759 resultados para fat replacement


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Okara is a by-product generated during the manufacture of soymilk and tofu. Wet okara was added to beef burgers at 0%, 20%, and 25%. The effects of okara on certain physicochemical, textural, and sensory properties of reduced fat beef burgers were investigated. The beef burgers formulated with okara (104.0-106.0 kcal/100 g) had 60% less calories than commercial beef burgers (268.8 kcal/100 g). The texture profile analysis showed that the addition of wet okara led to a significant increase in hardness (p < 0.05) and a concomitant reduction in the values of chewiness, springiness, and cohesiveness. Lower sensory scores (p < 0.05) of flavour were observed in the beef burgers containing 25% wet okara. However, the sensory evaluation results showed that juiciness, appearance, tenderness, and overall acceptability of beef burgers formulated with okara did not differ statistically from that of the control (0% okara). Wet okara (20%) can be used as a non-meat protein source in the production of reduced-fat beef burgers without changing their sensory quality.


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Orange fiber was used as a novel fat replacer in light lemon ice cream. Nine ice cream formulations were compared: standard control ice cream (IC); ice cream with fiber (F1) from the peel, bagasse, and orange seed (ICA and ICB); ice cream with fiber (F2) from the orange peel alone (ICC and ICD); ice cream with fiber (F3) from the peel, bagasse, and orange seed pretreated with hydro-distillation (ICE and ICF); and ice cream with fiber (F4) from the orange peel pretreated with hydro-distillation (ICG and ICH).The orange fiber reduced the ice cream fat content (50 %) and the overrun ratio and increased the fiber content and the hardness, gumminess, and springiness values, but it did not affect the adhesiveness and odor of the samples. The samples with 1.0 % of orange fiber showed low melting rate values than those of the control ice cream. The overall acceptance of the ice cream with 1.0 % of pre-treated orange peel fiber did not differ from that of the control ice cream (80 %). The orange fiber proved a promising food ingredient since it can be used to decrease the fat content and increase bioactive compounds content, such as fiber and carotenoids.


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Mortadella-type sausage manufactured using mechanically deboned chicken meat were reformulated replacing MDCM with increasing amounts of MDCM protein hydrolysates (10%, 20%, and 30%), and their physicochemical, microbiological, and sensorial characteristics were evaluated for 60 days of storage at 4 °C. The higher substitutions resulted in sausages more susceptible to lipid oxidation with higher TBARS values during storage; however, these values were lower than the organoleptic perception threshold. The sausages were darker and less red, with lower lightness (L*) and redness (a*) values than those of the control treatment. They had soft texture, which was evidenced by both the instrumental and sensory analysis. Therefore, the formulation containing 10% of MDCM protein hydrolysates proved to be the most suitable for mortadella-type sausage elaboration.


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Combining prebiotics and probiotic microorganisms improve quality in the formulation of foods. In this paper, the characteristics of goat milk and symbiotic yogurt were studied. Raw goat milk was analyzed and the skimming process was optimized. For the formulation of a potentially non-fat symbiotic yogurt made with skimmed goat milk, inulin, gelatin, sugar, and Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Lactobacillus casei subsp. rhamnoshus. Chemical characteristics, acceptability, and viability of lactic acid bacteria and probiotic culture were assessed. The protein and fat content of the raw milk was 2.90 and 3.56 g/100 mL, respectively. The optimum skimming process was obtained at 9,800 rpm and 4 °C for 15 minutes. The product formulated had a protein and fat content of 4.04 to 0.04 g/100 mL, good sensory properties, and acceptability of 95%. The lactic bacteria count was 9 × 10(7) CFU mL- 1, and probiotic culture count was higher than 1 × 10(6) CFU mL- 1, which guarantees their effect and capacity to survive in the digestive tract and spread in the intestine. The yogurt was stable during the 21 days of storage. Therefore, this study shows that goat milk yogurt is an adequate delivery vehicle of the probiotic culture L. casei and inulin.


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The characteristics that define cake quality can be improved by the use of adequate ingredients and a correct balance of the formulation. Fat is used for its effect on softness and because it imparts flavor and calories. Enzymes such as maltogenic α-amylase can also have a positive effect on cake texture during storage by decreasing amylopectin re-crystallization and thus delaying starch retrogradation providing longer-lasting crumb softness. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of different concentrations of maltogenic α-amylase and fat on the technological and sensory characteristics of cakes. Therefore, balanced formulations with three different fat concentrations (20, 40, and 60 g/100 g, based on the flour content) were used to evaluate the addition of maltogenic α-amylase (0, 500, and 1000 mg/kg). Technological quality determinations were carried out on days 1, 7, 14, and 21 of storage. The best results in terms of cake quality (greater specific volume, higher crumb moisture content, lower crumb firmness, and greater sensory acceptance) were obtained with the combination of 20 g/100 g fat and 1000 mg/kg maltogenic α-amylase (based on the flour content), which proved to be an alternative to reduce the fat levels in the elaboration of this type of product.


