892 resultados para critical theory


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We introduce a one-dimensional version of the Kitaev model consisting of spins on a two-legged ladder and characterized by Z(2) invariants on the plaquettes of the ladder. We map the model to a fermionic system and identify the topological sectors associated with different Z2 patterns in terms of fermion occupation numbers. Within these different sectors, we investigate the effect of a linear quench across a quantum critical point. We study the dominant behavior of the system by employing a Landau-Zener-type analysis of the effective Hamiltonian in the low-energy subspace for which the effective quenching can sometimes be non-linear. We show that the quenching leads to a residual energy which scales as a power of the quenching rate, and that the power depends on the topological sectors and their symmetry properties in a non-trivial way. This behavior is consistent with the general theory of quantum quenching, but with the correlation length exponent nu being different in different sectors. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2010


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We present an explicit solution of the problem of two coupled spin-1/2 impurities, interacting with a band of conduction electrons. We obtain an exact effective bosonized Hamiltonian, which is then treated by two different methods (low-energy theory and mean-field approach). Scale invariance is explicitly shown at the quantum critical point. The staggered susceptibility behaves like ln(T(K)/T) at low T, whereas the magnetic susceptibility and [S1.S2] are well behaved at the transition. The divergence of C(T)/T when approaching the transition point is also studied. The non-Fermi-liquid (actually marginal-Fermi-liquid) critical point is shown to arise because of the existence of anomalous correlations, which lead to degeneracies between bosonic and fermionic states of the system. The methods developed in this paper are of interest for studying more physically relevant models, for instance, for high-T(c) cuprates.


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In this paper, the critical budding temperature of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), which are embedded in one-parameter elastic medium (Winkler foundation) is estimated under the umbrella of continuum mechanics theory. Nonlocal continuum theory is incorporated into Timoshenko beam model and the governing differential equations of motion are derived. An explicit expression for the non-dimensional critical buckling temperature is also derived in this work. The effect of the nonlocal small scale coefficient, the Winkler foundation parameter and the ratio of the length to the diameter on the critical buckling temperature is investigated in detail. It can be observed that the effects of nonlocal small scale parameter and the Winkler foundation parameter are significant and should be considered for thermal analysis of SWCNTs. The results presented in this paper can provide useful guidance for the study and design of the next generation of nanodevices that make use of the thermal buckling properties of embedded single-walled carbon nanotubes. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We consider the Finkelstein action describing a system of spin-polarized or spinless electrons in 2+2epsilon dimensions, in the presence of disorder as well as the Coulomb interactions. We extend the renormalization-group analysis of our previous work and evaluate the metal-insulator transition of the electron gas to second order in an epsilon expansion. We obtain the complete scaling behavior of physical observables like the conductivity and the specific heat with varying frequency, temperature, and/or electron density. We extend the results for the interacting electron gas in 2+2epsilon dimensions to include the quantum critical behavior of the plateau transitions in the quantum Hall regime. Although these transitions have a very different microscopic origin and are controlled by a topological term in the action (theta term), the quantum critical behavior is in many ways the same in both cases. We show that the two independent critical exponents of the quantum Hall plateau transitions, previously denoted as nu and p, control not only the scaling behavior of the conductances sigma(xx) and sigma(xy) at finite temperatures T, but also the non-Fermi-liquid behavior of the specific heat (c(v)proportional toT(p)). To extract the numerical values of nu and p it is necessary to extend the experiments on transport to include the specific heat of the electron gas.


