted in the isolation of human clones at the anticipated frequency with characteristics expected of exons of transcribed human genes. The usefulness of the splice site specific primers was analyzed and the cDNA synthesis conditions with these primers were optimized. The procedure was shown to be sensitive enough to clone weakly expressed genes. Studying the expression of the represented genes with the isolated clones was shown to be feasible. Such regional specific human gene fragments will be very valuable for many human genetic studies such as the search of inherited disease genes and the construction of a cDNA map of the human genome. ^


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A series of human-rodent somatic cell hybrids were investigated by Southern blot analysis for the presence or absence of twenty-six molecular markers and three isozyme loci from human chromosome 19. Based on the co-retention of these markers in the various independent hybrid clones containing portions of human chromosome 19 and on pulsed field mapping, chromosome 19 is divided into twenty ordered regions. The most likely marker order for the chromosome is: (LDLR, C3)-(cen-MANNB)-D19S7-PEPD-D19S9-GPI-TGF$ \beta$-(CYP2A, NCA, CGM2, BCKAD)-PSG1a-(D19S8, XRCC1)-(D19S19, ATP1A3)-(D19S37, APOC2)-CKMM-ERCC2-ERCC1-(D19S62, D19S51)-D19S6-D19S50-D19S22-(CGB, FTL)-qter.^ The region of 19q between the proximal marker D19S7 and the distal gene coding for the beta subunit of chorionic gonadotropin (CGB) is about 37 Mb in size and covers about 37 cM genetic distance. The ration of genetic to physical distance on 19q is therefore very close to the genomic average OF 1 cM/Mb. Estimates of physical distances for intervals between chromosome 19 markers were calculated using a mapping function which estimates distances based on the number of breaks in hybrid clone panels. The consensus genetic distances between individual markers (established at HBM10) were compared to these estimates of physical distances. The close agreement between the two estimates suggested that spontaneously broken hybrids are as appropriate for this type of study as radiation hybrids.^ All three DNA repair genes located on chromosome 19 were found to have homologues on Chinese hamster chromosome 9, which is hemizygous in CHO cells, providing an explanation for the apparent ease with which mutations at these loci were identified in CHO cells. Homologues of CKMM and TGF$\beta$ (from human chromosome 19q) and a mini-satellite DNA specific to the distal region of human chromosome 19q were also mapped to Chinese hamster 9. Markers from 19p did not map to this hamster chromosome. Thus the q-arm of chromosome 19, at least between the genes PEPD and ERCC1, appears to be a linkage group which is conserved intact between humans and Chinese hamsters. ^


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There have been multiple reports which indicate that variations in $\beta$AR expression affect the V$\sb{\rm max}$ observed for the agonist-dependent activation of adenylylcyclase. This observation has been ignored by most researchers when V$\sb{\rm max}$ values obtained for wild type and mutant receptors are compared. Such an imprecise analysis may lead to erroneous conclusions concerning the ability of a receptor to activate adenylylcyclase. Equations were derived from the Cassel-Selinger model of GTPase activity and Tolkovsky and Levitzki's Collision Coupling model which predict that the EC$\sb{50}$ and V$\sb{\rm max}$ for the activation of adenylylcyclase are a function of receptor number. Experimental results for L cell clones in which either hamster or human $\beta$AR were transfected at varying levels showed that EC$\sb{50}$ decreases and V$\sb{\rm max}$ increases as receptor number increases. Comparison of these results with simulations obtained from the equations describing EC$\sb{50}$ and V$\sb{\rm max}$ showed a close correlation. This documents that the kinetic parameters of adenylylcyclase activation change with the level of receptor expression and relates this phenomenon to a theoretical framework concerning the mechanisms involved in $\beta$AR signal transduction.^ One of the terms used in the equations which expressed the EC$\sb{50}$ and V$\sb{\rm max}$ as a function of receptor number is coupling efficiency, defined as $\rm k\sb1/k\sb{-1}$. Calculation of $\rm k\sb1/k\sb{-1}$ can be accomplished for wild type receptors with the easily measured experimental values of agonist K$\sb{\rm d}$, EC$\sb{50}$ and receptor number. This was demonstrated for hamster $\beta$AR which yielded a coupling efficiency of 0.15 $\pm$ 0.003 and human $\beta$AR which yielded a coupling efficiency of 0.90 $\pm$ 0.031. $\rm k\sb1/k\sb{-1}$ replaces the traditional qualitative evaluation of the ability to activate adenylylcyclase, which utilizes V$\sb{\rm max}$ without correction for variation in receptor number, with a quantitative definition that more accurately describes the ability of $\beta$AR to couple to G$\sb{\rm s}$.^ The equations which express the EC$\sb{50}$ and V$\sb{\rm max}$ for adenylylcyclase activation as a function of receptor number and coupling efficiency were tested to determine whether they could accurately simulate the changes seen in these parameters during desensitization. Data from original desensitization experiments and data from the literature (24,25,52,54,83) were compared to simulated changes in EC$\sb{50}$ and V$\sb{\rm max}$. In a variety of systems the predictions of the equations were consistent with the changes observed in EC$\sb{50}$ and V$\sb{\rm max}$. In addition reductions in the calculated value of $\rm k\sb1/k\sb{-1}$ was shown to correlate well with $\beta$AR phosphorylation and to be minimally affected by sequestration and down-regulation. ^


