889 resultados para delirious thoughts


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L’objectiu d’aquest treball es investigar pensaments i actituds dels joves no musulmans cap a les persones musulmanes i també dels joves musulmans cap a les persones no musulmanes i musulmanes. També esbrinar la connexió entre estereotip racial i el terme «islamofòbia». L’estudi s’ha realitzat amb joves d’entre 14 i 18 anys que estan estudiant els cursos de 3er i 4rt d’E.S.O en Instituts de la ciutat de Vic. Anteriorment a aquest estudi, es pot observar dins el treball una fonamentació teòrica sobre l’estereotip racial, els models d’estudi contemporani d’aquest, l’aparició del terme «islamofòbia» i el seu antagònic «occidentofòbia», així com també l’influenciabilitat dels joves en l’adolescència. Per tal de realitzar aquesta investigació s’ha aplicat una enquesta. Els resultats obtinguts un cop realitzat l’estudi, han demostrat que alguns pensaments i actituds recollides sobre les persones musulmanes estan basades en estereotips de tipus racial sovint amb un tendència pejorativa cap a aquest grup social.


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What is Iowa in Motion? The Iowa Department of Transportation is continuing the journey to develop Iowa’s future transportation system. This ongoing planning process, known as Iowa in Motion, was developed in response to the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) and Iowa’s changing transportation needs. The completion of Parts I, II and III of Iowa in Motion has led to development of this State Transportation Plan. Part IV includes activities, both current and future, to support the plan. This State Transportation Plan represents the thoughts and concerns of thousands of Iowans. Individuals, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), regional planning affiliations (RPAs), associations and organizations have become involved and have made recommendations concerning which direction should be followed regarding transportation investments. This plan represents their extensive input into the Iowa in Motion process and consensus building as we moved towards adoption of this State Transportation Plan. The adopted plan serves as a guide for development of transportation policies, goals, objectives, initiatives and investment decisions through the year 2020.


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The major features in eating disorders are a preoccupation with food and its consumption and body dissatisfaction. Diagnostic manuals provide clusters of criteria according to which affected individuals can be categorized into one or other group of eating disorder. Yet, when considering the high proportion of comorbidities and ignoring the content of the symptoms (food, body), the major features seem to yield obsessional-compulsive, addictive, and impulsive qualities. In the present article, we review studies from the neuroscientific literature (mainly lesion studies) on eating disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, impulse control disorder, and addiction to investigate the possibility of a wider phenotype that can be related to a common brain network. The literature localizes this network to the right frontal lobe and its connectivities. This network, when dysfunctional, might result in a behavior that favors the preoccupation with particular thoughts, behaviors, anxieties, and uncontrollable urges that are accompanied by little scope for ongoing behavioral adjustments (e.g., impulse control). We reason that this network may turn out to be equally involved in understudied mental conditions of dysfunctional body processing such as muscle dysmorphia, body dysmorphic disorder (including esthetic surgery), and xelomelia. We finally consider previous notions of a wider phenotype approach to current diagnostic practice (using DSM), such as the possibility of a model with a reduced number of diagnostic categories and primary and secondary factors, and to etiological models of mental health conditions.


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OBJECTIVE: Depersonalization is a fascinating clinical phenomenon referring to a self-consciousness disorder, characterized by emotional detachment from one's own feelings, thoughts, or actions. This article intends to summarize the current literature in this area. METHOD: Using the Medline data base, we reviewed literature addressing the clinical, etiology, nosology, physiopathology, and treatment of depersonalization. CONCLUSIONS: Derealization means that perception of the world and of external reality are altered. These 2 phenomena are often associated. They are not specific to any psychiatric entity and are reported in many different psychiatric syndromes. Many factors, including use of different substances, are involved in their onset. The physiopathology is still little known. However, some conceptual models suggest partial amygdala inhibition combined with activation of other amygdaloid structures. A serotoninergic functioning impairment is indicated in different pharmacologic studies. Different psychotropic drugs, especially serotoninergic antidepressants, have been proposed for pharmacotherapy; however, there are no conclusive randomized studies, and the contribution of psychotherapy in treating these patients is still questioned


