959 resultados para dissociation constants


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NMR investigations have been carried out of complexes between bovine chymotrypsin Aα and a series of four peptidyl trifluoromethyl ketones, listed here in order of increasing affinity for chymotrypsin: N-Acetyl-l-Phe-CF3, N-Acetyl-Gly-l-Phe-CF3, N-Acetyl-l-Val-l-Phe-CF3, and N-Acetyl-l-Leu-l-Phe-CF3. The D/H fractionation factors (φ) for the hydrogen in the H-bond between His 57 and Asp 102 (His 57-Hδ1) in these four complexes at 5°C were in the range φ = 0.32–0.43, expected for a low-barrier hydrogen bond. For this series of complexes, measurements also were made of the chemical shifts of His 57-Hɛ1 (δ2,2-dimethylsilapentane-5-sulfonic acid 8.97–9.18), the exchange rate of the His 57-Hδ1 proton with bulk water protons (284–12.4 s−1), and the activation enthalpies for this hydrogen exchange (14.7–19.4 kcal⋅mol−1). It was found that the previously noted correlations between the inhibition constants (Ki 170–1.2 μM) and the chemical shifts of His 57-Hδ1 (δ2,2-dimethylsilapentane-5-sulfonic acid 18.61–18.95) for this series of peptidyl trifluoromethyl ketones with chymotrypsin [Lin, J., Cassidy, C. S. & Frey, P. A. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 11940–11948] could be extended to include the fractionation factors, hydrogen exchange rates, and hydrogen exchange activation enthalpies. The results support the proposal of low barrier hydrogen bond-facilitated general base catalysis in the addition of Ser 195 to the peptidyl carbonyl group of substrates in the mechanism of chymotrypsin-catalyzed peptide hydrolysis. Trends in the enthalpies for hydrogen exchange and the fractionation factors are consistent with a strong, double-minimum or single-well potential hydrogen bond in the strongest complexes. The lifetimes of His 57-Hδ1, which is solvent shielded in these complexes, track the strength of the hydrogen bond. Because these lifetimes are orders of magnitude shorter than those of the complexes themselves, the enzyme must have a pathway for hydrogen exchange at this site that is independent of dissociation of the complexes.


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The immortalization of human cells is a critical step during tumorigenesis. In vitro, normal human somatic cells must overcome two proliferative blockades, senescence and crisis, to become immortal. Transformation with viral oncogenes extends the life span of human cells beyond senescence. Such transformed cells eventually succumb to crisis, a period of widespread cellular death that has been proposed to be the result of telomeric shortening. We now show that ectopic expression of the telomerase catalytic subunit (human telomerase reverse transcriptase or hTERT) and subsequent activation of telomerase can allow postsenescent cells to proliferate beyond crisis, the last known proliferative blockade to cellular immortality. Moreover, we demonstrate that alteration of the carboxyl terminus of human telomerase reverse transcriptase does not affect telomerase enzymatic activity but impedes the ability of this enzyme to maintain telomeres. Telomerase-positive cells expressing this mutant enzyme fail to undergo immortalization, further tightening the connection between telomere maintenance and immortalization.


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Follicular dendritic cells (FDC) provide a reservoir for HIV type 1 (HIV-1) that may reignite infection if highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is withdrawn before virus on FDC is cleared. To estimate the treatment time required to eliminate HIV-1 on FDC, we develop deterministic and stochastic models for the reversible binding of HIV-1 to FDC via ligand–receptor interactions and examine the consequences of reducing the virus available for binding to FDC. Analysis of these models shows that the rate at which HIV-1 dissociates from FDC during HAART is biphasic, with an initial period of rapid decay followed by a period of slower exponential decay. The speed of the slower second stage of dissociation and the treatment time required to eradicate the FDC reservoir of HIV-1 are insensitive to the number of virions bound and their degree of attachment to FDC before treatment. In contrast, the expected time required for dissociation of an individual virion from FDC varies sensitively with the number of ligands attached to the virion that are available to interact with receptors on FDC. Although most virions may dissociate from FDC on the time scale of days to weeks, virions coupled to a higher-than-average number of ligands may persist on FDC for years. This result suggests that HAART may not be able to clear all HIV-1 trapped on FDC and that, even if clearance is possible, years of treatment will be required.


