981 resultados para frictional damping


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Irregular force fluctuations are seen in most nanotubulation experiments. The dynamics behind their presence has, however, been neither commented upon nor modeled. A simple estimate of the mean energy dissipated in force drops turns out to be several times the thermal energy. This coupled with the rate dependent nature of the deformation reported in several experiments point to a dynamical origin of the serrations. We simplify the whole process of tether formation through a three-stage model of successive deformations of sphere to ellipsoid, neck-formation, and tubule birth and extension. Based on this, we envisage a rate-softening frictional force at the neck that must be overcome before a nanotube can be pulled out. Our minimal model includes elastic and visco-elastic deformation of the vesicle, and has built-in dependence on pull velocity, vesicle radius, and other material parameters, enabling us to capture various kinds of serrated force-extension curves for different parameter choices. Serrations are predicted in the nanotubulation region. Other features of force-extension plots reported in the literature such as a plateauing serrated region beyond a force drop, serrated flow region with a small positive slope, an increase in the elastic threshold with pull velocity, force-extension curves for vesicles with larger radius lying lower than those for smaller radius, are all also predicted by the model. A toy model is introduced to demonstrate that the role of the friction law is limited to inducing stick-slip oscillations in the force, and all other qualitative and quantitative features emerging from the model can only be attributed to other physical mechanisms included in the deformation dynamics of the vesicle. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The ultimate bearing capacity of a circular footing, placed over a soil mass which is reinforced with horizontal layers of circular reinforcement sheets, has been determined by using the upper bound theorem of the limit analysis in conjunction with finite elements and linear optimization. For performing the analysis, three different soil media have been separately considered, namely, (i) fully granular, (ii) cohesive frictional, and (iii) fully cohesive with an additional provision to account for an increase of cohesion with depth. The reinforcement sheets are assumed to be structurally strong to resist axial tension but without having any resistance to bending; such an approximation usually holds good for geogrid sheets. The shear failure between the reinforcement sheet and adjoining soil mass has been considered. The increase in the magnitudes of the bearing capacity factors (N-c and N-gamma) with an inclusion of the reinforcement has been computed in terms of the efficiency factors eta(c) and eta(gamma). The results have been obtained (i) for different values of phi in case of fully granular (c=0) and c-phi soils, and (ii) for different rates (m) at which the cohesion increases with depth for a purely cohesive soil (phi=0 degrees). The critical positions and corresponding optimum diameter of the reinforcement sheets, for achieving the maximum bearing capacity, have also been established. The increase in the bearing capacity with an employment of the reinforcement increases continuously with an increase in phi. The improvement in the bearing capacity becomes quite extensive for two layers of the reinforcements as compared to the single layer of the reinforcement. The results obtained from the study are found to compare well with the available theoretical and experimental data reported in literature. (C) 2014 The Japanese Geotechnical Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Surface texture influences friction during sliding contact conditions. In the present investigation, the effect of surface texture and roughness of softer and harder counter materials on friction during sliding was analyzed using an inclined scratch testing system. In the experiments, two test configurations, namely (a) steel balls against aluminum alloy flats of different surface textures and (b) aluminum alloy pins against steel flats of different surface textures, are utilized. The surface textures were classified into unidirectionally ground, 8-ground, and randomly polished. For a given texture, the roughness of the flat surfaces was varied using grinding or polishing methods. Optical profilometer and scanning electron microscope were used to characterize the contact surfaces before and after the experiments. Experimental results showed that the surface textures of both harder and softer materials are important in controlling the frictional behavior. The softer material surface textures showed larger variations in friction between ground and polished surfaces. However, the harder material surface textures demonstrated a better control over friction among the ground surfaces. Although the effect of roughness on friction was less significant when compared to textures, the harder material roughness showed better correlations when compared to the softer material roughness.


