615 resultados para herds
Il dibattito sullo sviluppo delle culture dell’età del Bronzo nel territorio dell’Emilia-Romagna sta portando una rinnovata attenzione sull’area romagnola. Le indagini si sono concentrate sull’area compresa tra il fiume Panaro e il Mare Adriatico, riconoscibile nell’odierna Romagna ed in parte della bassa pianura emiliana. Si trattava un territorio strategico, un vero e proprio crocevia socio-economico fra la cultura terramaricola e quelle centro italiche di Grotta Nuova. La presente ricerca di dottorato ha portato alla ricostruzione dei sistemi di gestione e di sfruttamento delle risorse animali in Emilia-Romagna durante l’Età del Bronzo, con particolare attenzione alla definizione della capacità portante ambientale dei diversi territori indagati e delle loro modalità di sfruttamento in relazione alla razionalizzazione della pratiche di allevamento. Sono state studiate in dettaglio le filiere di trasformazione dei prodotti animali primari e secondari definendo, quindi, i caratteri delle paleoeconomie locali nel processo di evoluzione della Romagna durante l’età del Bronzo. La ricerca si è basata sullo studio archeozoologico completo su 13 siti recentemente indagati, distribuiti nelle provincie di: Bologna, Ferrara, Ravenna, Forlì/Cesena e Rimini, e su una revisione completa delle evidenze archeozoologiche prodotte da studi pregressi. Le analisi non si sono limitate al riconoscimento delle specie, ma hanno teso all’individuazione ed alla valutazione di parametri complessi per ricostruire le strategie di abbattimento e le tecniche di sfruttamento e macellazione dei diversi gruppi animali. E’ stato possibile, quindi, valutare il peso ecologico di mandrie e greggi sul territorio e l’impatto economico ed ecologico di un allevamento sempre più sistematico e razionale, sia dal punto di vista dell’organizzazione territoriale degli insediamenti, sia per quanto riguarda le ripercussioni sulla gestione delle risorse agricole ed ambientali in generale.
Farm animals may serve as models for evaluating social networks in a controlled environment. We used an automated system to track, at fine temporal and spatial resolution (once per minute, +/- 50 cm) every individual in six herds of dairy cows (Bos taurus). We then analysed the data using social network analyses. Relationships were based on non-random attachment and avoidance relationships in respect to synchronous use and distances observed in three different functional areas (activity, feeding and lying). We found that neither synchrony nor distance between cows was strongly predictable among the three functional areas. The emerging social networks were tightly knit for attachment relationships and less dense for avoidance relationships. These networks loosened up from the feeding and lying area to the activity area, and were less dense for relationships based on synchronicity than on median distance with respect to node degree, relative size of the largest cluster, density and diameter of the network. In addition, synchronicity was higher in dyads of dairy cows that had grown up together and shared their last dry period. This last effect disappeared with increasing herd size. Dairy herds can be characterized by one strongly clustered network including most of the herd members with many non-random attachment and avoidance relationships. Closely synchronous dyads were composed of cows with more intense previous contact. The automatic tracking of a large number of individuals proved promising in acquiring the data necessary for tackling social network analyses.
A novel real-time quantitative PCR assay for detecting the pathogenic and contagious Staphylococcus aureus genotype B (GTB) in bulk tank milk was developed and evaluated. The detection of this pathogen in bulk tank milk would greatly facilitate its control, as it is responsible for great economic loss in Swiss dairy herds. The assay is based on the simultaneous detection of 3 GTB-typical target sequences, including 2 enterotoxin genes and a polymorphism within the leucotoxin E gene. A variety of mastitis-associated bacteria was used to validate the assays, resulting in an analytical specificity of 100% and high repeatability. The analytical sensitivity in milk was 40 cfu/mL. An exponential association between simulated cow prevalence and quantitative PCR result was observed. An initial field study revealed 1 GTB-positive herd among the 33 studied herds. This novel assay for bulk tank milk analysis is suitable for routine purposes and is expected to be an effective tool for minimizing Staph. aureus GTB in Swiss dairy herds.