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Thymocytes and thymic dendritic cell (DC) lineages develop simultaneously and may originate from a common intrathymic progenitor. Mice deficient for two growth factor receptor molecules [c-kit and the common cytokine receptor γ chain (γc)] lack all thymocytes including T cell progenitors. Despite this lack of pro-T cells, thymic DC compartments were identified in c-kit−γc− mice. Thus, c-kit- and γc-mediated signals are not essential to generate thymic DCs. In addition, pro-T cells do not appear to be obligatory progenitors of thymic DCs, because DC development is dissociated from the generation of thymocytes in these mice. Thymic DCs in c-kit−γc− mice are phenotypically and functionally normal. In contrast to wild-type mice, however, thymic DCs in c-kit−γc− and, notably, in RAG-2-deficient mice are CD8αneg/low, indicating that CD8α expression on thymic DCs is not independent of thymocytes developing beyond the “RAG-block.”


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A cell’s ability to effectively communicate with a neighboring cell is essential for tissue function and ultimately for the organism to which it belongs. One important mode of intercellular communication is the release of soluble cyto- and chemokines. Once secreted, these signaling molecules diffuse through the surrounding medium and eventually bind to neighboring cell’s receptors whereby the signal is received. This mode of communication is governed both by physicochemical transport processes and cellular secretion rates, which in turn are determined by genetic and biochemical processes. The characteristics of transport processes have been known for some time, and information on the genetic and biochemical determinants of cellular function is rapidly growing. Simultaneous quantitative analysis of the two is required to systematically evaluate the nature and limitations of intercellular signaling. The present study uses a solitary cell model to estimate effective communication distances over which a single cell can meaningfully propagate a soluble signal. The analysis reveals that: (i) this process is governed by a single, key, dimensionless group that is a ratio of biological parameters and physicochemical determinants; (ii) this ratio has a maximal value; (iii) for realistic values of the parameters contained in this dimensionless group, it is estimated that the domain that a single cell can effectively communicate in is ≈250 μm in size; and (iv) the communication within this domain takes place in 10–30 minutes. These results have fundamental implications for interpretation of organ physiology and for engineering tissue function ex vivo.


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Bone mass is maintained constant in vertebrates through bone remodeling (BR). BR is characterized by osteoclastic resorption of preexisting bone followed by de novo bone formation by osteoblasts. This sequence of events and the fact that bone mass remains constant in physiological situation lead to the assumption that resorption and formation are regulated by each other during BR. Recent evidence shows that cells of the osteoblastic lineage are involved in osteoclast differentiation. However, the existence of a functional link between the two activities, formation and resorption, has never been shown in vivo. To define the role of bone formation in the control of bone resorption, we generated an inducible osteoblast ablation mouse model. These mice developed a reversible osteopenia. Functional analyses showed that in the absence of bone formation, bone resorption continued to occur normally, leading to an osteoporosis of controllable severity, whose appearance could be prevented by an antiresorptive agent. This study establishes that bone formation and/or bone mass do not control the extent of bone resorption in vivo.


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Brush border myosin-I (BBM-I) is a single-headed unconventional myosin found in the microvilli of intestinal epithelial cells. We used stopped-flow kinetic analysis to measure the rate and equilibrium constants for several steps in the BBM-I ATPase cycle. We determined the rates for ATP binding to BBM-I and brush border actomyosin-I (actoBBM-I), the rate of actoBBM-I dissociation by ATP, and the rates for the steps in ADP dissociation from actoBBM-I. The rate and equilibrium constants for several of the steps in the actoBBM-I ATPase are significantly different from those of other members of the myosin superfamily. Most notably, dissociation of the actoBBM-I complex by ATP and release of ADP from actoBBM-I are both very slow. The slow rates of these steps may play a role in lengthening the time spent in force-generating states and in limiting the maximal rate of BBM-I motility. In addition, release of ADP from the actoBBM-I complex occurs in at least two steps. This study provides evidence for a member of the myosin superfamily with markedly divergent kinetic behavior.


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Oncoprotein 18/stathmin (Op18) has been identified recently as a protein that destabilizes microtubules, but the mechanism of destabilization is currently controversial. Based on in vitro microtubule assembly assays, evidence has been presented supporting conflicting destabilization models of either tubulin sequestration or promotion of microtubule catastrophes. We found that Op18 can destabilize microtubules by both of these mechanisms and that these activities can be dissociated by changing pH. At pH 6.8, Op18 slowed microtubule elongation and increased catastrophes at both plus and minus ends, consistent with a tubulin-sequestering activity. In contrast, at pH 7.5, Op18 promoted microtubule catastrophes, particularly at plus ends, with little effect on elongation rates at either microtubule end. Dissociation of tubulin-sequestering and catastrophe-promoting activities of Op18 was further demonstrated by analysis of truncated Op18 derivatives. Lack of a C-terminal region of Op18 (aa 100–147) resulted in a truncated protein that lost sequestering activity at pH 6.8 but retained catastrophe-promoting activity. In contrast, lack of an N-terminal region of Op18 (aa 5–25) resulted in a truncated protein that still sequestered tubulin at pH 6.8 but was unable to promote catastrophes at pH 7.5. At pH 6.8, both the full length and the N-terminal–truncated Op18 bound tubulin, whereas truncation at the C-terminus resulted in a pronounced decrease in tubulin binding. Based on these results, and a previous study documenting a pH-dependent change in binding affinity between Op18 and tubulin, it is likely that tubulin sequestering observed at lower pH resulted from the relatively tight interaction between Op18 and tubulin and that this tight binding requires the C-terminus of Op18; however, under conditions in which Op18 binds weakly to tubulin (pH 7.5), Op18 stimulated catastrophes without altering tubulin subunit association or dissociation rates, and Op18 did not depolymerize microtubules capped with guanylyl (α, β)-methylene diphosphonate–tubulin subunits. We hypothesize that weak binding between Op18 and tubulin results in free Op18, which is available to interact with microtubule ends and thereby promote catastrophes by a mechanism that likely involves GTP hydrolysis.


