782 resultados para entrance examination
Medical-forensic examination of sexual assault victims and alleged offenders is a common task of many forensic institutes. In the current study, the results from samples taken at the Institute of Legal Medicine, Hanover Medical School, during a period from 2005 to 2007 were retrospectively evaluated. In total, 292 victims (283 females and nine males) and 88 suspects were examined. At the time of the assault, 41.8% of the victims and 43.2% of the alleged perpetrators were under the influence of alcohol. Injuries were found in 84.9% of the victims and 39.8% of the suspects. Thirty victims (10.3%) reported having been choked or strangled. Cytology was performed in 218 victims. In 81 cases (38.0%), sperm could be detected in vaginal swabs up to 3 days post-assault. In seven (18.9%) out of 37 anal samples, evidence of sperm could be found 24 h post-assault. None of 22 oral samples was positive for sperm. Out of 301 sexual assault cases, 171 could be proved by means of medical-forensic examination. In summary, our evaluation shows that an early medical-forensic examination of both victim and suspect can secure numerous medical findings. Furthermore, persons intoxicated by alcohol, handicapped persons and persons with psychiatric disorders are more vulnerable to become a sexual assault victim.
Using path analysis, the present investigation sought to clarify possible operational linkages among constructs from social learning and attribution theories within the context of a self-esteem system. Subjects were 300 undergraduate university students who completed a measure of self-esteem and indicated expectancies for success and minimal goal levels for an experimental task. After completing the task and receiving feedback about their performance, subjects completed causal attribution and self-esteem questionnaires. Results revealed gender differences in the degree and strength of the proposed relations, but not in the mean levels of the variables studied. Results suggested that the integration of social learning and attribution theories within a single conceptual model provides a better understanding of students' behaviors and self-esteem in achievement situations.
In the current research, we assessed the impact of parent-child relationships on attitudes toward, and engagement in, hookup behaviors using a sample of 407 college students. Based on prior research, it was hypothesized that heterosexual participants, especially women, who do not perceive themselves as having a strong, close, positive relationship with their opposite-sex parent would be more likely to engage in or attempt to engage in casual sexual behavior (hookups). Also, men were expected to be more satisfied with, and more in agreement with, hookup behavior than women. The results were partially consistent with the hypotheses. Men were more satisfied with and more in agreement with hookup behavior than women. But, opposite sex parent-child relationship quality only affected men’s agreement with the hookup behavior of their peers. Men with lower relationship quality with their mothers agreed more with the hookup behavior of their peers. These results are discussed in relation to prior research on hooking up and prior research on parent-child relationships.
Bite mark analysis offers the opportunity to identify the biter based on the individual characteristics of the dentitions. Normally, the main focus is on analysing bite mark injuries on human bodies, but also, bite marks in food may play an important role in the forensic investigation of a crime. This study presents a comparison of simulated bite marks in different kinds of food with the dentitions of the presumed biter. Bite marks were produced by six adults in slices of buttered bread, apples, different kinds of Swiss chocolate and Swiss cheese. The time-lapse influence of the bite mark in food, under room temperature conditions, was also examined. For the documentation of the bite marks and the dentitions of the biters, 3D optical surface scanning technology was used. The comparison was performed using two different software packages: the ATOS modelling and analysing software and the 3D studio max animation software. The ATOS software enables an automatic computation of the deviation between the two meshes. In the present study, the bite marks and the dentitions were compared, as well as the meshes of each bite mark which were recorded in the different stages of time lapse. In the 3D studio max software, the act of biting was animated to compare the dentitions with the bite mark. The examined food recorded the individual characteristics of the dentitions very well. In all cases, the biter could be identified, and the dentitions of the other presumed biters could be excluded. The influence of the time lapse on the food depends on the kind of food and is shown on the diagrams. However, the identification of the biter could still be performed after a period of time, based on the recorded individual characteristics of the dentitions.
In the current research, we assessed the impact of parent-child relationships on attitudes toward, and engagement in, hookup behaviors using a sample of 407 college students. Based on prior research, it was hypothesized that heterosexual participants, especially women, who do not perceive themselves as having a strong, close, positive relationship with their opposite-sex parent would be more likely to engage in or attempt to engage in casual sexual behavior (hookups). Also, men were expected to be more satisfied with, and more in agreement with, hookup behavior than women. The results were partially consistent with the hypotheses. Men were more satisfied with and more in agreement with hookup behavior than women. But, opposite sex parent-child relationship quality only affected men’s agreement with the hookup behavior of their peers. Men with lower relationship quality with their mothers agreed more with the hookup behavior of their peers. These results are discussed in relation to prior research on hooking up and prior research on parent-child relationships.
It has been nine decades since Walter Rauschenbusch (1861-1918) published a slim volume entitled The Social Principles of Jesus. Though today less well known than his other works Christianity and the Social Crisis (1907) and Theology for the Social Gospel (1917), it is Social Principles that most adeptly summarizes the theological ethics of Rauschenbusch’s “social gospel.” Taking the form of a pedagogical treatise, Social Principles reads as both a finely tuned analysis of the modern relevance of the teachings of Jesus, and an impassioned plea on the part of its author for an end to the folly of interpreting Christianity solely in “individualistic” terms. It is Rauschenbusch’s expressed aim to resurrect the core teachings of Jesus, which are social and ethical, and apply these to a renewed, socially conscious liberal democracy, establishing a grand harmony between religion, ethics, and social evolution. How far this vision was from the burgeoning “fundamentalism” of his day (and ours) is more than evidenced by the critical reaction of many of his more conservative peers, but also indicates the continuing relevance of his work for theologians and others looking for alternative paths. The following exposition is supplemented with appreciative and critical comments.
