926 resultados para histamine liberation


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The plant cell wall is composed mainly of polysaccharides some constituted of repeating units of a single sugar, as cellulose or by two or more sugars grouped in repeating oligosaccharide blocks as the galactomannans and xyloglucans. Variations in composition and fine structure of these cell wall polysaccharides have been used as taxonomic markers and in the comprehension of the evolutive process, particularly in the Leguminosae. Partial hydrolysis of these compounds give rise to oligomers, some of which are capable of eliciting the synthesis of defensive substances in plants named phytoalexins. Species which differ in respect to phytoalexin liberation also differ in cell wall composition, particularly in the pectic fraction of the wall. Pectinases (mainly endopolygalacturonases) present in fungi, have been shown to hydrolyze plant cell walls yielding phytoalexin-eliciting oligosaccharides which differ in composition and in eliciting capacity in different species. These differences can be associated with the capacity of a given species to produce phytoalexins. On the other hand, the phytoalexin induction in plants is being used as a method of producing novel bioactive secondary metabolites.


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This review aims to report the major control mechanisms of protein and peptides digestion of special interest in human patients. Regarding protein assimilation its digestive process begins at the stomach with some not so indispensable actions comparatively to those of duodenal/jejunal lumen. However even the intestine processes are partially under gastric secretion control. Proteolytic enzyme activities are related to protein structure and amino acid constituents, tertiary and quartenary structures need HCl - denaturation prior to enzymatic hydrolysis. Thereafter the exopeptidases are guided by either NH 2 (aminopeptidases) or COOH (carboxypeptidases) terminals of the molecule while endopeptidases are oriented by the specific amino acids constituents of the peptide. Both dietary and luminal secreted proteins and polypeptides undergo to either limited or complete proteolysis resulting basic or neutral free-amino acids (40%) or dioctapeptides. The brush border peptidases continue to degrade oligopeptide to di-tripeptides and neutral free-amino acids. Some peptides are uptaked by the enterocytes whose cytosolic peptidases complete the hydrolysis. Hence the digestive products flowing in the portal vein are mainly free-amino acids from either luminal or cytosolic hydrolysis and some di-tripeptides intactly absorbed. Both mechanical and chemical processes of digestion are under neural (vagal), neuroendocrinal(acetilcholine),endocrinal(gastrin, secretin and cholecystokinin) or paracrinal (histamine) controls. The gastric phase (hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen secretions) is activated by gastrin, histamine and acetilcholine which respond to both dietary-amino acids (tryptophan and phenylalanine) and mechanic distention of stomach. The pancreatic secretion is stimulated by either cephalic or gastric phases and has influence on the intestinal phase of digestion. The intestinal types of cells S and I release secretin and cholecystokinin respectively in response of acid quimo (cells S) or amino acids and peptides (cells I) in the lumen. Secretin stimulates the releasing of water, bicarbonate and enteropeptidases whereas cholecystokinin acts on pancreatic enzymes.


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The immune responses are mediated by a variety cells and molecules that cells secreted. Macrophages are the first cells that participate in the immune response, and, when are activated, release more than hundred compounds at the extracelular medium, such as cytokine (TNF-α) and the intermediate compounds of the nitrogen (NO). In this paper the release of nitric oxide (NO) and necrose tumoral factor (TNF-α) were determined in peritoneal macrophage cultures of mice in the presence of the 70% ethanolic extract obtained from the flowers of the Melampodium divaricatum (Asteraceae) in the concentrations of 20, 10 and 5 mg/mL. The 70% ethanolic extracts from flowers of the Melampodium divaricatum presented higher liberation of NO and TNF-α in the concentration of the 20 mg/mL when compared with LPS. We conclude that this extract is a potente stimulator of macrophage, could be immunomodulatory activity.