Tuberculosis (TB) in South American camelids (SAC) is caused by Mycobacterium bovis or Mycobacterium microti. Two serological methods, rapid testing (RT) and the dual-path platform (DPP) assay, were evaluated using naturally infected SAC. The study population included 156 alpacas and 175 llamas in Great Britain, Switzerland, and the United States. TB due to M. bovis (n = 44) or M. microti (n = 8) in 35 alpacas and 17 llamas was diagnosed by gross pathology examination and culture. Control animals were from herds with no TB history. The RT and the DPP assay showed sensitivities of 71% and 74%, respectively, for alpacas, while the sensitivity for llamas was 77% for both assays. The specificity of the DPP assay (98%) was higher than that of RT (94%) for llamas; the specificities of the two assays were identical (98%) for alpacas. When the two antibody tests were combined, the parallel-testing interpretation (applied when either assay produced a positive result) enhanced the sensitivities of antibody detection to 89% for alpacas and 88% for llamas but at the cost of lower specificities (97% and 93%, respectively), whereas the serial-testing interpretation (applied when both assays produced a positive result) maximized the specificity to 100% for both SAC species, although the sensitivities were 57% for alpacas and 65% for llamas. Over 95% of the animals with evidence of TB failed to produce skin test reactions, thus confirming concerns about the validity of this method for testing SAC. The findings suggest that serological assays may offer a more accurate and practical alternative for antemortem detection of camelid TB.
Following an abortion in a beef herd in the summer of 2009, three outbreaks of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) were diagnosed in the cantons of Jura and Neuchatel. An epidemiological outbreak investigation was conducted with the aims to identify the source of introduction of the bovine herpes virus 1 (BoHV-1) into the affected herds and to prevent further spread of the disease. The attack rates in the three outbreak farms were 0.89, 0.28 and 0, respectively. BoHV-1 could be isolated from nasal swabs of two animals originating from one of the affected farms. Comparative restriction enzyme analysis revealed slight differences between the isolates of the two animals, but a high similarity to previous BoHV-1 isolates from the canton of Jura, as well as to a French BoHV-1 isolate. This IBR outbreak has shown the importance of reporting and analyzing abortions. The current disease outbreaks recall the main risk factors for the spread of IBR in Switzerland: purchase and movement of bovines and semen of often unknown IBR status.
Haemotrophic mycoplasmas (also known as haemoplasmas), small bacterias which parasite the surface of erythrocytes, have been described in several species. Recently, molecular methods were developed for the diagnosis of haemoplasma infection. The presented study describes the first detection and the investigation of prevalence of "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemolamae" in South American Camelids in Switzerland. A random sample of the latter population was tested for haemoplasma infections using real-time PCR. The infection was detected in 18.6% of the animals and was found both in indigenous and in imported camelids. Of the tested herds 39,1% harboured at least one animal positive for haemoplasmas in PCR. There was no difference in prevalence between male and female animals and llamas and alpacas, respectively. Furthermore, the prevalence of infection was not significantly different in diseased animals compared to healthy camelids. From the latter observation and the fact that the high prevalence was accompanied by an undetectable incidence, we concluded that the pathogenicity of "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemolamae" may be low.
The association between the contagious Staphylococcus aureus genotype B (GTB) and the presence of coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) and Streptococcus spp. (non-agalactiae streptococci), was investigated, and the identification of problem herds without genotyping was evaluated. Milk samples from 10 herds with Staph. aureus GTB herd problems (PH cases) were compared with samples from 19 herds with at least one Staph. aureus isolate of non-B genotype (CH cases). All samples were bacteriologically analysed and Staph. aureus genotyping carried out using a ribosomal spacer-PCR. Cow and quarter prevalences of Staph. aureus, CNS and Streptococcus spp. differed significantly between PH and CH groups. PH cases were highly associated with decreased cow prevalences of CNS and Streptococcus spp. These altered prevalences also contributed significantly to the identification of problem herds without resorting to genotyping. Common herd-level risk factors did not explain the difference between the prevalences in PH and CH cases.