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Työn tavoitteena oli saada selville ketkä ovat uuden tuotteen, eli kotihissin asiakkaat. Mitkä ovat tuotteen mahdollisuudet Suomen markkinoilla ja onko markkinoilla odotettavissa kasvua, sekä miten tähän mahdolliseen kasvuun päästäisiin käsiksi. Kotihissin ominaisuudet vaikuttavat siihen, että se on tarkoitettu asennettavaksi yksityisiin pientaloihin. Uuden tuotteen ansiosta KONE voi liittää nykyiseen vahvaan toimialaansa, eli kerrostaloihin, uuden aluevaltauksen; Pientalot. Tämä 'laajentuminen' tuo mukanaan kuluttajamarkkinoiden haasteet. Markkinatilanteen selvittämiseen käyttin jo olemassa olevaa tietoa hyväkseni; sanomalehdistä markkinatutkimuksiin. Asiakasryhmät kartoitin tutustumalla messutapahtumissa saatuihin kontakteihin. Päätutkimusmenetelmänä käytin haastatteluja. Niihin osallistui kaikkiaan 14 vastaajaa. He vasatsivat kysymyksiin ostomotiiveista ja tuotteesta. Eräs haastattelujen tärkeimmistä teemoista liittyi yhteydenpito- ja jakelukanaviin, joista 12 vastaajaa antoivat mielipiteitään. Työni tulokset viittaavat siihen, että markkinatilanne näyttää positiiviselta KONEen kannalta. Tutkimuksesta sain selville kotihissin asiakassegmentit ja myös miten nämä potentiaaliset asiakkaat saadaan tehokkaimmin tavoitettua.


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[spa] Revisar los Pensamientos de Pascal y las Cartas sobre la educación estética del hombre de Schiller constituye siempre un reto. Las teoríass de Pascal acerca del juego han sido analizadas fundamentalmente desde un punto de vista matemático, y pocas veces lo han sido desde un enfoque más antropológico y filosófico. El objetivo del presente artículo es reflexionar sobre sus papeles respectivos en la creación de un nuevo paradigma sobre el juego y leer cada uno de ellos a partir de las teorías del otro. Tal vez des este modo pueda probarse que ambos comparten un mismo proyecto irrealizable de lo humano. [eng] Reviewing the Thoughts by Pascal and the Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man by Schiller is always a challenge. Pascal"s theories about play have been analyzed primarily from a mathematical point of view, and very few times have been examined from an anthropological and philosophical approach. The aim of this paper is to reflect on their respective roles in the creation of a new paradigm about play, and read each of them from the theories of the other. Perhaps in this way it might be proved that both share an unfeasible project about the human nature.


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[Narrative and the Diagrammatic. Preliminary Thoughts and Seven Theses.] This article proposes a view of narrative that does not depend on the traditional perspective of temporal sequence but emphasizes the spatial structure of literary narrative. Contrary to the prevalent treatment of space in narrative theory, the notion of spatiality in this context refers not to the space that is represented by the narrative (e.g. the setting and other spatial elements of the fictional world) but to the space that represents it: first, the graphic surface of the text; second, the (quasi-)spatial mental representation of its content that is produced in the process of reception. It is argued that these conditions form the primary ontological mode of narrative, whereas the temporal development of a story is an aesthetic illusion that has been specifically stimulated by the narrative conventions of approximately the past three centuries and must thus be considered a secondary effect. The diagrammatic, as a way of both depicting data and perceiving relations through spatial representation, thus forms a more adequate methodological approach to understanding narrative structure than approaches that are implicitly derived from the 'grammar' of narrative in the structuralist sense and its sequential logic.


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Työn tarkoituksena oli suunnitella kunnonvalvontajärjestelmä kahdelle lasivillan tuotantolinjalle. Suunnitteluprosessin lisäksi työssä on esitelty erilaisia kunnonvalvontamenetelmiä. Työn alussa on kerrottu erilaisista kunnonvalvontamenetelmistä, joilla voidaan seurata erilaisten laitteiden ja koneiden toimintakuntoa.Erityisesti työssä on tarkasteltu teollisuudessa yleistyviä kunnonvalvonnan värähtelymittauksia. Työssä suunniteltu kunnonvalvontajärjestelmä perustuu viiteen eri menetelmään, jotka ovat värähtelymittaus, lämpötilanmittaus lämpökameralla, lämpötilanmittaus kannettavalla mittarilla, kuuntelu elektronisella stetoskoopilla ja pyörivien osien kunnontarkkailu stroboskoopilla. Kunnonvalvontajärjestelmän suunnittelu on tehty useassa eri vaiheessa. Ensin työssä on kartoitettu tuotannon kannalta tärkeimmät laitteet ja niiden mahdolliset vikaantumistavat. Seuraavaksi on valittu sopivat kunnonvalvontamenetelmät ja tehty mittaussuunnitelma, jossa on esitetty eri laitteille suoritettavat mittaukset ja mittausten aikavälit.Lopuksi työssä on esitelty muutama esimerkkitapaus kunnonvalvontamenetelmien käytöstä sekä kerrottu mahdollisista tulevaisuuden kehitysmahdollisuuksista.


