941 resultados para food based dietary guidelines


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These guidelines have been developed by the anaphylaxis working party of the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy to provide advice for minimizing the risk of food-induced anaphylaxis in schools, preschools and child-care centres. The guidelines outline four steps for the prevention of food anaphylactic reactions in children at risk and food policy measures specific to school age and preschool age children.


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The Codex Alimentarius Commission of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) develops food standards, guidelines and related texts for protecting consumer health and ensuring fair trade practices globally. The major part of the world's population lives in more than 160 countries that are members of the Codex Alimentarius. The Codex Standard on Infant Formula was adopted in 1981 based on scientific knowledge available in the 1970s and is currently being revised. As part of this process, the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses asked the ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition to initiate a consultation process with the international scientific community to provide a proposal on nutrient levels in infant formulae, based on scientific analysis and taking into account existing scientific reports on the subject. ESPGHAN accepted the request and, in collaboration with its sister societies in the Federation of International Societies on Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, invited highly qualified experts in the area of infant nutrition to form an International Expert Group (IEG) to review the issues raised. The group arrived at recommendations on the compositional requirements for a global infant formula standard which are reported here.


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There is some evidence that dietary factors may modify the risk of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin, but the association between food intake and SCC has not been evaluated prospectively. We examined the association between food intake and SCC incidence among 1,056 randomly selected adults living in an Australian sub-tropical community. Measurement-error corrected estimates of intake in 15 food groups were defined from a validated food frequency questionnaire in 1992. Associations with SCC risk were assessed using Poisson and negative binomial regression to the persons affected and tumour counts, respectively, based on incident, histologically confirmed tumours occurring between 1992 and 2002. After multivariable adjustment, none of the food groups was significantly associated with SCC risk. Stratified analysis in participants with a past history of skin cancer showed a decreased risk of SCC tumours for high intakes of green leafy vegetables (RR = 0.45, 95% CI = 0.22-0.91; p for trend = 0.02) and an increased risk for high intake of unmodified dairy products (RR = 2.53, 95% CI: 1.15-5.54; p for trend = 0.03). Food intake was not associated with SCC risk in persons who had no past history of skin cancer. These findings suggest that consumption of green leafy vegetables may help prevent development of subsequent SCCs of the skin among people with previous skin cancer and that consumption of unmodified dairy products, such as whole milk, cheese and yoghurt, may increase SCC risk in susceptible persons.


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We invostigated the validity of food intake estimates obtained by a self-administered FFQ relative to weighed food records (WFR) and the extent to which demographic, anthropometric, and social characteristics explain differences between these methods. A community-based sample of 96 Australian adults completed a FFQ and 12 d of WFR over 12 mo. The FFQ was adapted to the Australian setting from the questionnaire used in the US Nurses' Health Study. Spearman rank correlation coefficients ranged from 0.08 for other vegetables to 0.88 for tea. Exact agreement by quartiles of intake ranged from 27% (eggs) to 63% (tea). Differences between FFQ and WFR regressed on personal characteristics were significantly associated with at least 1 characteristic for 20 of the 37 foods. Sex was significantly associated with differences for 17 food groups, including 5 specific vegetable groups and 2 total fruit and vegetable groups. Use of dietary supplements and the presence of a medical condition were associated with differences for 5 foods; age, school leaving age, and occupation were associated with differences for 1-3 foods. BMI was rot associated with differences for any foods. Regression models explained from 3% (wholemeal bread) to 37% (for all cereals and products) of variation in differences between methods. We conclude that the relative validity of intake estimates obtained by FFQ is different for men and women for a large number of foods. These results highlight the need for appropriate adjustment of diet-disease relations for factors affecting the validity of food intake estimates.


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Objective: To assess validity of the Nambour food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ) relative to weighed food records (WFRs), and the extent to which selected demographic, anthropometric and social characteristics explain differences between the two dietary methods. Design: Inter-method validity study; 129-item FFQ vs. 12 days of WFR over 12 months. Setting: Community-based Nambour Skin Cancer Prevention Trial. Subjects: One hundred and fifteen of 168 randomly selected participants in the trial (68% acceptance rate) aged 25-75 years. Results: Spearman correlations between intakes from the two methods ranged from 0.18 to 0.71 for energy-adjusted values. Differences between FFQ and WFR regressed on personal characteristics were significantly associated with at least one characteristic for 16 of the 21 nutrients. Sex was significantly associated with differences for nine nutrients; body mass index (BMI), presence of any medical condition and age were each significantly associated with differences for three to six nutrients; use of dietary supplements and occupation were associated with differences for one nutrient each. There was no consistency in the direction of the significant associations. Regression models explained from 7% (riboflavin) to 27% (saturated fat) of variation in differences in intakes. Conclusions: The relative validity of FFQ estimates for many nutrients is quite different for males than for females. Age, BMI, medical condition and level of intake were also associated with relative validity for some nutrients, resulting in the need to adjust intakes estimates for these in modelling diet-disease relationships. Estimates for cholesterol, beta-carotene equivalents, retinol equivalents, thiamine, riboflavin and calcium would not benefit from this.