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The objective of this work was to study the effect of adding wheat fiber and partial pork back fat on the quality characteristics of bologna sausage. The compound central rotating design was used with treatments containing fixed levels of inulin (5%) and oat fiber (1%) and variable levels of wheat fiber (0-4%) and pork back fat (0-10%). The pH and protein were similar in all the treatments, the fat was lower than the control treatment and the moisture content was higher than the control treatment (CF) without fibers. The wheat fiber increased the hardness and reduced cohesiveness and scores were given for overall impression. We found that it was possible to prepare low-fat bologna sausage with the addition of 6.58% fiber (5% inulin, 1% oat fiber and 0.58% wheat fiber), whilst retaining good sensory acceptability, thus reducing the pork back fat levels by between 25 and 42.75%.


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The cellular structure of healthy food products, with added dietary fiber and low in calories, is an important factor that contributes to the assessment of quality, which can be quantified by image analysis of visual texture. This study seeks to compare image analysis techniques (binarization using Otsu’s method and the default ImageJ algorithm, a variation of the iterative intermeans method) for quantification of differences in the crumb structure of breads made with different percentages of whole-wheat flour and fat replacer, and discuss the behavior of the parameters number of cells, mean cell area, cell density, and circularity using response surface methodology. Comparative analysis of the results achieved with the Otsu and default ImageJ algorithms showed a significant difference between the studied parameters. The Otsu method demonstrated the crumb structure of the analyzed breads more reliably than the default ImageJ algorithm, and is thus the most suitable in terms of structural representation of the crumb texture.


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The puqjose of this study was to examine the manner in which an inviting approach to a preoperative teaching and learning educational experience influenced the perception and subsequent recovery of clients who were awaiting total hip and total knee replacement surgery. An in-depth review of the internal and external factors that shape client perceptions was undertaken in this study. In addition, this study also explored whether or not the Prehab Program was preparing clients physically, socially, and psychologically for surgery. Data for this qualitative case study research were collected through preoperative interviews with 4 participants awaiting total hip replacement surgery and 1 participant awaiting total knee replacement surgery. Four postoperative interviews were conducted with the participants who had received total hip replacement surgery. The occupational therapist and physical therapist who were the coleaders of the Prehab Program at the time of this study were also interviewed. The results of this study suggest that while individuals may receive similar educational experiences, their perceptions of the manner in which they benefited from these experiences varied. This is illustrated in the research findings, which concluded that while clients benefited physically from the inviting approach used during the practical teaching session, not all clients perceived the psychological benefits of this practice session, especially clients with preexisting high levels of anxiety. In addition to increasing the understanding of the internal as well as external factors that influence the perceptions of clients, this study has also served as an opportunity for reflection on practice for the Prehab therapists and other healthcare educators.


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The time course for the reversal of the adaptive increase in pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase (PDK) activity following a 6d high fat diet (HP: 4.2 ± 0.2 % carbohydrate; 75.6 ± 0.4 % fat; 19.5 ± 0.8 % protein) was investigated in human skeletal muscle (vastus lateralis). HF feeding increased PDK activity by 44% (from 0.081 ± 0.025 min"' to 0.247 ± 0.025 mm\p < 0.05). Following carbohydrate re-feeding, (88% carbohydrate; 5% fat; 7% protein), PDK activity had returned to baseline (0.111 ± 0.014 min"') within 3h of re-feeding. The active fraction of pyruvate dehydrognease (PDHa) was depressed following 6d of the HF diet (from 0.89 ± 0.21 mmol/min/kg WW to 0.32 ± 0.05 mmol/min/kg ww,p <0.05) and increased to pre-HF levels by 45 min of post re-feeding (0.74 ±0.19 mmol/min/kg ww) and remained elevated for 3h. Western blotting analysis of the PDK isoforms, PDK4 and PDK2, revealed a 31% increase in PDK4 protein content following the HF diet, with no change in PDK2 protein. This adaptive increase in PDK4 protein content was reversed with carbohydrate re-feeding. It was concluded that the adaptive up-regulation in PDK activity and PDK4 protein content was fiilly reversed by 3h following carbohydrate re-feeding.