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Physiological conditions that impinge on constitutive traffic and affect organelle structure are not known. We report that osmotically induced cell volume changes, which are known to occur under a variety of conditions, rapidly inhibited endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-to-Golgi transport in mammalian cells. Both ER export and ER Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC)-to-Golgi trafficking steps were blocked, but retrograde transport was active, and it mediated ERGIC and Golgi collapse into the ER. Extensive tubulation and relatively rapid Golgi resident redistribution were observed under hypo-osmotic conditions, whereas a slower redistribution of the same markers, without apparent tubulation, was observed under hyperosmotic conditions. The osmotic stress response correlated with the perturbation of COPI function, because both hypo- and hyperosmotic conditions slowed brefeldin A-induced dissociation of βCOP from Golgi membranes. Remarkably, Golgi residents reemerged after several hours of sustained incubation in hypotonic or hypertonic medium. Reemergence was independent of new protein synthesis but required PKC, an activity known to mediate cell volume recovery. Taken together these results indicate the existence of a coupling between cell volume and constitutive traffic that impacts organelle structure through independent effects on anterograde and retrograde flow and that involves, in part, modulation of COPI function.


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The rab11 GTPase has been localized to both the Golgi and recycling endosomes; however, its Golgi-associated function has remained obscure. In this study, rab11 function in exocytic transport was analyzed by using two independent means to perturb its activity. First, expression of the dominant interfering rab11S25N mutant protein led to a significant inhibition of the cell surface transport of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) G protein and caused VSV G protein to accumulate in the Golgi. On the other hand, the expression of wild-type rab11 or the activating rab11Q70L mutant had no adverse effect on VSV G transport. Next, the membrane association of rab11, which is crucial for its function, was perturbed by modest increases in GDP dissociation inhibitor (GDI) levels. This led to selective inhibition of the trans-Golgi network to cell surface delivery, whereas endoplasmic reticulum–to–Golgi and intra-Golgi transport were largely unaffected. The transport inhibition was reversed specifically by coexpression of wild-type rab11 with GDI. Under the same conditions two other exocytic rab proteins, rab2 and rab8, remained membrane bound, and the transport steps regulated by these rab proteins were unaffected. Neither mutant rab11S25N nor GDI overexpression had any impact on the cell surface delivery of influenza hemagglutinin. These data show that functional rab11 is critical for the export of a basolateral marker but not an apical marker from the trans-Golgi network and pinpoint rab11 as a sensitive target for inhibition by excess GDI.


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The cellular aging-associated transcriptional repressor that we previously named as Orpheus was identical to Oct-1, a member of the POU domain family. Oct-1 represses the collagenase gene, one of the cellular aging-associated genes, by interacting with an AT-rich cis-element in the upstream of the gene in preimmortalized cells at earlier population-doubling levels and in immortalized cells. In these stages of cells, considerable fractions of the Oct-1 protein were prominently localized in the nuclear periphery and colocalized with lamin B. During the cellular aging process, however, this subspecies of Oct-1 disappeared from the nuclear periphery. The cells lacking the nuclear peripheral Oct-1 protein exhibited strong collagenase expression and carried typical senescent morphologies. Concomitantly, the binding activity and the amount of nuclear Oct-1 protein were reduced in the aging process and resumed after immortalization. However, the whole cellular amounts of Oct-1 protein were not significantly changed during either process. Thus, the cellular aging-associated genes including the collagenase gene seemed to be derepressed by the dissociation of Oct-1 protein from the nuclear peripheral structure. Oct-1 may form a transcriptional repressive apparatus by anchoring nuclear matrix attachment regions onto the nuclear lamina in the nuclear periphery.