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We consider the breaking of a polymer molecule which is fixed at one end and is acted upon by a force at the other. The polymer is assumed to be a linear chain joined together by bonds which satisfy the Morse potential. The applied force is found to modify the Morse potential so that the minimum becomes metastable. Breaking is just the decay of this metastable bond, by causing it to go over the barrier. Increasing the force causes the potential to become more and more distorted and eventually leads to the disappearance of the barrier. The limiting force at which the barrier disappears is D(e)a/2,D-e with a the parameters characterizing the Morse potential. The rate of breaking is first calculated using multidimensional quantum transition state theory. We use the harmonic approximation to account for vibrations of all the units. It includes tunneling contributions to the rate, but is valid only above a certain critical temperature. It is possible to get an analytical expression for the rate of breaking. We have calculated the rate of breaking for a model, which mimics polyethylene. First we calculate the rate of breaking of a single bond, without worrying about the other bonds. Inclusion of other bonds under the harmonic approximation is found to lower this rate by at the most one order of magnitude. Quantum effects are found to increase the rate of breaking and are significant only at temperatures less than 150 K. At 300 K, the calculations predict a bond in polyethylene to have a lifetime of only seconds at a force which is only half the limiting force. Calculations were also done using the Lennard-Jones potential. The results for Lennard-Jones and Morse potentials were rather different, due to the different long-range behaviors of the two potentials. A calculation including friction was carried out, at the classical level, by assuming that each atom of the chain is coupled to its own collection of harmonic oscillators. Comparison of the results with the simulations of Oliveira and Taylor [J. Chem. Phys. 101, 10 118 (1994)] showed the rate to be two to three orders of magnitude higher. As a possible explanation of discrepancy, we consider the translational motion of the ends of the broken chains. Using a continuum approximation for the chain, we find that in the absence of friction, the rate of the process can be limited by the rate at which the two broken ends separate from one another and the lowering of the rate is at the most a factor of 2, for the parameters used in the simulation (for polyethylene). In the presence of friction, we find that the rate can be lowered by one to two orders of magnitude, making our results to be in reasonable agreement with the simulations.


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Current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of quench condensed, superconducting, ultrathin Bi films in a magnetic field are reported. These I-V's show hysteresis for all films, grown both with and without thin Ge underlayers. Films on Ge underlayers, close to superconductor-insulator transition, show a peak in the critical current, indicating a structural transformation of the vortex solid. These underlayers, used to make the films more homogeneous, are found to be more effective in pinning the vortices. The upper critical fields (B-c2) of these films are determined from the resistive transitions in perpendicular magnetic field. The temperature dependence of the upper critical field is found to differ significantly from Ginzburg-Landau theory, after modifications for disorder.


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Closed-shell contacts between two copper(I) ions are expected to be repulsive. However, such contacts are quite frequent and are well documented. Crystallographic characterization of such contacts in unsupported and bridged multinuclear copper(I) complexes has repeatedly invited debates on the existence of cuprophilicity. Recent developments in the application of Baders theory of atoms-in-molecules (AIM) to systems in which weak hydrogen bonds are involved suggests that the copper(I)copper(I) contacts would benefit from a similar analysis. Thus the nature of electron-density distributions in copper(I) dimers that are unsupported, and those that are bridged, have been examined. A comparison of complexes that are dimers of symmetrical monomers and those that are dimers of two copper(I) monomers with different coordination spheres has also been made. AIM analysis shows that a bond critical point (BCP) between two Cu atoms is present in most cases. The nature of the BCP in terms of the electron density, ?, and its Laplacian is quite similar to the nature of critical points observed in hydrogen bonds in the same systems. The ? is inversely correlated to Cu?Cu distance. It is higher in asymmetrical systems than what is observed in corresponding symmetrical systems. By examining the ratio of the local electron potential-energy density (Vc) to the kinetic energy density (Gc), |Vc|/Gc at the critical point suggests that these interactions are not perfectly ionic but have some shared nature. Thus an analysis of critical points by using AIM theory points to the presence of an attractive metallophilic interaction similar to other well-documented weak interactions like hydrogen bonding.


