692 resultados para definições
This work has as purpose to show what are the influences of media in the education and in the shaping the thinking and understand that ideologies are present in the films used in the classroom in kindergarten. For this, I directed the discussion beginning by concepts as Ideology and its more different definitions by several thinkers over the years, the thinkers of Critical Theory of Frankfurt School, called “frankfurtians” of first and second generation of this school, also making an association between Cinema and Education, evidencing concepts involving this association as Cultural Industry, using films properly in classrooms in kindergarten, with the teacher as mediator and then discussed what amounts of movies on children's education, how they assist and deepen the knowledge developed by students in schools of infantile education. Additionally, they are exposed the different opinions about the subject Film and Education for students from kindergarten, what benefits and what disadvantages in the use of films, the different opinions on the subject. We also discuss, in this work, the ideologies present in three films produced by Walt Disney, they are Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Alice in Wonderland, relating them to how they can contribute to the development and learning students in kindergarten. I associated more as possible the previous discussions to analyze the ideologies present in these films, by summarizing these, and decomposing them through an analysis tool called frame. Finally, I completed everything that was discussed and analyzed, which students in kindergarten may develop with the use of films in schools, what they contribute, in some way, for the learning and education of students as viewers using the school as access to different cultures and the teacher as a mediator of this relationship
This work aims to study and see the importance of building the image and reputation of the artist through a publishing of public relations, public recital, new technologies, media, cultural production and curatorial work. To this, we analyzed the history of the profession of public relations in Brazil. As well as their concepts, practices and definitions. Focus on work of publicist and cultural production sectors. The choice of theme is done by the need to understand the relationships. That intertwines in the art market and what media that best reaches in their audiences. Considering the artist-consumer relationship, and the relationship brand-artist and artist-public. And so, the importance of this advice means less explored public relations, for the creation of the brand concept for the artist before his public. Considered in this work as a gallery, art dealer, curator, media and consumers. In this context an analysis is done on diverse views on the market of the arts through specific interview. This interviews was made with professionals working in the cultural sector. And help to understand the communication segments that exist and the current conditions of the market in the context of competitiveness. As was considered the academic education of the public relations professional, it geared to the cultural context, the interviews with professional future. And then was considered that public relations presents itself as a proposal for better communication in the arts. They are concern to create concepts of brand identity-thinking artist and the best means for the artist to be present in this area
The Atlantic Forest is considered the fifth most important hotspot of the world, for its high endemism and biodiversity. The Serra do Mar State Park (SMSP) is the biggest area of integral protection in Brazilian coast, having the largest continuous remnant area of Atlantic Forest. Its creation aims to protect the Atlantic Forest remnants and regeneration of degraded areas. The present work develops in the administrative center Núcleo Santa Virgínia, created on May 2, 1989 and aims a comparative analysis and environmental interpretation regarding the evolution of the landscape its creation until the present days, using geoprocessing techniques. For a better understanding of some definitions, a literature review is presented about the current scenario of conservation units, concepts of landscape, landscape ecology, landscape dynamics and the importance of the geoprocessing for landscape analysis. It was elaborated two thematic charts of use and occupation land of Núcleo Santa Virgínia (1989 and 2014) and quantified for each type of use for later comparison
Based on the theoretical concepts about events, public relations and leadership, this work was developed with the aim of presenting in practical way the role of Public Relations professional in organizing events, checking his role as articulator of public interest in the cultivation of relationships. With definitions and characterization this study proposes legitimize the powers of the Public Relations event management. Beside this, the study aims to emphasize the exercise of leadership in management teams as one of the main points in the development of an event. So, the case of study develops a field research on the work of the infrastructure committee of the Southeast Intercom 2013