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This paper argues for the systematic development and presentation of evidence-based guidelines for appropriate use of computers by children. The currently available guidelines are characterised and a proposed conceptual model presented. Five principles are presented as a foundation to the guidelines. The paper concludes with a framework for the guidelines, key evidence for and against guidelines, and gaps in the available evidence, with the aim of facilitating further discussion. Relevance to industry The current generation of children in affluent countries will typically have over 10 years of computer experience before they enter the workforce. Consequently, the primary prevention of computer-related health disorders and the development of good productivity skills for the next generation of workers needs to occur during childhood. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present a vision and a proposal for using Semantic Web technologies in the organic food industry. This is a very knowledge intensive industry at every step from the producer, to the caterer or restauranteur, through to the consumer. There is a crucial need for a concept of environmental audit which would allow the various stake holders to know the full environmental impact of their economic choices. This is a di?erent and parallel form of knowledge to that of price. Semantic Web technologies can be used e?ectively for the calculation and transfer of this type of knowledge (together with other forms of multimedia data) which could contribute considerably to the commercial and educational impact of the organic food industry. We outline how this could be achieved as our essential ob jective is to show how advanced technologies could be used to both reduce ecological impact and increase public awareness.


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In the agri-food industry, Internet-based applications changed the way companies conduct business mainly by facilitating activities that were already taking place, rather by giving birth to virtual networks creation. Due to the specific characteristics of the sector, Internet's huge potential has not been fully exploited yet, still remaining a new communication tool. This paper aims at giving empirical insights regarding the use of Internet-based applications in the agri-food supply chain, by focusing on the Greek fruit canning sector. In particular, the paper identifies companies' perceptions regarding perceived benefits, constrained factors and motivation factors towards the use of Internet-based applications. Results indicate that companies recognise benefits arising from the use of Internet, however they still use traditional ways when communicating with their partners. Regarding transportation issues, while companies' overall satisfaction is rather moderate and differs significantly from the importance placed on a number of criteria, companies are still sceptical in using Electronic Transportation Marketplace. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Advocates of ‘local food’ claim it serves to reduce food miles and greenhouse gas emissions, improve food safety and quality, strengthen local economies and enhance social capital. We critically review the philosophical and scientific rationale for this assertion, and consider whether conventional scientific approaches can help resolve the debate. We conclude that food miles are a poor indicator of the environmental and ethical impacts of food production. Only through combining spatially explicit life cycle assessment with analysis of social issues can the benefits of local food be assessed. This type of analysis is currently lacking for nearly all food chains.


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A csomagolás részét képezi a jelölés – vagy más néven címke, label –, aminek elsődleges funkciója a termék tulajdonságairól való tájékoztatás, amellett, hogy a vállalat és a fogyasztó egyik legfontosabb találkozási pontja. Kiemelt szerepe van a marketing és a vállalati menedzsment eszköztárában, hiszen a fogyasztói döntéshozatal meghatározó forrása. A szerző írásában a jelölések definícióját, fajtáit és csoportosítását tárja az olvasó elé, majd ismerteti jelentőségét, fontosságát és szerepét az élelmiszer-ipari termékek segítségével. Ezután egy 630 fős megkérdezés eredményeképp a sokdimenziós skálázás (MDS) módszerével a jelölések új értelmezését mutatja be: a jelöléseket három dimenzió mentén lehet elhelyezni (előzetes tudás, érdek, megbízhatóság), valamint ezenkívül a jelölések öt homogén csoportot alkotnak (klasszikus, diétás, funkcionális, tudatos, előállítási). A téma jelentőségét az egészség és a környezet iránti növekvő érdeklődés, valamint a változó jogszabályi környezet is alátámasztja. / === / Signs, labels, claims are to inform consumers of product attributes, and are part of the packaging. Labeling is one of the most important marketing and management tool, while purchase decision is made at the point of purchase. The aim of this paper is to present the basic definitions and elements of information content on food packaging. The author developed a new approach to examine labeling using multidimensional scaling as a result of a pilot study. Labels are to distinguish through three dimensions: precognition, interest and reliability. Beyond that labels can be sorted to five homogeneous clusters based on classic, dietary, functional, conscious and production attributes. The relevancy of labeling is supported by growing interest of health and environmental issues and changing law environment.


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In the years 2004 and 2005 we collected samples of phytoplankton, zooplankton and macroinvertebrates in an artificial small pond in Budapest. We set up a simulation model predicting the abundance of the cyclopoids, Eudiaptomus zachariasi and Ischnura pumilio by considering only temperature as it affects the abundance of population of the previous day. Phytoplankton abundance was simulated by considering not only temperature, but the abundance of the three mentioned groups. This discrete-deterministic model could generate similar patterns like the observed one and testing it on historical data was successful. However, because the model was overpredicting the abundances of Ischnura pumilio and Cyclopoida at the end of the year, these results were not considered. Running the model with the data series of climate change scenarios, we had an opportunity to predict the individual numbers for the period around 2050. If the model is run with the data series of the two scenarios UKHI and UKLO, which predict drastic global warming, then we can observe a decrease in abundance and shift in the date of the maximum abundance occurring (excluding Ischnura pumilio, where the maximum abundance increases and it occurs later), whereas under unchanged climatic conditions (BASE scenario) the change in abundance is negligible. According to the scenarios GFDL 2535, GFDL 5564 and UKTR, a transition could be noticed.