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The use of natural active principals is widespread among a great proportion of the rural population, or by people who do not have easy access to medical assistance. These active principles are used as food or medicines, and even for purposes of contraception. It becomes necessary to establish a relationship between the folklore habits and current information on the nature of anti-fertility substances, and knowledge of their mechanisms. Anti-fertility agents may exert their actions in a number of areas, (hypothalamus, anterior pituitary, oviduct, uterus, and vagina), inhibiting synthesis and/or liberation of hormones (follicle-stimulating, luteinizing, and steroid hormones), ovulation, ovum transportation, and implantation process. Therefore, a review of literature was carried out, including of several plants used by women as abortifacient and anti-fertility agents to compare their effects with those obtained among laboratory animals.


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Tin oxide is an n type semiconductor material with a high covalent behavior. Mass transport in this oxide depends on the surface state promoted by atmosphere or by the solid solution of aliovalent oxide doping. The sintering and grain growth of this type of oxide powder is then controlled by atmosphere and by extrinsic oxygen vacancy formation. For pure SnO2 powder the surface state depends only on the interaction of atmosphere molecules with the SnO2 surface. Inert atmosphere like argon or helium promotes oxygen vacancy formation at the surface due to reduction of SnO2 to SnO at the surface and liberation of oxygen molecules forming oxygen vacancies. As a consequence surface diffusion is enhanced leading to grain coarsening but no densification. Oxygen atmosphere inhibits SnO2 reduction by decreasing the surface oxygen vacancy concentration. Addition of dopants with lower valence at the sintering temperature creates extrinsic charged oxygen vacancies that promote mass transport at the grain boundary leading to densification and grain growth of this polycrystalline oxide.


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Purpose: To evaluate the quantity of Mitomycin C discharged from different materials with the same size, potentially used in the application of this medicine accessible in the surgery center of an Universitarian Hospital. Material and Method: It was studied 20 fragments with 5 to 5mm, from each 5 materials: Lyostypt, Weck sponge, absorbable cloth which is used to clean, cotton plate and of cotton swab concerning the saturation capacity and the quantity of mitomicyn discharged. In the first stage, it was studied the saturation capacity from each material. In the second stage, it was applied 0,1 ml solution of Mitomicyn C (0,5 mg/ml) and it was measured the biggest discharge halo in the filter paper and the discharged quantity (the difference between the weight before and after the medicine discharge). Results: The absorveble capacity from each material varied from 0,144 ml (absorbable cloth) to 0,216 ml Weck sponge. The discharge of Mitomicyn C was varied too, the biggest was the cotton plate and absorbable cloth. The Weck sponge and the cotton (of cotton swab) discharges the same quantity. Conclusion: The different materials discharged different quantities of Mitomicyn C. This can explain the different results of the trabeculectomy with Mitomicyn C. The surveys must inform not only the material used to apply the mitomycin C but the volume used too. Because the same values of mitomycin C liberation, cotton may substitute Weck sponje in trabeculectomy.


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The immunological response includes wide contexts involving several cells, and the macrophage is crucial in the cellular immune response. Several stimuli to macrophage membrane may induce the liberation of H2O2, contributing to antibacterial and cytotoxicical actions. Nowadays, there is a tendency to study natural products to verify their capacity of acting in the immune system. This study evaluated the citotoxicity of the bulk extract and the hexanic and acetic fractions extracted from Styrax camporum Pohl (Styracaceae) and the production of H2O2, on murine peritonal macrophages cultures exposed to fractions extracted from this plant. The results showed that the fraction HX 2 mg/ml produced the liberation of H 2O2 in high concentrations and to 4 mg/ml was observed high citotoxicity. The fractions AC did not produce the liberation of H 2O2 and EB was produced in low levels. We conclude that this HX is a potent stimulator of macrophage.