Water is an essential element for life. The use of this element, to support the community, defines it as water resource. This feature is being misused and degraded by the dumping of highly contaminated effluents. The impoverishment of its quality poses a risk to human consumption. The necessity to manage this resource, treating the wastewater properly, requires the constant improvement of treatment systems. Another need is to adjust the cost of systems to the demands of communities with less financial clout. This study aimed to adapt and understand the systems of wetlands, improving its efficiency, in an attempt to collaborate with the enrichment of this technology. The practical evidence, with lab-scale prototypes, assembled in ETE Piracicamirim with urban sewage effluent contributed to highlight the problems and operating system design. The bibliographic review showed that several studies had effectiveness for treatment. But it was evident the need for better understanding of dimensioning definitions that better attempted to the answers into the project. Moreover, standardization of system conditions for the specific wastewater treatment is an interesting field, identified, for future studies yet contribute to environmental engineering and sanitation
O contexto esportivo é repleto de muitas manifestações psicológicas. Para se ter sucesso é necessário que ocorra uma grande preparação destes atletas, que devem estar preparados fisicamente, tecnicamente e taticamente para responder às necessidades do esporte, buscando sempre a vitória e a melhor performance nas competições desportivas. A Psicologia do Esporte vem desenvolvendo programas de treinamento psicológico envolvendo técnicos, treinadores e atletas na busca de melhor desempenho nas competições. Hoje em dia o voleibol é um dos esportes mais praticados e assistidos no mundo inteiro, sendo no Brasil o segundo esporte mais praticado. O estado emocional se altera tanto em um período pré-competitivo, onde a incerteza de futuros acontecimentos provoca uma ansiedade, tensão e certo desconforto, quanto no momento da competição e também no período póscompetitivo. O sentimento de vergonha também é manifestado em muitas ocasiões. Várias são as definições encontradas para essa emoção: sentimento penoso de desonra; humilhação; rebaixamento; sentimento de insegurança provocado pelo medo do ridículo; embaraço; indignidade; timidez; acanhamento; sentimento de desconforto, entre outras. . A pesquisa buscou analisar teórica e praticamente as alterações emocionais de atletas em suas funções esportivas. Foi realizada com uma equipe de voleibol feminino, onde se aplicou um questionário fechado, a 21 atletas, com idades entre 13 e 16 anos. Verificou-se com que freqüência as manifestações dos sentimentos de vergonha e ansiedade ocorriam e possivelmente prejudicavam o desempenho das atletas. Após análise dos resultados pode-se concluir que as manifestações de ansiedade foram mais evidenciadas se comparadas as de vergonha. Notamos que, as preocupações quanto ao desempenho e aos erros que podem ser cometidos são muito evidenciados na equipe. A vergonha-meta... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
A etologia é um ramo da zoologia que estuda o comportamento animal, que em linhas gerais, trata-se da reação do animal a estímulos tanto internos como externos. Esse comportamento pode ser oriundo de um padrão pré-estabelecido na espécie, sendo inato, classificado como um “padrão fixo de ação” (P.F.A.) ou pode ser um conjunto de respostas adquiridas. Nesse caso, trata-se de um comportamento aprendido ao longo da vida do animal, por conta própria ou transmitido de indivíduo para indivíduo, diante das experiências e interações com o ambiente. Uma das definições consiste na mudança adaptativa do comportamento manifestada após experiências adquiridas. Existem várias formas pelas quais os animais podem aprender, como por exemplo, imitação, “insight”, tentativa de acerto e erro. Diante do exposto, o trabalho focará na aprendizagem do grupo de primatas classificado como os grandes símios: Orangotangos, Gorilas, Chipanzés e Bonobos. O objetivo é fazer um levantamento dos tipos de estudo existentes que buscaram ampliar o conhecimento acerca desse tipo de comportamento dos grandes símios: aprendizagem. Abordadas algumas ferramentas e a forma como são utilizadas. Será feito também um breve relato sobre a possível existência de cultura entre os grandes símios, além de aplicações atuais e práticas dos conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo dos anos
This paper aims to discuss the system of inventory management in a public university. The present paper shows the definitions, classification of materials and the advantages and disadvantages of storage, besides exposing the public procurement bidding system since the acquisition until receipt of materials to be stored. This paper presents a survey of the items stored in the warehouse and use of control tools such as ABC curve to demand flow prized for verification of critical items and idle items. Displays also a calculation for the minimum value of stock and replacement of an item in inventory and an analysis of the conditions of the warehouse layout. As a result, knowledge is acquired and a revised system of inventory management of the institution was proposed
This research has the finality to search for the Public Relations professional valorization considering new ways of business acting. So it addresses how would be the performance of this professional in a management with Corporate Governance. This way different kinds of references were researched specially business aspects, definitions and history of the public relations, corporate governance, communication and complexity in the organizations. By the end we analyzed the communication in complex organizations and how the public relations professional could be useful in the process