BACKGROUND: In the context of the ongoing eradication campaign for bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) in cattle in Switzerland, the role of South American camelids (SAC) as a possible virus reservoir needed to be evaluated. OBJECTIVE: To assess and characterize the prevalence of pestivirus infections in SAC in Switzerland. ANIMALS: Serum samples collected from 348 animals (40 herds) in 2008 and from 248 animals (39 herds) in 2000 were examined for antibodies against pestiviruses and for the presence of BVDV viral RNA. METHODS: Cross-sectional study using stratified, representative herd sampling. An indirect BVDV-ELISA was used to analyze serum samples for pestivirus antibodies, and positive samples underwent a serum neutralization test (SNT). Real-time RT-PCR to detect pestiviral RNA was carried out in all animals from herds with at least 1 seropositive animal. RESULTS: In 2008, the overall prevalence of animals positive for antibodies (ELISA) and pestiviral RNA or was 5.75 and 0%, respectively. In 2000, the corresponding prevalences were 3.63 and 0%, respectively. The seroprevalences (SNT) for BVDV, border disease virus or undetermined pestiviruses were estimated to be 0, 1.73, and 4.02% in 2008, and 0.40, 1.21, and 2.02% in 2000, respectively. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: At the present time, SAC appear to represent a negligible risk of re-infection for the BVDV eradication program in cattle in Switzerland.
BACKGROUND: Outbreak of bluetongue virus serotype-8 (BTV-8) infection in domestic ruminants in Northern Europe. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the South American camelids' (SAC) susceptibility to BTV-8 infection, their role in the epidemiology of the disease, and the use of currently available serological screening tests in SAC in an endemic region. ANIMALS: Three hundred and fifty-four unvaccinated and 27 vaccinated SAC (170 llamas, 201 alpacas), ranging in age from 1 month to 17 years between June and August 2008. The SAC originated from 44 herds throughout the country, representing 10% of the Swiss SAC population. METHODS: Prospective, observational study of a convenience sample of SAC. Serum samples were analyzed with 2 serological screening tests. When results diverged, a 3rd ELISA was carried out for confirmation (ID Screen Bluetongue Competition ELISA kit). RESULTS: All sera from the 354 unvaccinated animals were negative in the endemic region. Reliable seroconversion was observed after administration of 2 doses of vaccine. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: This study suggests a low susceptibility of SAC to BTV-8 despite the presence of the virus in the cattle and small ruminant population, indicating that SAC do not play a major role in the epidemiology of BTV-8. Furthermore, these results indicate that commercially available serological tests for BTV-8 can be used in SAC.
BACKGROUND: Delayed uterine involution has negative effects on the fertility of cows; use of prostaglandin F2alpha alone as a single treatment has not been shown to consistently improve fertility. Combined administration of PGF2alpha and PGE2 increased uterine pressure in healthy cows. We hypothesized, that the combination of both prostaglandins would accelerate uterine involution and have, therefore, a positive effect on fertility variables. In commercial dairy farming, the benefit of a single post partum combined prostaglandin treatment should be demonstrated. METHODS: 383 cows from commercial dairy farms were included in this study. Uterine size and secretion were evaluated at treatment 21-35 days post partum and 14 days later. Cows were randomly allocated to one of three treatment groups: PGF2alpha and PGE2, PGF2alpha or placebo. For every animal participating in the study, the following reproduction variables were recorded: Interval from calving to first insemination, days open, number of artificial inseminations (AI) to conception; subsequent treatment of uterus, subsequent treatment of ovaries. Plasma progesterone level at time of treatment was used as a covariable. For continuous measurements, analysis of variance was performed. Fisher's exact test for categorical non-ordered data and exact Kruskal-Wallis test for ordered data were used; pairwise group comparisons with Bonferroni adjustment of significance level were performed. RESULTS: There was no significant difference among treatment groups in uterine size. Furthermore, there was no significant difference among treatments concerning days open, number of AI, and subsequent treatment of uterus and ovaries. Days from calving to first insemination tended to be shorter for cows with low progesterone level given PGF2alpha and PGE2 in combination than for the placebo-group (P = 0.024). CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicate that the administration of PGF2alpha or a combination of PGF2alpha and PGE2 21 to 35 days post partum had no beneficial effect upon measured fertility variables. The exception was a tendency for a shorter interval from calving to first insemination after administration of the combination of PGF2alpha and PGE2, as compared to the placebo group. Further research should be done in herds with reduced fertility and/or an increased incidence of postpartum vaginal discharge.
