994 resultados para crop yield forecast
With the objective of assessing castor bean genotypes in relation to the influence of seeds treatment on agronomic characteristics and physiological quality of seeds, two experiments were conducted between November, 2005 and March, 2006. In the first study, experimental design used was randomized complete blocks, in factorial scheme (2 x 10), by comparing Lyra hybrid and AL Guarany 2002 cultivar and nine fungicides, including its mixtures and test, with four repetitions. Plant height, stem diameter, medium yield and observation of diseases incidence were evaluated. In the second study, conducted in randomized entirely design, in factorial scheme 2 x 10 with four repetitions, Savana and AL Guarany 2002 genotypes were analyzed, using the same fungicides. Germination, infected and dead seeds, vigor, initial moisture content and simulation of field emergency and seeds sanitary quality were also evaluated. The results obtained point that there is positive influence of seed treatment on agronomic characteristics in castor bean crop, increasing grain yield for AL Guarany cultivar and Lyra hybrid. In the analysis of seed quality, it was observed that seed treatments with fungicides and their mixtures provided superior percentages of germination and vigor, reduced the number of infected and dead seeds and increased seeds emergency for Guarany 2002 cultivar and Savana hybrid.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The use of crop rotation and manure application can provide sustainability for an agricultural production system by improving soil quality and increasing nutrient use efficiency. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of mineral, organic and mineral+organic fertilization on grain yield and on soil phosphorus and potassium balance, in two crop systems under no-till, with and without rotation of cover crops. The experiment was carried out from 2006 to 2008 on a clayey Rhodic Hapludox in Marechal Candido Rondon, Parana State, Brazil. The cropping sequence in the rotation system involving cover crops was black oat + hairy vetch + forage turnip/corn/pigeon pea/wheat/mucuna + brachiaria + sunn hemp, and in the succession system was wheat/corn/wheat/soybean. Organic and mineral+organic fertilizations consisted of the application of solely manure and manure combined with mineral fertilizer, respectively. Soil P and K balances were calculated after the second year of the experiment, up to a depth of 0.40 m. First year corn yields were higher in the crop succession system accompanied by mineral fertilization. In the second year, wheat and soybean yield did not vary between crop systems and nutrient sources, demonstrating the residual effect of crop rotation and manure use. Crop rotation with cover crops resulted in an increase in soil K levels by promoting the recycling of this nutrient in the soil. In both crop systems, the application of mineral and organic fertilizers - either in isolation or in combination - resulted in a negative soil P and K balance in the short term. This represents a threat to the sustainability of the agricultural production system in the long term, due to the depletion of soil nutrient reserves.
Avaliou-se o efeito da ausência e da aplicação de três doses de nitrogênio (50, 100 e 200 kg ha-1 de N) e quatro épocas de corte no inverno/primavera (julho a outubro) sobre a produtividade de massa seca (PMS), os teores relativos de clorofila (ICF _ índice de clorofila foliar) e os teores de nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT), proteína bruta (PB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA) e lignina, bem como suas respectivas correlações nos capins tanzânia e mombaça após o consórcio com milho em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, em parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. As maiores PMS ocorreram com o aumento do fotoperíodo (a partir de agosto), no entanto, as respostas à adubação nitrogenada ao longo dos cortes diferiram entre e dentre os capins. em sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária irrigado sob condições de cerrado, é tecnicamente viável o estabelecimento dos capins tanzânia e mombaça em consórcio com o milho no momento da semeadura ou por ocasião da adubação nitrogenada de cobertura, visto que, mesmo na ausência de adubação nitrogenada, foi produzida quantidade satisfatória de forragem, com PMS média de 2.000 kg ha-1 por corte na época de maior escassez de volumoso para os animais (inverno/primavera). A adubação nitrogenada após a colheita do milho eleva a PMS e melhora a composição bromatológica dos capins, com aumento dos teores relativos de clorofila e PB no inverno/primavera, além de aumento dos teores de NDT e redução dos teores de FDN e FDA até o mês de setembro. O índice de clorofila foliar pode ser utilizado para estimar a PMS e o teor de PB, bem como indicar a necessidade de adubação nitrogenada dos capins tanzânia e mombaça submetidos a corte.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
As pastagens cultivadas do Cerrado brasileiro são responsáveis pela metade da produtividade da carne bovina destinada à alimentação da população, enquanto as culturas agrícolas o são pela terça parte de sua produtividade de grãos, desempenhando importante papel econômico-financeiro para o país. Dessa forma, no ano agrícola 2005/2006, na Fazenda de Ensino e Pesquisa da Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira - FEIS/UNESP, foram estudadas a variabilidade e a dependência espacial entre atributos físicos do solo e a produtividade da soja, quando rotacionados após a pastagem degradada com Brachiaria, sobre um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico. Também foram estudadas correlações lineares e espaciais entre esses atributos, apurando condições que proporcionassem aumento da produtividade agrícola. Para isso, na área com a referida pastagem instalou-se uma malha contendo 124 pontos amostrais, com espaçamentos de 10,0 x 10,0 e de 5,0 x 5,0 m entre eles, numa área total de 7.500 m². Dos pontos de vista linear e espacial, a elevada produtividade de grãos de soja pode ser explicada em razão do número de grãos por planta e da macroporosidade do solo. A alta variabilidade obtida na maioria dos atributos do solo denotou que a integração lavoura-pecuária é um sistema que proporciona heterogeneidade do ambiente físico do solo.