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Intact Escherichia coli ribosomes have been projected into the gas phase of a mass spectrometer by means of nanoflow electrospray techniques. Species with mass/charge ratios in excess of 20,000 were detected at the level of individual ions by using time-of-flight analysis. Once in the gas phase the stability of intact ribosomes was investigated and found to increase as a result of cross-linking ribosomal proteins to the rRNA. By lowering the Mg2+ concentration in solutions containing ribosomes the particles were found to dissociate into 30S and 50S subunits. The resolution of the charge states in the spectrum of the 30S subunit enabled its mass to be determined as 852,187 ± 3,918 Da, a value within 0.6% of that calculated from the individual proteins and the 16S RNA. Further dissociation into smaller macromolecular complexes and then individual proteins could be induced by subjecting the particles to increasingly energetic gas phase collisions. The ease with which proteins dissociated from the intact species was found to be related to their known interactions in the ribosome particle. The results show that emerging mass spectrometric techniques can be used to characterize a fully functional biological assembly as well as its isolated components.


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A novel thermodynamic approach to the reversible unfolding of proteins in aqueous urea solutions has been developed based on the premise that urea ligands are bound cooperatively to the macromolecule. When successive stoichiometric binding constants have values larger than expected from statistical effects, an equation for moles of bound urea can be derived that contains imaginary terms. For a very steep unfolding curve, one can then show that the fraction of protein unfolded, B̄, depends on the square of the urea concentration, U, and is given by \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}\bar {B}=\frac{{\mathit{A}}^{{\mathit{2}}}_{{\mathit{1}}}{\mathit{e}}^{{\mathrm{{\lambda}}}n\bar {B}}{\mathit{U}}^{{\mathit{2}}}}{{\mathrm{1\hspace{.167em}+\hspace{.167em}}}{\mathit{A}}^{{\mathrm{2}}}_{{\mathrm{1}}}{\mathit{e}}^{{\mathrm{{\lambda}}}\bar {B}}{\mathit{U}}^{{\mathrm{2}}}}{\mathrm{.}}\end{equation*}\end{document} A12 is the binding constant as B̄→ 0, and λ is a parameter that reflects the augmentation in affinities of protein for urea as the moles bound increases to the saturation number, n. This equation provides an analytic expression that reproduces the unfolding curve with good precision, suggests a simple linear graphical procedure for evaluating A12 and λ, and leads to the appropriate standard free energy changes. The calculated ΔG° values reflect the coupling of urea binding with unfolding of the protein. Some possible implications of this analysis to protein folding in vivo are described.


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Binding properties of lignin peroxidase (LiP) from the basidiomycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium against a synthetic lignin (dehydrogenated polymerizate, DHP) were studied with a resonant mirror biosensor. Among several ligninolytic enzymes, only LiP specifically binds to DHP. Kinetic analysis revealed that the binding was reversible, and that the dissociation equilibrium constant was 330 μM. The LiP–DHP interaction was controlled by the ionization group with a pKa of 5.3, strongly suggesting that a specific amino acid residue plays a role in lignin binding. A one-electron transfer from DHP to oxidized intermediates LiP compounds I and II (LiPI and LiPII) was characterized by using a stopped-flow technique, showing that binding interactions of DHP with LiPI and LiPII led to saturation kinetics. The dissociation equilibrium constants for LiPI–DHP and LiPII–DHP interactions were calculated to be 350 and 250 μM, and the first-order rate constants for electron transfer from DHP to LiPI and to LiPII were calculated to be 46 and 16 s−1, respectively. These kinetic and spectral studies strongly suggest that LiP is capable of oxidizing lignin directly at the protein surface by a long-range electron transfer process. A close look at the crystal structure suggested that LiP possesses His-239 as a possible lignin-binding site on the surface, which is linked to Asp-238. This Asp residue is hydrogen-bonded to the proximal His-176. This His–Asp⋅⋅⋅proximal-His motif would be a possible electron transfer route to oxidize polymeric lignin.


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Two different attentional networks have been associated with visuospatial attention and conflict resolution. In most situations either one of the two networks is active or both are increased in activity together. By using functional magnetic resonance imaging and a flanker task, we show conditions in which one network (anterior attention system) is increased in activity whereas the other (visuospatial attention system) is reduced, showing that attentional conflict and selection are separate aspects of attention. Further, we distinguish between neural systems involved in different forms of conflict. Specifically, we dissociate patterns of activity in the basal ganglia and insula cortex during simple violations in expectancies (i.e., sudden changes in the frequency of an event) from patterns of activity in the anterior attention system specifically correlated with response conflict as evidenced by longer response latencies and more errors. These data provide a systems-level approach in understanding integrated attentional networks.