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The present paper describes the one-pot procedure for the formation of self-assembled thin films of two silanes on the model oxidized silicon wafer, SiO2/Si. SiO2/Si is a model system for other surfaces, such as glass, quartz, aerosol, and silica gel. MALDI-TOF MS with and without a matrix, XPS, and AFM have confirmed the formation of self-assembled thin films of both 3-imidazolylpropyltrimethoxysilane (3-IPTS) and 4-(N- propyltriethoxysilane-imino)pyridine (4-PTSIP) on the SiO2/Si surface after 30 min. Longer adsorption times lead to the deposition of nonreacted 3-IPTS precursors and the formation of agglomerates on the 3-IPTS monolayer. The formation of 4-PTSIP self-assembled layers on SiO2/Si is also demonstrated. The present results for the flat SiO2/Si surface can lead to a better understanding of the formation of a stationary phase for affinity chromatography as well as transition-metal-supported catalysts on silica and their relationship with surface roughness and ordering. The 3-IPTS and 4-PTSIP modified SiO2/Si wafers can also be envisaged as possible built-on-silicon thin-layer chromatography (TLC) extraction devices for metal determination or N-heterocycle analytes, such as histidine and histamine, with on-spot MALDI-TOF MS detection. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The dopaminergic, serotoninergic and GABA-ergic systems are closely involved in PRL secretion, as well as thyrotropin-releasing hormone. There is some evidence that zinc interacts with some of these neuroamines and neuropeptides. The histamine H2-receptor cimetidine stimulates PRL secretion rapidly following an intravenous injection in man. In this sense, we investigated probable inhibitory effect of zinc on prolactin secretion following cimetidine injection (300 mg). Therefore, we studied five healthy adult men, before and after oral zinc administration (25 mg elemental zinc) during three consecutive months. The results did not demonstrate any inhibitory effect of zinc on prolactin secretion. So, we originally concluded that zinc did not interact with dopamine, serotonine, gamma-aminobutyric acid and the thyrotropin-releasing hormone in humans. In addition, the intravenous administration of cimetidine did not change the serum zinc profile. © 2005 Dustri-Vertag Dr. K. Feistle.


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Zinc (Zn ++) has been shown as an important physiological inhibitor of pituitary PRL release, and Zn ++ and PRL could be involved in a negative feedback regulatory loop. However, this inhibitory effect has not been detected in humans with regard to thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH), dopamine (DA) and histamine (HA) neurotransmitters. In order to investigate this topic, Zn ++ was acutely and chronically administered to five healthy men to observe the probable inhibitory effect on PRL release during insulin-induced hypoglycemia. The positive PRL response to hypoglycemia has generally been considered to be mediated via the hypothalamus by adrenergic, serotoninergic, histaminergic, opioid-peptidergic and TRH neurotransmitters. The results showed that Zn ++ was not able to inhibit the PRL release during insulin-induced hypoglycemia. Under these conditions, Zn ++ does not block hypothalamic neurotransmitters stimulated by hypoglycemia, thus excluding its clinical application in human beings. On the other hand, the effect of acute stress, such as hypoglycemia, on the serum Zn ++ profile was not observed. ©2006 Dustri-Verlag Dr. K. Feistle.


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Objective. Juvenile localized scleroderma (JLS) includes a number of conditions often grouped together. With the long-term goal of developing uniform classification criteria, we studied the epidemiological, clinical and immunological features of children with JLS followed by paediatric rheumatology and dermatology centres. Methods. A large, multicentre, multinational study was conducted by collecting information on the demographics, family history, triggering environmental factors, clinical and laboratory features, and treatment of patients with JLS. Results. Seven hundred and fifty patients with JLS from 70 centres were enrolled into the study. The disease duration at diagnosis was 18 months. Linear scleroderma (LS) was the most frequent subtype (65%), followed by plaque morphea (PM) (26%), generalized morphea (GM) (7%) and deep morphea (DM) (2%). As many as 15% of patients had a mixed subtype. Ninety-one patients (12%) had a positive family history for rheumatic or autoimmune diseases; 100 (13.3%) reported environmental events as possible trigger. ANA was positive in 42.3% of the patients, with a higher prevalence in the LS-DM subtype than in the PM-GM subtype. Scl70 was detected in the sera of 3% of the patients, anticentromere antibody in 2%, anti-double-stranded DNA in 4%, anti-cardiolipin antibody in 13% and rheumatoid factor in 16%. Methotrexate was the drug most frequently used, especially during the last 5 yr. Conclusion. This study represents the largest collection of patients with JLS ever reported. The insidious onset of the disease, the delay in diagnosis, the recognition of mixed subtype and the better definition of the other subtypes should influence our efforts in educating trainees and practitioners and help in developing a comprehensive classification system for this syndrome. © 2006 Oxford University Press.