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A method is presented for determining the ultimate bearing capacity of a circular footing reinforced with a horizontal circular sheet of reinforcement placed over granular and cohesive-frictional soils. It was assumed that the reinforcement sheet could bear axial tension but not the bending moment. The analysis was performed based on the lower-bound theorem of the limit analysis in combination with finite elements and linear optimization. The present research is an extension of recent work with strip foundations reinforced with different layers of reinforcement. To incorporate the effect of the reinforcement, the efficiency factors eta(gamma) and eta(c), which need to be multiplied by the bearing capacity factors N-gamma and N-c, were established. Results were obtained for different values of the soil internal friction angle (phi). The optimal positions of the reinforcements, which would lead to a maximum improvement in the bearing capacity, were also determined. The variations of the axial tensile force in the reinforcement sheet at different radial distances from the center were also studied. The results of the analysis were compared with those available from literature. (C) 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Cast Mg/SiCp and AZ91/SiCp composites were successfully hot extruded vis-a-vis cast and unreinforced Mg and AZ91 alloy up to low (R=15:1) and high (R=54:1) extrusion ratios at 350 degrees C. Significant matrix grain refinement was noticed after extrusion due to dynamic recrystallization; the degree of refinement being relatively higher for the two composites. The AZ91 based materials (AZ91 and AZ91/SiCp) exhibited comparatively finer grain size both in cast condition and after extrusion due to strong pinning effect from alloying elements as well as Mg17Al12 intermetallic phase. Compositional analyses eliminated the possibility of any interfacial reaction between matrix (Mg/AZ91) and second phase reinforcement (SiCp) in case of the composites. Texture evolution shows the formation of < 10 (1) over bar0 >parallel to ED texture fibre for all the materials after extrusion irrespective of SiCp addition or alloying which is primarily due to the deformation of the matrix phase. Micro-hardness did not significantly increased on extrusion in comparison to the respective cast materials for both composites and unreinforced alloys. Dynamic mechanical analysis, however, confirmed that the damping properties were affected by the extrusion ratio and to a lesser extent, due to the presence of second phase at room temperature as well as at higher temperature (300 degrees C). (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present a hybrid finite element based methodology to solve the coupled fluid structure problem of squeeze film effects in vibratory MEMS devices, such as gyroscopes, RF switches, and 2D resonators. The aforementioned devices often have a thin plate like structure vibrating normally to a fixed substrate, and are generally not perfectly vacuum packed. This results in a thin air film being trapped between the vibrating plate and the fixed substrate which behaves like a squeeze film offering both stiffness and damping. For accurate modelling of such devices the squeeze film effects must be incorporated. Extensive literature is available on squeeze film modelling, however only a few studies address the coupled fluid elasticity problem. The majority of the studies that account for the plate elasticity coupled with the fluid equation, either use approximate mode shapes for the plate or use iterative solution strategies. In an earlier work we presented a single step coupled methodology using only one type of displacement based element to solve the coupled problem. The displacement based finite element models suffer from locking issues when it comes to modelling very thin structures with the lateral dimensions much larger than the plate thickness as is typical in MEMS devices with squeeze film effects. In this work we present another coupled formulation where we have used hybrid elements to model the structural domain. The numerical results show a huge improvement in convergence and accuracy with coarse hybrid mesh as compared to displacement based formulations. We further compare our numerical results with experimental data from literature and find them to be in good accordance.


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This work reports a detailed temperature dependent Raman study on the mixed crystals of K-0.9(NH4)(0.1)H2AsO4 (KADA) from 5K to 300K in the spectral range of 60-1200cm(-1), covering tetragonal to orthorhombic structural phase transition accompanied by paraelectric to ferroelectric transition at T-c* similar to 60K. Multiple phase transitions below transition temperature (Tc* similar to 60K) are marked by the appearance of new modes, splitting of existing ones as well as anomalies in the self-energy parameters (i.e. mode frequencies and damping coefficient) of the phonon modes. Temperature independent behaviour of damping coefficient and abrupt jump in the mode frequency of some of the internal vibrations of AsO4 tetrahedra as well as external vibrations clearly signal long range ferroelectric ordering and proton ordering below T-c*. In addition, we observed that temperature dependence of many prominent phonon modes diverges significantly from their normal anharmonic behaviour below T-c* suggesting potential coupling between pseudospins and phonons. (C) 2015 Author(s).