A nested PCR that successfully detected Neospora caninum DNA in serum of cattle was used for investigation of selected abortion cases and in a study of healthy pregnant cows at an abattoir. N. caninum DNA was not detected in serum from antibody positive dams that aborted due to N. caninum, but was present in serum of some antibody negative dams that aborted due to other causes. N. caninum DNA was also found in the serum of about half of the animals that aborted of undetermined cause, but was not detected in cow sera from two beef cattle herds in Western Australia with no recent history of abortion. In the abattoir study of 79 dams and their foetuses N. caninum DNA was found in serum of 3 dams and in material from 11 foetuses. The majority of the cows and all foetuses were antibody negative. Our findings suggest that there is no obvious relationship between the presence or absence of N. caninum DNA in serum and the presence of antibodies to N. caninum in dams, the presence of N. caninum DNA in foetuses or abortion due to N. caninum. This is the first report of the detection of N. caninum DNA in serum of cattle rather than the white blood cell fraction. It indicates the presence of free tachyzoites and/or parasite DNA in circulation. The results suggest that persistent infection in the absence of antibodies is a possible outcome of N. caninum infection. Infection of foetuses in the absence of antibodies supports the possibility of persistent infection due to immunotolerance to an early in utero infection. It is therefore important to test for N. caninum DNA as well as antibodies for the detection of exposed and/or infected animals. However, the presence or absence of N. caninum antibodies or DNA did not support nor exclude N. caninum as the cause of abortion. Additional criteria are required for a positive diagnosis of abortion caused by N. caninum.
Live vaccines possess the advantage of having access to induce cell-mediated and antibody-mediated immunity; thus in certain cases they are able to prevent infection, and not only disease. Furthermore, live vaccines, particularly bacterial live vaccines, are relatively cheap to produce and easy to apply. Hence they are suitable to immunize large communities or herds. The induction of both cell-mediated immunity as well as antibody-mediated immunity, which is particularly beneficial in inducing mucosal immune responses, is obtained by the vaccine-strain's ability to colonize and multiply in the host without causing disease. For this reason, live vaccines require attenuation of virulence of the bacterium to which immunity must be induced. Traditionally attenuation was achieved simply by multiple passages of the microorganism on growth medium, in animals, eggs or cell cultures or by chemical or physical mutagenesis, which resulted in random mutations that lead to attenuation. In contrast, novel molecular methods enable the development of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) targeted to specific genes that are particularly suited to induce attenuation or to reduce undesirable effects in the tissue in which the vaccine strains can multiply and survive. Since live vaccine strains (attenuated by natural selection or genetic engineering) are potentially released into the environment by the vaccinees, safety issues concerning the medical as well as environmental aspects must be considered. These involve (i) changes in cell, tissue and host tropism, (ii) virulence of the carrier through the incorporation of foreign genes, (iii) reversion to virulence by acquisition of complementation genes, (iv) exchange of genetic information with other vaccine or wild-type strains of the carrier organism and (v) spread of undesired genes such as antibiotic resistance genes. Before live vaccines are applied, the safety issues must be thoroughly evaluated case-by-case. Safety assessment includes knowledge of the precise function and genetic location of the genes to be mutated, their genetic stability, potential reversion mechanisms, possible recombination events with dormant genes, gene transfer to other organisms as well as gene acquisition from other organisms by phage transduction, transposition or plasmid transfer and cis- or trans-complementation. For this, GMOs that are constructed with modern techniques of genetic engineering display a significant advantage over random mutagenesis derived live organisms. The selection of suitable GMO candidate strains can be made under in vitro conditions using basic knowledge on molecular mechanisms of pathogenicity of the corresponding bacterial species rather than by in vivo testing of large numbers of random mutants. This leads to a more targeted safety testing on volunteers and to a reduction in the use of animal experimentation.