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The aim of this article is to present the decalcification process dynamic of mineralized tissue in dogs, teeth and jaw, comparing the traditional decalcification method, immersion, and microwave, immersion followed by irradiation using a domestic microwave oven, accompanying the liberation of calcium through spectrophotometer of atomic absorption. It was used as decalcified agent, EDTA solution or nitric acid. The results showed that with the use of nitric acid (5%), after 15 days, the irradiated fragments could be processed for histological analysis, otherwise the tooth not irradiated need to be submerged for 65 days. The EDTA decalcified action was slower than the nitric acid. The histological observations of the irradiated samples showed an excellent preservation of the morphological characteristics, independently of the decalcified agent used. © 2007 Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of physical preconditioning in the responsiveness of rat pulmonary rings submitted to lung ischemia/reperfusion (IR). Wistar rats were divided into three groups: Sedentary sham-operated (SD/SHAM); sedentary submitted to ischemia/reperfusion (SD/IR) and trained submitted to ischemia/reperfusion (TR/IR) animals. Exercise training consisted in sessions of 60 min/day running sessions, 5 days/week for 8 weeks. Left pulmonary IR was performed by occluding for 90 min and reperfusing for 120 min. After that, pulmonary arteries were isolated and concentration-response curves to acetylcholine (ACh), histamine (HIST), sodium nitroprusside (SNP), phenylephrine and U46619 were obtained. Neither potency (- log EC50) nor maximal responses (Emax) were modified for ACh and HIST in all groups. On the other hand, the potency for SNP was significantly increased in TR/IR group (8.23 ± 0.06) compared to SD/IR group (7.85 ± 0.04). Contractile responses mediated by a-adrenergic receptor were markedly decreased in IR groups (SD/IR: 6.75 ± 0.06 and TR/IR: 6.62 ± 0.04) compared to SD/SHAM (7.33 ± 0.05). No changes were seen for the U46619 in all groups. In conclusion, the present study shows that exercise training has no protective actions in the local blood vessel where the IR process takes place. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Plesiomonas shigelloides is a Gram-negative rod-shaped bacterium, of the family Enterobacteriaceae, which has been isolated from freshwater and salt water, freshwater fish, shellfish and many species of animals. Most human P. shigelloides infections are suspected to be waterborne. The organism can be found in untreated water used as drinking water, in recreational water, or in water used to rinse food that is consumed without cooking or heating. The ingestion of P. shigelloides does not always cause illness in the host animal, and the organism may be present temporarily as a transient, noninfectious member of the intestinal flora. It has been isolated from the stools of patients with diarrhea,but it is also sometimes isolated from healthy individuals. P. shigelloides has been implicated in gastroenteritis, usually a self-limiting disease characterized by fever, chills, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea or vomiting; in severe cases the diarrhea may be yellowish-green, foamy and tinged with blood. The bacteria may also cause extra-intestinal infection. Furthermore, it can produce toxins and may be invasive. The evidence in favor of considering P. shigelloides as an enteropathogen is not totally convincing. Although it has been isolated from patients with diarrhea and incriminated in some outbreaks involving contaminated water and food, it was not possible, in many P. shigelloides samples associated with gastrointestinal infections, to identify a definite mechanism of virulence.


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