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Many dynamical systems, including lakes, organisms, ocean circulation patterns, or financial markets, are now thought to have tipping points where critical transitions to a contrasting state can happen. Because critical transitions can occur unexpectedly and are difficult to manage, there is a need for methods that can be used to identify when a critical transition is approaching. Recent theory shows that we can identify the proximity of a system to a critical transition using a variety of so-called `early warning signals', and successful empirical examples suggest a potential for practical applicability. However, while the range of proposed methods for predicting critical transitions is rapidly expanding, opinions on their practical use differ widely, and there is no comparative study that tests the limitations of the different methods to identify approaching critical transitions using time-series data. Here, we summarize a range of currently available early warning methods and apply them to two simulated time series that are typical of systems undergoing a critical transition. In addition to a methodological guide, our work offers a practical toolbox that may be used in a wide range of fields to help detect early warning signals of critical transitions in time series data.


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This paper presents the stability analysis of functionally graded plate integrated with piezoelectric actuator and sensor at the top and bottom face, subjected to electrical and mechanical loading. The finite element formulation is based on first order and higher order shear deformation theory, degenerated shell element, von-Karman hypothesis and piezoelectric effect. The equation for static analysis is derived by using the minimum energy principle and solutions for critical buckling load is obtained by solving eigenvalue problem. The material properties of the functionally graded plate are assumed to be graded along the thickness direction according to simple power law function. Two types of boundary conditions are used, such as SSSS (simply supported) and CSCS (simply supported along two opposite side perpendicular to the direction of compression and clamped along the other two sides). Sensor voltage is calculated using present analysis for various power law indices and FG (functionally graded) material gradations. The stability analysis of piezoelectric FG plate is carried out to present the effects of power law index, material variations, applied mechanical pressure and piezo effect on buckling and stability characteristics of FG plate.


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Self-assembly has been recognized as an efficient tool for generating a wide range of functional, chemically, or physically textured surfaces for applications in small scale devices. In this work, we investigate the stability of thin films of polymer solutions. For low concentrations of polymer in the solution, long length scale dewetting patterns are obtained with wavelength approximately few microns. Whereas, for concentrations above a critical value, bimodal dispersion curves are obtained with the dominant wavelength being up to two orders smaller than the usual dewetting length scale. We further show that the short wavelength corresponds to the phase separation in the film resulting in uniformly distributed high and low concentration regions. Interestingly, due to the solvent entropy, at very high concentration values of polymer, a re-entrant behaviour is observed with the dominant length scale now again corresponding to the dewetting wavelength. Thus, we show that the binary films of polymer solutions provide additional control parameters that can be utilized for generating functional textured surfaces for various applications. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.


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A dislocation theory of fracture criterion for the mixed dislocation emission and cleavage process in an anisotropic solid is developed in this paper. The complicated cases involving mixed-mode loading are considered here. The explicit formula for dislocations interaction with a semi-infinite crack is obtained. The governing equation for the critical condition of crack cleavage in an anisotropic solid after a number dislocation emissions is established. The effects of elastic anisotropy, crack geometry and load phase angle on the critical energy release rate and the total number of the emitted dislocations at the onset of cleavage are analysed in detail. The analyses revealed that the critical energy release rates can increase to one or two magnitudes larger than the surface energy because of the dislocation emission. It is also found elastic anisotropy and crystal orientation have significant effects on the critical energy release rates. The anisotropic values can be several times the isotropic value in one crack orientation. The values may be as much as 40% less than the isotropic value in another crack orientation and another anisotropy parameter. Then the theory is applied to a fee single crystal. An edge dislocation can emit from the crack tip along the most highly shear stressed slip plane. Crack cleavage can occur along the most highly stressed slip plane after a number of dislocation emissions. Calculation is carried out step by step. Each step we should judge by which slip system is the most highly shear stressed slip system and which slip system has the largest energy release rate. The calculation clearly shows that the crack orientation and the load phase angle have significant effects on the crystal brittle-ductile behaviours.