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Present book collects some of the thoughts developed during the 5 years (2004-2009) of work in the frame of the CHALLENGE project, "The Changing Landscape of European Liberty and Security". The project has related academic knowledge and research with the analysis of the policies and practices of the member States of the European Union [EU] around the couple liberty and security


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Los protocolos de pensamiento en voz alta son instrumentos metodológicos que implican, como su nombre indica, el uso de informantes ¿pensando en voz alta¿ mientras llevan a cabo una actividad. Los pensamientos articulados siguiendo esta técnica se graban para poder ser transcritos y son analizados con la ayuda de unas categorías preestablecidas para reflexionar sobre los objetivos del trabajo de investigación. La metodología ha sido ampliamente utilizada para analizar actividades de resolución de problemas (¿problem solving activities¿) en numerosos estudios de psicología cognitiva y su uso se ha extendido para analizar los procesos de escritura. Este análisis pretende explicar los orígenes de los protocolos de pensamiento en voz alta en el marco de la psicología cognitiva y revisar brevemente las obras más influyentes de Ericsson y Simon con el fin de presentar los puntos básicos del marco teórico que estos autores establecieron. A continuación se presentarán algunas consideraciones relacionadas con el hecho de utilizar la técnica de pensamiento en voz alta para analizar los procesos de escritura, y finalmente se proponen unas normas básicas a seguir por aquellas personas interesados en utilizar esta metodología.


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A sign of presence in virtual environments is that people respond to situations and events as if they were real, where response may be considered at many different levels, ranging from unconscious physiological responses through to overt behavior,emotions, and thoughts. In this paper we consider two responses that gave different indications of the onset of presence in a gradually forming environment. Two aspects of the response of people to an immersive virtual environment were recorded: their eye scanpath, and their skin conductance response (SCR). The scenario was formed over a period of 2 min, by introducing an increasing number of its polygons in random order in a head-tracked head-mounted display. For one group of experimental participants (n 8) the environment formed into one in which they found themselves standing on top of a 3 m high column. For a second group of participants (n 6) the environment was otherwise the same except that the column was only 1 cm high, so that they would be standing at normal ground level. For a third group of participants (n 14) the polygons never formed into a meaningful environment. The participants who stood on top of the tall column exhibited a significant decrease in entropy of the eye scanpath and an increase in the number of SCR by 99 s into the scenario, at a time when only 65% of the polygons had been displayed. The ground level participants exhibited a similar decrease in scanpath entropy, but not the increase in SCR. The random scenario grouping did not exhibit this decrease in eye scanpath entropy. A drop in scanpath entropy indicates that the environment had cohered into a meaningful perception. An increase in the rate of SCR indicates the perception of an aversive stimulus. These results suggest that on these two dimensions (scanpath entropy and rate of SCR) participants were responding realistically to the scenario shown in the virtual environment. In addition, the response occurred well before the entire scenario had been displayed, suggesting that once a set of minimal cues exists within a scenario,it is enough to form a meaningful perception. Moreover, at the level of the sympathetic nervous system, the participants who were standing on top of the column exhibited arousal as if their experience might be real. This is an important practical aspect of the concept of presence.


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Aquest document, es fonamenta d'acord amb diferents teories i pensaments sobre la importància del temps lliure en els adolescents i joves, com també a partir de les experiències de Catalunya, entorn aquest tema. Concretament és una observació del temps lliure dels adolescents i joves, des d’una aproximació a la seva realitat i també analitzant els diferents agents que intervenen en aquest àmbit concret, com del context global d’Andorra. La intenció és identificar i reflexionar entorn les principals característiques de l’oci i el lleure del col·lectiu com també de la participació juvenil per poder prioritzar actuacions socioeducatives encaminades a l’educació en el lleure. És per aquest motiu, que paral·lelament amb aquesta investigació aplicada a la intervenció socioeducativa, també s’ha realitzat un diagnòstic d’Andorra i unes propostes de millora relacionats amb els resultats obtinguts.


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Työn tarkoitus tutkia viilukuivurin ilmankiertoa. Tietojen pohjalta suunnitellaan alustava 6-kerroskuivuri. Lisäksi diplomityössä tutkitaan erilaisten kuivausparametrien vaikutusta kuivaustapahtumaan. Viilunkuivauksessa on tärkeää tasainen kuivaustulos. Kuivaustapahtumaan vaikuttavat monet parametrit, joista yksi tärkeimmistä on kuivausilman nopeus suuttimissa. Kun viilukuivurin kuivausilman kierto on tasapainossa, saadaan kuivurin jokaisen kerroksen suutinnopeus yhtäläiseksi. Työ tarkastelee kuivurin kennon eri osien: puhaltimen, patterin, kanavien ja suutinlaatikoiden vaikutusta kuivausilman virtaamiin. Tietojen perusteella on tarkoitus optimoida kuivausolosuhteet kennon eri osissa. Teorian lisäksi työssä on tarkasteltu erilaisten virtausmallien avulla kuivausilman kiertoa kennossa. Eri kuivausparametrien vaikutusta on tutkittu viilun kuivumista simuloivalla ohjelmalla. Kuivurin konstruktion kuormituskestävyyttä on arvioitu FEM-malleilla. Lopputuloksena on saatu alustava malli VTS6x6200 kuivurille.