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Direct high fat (HF) feeding has adverse effects on body composition and bone development in rodents. However, it is unclear whether maternal HF feeding has similar effects in male rat offspring. The objectives of this thesis were to determine if maternal HF feeding altered body composition, plasma hormones, bone development, and bone fatty acid composition in male offspring at weaning and 3 months of age. Maternal HF feeding increased bone mass and altered femur fatty acid composition at weaning, without differences in fat mass, lean mass, plasma hormones, or bone mass (femur or lumbar vertebrae). However, early differences did not persist at 3 months of age or contribute to lower bone strength – following consumption of a control diet post-weaning. These findings suggest that maternal HF feeding can alter body composition and bone development in weanling male offspring, without long-lasting effects if a healthy control diet is consumed post-weaning.


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High fat diet (HFD) consumption in rodents alters body composition and weakens bones. Whether female offspring of mothers consuming a HFD are similarly affected at weaning and early adulthood is unclear. This research determined whether maternal HFD contributes to long-lasting alterations in body composition and bone health of female offspring. Rats were fed control or HFD for 10 weeks prior to and throughout pregnancy and lactation. Female offspring were studied at weaning or 3 months of age (consumed control diet). Main findings in female offspring: maternal HFD decreased lean mass, increased fat mass and femoral BMD at weaning, but not at 3 months; weanling femoral lipid composition reflected maternal diet, persisting to 3 months of age (decreased total and n6 polyunsaturates, increased saturates); and no differences in femoral strength at 3 months. In summary, 3 month old female offspring have similar body composition and bone health regardless of maternal diet.


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We study the problem of locating two public goods for a group of agents with single-peaked preferences over an interval. An alternative specifies a location for each public good. In Miyagawa (1998), each agent consumes only his most preferred public good without rivalry. We extend preferences lexicographically and characterize the class of single-peaked preference rules by Pareto-optimality and replacement-domination. This result is considerably different from the corresponding characterization by Miyagawa (2001a).