Final plant population in maize crop was used as a basis to identify the technology level of a given farmer. Final population of 50,000 plants/hectare was considered as an indication of a high technology level farmer; 35,000 of a medium, and 20,000 of a low technology level farmer. These populations were artificially obtained for the hybrids HT-2X, BR-201, and BR-205 from small, medium and large seeds. The results showed the triple cross hybrid HT-2X to be the most indicated for low technology level regions, due to its lesser sensitivity to variations in seed size and also to its significant outyielding of the other two hybrids. The double cross hybrids BR-201 and BR-205 exhibited much higher sensitivity to variations in seed size so that if they have to be used in a low technology region, the most recommended procedure would be to make use of the largest possible seeds. In conclusion, genotype and seed size seem to be factors capable of compensating for plant population reductions in maize crops. The more prolific hybrids and the largess seeds are more indicated for low technology level regions.
Winter cover crops can affect N nutrition of the following maize crop. Although legumes have been recommend for maize rotations, in tropical areas grasses may be more interesting because they provide a longer protection of soil surface. Legumes can add N to the system and grasses can compete with maize for the available nutrient. An experiment was conducted in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil, to study N dynamics in the soil surface straw-maize system as affected by N fertilization management and species included in the no-till rotation. Treatments were fallow, black oat (Avena strigosa), pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), white lupins (Lupinus albus), black oat fertilized with N. and pearl millet fertilized with N. Maize was grown afterwards in the same plots, receiving 0.0, 60.0 and 120.0 kg ha(-1) of N sidedressed 30 days after plant emergence. Soil, straw and maize samples were taken periodically. The highest corn yields were observed when it was cropped after pearl millet fertilized with N. Nitrogen side dressed application up to 120 kg ha(-1) was not able to avoid corn yield decrease caused by black oat. Grasses can be recommended in maize rotations in tropical areas, provided they receive nitrogen fertilizer and show no allelopathy. Due to its higher ON ratio and dry matter yield they are better than legumes, protecting the soil surface for a longer period. Pearl millet is particularly interesting because it enhances N use efficiency by the following maize crop. For a better N availability/demand synchronism, the cover crops should be desiccated right before maize planting.
Farmers are interested in producing popcorn under organic production systems and propane flaming could be a significant component of an integrated weed management program. The objective of this study was to collect baseline information on popcorn tolerance to broadcast flaming as influenced by propane dose and crop growth stage at the time of flaming. Field experiments were conducted at the Haskell Agricultural Laboratory of the University of Nebraska, Concord, NE in 2008 and 2009 using five propane doses (0, 13, 24, 44 and 85 kg ha(-1)) applied at the 2-leaf, 5-leaf and 7-leaf growth stages. Propane was applied using a custom-built research flamer driven at a constant speed of 6.4 km h(-1). Crop response to propane dose was described by log-logistic models on the basis of visual estimates of crop injury, yield components (plants m(-2), ears plant(-1), kernels cob(-1) and 100-kernel weight) and grain yield. Popcorn response to flaming was influenced by the crop growth stage and propane dose. Based on various parameters evaluated, popcorn flamed at the 5-leaf showed the highest tolerance while the 2-leaf was the most susceptible stage. The maximum yield reductions were 45%, 9% and 16% for the 2-leaf, 5-leaf and 7-leaf stages, respectively. In addition, propane doses that resulted in a 5% yield loss were 23 kg ha(-1) for the 2-leaf and 7-leaf and 30 kg ha(-1) for the 5-leaf stage. Flaming has a potential to be used effectively in organic popcorn production if properly used. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different methods of red beet seedling production and direct sowing on the development of the plant in field conditions. 'Tall Top Early Wonder' was used as the cultivar. The experimental design was a randomized blocks with 4 replications of each treatment: T1 - seedling produced in trays of 288 cells; T2 - 200 cells; T3 - 128 cells; T4 - 128 cells; T5 - direct sowing and T6 - bare-root seedling. The seedlings produced in trays and bare root seedlings were transplanted in the field 28 DAS with spacing of 0.20 x 0.10m. The mean height of plants, leaf area, leaf dry matter, petiole dry matter, shoot dry matter, root dry matter, relationship between shoot dry matter and root dry matter, absolute growth rate, relative growth rate, net assimilation rate, leaf area ratio and specific leaf area were determined. Storage root fresh matter and mean storage root diameter were determined starting from 77 DAS. Initial growth of the plants were superior for the direct sowing, resulting in smaller RGR and NAR than the other treatments. Independent of the production method, an increase of the cycle of the crop was verified. T6 had larger delay in the initial development. There was no difference for productivity. Method T1, had less expenses with respect to substrate and space in the vegetation home, without reduction in production.