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Friction coefficient between a circular-disk periphery and V-block surface was determined by introducing the concept of isotropic point (IP) in isochromatic field of the disk under three-point symmetric loading. IP position on the symmetry axis depends on active coefficient of friction during experiment. We extend this work to asymmetric loading of circular disk in which case two frictional contact pairs out of three loading contacts, independently control the unconstrained IP location. Photoelastic experiment is conducted on particular case of asymmetric three-point loading of circular disk. Basics of digital image processing are used to extract few essential parameters from experimental image, particularly IP location. Analytical solution by Flamant for half plane with a concentrated load, is utilized to derive stress components for required loading configurations of the disk. IP is observed, in analytical simulations of three-point asymmetric normal loading, to move from vertical axis to the boundary along an ellipse-like curve. When friction is included in the analysis, IP approaches the center with increase in loading friction and it goes away with increase in support friction. With all these insights, using experimental IP information, friction angles at three contact pairs of circular disk under asymmetric loading, are determined.


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This paper proposes a technique to cause unidirectional ion ejection in a quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer operated in the resonance ejection mode. In this technique a modified auxiliary dipolar excitation signal is applied to the endcap electrodes. This modified signal is a linear combination of two signals. The first signal is the nominal dipolar excitation signal which is applied across the endcap electrodes and the second signal is the second harmonic of the first signal, the amplitude of the second harmonic being larger than that of the fundamental. We have investigated the effect of the following parameters on achieving unidirectional ion ejection: primary signal amplitude, ratio of amplitude of second harmonic to that of primary signal amplitude, different operating points, different scan rates, different mass to charge ratios and different damping constants. In all these simulations unidirectional ejection of destabilized ions has been successfully achieved. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recent studies on small-scale power generation with the organic Rankine cycle suggest superior performance of positive displacement type of expanders compared to turbines. Scroll expanders in particular achieve high isentropic efficiencies due to lower leakage and frictional losses. Performance of scroll machines may be enhanced by the use of non-circular involute curves in place of the circular involutes resulting non-uniform wall thickness. In this paper, a detailed moment analysis is performed for such an expander having volumetric expansion ratio of 5 using thermodynamic models proposed earlier by one of the present authors. The working fluid considered in the power cycle is R-245fa with scroll inlet temperature of 125 degrees C for a gross power output of similar to 3.5 kW. The model developed in this paper is verified with an air scroll compressor available in the literature and then applied to an expander Prediction of small variation of moment with scroll motion recommends use of scroll expander without a flywheel over other positive displacement type of expanders, e.g. reciprocating, where a flywheel is an essential component.


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We report on the resonant frequency modulation of inertial microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) structures due to squeeze film stiffness over a range of working pressures. Squeeze film effects have been studied extensively, but mostly in the context of damping and Q-factor determination of dynamic MEMS structures, typically suspended over a fixed substrate with a very thin air gap. Here, we show with experimental measurements and analytical calculations how the pressure-dependent air springs (squeeze film stiffness) change the resonant frequency of an inertial MEMS structure by as much as five times. For capturing the isolated effect of the squeeze film stiffness, we first determine the static stiffness of our structure with atomic force microscope probing and then study the effect of the air spring by measuring the dynamic response of the structure, thus finding the resonant frequencies while varying the air pressure from 1 to 905 mbar. We also verify our results by analytical and Finite Element Method calculations. Our findings show that the pressure-dependent squeeze film stiffness can affect a rather huge range of frequency modulation (>400%) and, therefore, can be used as a design parameter for exploiting this effect in MEMS devices. 2014-0310]