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L’accumulation de triglycérides (TG) dans les hépatocytes est caractéristique de la stéatose hépatique non-alcoolique (SHNA). Cette dernière se produit dans diverses conditions dont le facteur commun est le métabolisme anormal des lipides. Le processus conduisant à l'accumulation des lipides dans le foie n’a pas encore été totalement élucidé. Toutefois, des lipides s'accumulent dans le foie lorsque les mécanismes qui favorisent leur exportation (oxydation et sécrétion) sont insuffisants par rapport aux mécanismes qui favorisent leur importation ou leur biosynthèse. De nos jours il est admis que la carence en œstrogènes est associée au développement de la stéatose hépatique. Bien que les résultats des études récentes révèlent l'implication des hormones ovariennes dans l'accumulation de lipides dans le foie, les mécanismes qui sous-tendent ce phénomène doivent encore être étudiés. En conséquence, les trois études présentées dans cette thèse ont été menées sur des rates ovariectomizées (Ovx), comme modèle animal de femmes post-ménopausées, pour étudier les effets du retrait des œstrogènes sur le métabolisme des lipides dans le foie, en considérant l'entraînement physique comme étant un élément positif pouvant contrecarrer ces effets. Il a été démontré que l'entraînement physique peut réduire l'accumulation de graisses dans le foie chez les rates Ovx. Dans la première étude, nous avons montré que chez les rates Ovx nourries à la diète riche en lipides (HF), les contenus de TG hépatiques étaient élevées (P < 0.01) comparativement aux rates Sham, 5 semaines après la chirurgie. Le changement de la diète HF par la diète standard (SD) chez les rates Sham a diminué l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie. Toutefois, chez les rates Ovx, 8 semaines après le changement de la HF par la SD le niveau de TG dans le foie était maintenu aussi élevé que chez les rates nourries continuellement avec la diète HF. Lorsque les TG hépatiques mesurés à la 13e semaine ont été comparés aux valeurs correspondant au retrait initial de la diète HF effectué à la 5e semaine, les niveaux de TG hépatiques chez les animaux Ovx ont été maintenus, indépendamment du changement du régime alimentaire; tandis que chez les rats Sham le passage à la SD a réduit (P < 0.05) les TG dans le foie. Les mêmes comparaisons avec la concentration des TG plasmatiques ont révélé une relation inverse. Ces résultats suggèrent que la résorption des lipides au foie est contrée par l'absence des œstrogènes. Dans cette continuité, nous avons utilisé une approche physiologique dans notre seconde étude pour investiguer la façon dont la carence en œstrogènes entraîne l’accumulation de graisses dans le foie, en nous focalisant sur la voie de l'exportation des lipides du foie. Les résultats de cette étude ont révélé que le retrait des œstrogènes a entraîné une augmentation (P < 0.01) de l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie en concomitance avec la baisse (P < 0.01) de production de VLDL-TG et une réduction l'ARNm et de la teneur en protéines microsomales de transfert des triglycérides (MTP). Tous ces effets ont été corrigés par la supplémentation en œstrogènes chez les rates Ovx. En outre, l'entraînement physique chez les rates Ovx a entraîné une réduction (P < 0.01) de l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie ainsi qu’une diminution (P < 0.01) de production de VLDL-TG accompagnée de celle de l'expression des gènes MTP et DGAT-2 (diacylglycérol acyltransférase-2). Des études récentes suggèrent que le peptide natriurétique auriculaire (ANP) devrait être au centre des intérêts des recherches sur les métabolismes énergétiques et lipidiques. Le ANP est relâché dans le plasma par les cellules cardiaques lorsque stimulée par l’oxytocine et exerce ses fonctions en se liant à son récepteur, le guanylyl cyclase-A (GC-A). En conséquence, dans la troisième étude, nous avons étudié les effets du blocage du système ocytocine-peptide natriurétique auriculaire (OT-ANP) en utilisant un antagoniste de l’ocytocine (OTA), sur l'expression des gènes guanylyl cyclase-A et certains marqueurs de l’inflammation dans le foie de rates Ovx. Nous avons observé une diminution (P < 0.05) de l’ARNm de la GC-A chez les rates Ovx et Sham sédentaires traitées avec l’OTA, tandis qu’une augmentation (P < 0.05) de l'expression de l’ARNm de la protéine C-réactive (CRP) hépatique a été notée chez ces animaux. L’exercice physique n'a apporté aucun changement sur l'expression hépatique de ces gènes que ce soit chez les rates Ovx ou Sham traitées avec l’OTA. En résumé, pour expliquer l’observation selon laquelle l’accumulation et la résorption de lipides dans le foie dépendent des mécanismes associés à des niveaux d’œstrogènes, nos résultats suggèrent que la diminution de production de VLDL-TG induite par une déficience en œstrogènes, pourrait être un des mecanismes responsables de l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie. L’exercice physique quant à lui diminue l'infiltration de lipides dans le foie ainsi que la production de VLDL-TG indépendamment des niveaux d'œstrogènes. En outre, l'expression des récepteurs de l’ANP a diminué par l'OTA chez les rates Ovx et Sham suggérant une action indirecte de l’ocytocine (OT) au niveau du foie indépendamment de la présence ou non des estrogènes. L’axe ocytocine-peptide natriurétique auriculaire, dans des conditions physiologiques normales, protègerait le foie contre l'inflammation à travers la modulation de l’expression de la GC-A.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


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Pour répondre aux exigences du gouvernement fédéral quant aux temps d’attente pour les chirurgies de remplacement du genou et de la hanche, les établissements canadiens ont adopté des stratégies de gestion des listes d’attentes avec des niveaux de succès variables. Notre question de recherche visait à comprendre Quels facteurs ont permis de maintenir dans le temps un temps d’attente répondant aux exigences du gouvernement fédéral pendant au moins 6-12 mois? Nous avons développé un modèle possédant quatre facteurs, inspiré du modèle de Parsons (1977), afin d’analyser les facteurs comprenant la gouvernance, la culture, les ressources, et les outils. Trois études de cas ont été menées. En somme, le 1er cas a été capable d’obtenir les exigences pendant six mois mais incapable de les maintenir, le 2e cas a été capable de maintenir les exigences > 18 mois et le 3e cas a été incapable d’atteindre les objectifs. Des documents furent recueillis et des entrevues furent réalisées auprès des personnes impliquées dans la stratégie. Les résultats indiquent que l’hôpital qui a été en mesure de maintenir le temps d’attente possède certaines caractéristiques: réalisation exclusive de chirurgie de remplacement de la hanche et du genou, présence d’un personnel motivé, non distrait par d’autres préoccupations et un esprit d’équipe fort. Les deux autres cas ont eu à faire face à une culture médicale moins homogène et moins axés sur l’atteinte des cibles; des ressources dispersées et une politique intra-établissement imprécise. Le modèle d’hôpital factory est intéressant dans le cadre d’une chirurgie surspécialisée. Toutefois, les patients sont sélectionnés pour des chirurgies simples et dont le risque de complication est faible. Il ne peut donc pas être retenu comme le modèle durable par excellence.