The productivity of 28 tomato cultivars was evaluated over three stages of harvest. The study was carried out during from June to December of 1999 in an open field at the experimental area of the Section of Olericulture and Aromatic Medicinal Plants, Department of Crop Production at FCAV-UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. The cultivars studied were H 7155, Hypeel, Andino, U 573, H 9036, IPA 6, H 9494, AG 33, Yuba, RPT 1294, AG 72, Pelmeech, Curico, Hypeel 45, RPT 1478, H 9492, H 9498, H 2710, Hitech 45, Halley, Botu 13, H 9553, U 646, NK 1570, AG 45, RPT 1095, RPT 1570, and PSX 37511. The experimental design was a randomized block design with four repetitions, with five plants per plot. Productivity was evaluated at three stages of harvest at 119, 149 and 179 days after seeding. There were no significant differences among the cultivars at the first harvest (119 days). The majority of the cultivars produced their highest yield at the second harvest; the most productive cultivars were Curicó and AG 72, which yielded 4.69 and 4.67 kg/plant, respectively, although they did not differ statistically from the cultivars Hypeel 45 (4.35 kg/plant) and H 9498 (4.16 kg/plant). Yields of the cultivars Andino and H 9494 were evenly distributed between the second and third harvests. At the third harvest, cultivar IPA 6 had the highest yield (2.9 kg/plant) and was statistically different from all other cultivars except H 9036 (2.34 kg). These two cultivars had the most delayed and concentrated maturity, making them suitable for mechanical harvesting, although at a later time. Cultivar AG 72 had the greatest total yield (5.76 kg/plant), but it was not statistically different from cultivars Hypeel 45 (5.43 kg), Curico (4.17 kg), H 9498 (4.83 kg), H 7155 (4.58 kg) and Halley (4.55 kg). All of the cultivars, with the exception of cultivars H 9036, IPA 6, Andino and H 9494 showed in the second harvest concentrated maturity, making it suitable for mechanical harvesting.
The sugar cane crop according to several authors can generate, besides the industrialized stalks, an amount of crop residues from the order of 15 to 30% in weight of the aerial part of the plants, depending on the field conditions. The sugar cane area in Brazil is around 5.5×106 hectares, with an amount of 400.106 tons of stalks, with stalks yield of 72 tons.ha-1 (Unica, 2005). This study took place in a sugar cane plot (Latitude 22°46'S, Longitude 47°23'W and 600m of altitude) with 3% of slope, located in São Paulo State. The sugar cane variety was SP 80-1816, in its forth cut, 11 months old and with a planted row spacing of 1.40m. By other side, several sugar mills are bringing the crop residue to their patio to produce energy with the bagasse. One way for that is the baling operation to bring the crop residue at the sugar mill. Some fundamental variables were obtained to define the best set of machines to work with in sugar cane crop residue removal in the baling system among the studied ones, some of the variables were: Soil Index (T1 = 0.83%, T2 = 0.46%, T3 = 0.65%, T4 = 0.57%); Energy Efficiency (T1 = 82.48%, T2 = 83.88%, T3 = 82.83% and T4 = 82.97%) of the system and Effective Cost for Equivalent Energy in US$.EBP-1 (T1 = 11.10, T2= 10.46, T3 = 11.47 and T4 = 10.57) of the baled trash delivered at the sugar mill.