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In this work, we address the issue of modeling squeeze film damping in nontrivial geometries that are not amenable to analytical solutions. The design and analysis of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) resonators, especially those that use platelike two-dimensional structures, require structural dynamic response over the entire range of frequencies of interest. This response calculation typically involves the analysis of squeeze film effects and acoustic radiation losses. The acoustic analysis of vibrating plates is a very well understood problem that is routinely carried out using the equivalent electrical circuits that employ lumped parameters (LP) for acoustic impedance. Here, we present a method to use the same circuit with the same elements to account for the squeeze film effects as well by establishing an equivalence between the parameters of the two domains through a rescaled equivalent relationship between the acoustic impedance and the squeeze film impedance. Our analysis is based on a simple observation that the squeeze film impedance rescaled by a factor of jx, where x is the frequency of oscillation, qualitatively mimics the acoustic impedance over a large frequency range. We present a method to curvefit the numerically simulated stiffness and damping coefficients which are obtained using finite element analysis (FEA) analysis. A significant advantage of the proposed method is that it is applicable to any trivial/nontrivial geometry. It requires very limited finite element method (FEM) runs within the frequency range of interest, hence reducing the computational cost, yet modeling the behavior in the entire range accurately. We demonstrate the method using one trivial and one nontrivial geometry.


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In this article, we propose a C-0 interior penalty ((CIP)-I-0) method for the frictional plate contact problem and derive both a priori and a posteriori error estimates. We derive an abstract error estimate in the energy norm without additional regularity assumption on the exact solution. The a priori error estimate is of optimal order whenever the solution is regular. Further, we derive a reliable and efficient a posteriori error estimator. Numerical experiments are presented to illustrate the theoretical results. (c) 2015Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Seismic design of landfills requires an understanding of the dynamic properties of municipal solid waste (MSW) and the dynamic site response of landfill waste during seismic events. The dynamic response of the Mavallipura landfill situated in Bangalore, India, is investigated using field measurements, laboratory studies and recorded ground motions from the intraplate region. The dynamic shear modulus values for the MSW were established on the basis of field measurements of shear wave velocities. Cyclic triaxial testing was performed on reconstituted MSW samples and the shear modulus reduction and damping characteristics of MSW were studied. Ten ground motions were selected based on regional seismicity and site response parameters have been obtained considering one-dimensional non-linear analysis in the DEEPSOIL program. The surface spectral response varied from 0.6 to 2g and persisted only for a period of 1s for most of the ground motions. The maximum peak ground acceleration (PGA) obtained was 0.5g and the minimum and maximum amplifications are 1.35 and 4.05. Amplification of the base acceleration was observed at the top surface of the landfill underlined by a composite soil layer and bedrock for all ground motions. Dynamic seismic properties with amplification and site response parameters for MSW landfill in Bangalore, India, are presented in this paper. This study shows that MSW has less shear stiffness and more amplification due to loose filling and damping, which need to be accounted for seismic design of MSW landfills in India.


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Seismic design of landfills requires an understanding of the dynamic properties of municipal solid waste (MSW) and the dynamic site response of landfill waste during seismic events. The dynamic response of the Mavallipura landfill situated in Bangalore, India, is investigated using field measurements, laboratory studies and recorded ground motions from the intraplate region. The dynamic shear modulus values for the MSW were established on the basis of field measurements of shear wave velocities. Cyclic triaxial testing was performed on reconstituted MSW samples and the shear modulus reduction and damping characteristics of MSW were studied. Ten ground motions were selected based on regional seismicity and site response parameters have been obtained considering one-dimensional non-linear analysis in the DEEPSOIL program. The surface spectral response varied from 0.6 to 2g and persisted only for a period of 1s for most of the ground motions. The maximum peak ground acceleration (PGA) obtained was 0.5g and the minimum and maximum amplifications are 1.35 and 4.05. Amplification of the base acceleration was observed at the top surface of the landfill underlined by a composite soil layer and bedrock for all ground motions. Dynamic seismic properties with amplification and site response parameters for MSW landfill in Bangalore, India, are presented in this paper. This study shows that MSW has less shear stiffness and more amplification due to loose filling and damping, which need to be accounted for seismic design of MSW landfills in India.