PURPOSE: The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that computed tomography (CT) and three-dimensional (3D) CT imaging techniques can be useful tools for evaluating gunshot wounds of the skull in forensic medicine. Three purposes can be achieved: (1) identifying and recognising the bullet entrance wound - and exit wound, if present; (2) recognising the bullet's intracranial course by studying damage to bone and brain tissue; (3) suggesting hypotheses as to the dynamics of the event. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten cadavers of people who died of a fatal head injury caused by a single gunshot were imaged with total-body CT prior to conventional autoptic examination. Three-dimensional-CT reconstructions were obtained with the volume-rendering technique, and data were analysed by two independent observers and compared with autopsy results. RESULTS: In our experience, CT analysis and volumetric reconstruction techniques allowed the identification of the bullet entrance and exit wounds and intracranial trajectory, as well as helping to formulate a hypothesis on the extracranial trajectory to corroborate circumstantial evidence. CONCLUSIONS: CT imaging techniques are excellent tools for addressing the most important questions of forensic medicine in the case of gunshot wounds of the skull, with results as good as (or sometimes better than) traditional autoptic methods.
About 15 years ago, the Swiss Society of Pathology has developed and implemented a board examination in anatomical pathology. We describe herein the contents covered by this 2-day exam (autopsy pathology, cytology, histopathology, molecular pathology, and basic knowledge about mechanisms of disease) and its exact modalities, sketch a brief history of the exam, and finish with a concise discussion about the possible objectives and putative benefits weighed against the hardship that it imposes on the candidates.
Using pooled data from the 2008-2011 National Health Interview Survey and employing multinomial and binomial logistic regression methods, this research examines disparities in rates of obesity and incidence of diabetes between individual Hispanic subgroups in comparison to non-Hispanic whites and blacks. Immigration status(including nativity, duration in the United States, and citizenship status) is hypothesized to play a central role in rates and obesity and incidence of diabetes. Unlike Cuban-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Puerto Ricans, and other Hispanics were more likely to be overweight as well as obese when compared to non-Hispanic whites. Mexican-Americans had the only significance in prevalence of type 2 diabetes in comparison to non-Hispanic whites. Both of these health outcomes are strongly associated with the various immigration variables.
The current case study examined the effects of the STARS-PAC anxiety reduction program on the social and test anxiety levels of a middle school student. The literature supporting the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy programs which incorporate methods such as those used in the STARS-PAC program were reviewed. The findings of this case study indicated decreased levels of overall anxiety during the intervention phase; however, the student’s test anxiety level displayed little improvement. Implications of the findings and for future research are discussed.
Therapeutic Drug Utilization Review (DUR) is an important component of state-level pharmaceutical assistance programs.
PURPOSE: We evaluated the incidence of pathological findings of the ureter at cystectomy for transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder and assessed the usefulness of intraoperative frozen section examination of the ureter. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Histopathological findings of ureteral frozen section examination were compared to the corresponding permanent sections and the diagnostic accuracy of frozen section examination was evaluated. These segments were then compared to the more proximal ureteral segments resected at the level where they cross over the common iliac arteries. The histopathological findings of the ureteral segments were then correlated for upper urinary tract recurrence and overall survival. RESULTS: Transitional cell carcinoma or carcinoma in situ was found on frozen section examination of the distal ureter in 39 of 805 patients (4.8%) and on permanent sections in 29 (3.6%). In 755 patients the false-negative rate of frozen section examination of the ureters was 0.8%. Of the patients with carcinoma in situ diagnosed on the first frozen section examination 80% also had carcinoma in situ in the bladder. Transitional cell carcinoma or carcinoma in situ in the most proximally resected ureteral segments was found in 1.2% of patients. After radical cystectomy there was tumor recurrence in the upper urinary tract in 3% of patients with negative ureteral frozen section examination and in 17% with carcinoma in situ on frozen section examination. CONCLUSIONS: Routine frozen section examination of the ureters at radical cystectomy is only recommended for patients with carcinoma in situ of the bladder, provided the ureters are resected where they cross the common iliac arteries.
The examination of urine in children can be very complex, due to the difficulty to obtain clean urine specimens in infants and toddlers. Clean catch is an easy system to obtain urine but patience is needed. Transurethral catheterization or suprapubic aspiration is useful in infants and toddlers with sign of pyelonephritis. Urine bag specimens are not useful in the diagnosis of urinary tract infection because of the high rate of false positive cultures. The 24 hours urine collection is frequently replaced by a spot urine and the ratio of the measured substances with the urine creatinine are calculated. Urine microscopy is needed for the evaluation of pathological results in the dipstick testing: confirm that red urine is due to haematuria by demonstration of red blood cells on urine microscopy, dysmorphic cells and red-cell casts are pathognomonic of glomerular bleeding, white-cell casts signify glomerular inflammation and bacteria are easily seen in unstained urine. A urine culture is pathologic if the colony count exceeds 10(4) in the transurethral catheterization or clean void. In the suprapubic aspiration is any number of colony pathologic. Urate crystals in the urine of infants may cause a pink discoloration to nappies. Urine screenings are not very useful and should be performed only at the age of 5 years or by sexual-active adolescents.