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The Load/Unload Response Ratio (LURR) method is proposed for short-to-intermediate-term earthquake prediction [Yin, X.C., Chen, X.Z., Song, Z.P., Yin, C., 1995. A New Approach to Earthquake Prediction — The Load/Unload Response Ratio (LURR) Theory, Pure Appl. Geophys., 145, 701–715]. This method is based on measuring the ratio between Benioff strains released during the time periods of loading and unloading, corresponding to the Coulomb Failure Stress change induced by Earth tides on optimally oriented faults. According to the method, the LURR time series usually climb to an anomalously high peak prior to occurrence of a large earthquake. Previous studies have indicated that the size of critical seismogenic region selected for LURR measurements has great influence on the evaluation of LURR. In this study, we replace the circular region usually adopted in LURR practice with an area within which the tectonic stress change would mostly affect the Coulomb stress on a potential seismogenic fault of a future event. The Coulomb stress change before a hypothetical earthquake is calculated based on a simple back-slip dislocation model of the event. This new algorithm, by combining the LURR method with our choice of identified area with increased Coulomb stress, is devised to improve the sensitivity of LURR to measure criticality of stress accumulation before a large earthquake. Retrospective tests of this algorithm on four large earthquakes occurred in California over the last two decades show remarkable enhancement of the LURR precursory anomalies. For some strong events of lesser magnitudes occurred in the same neighborhoods and during the same time periods, significant anomalies are found if circular areas are used, and are not found if increased Coulomb stress areas are used for LURR data selection. The unique feature of this algorithm may provide stronger constraints on forecasts of the size and location of future large events.


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The magnetic moment of square planar melt processed YBa2Cu3O7-δ thick films is observed to scale with the cube of the sample width at 4.2 K, suggesting that current flow on the length scale of the film determines its magnetization at this temperature. A well-defined discontinuity in slope in the scaling data at a sample width corresponding to the average grain size (≈2 mm) implies the coexistence of distinct intra- and inter-grain critical current densities of 1.1 × 105Acm-2 and 0.4 × 105Acm-2 at 1 T and 4.2 K. The presence of a critical state in the films at 4.2T is confirmed by removing the central section from a specimen. The observed change in magnetic moment is in excellent agreement with theory for fields greater than ≈2 T. A critical state is not observed at 77 K which suggests that the grains are only weakly coupled at the higher temperature. © 1994.


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A constitutive model, based on an (n + 1)-phase mixture of the Mori-Tanaka average theory, has been developed for stress-induced martensitic transformation and reorientation in single crystalline shape memory alloys. Volume fractions of different martensite lattice correspondence variants are chosen as internal variables to describe microstructural evolution. Macroscopic Gibbs free energy for the phase transformation is derived with thermodynamics principles and the ensemble average method of micro-mechanics. The critical condition and the evolution equation are proposed for both the phase transition and reorientation. This model can also simulate interior hysteresis loops during loading/unloading by switching the critical driving forces when an opposite transition takes place.


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In Part I the kinetic theory of excitations in flowing liquid He II is developed to a higher order than that carried out previously, by Landau and Khalatnikov, in order to demonstrate the existence of non-equilibrium terms of a new nature in the hydrodynamic equations. It is then shown that these terms can lead to spontaneous destabilization in counter currents when the relative velocity of the normal and super fluids exceeds a critical value that depends on the temperature, but not on geometry. There are no adjustable parameters in the theory. The critical velocities are estimated to be in the 14-20 m/sec range for T ≤ 2.0° K, but tend to zero as T → T_λ. The possibility that these critical velocities may be related to the experimentally observed "intrinsic" critical velocities is discussed.

Part II consists of a semi-classical investigation of rotonquantized vortex line interactions. An essentially classical model is used for the collision and the behavior of the roton in the vortex field is investigated in detail. From this model it is possible to derive the HVBK mutual friction terms that appear in the phenomenalogical equations of motion for rotating liquid He II. Estimates of the Hall and Vinen B and B' coefficients are in good agreement with experiments. The claim is made that the theory does not contain any arbitrary adjustable parameters.