Incontinentia lactis is a possible predisposing factor for an elevated level of intramammary infection. The goal of the present study was to investigate possible causes of incontinentia lactis in dairy cows. Two farms that differed in breed composition, but that had similar average milk yields were studied: herd A, 28 kg/d, 31 Red Holstein cows; and herd B, 26 kg/d, 16 Brown Swiss cows. Herd A was classified into 2 groups: incontinentia lactis (ILA group) and control, whereas herd B was exclusively a control herd. Milk samples that represented foremilk and the main milk fraction were collected during 4 milking sessions. In addition, milk leakage samples from the ILA group were collected at different time intervals from 0 to 5 h before milking. Measurements of the teat, milk flow, fractions of cisternal and alveolar milk, intramammary pressure, and blood oxytocin pattern also were obtained. The ILA cows did not have differences in fat content between milk leakage and cisternal milk fraction. Milk fat content, however, increased during milking in response to continuous milk ejection (1.95, 1.99, and 4.61% for milk leakage, cisternal, and main milk samples, respectively). Teat canals were 9% shorter in the ILA cows, which showed greater milk yield, peak, and average flow rates. Quarter cisternal milk yield of ILA cows tended to be greater (0.50 vs. 0.23 and 0.28 kg for ILA and controls from herds A and B, respectively), whereas percentages of cistern milk and alveolar milk did not differ from controls. The greater pressure in the ILA group, both before and after manual udder stimulation (ILA: 4.0 and 6.4 kPa; control: 2.0 and 5.0 kPa, respectively), could be an important cause for the leakage. Nevertheless, the increase in IMP that occurred after udder preparation affirms that milk ejection occurred in response to the tactile teat stimulation, but not before the onset of leakage. Blood oxytocin concentration in ILA cows was low until the start of udder preparation and increased in response to the milking stimulus (reaffirming the hypothesis that milk leakage occurred in the absence of milk ejection). In conclusion, milk losses by leakage are likely due to the large amount of cisternal milk, which creates pressure and causes leakage, in the absence of milk ejection.
Antibody responses in New World camelids (NWC) infected with Mycobacterium microti were studied by two serological methods, multiantigen print immunoassay (MAPIA) and lateral-flow-based rapid test (RT). Serum samples were collected during 2004-2006 from 87 animals including 1 alpaca and 7 llamas with confirmed or suspected M. microti infection, 33 potentially exposed but clinically healthy animals from known infected herds, and 46 control NWC from herds where infection had not been previously diagnosed. The serological assays correctly identified infection status in 97% (MAPIA) or 87% (RT) cases. In three llamas with confirmed M. microti infection and one llama with gross pathology suggestive of disease, for which multiple serum samples collected over time were available, the antibody-based tests showed positive results 1-2 years prior to the onset of clinical signs or being found dead. In MAPIA, MPB83 protein was identified to be an immunodominant serological target antigen recognized in NWC infected with M. microti. With the limited number of animals tested in this study, the serological assays demonstrated the potential for convenient, rapid, and accurate diagnosis of M. microti infection in live llamas and alpacas.
Data from 59 farms with complaints of udder health problems and insufficient quality of delivered milk that had been assessed by the Swiss Bovine Health Service (BHS) between 1999 and 2004 were retrospectively analysed. Data evaluated included farm characteristics such as farm size, herd size, average milk yield, milking system and housing system, deficits of the milking equipment and the milking practices, and bacteriological results of milk samples from all cows in lactation. The average size of the farms assessed by the BHS was larger than the size of the were evaluated, 42 showed obvious failures which the farm managers could have noticed. Only 5 of the 57 milkers carried out their work according to the generally valid guidelines of the National Mastitis Council. More than 2 basic mistakes were observed in the milking practices of 36 milkers. In 51 farms, mixed infections with several problem bacteria (those present in at least 20 % of the tested cows on a farm) were found. Staphylococcus aureus proved to be the most common problem germ. As the bacteria responsible for the herd problem (the sole problem bacteria detectable on a particular farm) Staphylococcus aureus was detected in 4 farms. The current study revealed that education in the area of milking techniques and milking practices of farmers should be improved in order to reduce the incidence of udder health problems on herd level. Staphylococcus aureus is the most important problem bacteria involved in herds with udder health problems in Switzerland. Staphylococcus aureus might be used in practice as the indicator germ for early recognition of management problems in dairy farms.