Public Relations is an area of communication that has many definitions given by both professional associations and by many authors. Academic and professional discussions on a precise definition of the area are recurrent. Considering this issue, it was decided to study the relationship between public relations and communications agencies, assuming that this is a market segment that includes the public relations. This paper analyzes the discourses of communication agencies and how the Public Relations are handled by them. For this, it was used theories about the history of public relations as well as definitions and concepts of its main authors. Furthermore, we present the characteristics of communication agencies, the contexts associated with its emergence in Brazil and the future prospects of this market segment in the opinion of the professionals who work in it. The study about the discourses of communications agencies was based on French Discourse Analysis, using books from important authors of the area, such as José Fiorin and Helna Brandão. The discourses analyzed were those present on websites of three communications agencies in the state of Sao Paulo. It was noted that not always the participation of public relations in communication agencies is highlighted, although the services of these agencies are based on techniques and typical functions of Public Relations. Above all, what the discourses are seeking to highlight are the experience and expertise in organizational communication owned by its staff
The work below boards critically the issues involved in the study of the microbiota of milk. It starts with a contextualization of the current dairy chain, in the presence of Normative Instruction - 51. Following are developed the most relevant concepts and definitions about the subject: the emergence of psychrotrophic, mesophilic acidifying metabolism, the injuries of marginal cooling. Next, the main genres that comprise the milky microbiota are described, in front of the following question: from what point the metabolism of these bacteria is no longer beneficial and becomes a deteriorating activity to the product? The paper does not end with classical conclusions or definite answers, but with questions, pointing out lines of research that can improve the quality of Brazilian milk, making it a differentiated and competitive product at the international market
The present work aims to prepare a study of selectivity and coordination in an isolated electrical system with the aid of computer software PTW (Power Tools for Windows). Based on appropriate protection standards, on equipment data and the survey of the curves of “time versus current” (Time Current Curve – TCC), may be defined protection settings to leave the system selective, coordinated and properly protected. Definitions of adjustments are made taking into account the data of, so called, thermal curves of the equipment, which take into account the rated current and the supportability of short-circuit current of the equipment and cables involved in the installation in question. For that we use the tools provided by the PTW in which an industrial electrical circuit is simulated, presenting and discussing the results. With that validates the software PTW, taking it as a great tool helper implementation the coordination and selectivity study
A farmacovigilância permite a avaliação do risco/benefício da utilização dos medicamentos disponíveis no mercado. A análise da segurança e da efetividade dos fármacos é realizada, fundamentalmente, pelo método de notificação espontânea de evento adverso a medicamento. Entretanto, este método passivo contém limitações, sendo a principal, a subnotificação dos casos. Portanto, fazem-se necessárias metodologias que contribuam para a promoção da farmacovigilância de modo a contribuir com análise da segurança dos medicamentos e para o uso racional destas tecnologias em saúde. O presente estudo teve como objetivo validar metodologia de intervenção educativa para estimular a notificação de evento adverso a medicamento por profissionais da saúde. A intervenção foi realizada com alunos do curso de Farmácia Bioquímica e da Especialização em Saúde Pública da Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas da Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”. Foram propostos quatro encontros, com duração de uma hora cada, para o desenvolvimento de aula expositiva sobre o tema, com distribuição de material educativo e certificado de participação, realização de dinâmica de grupo para o correto preenchimento da ficha de notificação de evento adverso a medicamento e aplicação de questionário, antes e após a intervenção, para avaliação do impacto sobre o conhecimento/atitude/habilidade em farmacovigilância. Participaram da pesquisa 14 voluntários, os quais aceitaram participar da pesquisa, assinando o termo de consentimento livre esclarecido, sendo 9 alunos de graduação e 5 do curso de especialização, graduados em farmácia 1, enfermagem 2, nutrição 1 e biomédica 1. A análise qualitativa das respostas indicou melhora nas definições e conceitos de farmacovigilância, porém as contestações ainda permaneceram incompletas... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)