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In this study, the evolutionary relationship between human chromosome 16p12-p13 and mouse chromosomes was investigated by determining the order of marker loci in the region and then identifying the chromosomal locations of the homologous loci in mice. Eighteen genes from human 16 were mapped to fifteen subchromosomal regions by a variety of mapping approaches.^ Thirteen of the genes were mapped in the mouse. Linkage analysis with backcross mice and segregation analysis in a mouse - Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) somatic cell hybrid panel informative for different regions of mouse genome were used. The results assigned the thirteen genes to three different mouse chromosomes.^ A group of six genes on mouse 16 was found to be closely linked to Scid. The order of Myh11 and Mrp remains ambiguous since no recombination was detected in backcross analysis. Their relative position in human is also uncertain since they were shown to be very close to each other. For the other mouse loci, an unambiguous gene order could be determined and was found to be identical to that in human. Therefore, they comprise a new conserved linkage group between the two species. The orientation of the group was inverted relative to the centromeres, i.e. the proximal loci in one species become distal in another. The size of the group was estimated to be from 4.4 to 8 Mb and 10 to 32 cM in human. In mouse, it was about 21 cM in the backcross analysis. The two boundaries of the conserved linkage were defined within a 1 Mb range. It is now possible to predict the locations of mouse homologs for some human disease genes based on their locations on human 16p.^ The six human 16p genes that map to MMU7 showed a different gene order in mouse than in human. No recombination was found between Crym and Umod while Crym was distal to D16S79A and proximal to D16S92. The location of Stp and Cdr2 with respect to the above four loci was not determined since they were not mapped in the same set of backcross mice. These genes greatly expanded an existing conserved synteny group between the human 16p12-p13 region and the MMU7. It now consists of eleven loci that span a region of probably more than 10 Mb in human. The gene order derived from this study provided further evidence for chromosomal rearrangements within the conserved synteny. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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The ERCC1 (Excision Repair Cross-Complementing-1) gene is the presumptive mammalian homolog of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD10 gene. In mammalian NER, the Ercc1/XpF complex functions as an endonuclease that specifically recognizes 5$\sp\prime$ double-strand-3$\sp\prime$ single-strand structures. In yeast, the analogous function is performed by the Rad1/Rad10 complex. These observations and the conservation of amino acid homology between the Rad1 and XpF and the Rad10 and Ercc1 proteins has led to a general assumption of functional homology between these genes.^ In addition to NER, the Rad1/Rad10 endonuclease complex is also required in certain specialized mitotic recombination pathways in yeast. However, a similiar requirement for the endonuclease function of the Ercc1/XpF complex during genetic recombination in mammalian cells has not been directly demonstrated. The experiments performed in these studies were designed to determine if ERCC1 deficiency would produce recombination-deficient phenotypes in CHO cells similar to those observed in RAD10 deletion mutants, including: (1) decreased single-reciprocal exchange recombination, and (2) inability to process 5$\sp\prime$ sequence heterology in recombination intermediates.^ Specifically, these studies describe: (1) The isolation and characterization of the ERCC1 locus of Chinese hamster ovary cells; (2) The production of an ERCC1 null mutant cell line by targeted knock-out of the endogenous ERCC1 gene in a Chinese hamster ovary cell line, CHO-ATS49tg, which contains an endogenous locus, APRT, suitable as a chromosomal target for homologous recombination; (3) The characterization of mutant ERCC1 alleles from a panel of Chinese hamster ovary cell ERCC1 mutants derived by conventional mutagenesis; (4) An investigation of the effects of ERCC1 mutation on mitotic recombination through targeting of the APRT locus in an ERCC1 null background.^ The results of these studies strongly suggest that the role of ERCC1 in homologous recombination in mammalian cells is analogous to that of the yeast RAD10 gene. ^


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D1S1, an anonymous human DNA clone originally called (lamda)Ch4-H3 or (lamda)H3, was the first single copy mapped to a human chromosome (1p36) by in situ hybridization. The chromosomal assignment has been confirmed in other laboratories by repeating the in situ hybridization but not by another method. In the present study, hybridization to a panel of hamster-human somatic cell hybrids revealed copies of D1S1 on both chromosomes 1 and 3. Subcloning D1S1 showed that the D1S1 clone itself is from chromosome 3, and the sequence detected by in situ hybridization is at least two copies of part of the chromosome 3 copy. This finding demonstrates the importance of verifying gene mapping with two methods and questions the accuracy of in situ hybridization mapping.^ Non-human mammals have only one copy of D1S1, and the non-human primate D1S1 map closely resembles the human chromosome 3 copy. Thus, the human chromosome 1 copies appear to be part of a very recent duplication that occurred after the divergence between humans and the other great apes.^ A moderately informative HindIII D1S1 RFLP was mapped to chromosome 3. This marker and 12 protein markers were applied to a linkage study of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP). None of the markers proved linkage, but adding the three families examined to previously published data raises the ADRP:Rh lod score to 1.92 at (THETA) = 0.30. ^


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This dissertation presents evidence to support the hypothesis that cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase (MDH-1) is the enzyme in humans which catalyzes the reduction of aromatic alpha-keto acids in the presence of NADH, and the enzyme which has been described in the literature as aromatic alpha-keto acid reductase (KAR; E.C. is actually a secondary activity of cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase.^ Purified MDH and purified KAR have the same molecular weight, subunit structure, heat-inactivation profile and tissue distribution. After starch gel electrophoresis, and using p-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid (HPPA) as substrate, KAR activity co-migrates with MDH-1 in all species studied except some marine animals. Inhibition with malate, the end-product of malate dehydrogenase, substantially reduces or totally eliminates KAR activity. Purified cytoplasmic MDH from human erythrocytes has an alpha-keto acid reductase activity with identical mobility. All electrophoretic variants of MDH-1 seen in the fresh-water bony fish Xiphophorus, the amphibians Rana and humans exhibited identical variation for KAR, and the two traits co-segregated in the small group of offspring from one Rana heterozygote studied. Both enzymes show almost no electrophoretic variation among humans from many ethnic groups, and among several inbred strains of mice both MDH-s and KAR co-migrate with no variation. MDH-1 and KAR in mouse and Chinese hamster fibroblasts show identical mobility differences between species. Antisera raised against purified chicken cytoplasmic MDH totally inhibited both MDH-1 and KAR in chickens and humans. Mitochondrial MDH from tissue homogenates has no detectable KAR activity but purified MDH-2 does.^ The previous claim that the gene for KAR is on human chromosome 12 is disputed because both MDH-1 and LDH bands appear with slightly different mobility approximately midway between the human and hamster controls in somatic cell hybrid studies, and the meaning of this artifact is discussed. ^


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The uptake, metabolism, and metabolic effects of the antitumor tricyclic nucleoside (TCN, NSC-154020) were studied in vitro. Uptake of TCN by human erythrocytes was concentrative, resulting mainly from the rapid intracellular phosphorylation of TCN. At high TCN doses, however, unchanged TCN was also concentrated within the erythrocytes. The initial linear rate of TCN uptake was saturable and obeyed Michaelis-Menten kinetics. TCN was metabolized chiefly to its 5'-monophosphate not only by human erythrocytes but also by wild-type Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. In addition, three other metabolites were detected by means of high-performance liquid chromatography. The structures of these metabolites were elucidated by ultraviolet spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and further confirmed by incubations with catabolic enzymes and intact wild-type or variant CHO cells. All were novel types of oxidative degradation products of TCN. Two are proposed to be (alpha) and (beta) anomers of a D-ribofuranosyl nucleoside with a pyrimido{4,5-c}pyridazine-4-one base structure. The third metabolite is most likely the 5'-monophosphate of the (beta) anomer. A CHO cell line deficient in adenosine kinase activity failed to phosphorylate either TCN or the (beta) anomer. No further phosphorylation of the 5'-monophosphates by normal cells occurred. Although the pathways leading to the formation of these TCN metabolites have not been proven, a mechanism is proposed to account for the above observations. The same adenosine kinase-deficient CHO cells were resistant to 500 (mu)M TCN, while wild-type cells could not clone in the presence of 20 (mu)M TCN. Simultaneous addition of purines, pyrimidines, and purine precursors failed to reverse this toxicity. TCN-treatment strongly inhibited formate or glycine incorporation into ATP and GTP of wild-type CHO cells. Hypoxanthine incorporation inhibited to a lesser degree, with the inhibition of incorporation into GTP being more pronounced. Although precursor incorporation into GTP was inhibited, GTP concentrations were elevated rather than reduced after 4-hr incubations with 20 (mu)M or 50 (mu)M TCN. These results suggested an impairment of GTP utilization. TCN (50 (mu)M) inhibited leucine and thymidine incorporation into HClO(,4)-insoluble material to 30-35% of control throughout 5-hr incubations. Incorporation of five other amino acids was inhibited to the same extent as leucine. Pulse-labeling assays (45 min) with uridine, leucine, and thymidine failed to reveal selective inhibition of DNA or protein synthesis by 0.05-50 (mu)M TCN; however, the patterns of inhibition were similar to those of known protein synthesis inhibitors. TCN 5'-monophosphate inhibited leucine incorporation by rabbit reticulocyte lysates; the inhibition was 2000 times less potent than that of cycloheximide. The 5'-monophosphate failed to inhibit a crude nuclear DNA-synthesizing system. Although TCN 5'-monophosphate apparently inhibits purine synthesis de novo, its cytotoxicity is not reversed by exogenous purines. Consequently, another mechanism such as direct inhibition of protein synthesis is probably a primary mechanism of toxicity. ^